Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Bacta Heals All Wounds | GA/NJO

ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴡᴀʀʀɪᴏʀ


It was a curious thing, to be submerged in bacta.

Following the events of Metellos, Jand had taken significant injury from a monstrous opponent - Tegan Starfall - who had unleashed with Force Lightning on the Padawan during their duel. The Nagai managed to survive the onslaught long enough to find an opening, where his aptitude for Tutaminis earned him that reprieve, but the damage to his body had been more than Jand could handle. And as Jand claimed victory over the dark side opponent, so too did he collapse with intense exterior and internal injury from electrocution.

In the waning moments before Jand fell unconscious, he reached out to his friends and mentors.

Perhaps a final message.

However, two of those individuals were in positions to assist him, and Jand was recovered from the battlefield. His physical self had taken a great amount of torment, but he had succeeded in defeating a once Sith Lord. The celebration was halted, though, as the Nagai was whisked back to Coruscant and taken to a medcenter for immediate emergency treatment. The diagnosis saw worrisome internal injury, which became priority, and a full four days of bacta submergence was required. And as Jand began his treatment, he was permitted to wear a breathing mask that connected to an exterior tank speaker, allowing the Padawan to speak - and hear - during his time of containment.

It just so happened that, while in a conscious state, Jand had his first visitor.


Jand's grey eyes opened, as he looked through the distortion of the bacta tank, floating in the cloudy liquid. He smiled inside the mask.

<<"Oh... hello.">>


Open to Galactic Alliance/Jedi Order and Allies


Metellos had been a cruel fight for so many.

Iris stared off in the distance, at the screens, reading through the medical terms and diagnostics just to keep her mind busy. Try to keep her mind busy at least. She'd already given the news of her commando's deaths to their families. It felt only right she did it in person. She was there for their final moments. She was them for their final moments. All their pain, their last thoughts, the sudden black of death, she'd felt it all through the meld.

Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin and herself were the only two to survive. And they hadn't even defeated the Sith. Not like Jand did.

<<"Oh... hello.">>

The Knight blinked, wiping some of the frustration from her face away with a hand before offering a smile.

"Good morning, Jand. Your recovery is going well so far."

Jand Talo Jand Talo


Coruscant, Galactic Alliance Medcenter
Tags: Jand Talo Jand Talo , Iris Arani Iris Arani


A thud came came from the doorway as Jasper tripped face first into the room where Jand was receiving treatment. He was winded, having just run all the way there. He had to, right? Jand was his friend. After hearing the crucial condition his Nagai companion was in, there was nothing that could keep him from using a walking speed in the halls, much to his own determent. Iris was there, Jasper realized, and she'd probably think he was acting irrational, which he was. He didn't care. Of course, he hadn't been present to hear Jand's message through the speaker, so he didn't have that to go off of. All he saw was Jand's hazy eyes behind the murky Bacta he was submerged in.

"You're alive in there, right Jand!" Jasper asked, still on the floor.

As much as he tried to hide it, the remnants of tears and snot that had run down his face were ever so slightly visible. Jasper had, rather obviously, run here crying.

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Be careful what you wish for.
“If the truth brings chaos, then let there be chaos.” - Khayri R.R. Woulfe

How’s he doing?

Slowly, Caltin walked into the survey room from the outer hallway of the Medcenter. A part of him wanted to go out there and hunt down the person responsible for this, but that was not going to happen, it would be a self-defeating prophecy and do nothing for him. That, and Jand had managed to defeat her. Another part of him wanted to come up with a way to protect all Padawans from ever having to go through anything like this. That was not going to happen because they needed to grow on their own and it proved that Jand was in fact on the road to being the Jedi that Caltin knew he was going to be.

So he stood outside and watched, from the moment Jand was brought in here, a silent vigil for his student. When Iris, the hero in her own right, and Jasper, that quirky little kid walked into the room, Caltin was actually speaking on the holo with his wife so he did not see them until he walked in on his own. The big man was not going to stay terribly long, but he would not let his student feel alone, not that he did.

