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Faction Banquet of Risk & Reward (The Hutt Republic)

Maysketchaday 16

"In making a deal with another person. You must have the strength and intelligence to refuse any offer that doesn't benefit yourself or your organization." - Paranoda Mancheron Boggurobb

Power can come to you in the most unexpected of ways. It is often easier to take things with force of arms instead of diplomacy; but you will find that this strategy will fail you in the end. When your powerbase crumbles from infighting or when your enemies join forces to dispose of you. That is the lesson for all those in power at this moment in time; try to take and all you will have is nothing. Diplomacy is the only pathway to true power.

The Grand Banquet was something that the Mancheron Kajidic had used well to gain important allies across the galaxy to support their growing food empire. Having allies with commoners and the highborn of society wouldn't do them well unless they had the support of the hutt families; whos combined influence outstretched even the most powerful of galactic governments at their height. Although the hutt families had fallen so far from grace that they submitted themselves under the service of the Silver Jedi Concord to preserve what little power that they had left. The Lorda of the Mancheron Kajidic had engineered the banquet as a way to increase his power; the banquet itself was a private event hosted at his Estate on Darvannis; otherwise known as the Palace of Ascendance.

The Palace of Ascendance was nothing grand or ornately decorated; instead it matched the rocky outcrop that it sat upon. It was built to a similar manner as the Palace of the Supreme Mogul Toborro and the Archon's Palace on Makeb; built to that style to recall the ancient power that the hutt cartel once had to make both the Sith Empire and Republic bend to their knees.
Although not as mighty or impressive as the other hutt palaces on Nar Shaddaa or Nal Hutta for example. It certainly didn't match the skyscraper of Lortho the Hutt in terms of sheer size and all; But it still held its own in terms of projecting wealth and power to all those that visit it by being the largest building on Darvannis. With the growing influence of the Mancheron Kajidic in the food industries across the galaxy; people had heard of the residence of the Food Emperor of Hutt Space otherwise known as Paranoda Mancheron Boggurobb. They had gathered to the estate from across the former area of hutt space and the galactic underworld to participate in the private banquet and to inspect the other goods and services that the Palace of Ascendance had to offer; but the Mancheron Kajidic knew that to survive in the galaxy they would have to gather influence in the less than legal side of business and to do that; they would have to bargain with the other Hutt Kajidics in the galaxy that had power in that domain.

The Executive Upper Palace of the Palace of Ascendance would be ready for the event itself; Paranoda himself would already be inside inspecting for any errors by his retainers on the decorations. It was time to receive guest in the form of the hutt families, he would begin to send a message to the other hutt kajidics in the galaxy; inviting them to his banquet to discuss the growing hutt republic and how they might benefit from his new line of products that he had put into production on an industrial level scale. Paranoda had established a great iron hall on the first floor of his executive palace; a large building indeed that was almost like another palace entirely by its size alone. The hall itself was richly decorated with crystal statues; banners made from the finest silk in the galaxy; all manners of luxury spread out to showcase the immense wealth of the vast food empire that the Mancheron Kajidic had built not to mention having rows upon rows of buffet tables leading up to the main meeting place for the event. At the end of the long hall would be the lounge seating for the various hutt lords that would arrive at the event; each picked out to scream luxury. Knowing that his guest might be uncomfortable; the Mancheron Kajidic Lorda would have picked the thrones from the palace storage that were wide enough to support any hutt lorda; no matter how large they may be. Each of the thrones would have several different buffet tables that could be rotated around the luxury lounger with a push of a button on the arm rest; a new invention by the Mancheron Kajidic to increase profit. Paranoda's own throne would be along the hall's back wall with the other thrones around it in a half circle. Paranoda's throne itself would be a large lounger covered with silk and crystals; while his personal group of slaves would dance in front of himself to the tune of the hall's music and his retainers would answer to all his desires; no matter how silly they would be. Paranoda had brainwashed them to be completely loyal to him and no one else to prevent betrayals from within his own court. Now all that was left would be to await the arrival of the other hutt lordas and there retainers to his event.


Cass Gemini dropped out of the bottom of a low flying cloaked Sciss onto a ramp that led to the palace. Two guards immediately reacted to the woman appearing from nowhere.

"Good morning chaps, I'm here for the party," she winked at them and smiled. They approached her, one of them had an electrostaff drawn, "now now boys, there is no need for that, I'm invited, you must recognise me, they hutts are expecting to see my pretty face" she waved her hand seductively casting a mind trick. Rookal had been invited, but Delta had intercepted the transmission and sent it to Cass. Her identity was clearly not that of the hutt but she delta had sent a verifiable reply to Paranoda to accept the reply on behalf of Rookal.

"...I recognise you," replied the guard without emotion "..the hutts are expecting you"

"Thank you," smiled Cass as she walked past the guard, "I'll make sure you boss knows what an excellent job you are doing"

As the hutts made themselves comfortable a young human woman in red and black strolled in, this was the same young woman that had visited Lotho's accompanying Rookal the Hutt, she had not said much at that event but she helped herself to the buffet as if she were a hutt herself.