Hey, kid.

TAG: Jand Talo Jand Talo | Iris Arani | Jasper Kai'el

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
"Where's Hollis? Is she all right?" were the first words out of Miri's mouth when they let her out of the bacta tank, shivering in her soaked undergarments. The last thing she remembered was fighting Nyaeli Nyaeli on Metellos. Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn had been with her, and she'd saved Miri's life.

"Padawan Orenn is safe," the healer on duty replied. "But your injuries are still too severe. You need to go back in the tank."

"No!" Miri protested, jerking her arm away when the healer tried to help her to her feet. "I won't go back in there, and you can't make me!"

The healer seemed taken aback by her refusal. "If you go back in, you can get out of here in just a few days. Would you rather have to stay in the hospital for weeks?"

The commotion caused by the arrival of Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el and Iris Arani Iris Arani was loud and disruptive. Other patients around her coughed, wheezed, or cried out in pain. Miri grimaced. The acrid, sterile smell of bacta still clung to her, bringing back terrible memories. "I just want to go home," she said. "I can recover there. I have medical facilities on board my ship..."

She tried to rise to her feet, only for her legs to give out on her, causing her to collapse on the floor.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Jand Talo Jand Talo
Once Kara learned that folks were returning from Metellos, she had started making plans. These days however, it was a bit more difficult to just drop things and go somewhere. She now had a responsibility, namely in the form of her son, Cassius. Already two months old and he was a bundle of energy. Still in the stage where his mother was in control, but it didn’t stop Cass from being very wiggly when in her arms.

Kara couldn’t imagine what he was going to be like once he could start walking. A chaotic bundle of energy, that’s for sure.

Fortunately, she had gotten word the night before of everyone’s arrival back to Coruscant. It gave Kara enough time to prepare things, namely the new baby carrier she had been gifted, and the numerous items that needed to be kept on hand for Cassius. Which was something Kara had highly underestimated back when she had been planning things post-birth.

But after some time, the pair set off from the apartment and headed over to the Galactic Alliance Medcenter. It was understandable abuzz with activity, no doubt inundated with the amount of wounded from Metellos. Though the one that was on Kara’s mind was Jand Talo.

She had heard Iris and Aveline had returned too, physically unharmed for the most part. But that said nothing about emotional and mental scars.

The Nagai however? Whatever had happened to him had required emergency treatment and an extended stay in a bacta tank.

Kara was concerned, as no doubt the others were too. The Padawans had formed friendship within their little group. And when one of them went down, it wasn’t an unusual sight to see a number of them rushing to check on the injured. Much like Silas and Jasper had for her after Ilum.

After asking for some directions, the mother-son duo finally arrived at the room Jand was currently resting in. Kara heard the voices as she stepped through.

Ahh, I see we’re not the first ones here.” She said quietly, her gaze sweeping across those already in attendance. “Hello everyone.

Cassius’ greeting was in the form of unintelligible gurgles and coos.

Jand Talo Jand Talo Iris Arani Iris Arani Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Miri Nimdok Miri Nimdok Kara Jade Kara Jade


Cora had walked into the room holding a vase of Alderaanian flame-lillies. Some of their petals were torn and a few were drooping, but it was all that she could find on such short notice. On Ukatis, it was customary to bring flowers to the bedside of the injured. Cut flowers, nothing potted—roots symbolized an attachment, and a bacta tank was one place no one wanted to be attached to for long.

Realizing that she hadn't been the first one here, Cora figured that those who'd gathered were closer to Jand than she was. After all, they'd only been sparring partners one time.

Still, seeing him hooked up to all of those wires and hoses, suspended in liquid made her heart turn for the Nagai. He'd killed a Sith Lord, if the rumors were to be believed. Carefully maneuvering her way around Iris, Cora offered the healer a small smile before sliding the flowers onto whatever surface would be closest to Jand.

Stepping back, Cora's eyes brushed over a pretty blonde-haired woman holding an adorable baby. The sight tugged a gentle smile onto her lips, easily reminded of her own family back home—all seven of her younger siblings. It was nice to see that family was valued among the Jedi. Even the imposing figure of Caltin—one she knew by his renown to be Jand's Master—had a family of his own.

Kneeling down to the other blonde in the room, she offered Jasper a hand. "Are you alright?" Her voice was soft, subdued even. Trauma had taken place, and she tiptoed around it.

A few bays over, a young woman collapsed to her knees and Cora lifted her head to squint in that direction.
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Location: Coruscant
Objective: Figure out what to do with the kids
Tag: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el / Jand Talo Jand Talo

News had spread quickly throughout the padawans that one of their own was in critical condition. Jand Talo, an individual he had only seen a handful of time was in critical condition. Even though he barely knew him, he was going to be there to show his support and help those who were more closer to him than he was. Some of them were bound to be hit hard by this, it was only right for him to be there when they needed comfort.

Walking down the corridor or the medical center he felt calm and at ease considering what was going on. If he was going to comfort people, he needed to be calm himself. It wouldn’t be a crime to show emotion, Silas just needed to be strong for them and Jand who was sitting in that tank.

The padawan slowly walked inside to see a group of people had already gathered before him “Hang in there Jand, you’re far from finished yet” he said with a reassuring smile to Jand, before looking down to Jasper. Frowning for a brief moment, he knelt down next to him and tried to get him back up into a sitting position. Without a word, he pulled him into his chest to give him a hug.

I’m here for you buddy, let it all out if you need to”

ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴡᴀʀʀɪᴏʀ

Jand floated lazily in the bacta, as his black hair swirled around his head, and looked to Iris.

The medical staff in the open hall moved throughout, between various patients, as one checked on the Nagai's diagnostics and readouts beside the Jedi Knight. The bacta tanks were placed to one side, along a far wall, to be unobtrusive as possible to medical requirements. Between the grouped stations, a 2-1B-series medical droid paced on thin mechanical legs, as its optics assessed each patient in turn. And not far from Jand's recovery area, the looming bulk of Master Vanagor stood, like a stoic guardian.

The presence of the big sentient was comforting, somewhat.

"His vitals have stabilized," One of the medical staff answered Caltin. She pressed fingers to a datapad and scrolled through some information. "The trauma to his internal systems was the biggest concern. Epidermis burns, nerve, muscle and organ injury have required more precise bacta injections once every hour since treatment began. Full submersion allows for the patient's skin to absorb more bacta over a slower period, but we are maintaining observation for common electrocution symptoms... headaches, dizziness, erratic pulse activity, loss of consciousness and similar concerns."

She looked to the tall Jedi Master and added.

"It is fortunate he arrived as soon as he did, and no doubt the healing during the interim of arrival saved his life."

The medical staffer remained nearby, checking equipment and readouts, until the large Jedi Master walked over to speak to the patient...

<<"Master Vanagor,">> Jand said with a slow nod, movement displaced by the liquid. <<"Were the Sith Lord's items locked away safely?">>

It was difficult to see through the cloudy bacta and glass, but a familiar sentient appeared close by, which made Jand look toward her once she spoke:

<<"It is good to see you, Iris,">> Jand said through the speaker, his voice distorted. He floated forward, hand pressed to the tank glass. <<"I am told it will be four days total before I can exit this tank--">>

"Yes, or seventy-nine hours remaining, to be exact," From near the pair, the medical droid piped up. "Nutrient and oxygen regulation are provided via the tubes, and metabolizers maintain lessened body function for the duration, to ensure maximized immersion."

Jand glanced toward the droid and blinked slowly. He opened his mouth to ask a question, when suddenly the door to the medical area burst open, and Jasper rushed in. The Padawan with the mechno-arm looked somewhat distraught, even as the Nagai slowly rotated in the liquid to face the new arrival...