She approached Credit Wizard Credit Wizard and bowed her head briefly. "Greetings my honored host, I am Cass, the Great Rookal Tol Jueliek has sent me ahead of him as he has been delayed."

She turned and approached the throne allocated to Rookal, it was a large affair, much to large for her to sit on, so she lounged, resting her heel on the button that spun the buffet until a rather large and decadent pastry stopped in front of you, yummy.


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Location: Palace of Ascendance; System of Darvannis
Tags: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini

The Hutt Lorda would rest upon his silk and crystal lounger; devouring his own selection of food that his retainers had brought to him via the rows upon rows of buffet tables. He would bend down into the plate next to his arm rest; to pick up some ornate crab legs. These crab legs had been enhanced to provide them with taste and nutrition without having the bad side effects happen that was common among genetically engineered food. He would press a button on his lounger and look through the reply; stroking his long grey beard. Something was off here; and he would get the bottom of it.

He had looked over just in time; to see the woman walk into the event hall. Observing her appearance and knowing that this was the same woman that rookal the hutt had brought to Lortho's Grand Opening. He still thought of her with suspicion after all. Who was this peasant to dine with the hutt families and right in his presence. He wouldn't press them on the issue though; he wanted to see what the woman would do at the event. And if necessary interrogate them to see if they were a spy. Once the woman had approached him and bowed her head; he would ponder over her words that Rookal had been delayed which was odd; considering that his planet of darvannis wasn't that far away from Nal Hutta or Nar Shaddaa. He decided to reply after she got done speaking.

"I'm sure that Rookal is very busy at this moment in time; Help yourself like any guest should at my banquet. We are just waiting for more to arrive and then get down to business." Exclaimed the Hutt Lorda of the Mancheron Kajidic; looking over as she sat upon the throne allocated to Rookal. Paranoda would judge out of the corner of his eye; that this woman was something more than meets the eye. While she herself rotated the throne's buffet until she found herself a pastry to devour. He himself had already begin to devour his second plate of food; since his genetic condition forced him to feed several times a day to keep his body weight stable; although he was making a medicine to fix that in the future.

It had been a long time since Erich had visited Darvannis. Lortho had kept him busy over the past few years, which meant that the majority of Erich's travels had been for business on worlds that contained Lortho's interests. Things had quieted recently, however, which allowed Erich a certain level of autonomy as he busied himself even further with expanding his criminal network. At first, the break was a welcome respite, but recently Erich was curious why Lortho had been so silent. As the Hutt Republic began gaining traction on the galactic stage, what with the receding of the Bryn'adul threat, Lortho had been very... stagnant. That set off quite a few alarm bells in Erich's mind, which led him to the belief it was high time for him to seek other opportunities to maintain his position within Hutt society. It was not like he wasn't a useful asset to have around for a Hutt Lorda - he was simply a tool not being used to its fullest potential. In his experience, a tool was only as useful as how frequently it was used.

As his shuttle descended at the landing pads outside of Paranoda's palace, he mused over the best way to make use of this event. Paranoda was a Lorda of rising influence within the Republic, known for his reputation of being very cunning amongst his peers, and for his ruthless expansion of his galactic food empire. Now tthat was a Lorda Erich knew he could be of use to, he just needed to present himself in an appealing manner. It was not as if Erich was without reputation himself, in fact he was counting on said reputation to hopefully open the door for a dialogue of... 'transferring employment'. He emerged from his shuttlecraft, smoothing the folds of his tailored suit and extricating a boxed gift from the seat next to him. The driver then lifted off to park the shuttle, which left Erich to finish the way to the massive entrance of the palace. Erich made a show of reaching for his invitation, but the guards knew his face, and simply waved him through. The banquet hall was, as expected, magnificent. A wide smile plastered itself upon Erich's features as he passed some guests who had already arrived ahead of him. So far, it appeared the only Hutt of any renown in attendance at this point was Paranoda himself. A woman dressed in red and black sat alongside him, in a throne that was vastly oversized for her, and likely in a position far above her station. A slight mote of intuition gave Erich the notion that she was being a tad... presumptuous. But, that was not something for him to fix, at least yet.

The Vigo respectfully approached the Hutt host, including his head in a respectful bow, presenting the gift in the box for one of Paranoda's servants to likely take in his stead.
"Your Excellency, it is a privilege to accept your invitation to this auspicious event on behalf of His Magnificence, Lortho the Hutt. He sends his kindest regards - I have been told to relay he is currently 'nursing a food coma after a 20 course meal', and will likely be unable to attend. I hope this gift will soften this unfortunate news." The box would contain a miniature golden statuette of Paranoda's likeness, with stalks of grain forming an ornate thrown supporting his form in a regal posture. Unlike the woman, Erich would await the Hutt's reply before assuming any particular place at the Hutt's table.