<<"I am alive, Jasper, yes,">> Jand paused to intake some air. <<"Metellos was... hellish. Are you alright?">>

There seemed to be a commotion from along the bacta tank line, as another patient began to disagree with medical staff. Jand managed to hear bits and pieces through the speaker, but he couldn't see much beyond several meters from within his own tank. Several medical staff rushed over to assist. The injured Padawan remained silent, merely floating, until another familiar face was seen through the glass - it appeared to be Kara Jade, who held the newborn in arm - and Jand offered a water-lagged wave in greeting.

<<"Is that the child, Kara Jade?">> The Nagai leaned closer to the glass, as he looked to see the baby. <<"The baby is not ugly, that is fortunate. What is the child's name?">>

Jand smiled behind the mask. There was movement from further away, as someone placed flowers on the table near the tank, and Jand caught sight of Corazona von Ascania. For a moment, the Nagai's grey eyes followed her, before he saw her approach Jasper and speak too quietly for the speaker to hear. Then another voice spoke up, one that the Nagai recognized, and promptly resulted in a grunt as Jand swiveled somewhat to look at the other Padawan:

<<"I will, yes, I have little choice in this tank,">> Jand said with the hint of a chuckle. <<"Do not think my circumstances alter our agreement to spar, however... I will not be in here forever.">>

It was nice to know there were those in the Jedi Order that cared; and Jand also knew he would kill for those in the room, without hesitation, if need be. Except for Corazona. Though, her being present showed some degree of tentative lessening of Jand's guard around her.

<<"Has there been updates on Metellos? Have I missed anything?">>


Cora had come along to offer him help to his feet, as had Silas. His friend hugged him when he got up, telling it was okay to let out what he had to if he needed it. Jasper stood there for a moment, simply embracing Silas. Then, after clearing his head, he stepped back, cleaning up his face.

"Thank you," he muttered.

<<"I am alive, Jasper, yes,">> Jand paused to intake some air. <<"Metellos was... hellish. Are you alright?">>

"Am I alright?" Jasper remarked, a weary smile spreading across his face. "I'm not in a bacta tank... I... I'm glad you're okay."

Had he fully read the report of Jand's hospitalization, he would have know that his friend was making a recovery, but he had frankly never been very good at things like that. Critical condition was all that had stuck in his mind. After a moment of relief, Jand brought up something he hadn't realized yet. Kara had a child. Jasper, still a bit winded, slowly made his way over to her.

"You have a baby," he noted out loud, his eyes fixed on the child's face.

The smile came back to his face for a brief moment when looking at the little Jade. Jand was alive and there was someone new in the galaxy. That was reason enough to smile. In that moment, reflecting on everything that had transpired, Jasper began to subconsciously give of force light, but only for a moment. There had been a new spike of determination deep within him. Jasper didn't say anything, but he made a silent vow to himself.

Should the need ever be presented, he would defend that child with his life.

To everyone else, of course, it seemed as though he had spaced out, which was not uncommon for Jasper. He was easily lost in thought, after all.


Hollis returned to the medcenter, but not for her own injuries.

She had been treated upon returning to the temple, but her wounds had been fairly straightforward: a mild concussion, and some bumps and bruises. Hollis felt lucky to have escaped without breaking anything, really. But... not all injuries were physical.

The Sith had made her see things.

For now, those memories were pushed to the back of her mind. Hollis didn't want to think about it. Instead, she'd hoped to pay a visit to Miri Nimdok. The woman had fought bravely along her side, and Hollis wasn't sure she'd have made it out of there without Miri's presence and assistance.

It seemed the ward was already quite full of visitors and patients at the moment. Hollis attempted to get the attention of a passing nurse. "Um, hi... I'm looking for --"

The nurse brushed by Hollis quickly, bringing a white towel to a patient that was on the floor. She blinked. "Miri?" Hollis walked over as the nurse draped the towel around Miri's shoulders. The unoccupied tank, the wet sheen on Miri's skin... it told the story.

"Miri, are you feeling better? Should you be... out already?"
Though she hadn't fought on Metellos, Thelma was present at the medcenter when the influx of wounded arrived. She had been volunteering there for a while now, both as a way of avoiding the battlefields, and because she still wanted to help the Alliance cause in some way.

She had been tending to the patients coming out of bacta when the Jedi started coming in. At first, she had ignored them, but as more arrived and began to congregate around Jand's tank, she found it increasingly difficult to avoid them.

It was sort of sweet that so many people had come to visit him. One girl (the same one whom Thelma had literally bumped into on Hapes) had even brought flowers. She spotted Silas pulling Jasper into a hug, and was surprised to see tears streaming from Jasper's eyes. It was clear they all cared about Jand a great deal.

Would any of them come and see her if she was the one in that tank? She didn't know. Probably not. She wasn't as well-liked as Jand.

Turning away from the group, she stared down at the folded towels in her hands, carrying them over to the next patient due to be released.



Oh a lot of people were stopping by. Iris blinked for a moment, glancing to Jand. Huh. She gave a brief smile as they all arrived, but rather than continue to crowd him she turned to slip out. "I have others to check on. I'll be back later, alright?" Gotta be the doctor. Amani Serys Amani Serys was probably buried up to her neck with so many others in need of help. Speaking of help though, a flash of panic caught her attention.

She paused outside the room, glancing to the two inside. Miri?

"Everything alright? Miri, you shouldn't be out."

Miri Nimdok Miri Nimdok | Jand Talo Jand Talo | Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn

Miri raised her head, peering up from behind a curtain of wet hair. Her vision was blurry, but that was to be expected—she didn't have her contacts in. "Hollis?" she asked. "Is that you?"

"I... I'm fine," she said hoarsely. A nurse dropped a towel over her shoulders, and Miri once against tried to get up. But she slipped on the puddle of bacta slick that had dripped from her body and onto the floor beneath her. Or that's what she told herself when her knees began to wobble and waver the moment she put weight on them. "I just need to find my footing again."

Again she felt the hands of a nurse trying to help her to her feet, and again she yanked her arms from their grasp. As far as she was concerned, the moment she gave in and accepted their help, she'd be signing away her freedom. They'd stick her back in the tank the first chance they got.

She heard a pair of footsteps approaching, followed by another vaguely familiar female voice.

"Everything alright? Miri, you shouldn't be out."

"Oh, shut up," Miri snapped. She wasn't normally impolite, but by now she was at the end of her rope, too frustrated to tolerate everyone's obliviousness any longer. "I'm not going back into that thing. Twenty-four hours is more than enough time to be locked in a tank full of goo, with tubes shoved down my throat and people I don't know staring at me in my underwear!" Her voice broke, her fear finally getting the better of her. "Please, just let me go. Call Kyell Laysel, he'll bring me back to my ship. I can't stand to be here any longer..."

"Yes, it's me," Hollis confirmed, nodding.

She took a few tentative steps closer, but made sure to give Miri and the nurse a bit of space. However, she did open her mouth slightly as if to speak – watching as Miri tried to get to her feet again. Of course, Hollis wanted to help. But seeing the way Miri rejected the nurse's help made her pause.

Then, she turned to see that Iris had joined them.

Hollis didn't know her well, but she knew that Iris was a healer. So, maybe that was a good thing considering the situation. But Miri didn't seem to think so...

The desperation in the other woman's voice made her heart hurt.

"I mean," Hollis said, "she's already out of the tank."

Her doe-eyed stare shifted from person to person. Of course, she had no authority here at all... but she was hoping to diffuse the tension. But, they couldn't leave Miri on the cold floor. "Here... why don't you rest a little while we wait for them to get Kyell?" There was a bed nearby. Hollis held her hand out to Miri, making it clear she didn't have to accept it– but she was there to help if needed.


Iris stared blankly at Hollis for a moment. Yes, she was already out of the tank. That was a bad thing. She let out a sigh, rubbing at her brow. Miri's outburst was very telling of just where the darkened colors had been coming from. She didn't want to stay, but she needed to be healed.

"Do you have a tank on your ship, Miri? Some way to repair what's been broken?"

Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn | Miri Nimdok Miri Nimdok
"I mean," Hollis said, "she's already out of the tank."

Miri was a bit surprised to find Hollis siding with her over the doctors, but she was grateful for any support she could get. Taking Hollis' offered hand, she hauled herself up off the floor and onto the bed, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Do you have a tank on your ship, Miri? Some way to repair what's been broken?"

"Yes," she replied. Miri was still reluctant to actually use the tank, but it was there. It would pass inspection, if nothing else. And if she did elect to submerge herself in its healing waters, she would at least be left alone, without strangers hovering just beyond its glass. "It's practically a miniature mobile hospital. Fully automated functions, all up to date..."

Kara blinked when she saw not just Cora, but also Silas suddenly crouched down to someone on the floor. The blonde Padawan turned slightly, so she could see beyond and down from the visual block that Cass was forming. Only then did she realise that it had been Jasper who had spoken and was presently sprawled across the floor.

How on earth did Kara miss him?

A warm smile formed as she watched the pair help Jasper, Silas going further and pulling the teenager into a hug. It didn’t matter what happened, at the end of the day they still had each other to lean on when they needed it.

She’d have offered a hug of her own, but the present company strapped to her chest kept that from happening. Kara smiled as Jasper approached, eyes affixed to baby Cass’ face. In turn the baby looked at him with that childlike curiosity.

The blonde didn’t miss the look that settled in Jasper’s face. As much as it appeared he had spaced out, she recognized it for what it was. Despite everything that happened, everyone was still alive and kicking. That as much as things can become dark and depressing, there is always the light and the strive to protect others.

It was the same resolution Kara had found within herself.

Jand’s voice pulled Kara’s attention back to him. She smiled, approaching the tank so the injured Padawan could get a closer look at her son. His words drew a look from Kara, but it was filtered with amusement too. She had long since gotten used to how blunt the Nagai spoke.

His name is Cassius, or Cass for short.
Be careful what you wish for.
“If the truth brings chaos, then let there be chaos.” - Khayri R.R. Woulfe

Seeing him awake was a good thing, it normalized what the medical staff was saying. The more that he would hear about the injuries sustained from actions like this, the more easily he was reminded of how easy it was to forget how different his connection to the Force really was. The important thing right now is that the Nagai boy was alive and was going to press on, and in true Nagai Padawan fashion, his question was not at all unexpected. It was the exact same question that Caltin himself would ask if he were in that tank right now and not Jand.

You focus more on following the medical staff’s direction, focus on and trust the Force, and most of all focus on your healing.

Truth be told, he didn’t know what happened to the gear that Starfall had. Caltin was too busy securing the area as Iris worked towards maintaining Jand’s health. Whether or not they were secured did not matter right now. Noticing the others in the room who wanted to be able to visit him, the massive Jedi Master (surprised, but ironically thankful that the others did not seem to address him being there) stepped aside and listened to the conversation few had with Miri.

Don’t make me order you back in there. He offered a smirk.

TAG: Jand Talo Jand Talo | Iris Arani | Jasper Kai'el | Miri Nimdok | Kara Jade | Corazona von Ascania | Silas Westgard


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
Jand Talo Jand Talo Kara Jade Kara Jade Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Silas arrived and assisted her in pulling Jasper upwards, then embraced his friend. It was clear that they shared a close bond— and had been through something harrowing. The scene brought a small, muted smile to her lips, Camaraderie was important, cherished even.

Stepping away to allow Jasper and Silas a measure of privacy, her attention was drawn towards the gurgling bundle in Kara's arms. "He's adorable." She cooed, her smile shifting into an expression of longing. Cassius reminded her of her baby brother, Emile. "He looks healthy, too. A blessing."

Jand appeared more cognizant than she'd initially figured, able to interact with his visitors easily. Awkwardly, she paced closer to the bacta tank and glanced to the hulking form of Jand's Jedi master.

"I'm pleased to see that you've come back to us, Jand." Blue eyes shifted back to the Nagai, somewhat fascinated with the tangle of tubes and wires attached to his skin. "Is…is it true that you killed a Sith Lord?" Her voice held a tentative note, unsure if this was an appropriate question to ask.

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