Credit Wizard Credit Wizard Cass Gemini Cass Gemini
Location: Palace of Ascendance; System of Darvannis
Tags: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz

The Hutt Lorda had kept eyeing the woman from time to time; wondering to himself what exactly was her plan to show up to this event without her handler rookal. He would turn his head slightly over to his lounger's control panel; bringing up a report that a shuttle had landed and a man had entered into the event. Closing the report with a click of the same button that he had used to activate it. Peering towards the doorway and waiting for them to enter inside his ornate hall that had made for the event. Once the doors had opened and he had stepped into the hall; the hutt lorda would observe his appearance and would judge inside of his head that the man was here for business.

Paranoda would proceed to watch as the man would come before him; watching as the mysterious visitor would bow his head and present a gift to him. The Hutt Lorda would wave his hand; allowing a zeltron servant girl to collect the gift and show the hutt lorda what was inside. He raised his hand for a moment; stopping the girl from showing the contents of the box yet until the visitor got done speaking. Lortho wouldn't be attending either; something was going on and paranoda would get down to business. He knew that they both had a legitmite reason for not showing up; but he himself had a deep suspicion that he was being snubbed by his rival kajidics; a great insult to himself and the Mancharon Kajidic has a whole. Accepting this gift would be his reward for not going into an outburst in front of his guest; but he would sure as hell never forget this slight against him in the future when they needed his aid. The Zeltron Servant Girl would open up the box for him to see; it contained a statue in his likeness with him being in his royal posture. He proceeded to speak to the visitor that had yet to speak his name.

"I will thank the Mighty Lortho the Hutt for this gift in my honor. You may take a seat in lortho's reserve spot if you please; while we wait for more to arrive from the guest list that I had sent out to my fellow kajidics." The Hutt Lorda would say; pointing his hand over to Lortho's Reserved Throne in the Half Circle. Before telling his servant girl to put the gift in the vault underneath this castle; she would disappear into a side hallway and out of sight. The Hutt Lorda would then shift his focus to his two guest, waiting for them to say something or for more guest to arrive in due time. Paranoda wasn't happy about missing out on two lordas to his event; but knew that they had busy schedules and had to run their own operations. But he wouldn't forgive them in the slightest and counted this as a grudge against his kajidic. While he waited; the massive hutt lorda would be devouring buffet after buffet per his genetic conditions.
Erich smiled graciously at Paranoda's hospitality, but soon realized his slight lapse in decorum. Prior to breaking off to take his seat, he bowed his head yet again: "I must apologize for my lapse in etiquette, your Excellency!" He placed a free hand over his heart as he continued: "I am Erich Kreutz, Vigo to the esteemed Lortho. I present myself at your pleasure to represent his interests should you wish to discuss anything that necessitates his support or attention, your Excellency."

He inclined his head slightly as he peered up, his hand previously on his heart now extended with a slight flourish: "I serve at your pleasure. Many thanks for your hospitality." Erich was not certain if his name would be recognized by the Hutt - after all, the majority of Lordas tended to only give attention to details and figures that mattered to them. Whether he was of consequence to the Hutt or not would remain to be seen. After correcting his mild mistake, the Vigo respectfully backed away, careful not to turn his back in disrespect to the Hutt before finally turning to his seat after a few paces. He then rose to the throne of the absent Hutt and gave a pleasant nod to the woman, as If to non-verbally say: That is how you greet a Hutt.

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Cass looked back at Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz with a grin on her face, she mimicked his hand on heart to flourish gesture that he had made to Credit Wizard Credit Wizard , slightly exaggerated, she found it fascinating how much everyone pandered to the hutts and bent the knee, just because they were told that was the natural order. She supposed maybe she should do a little of that herself, but she wanted to project strength and confidence, after all, her business proposition did not involve her simply falling in to place under a hutt.

"My lord," she looked at Paranoda as he eyed her with suspicion, "you have a beautiful palace, its form follows its function wonderfully, and may i complement you on your chef for this evening"

"And Vigo Kreutz, it is a pity that your master is unable to attend, but it is also a pleasure to have the opportunity to make your own aquaintance, I am Cass Gemini, or just Cass if you prefer, no lofty titles here"

She wondered how long it would be before Paranoda would realise that she was not here at Rookal's behest. It probably wouldn't be too hard to contact him, but it might take time as her own agents had told her he was partaking in a banquet of his own for his son's favourite wampa's, sister's quincenera or some nonsense like that. She couldn't judge, any excuse for a party was good enough for her too.

She had calculated that the hutts would respond to this as game of intrigue, and treat her with more interest than some fleeting retainer, but Thrace had been insistent she remain nearby on the ship, just in case she had to barter her way out using a show of force.


Location: Palace of Ascendance; System of Darvannis
Tags: Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz Cass Gemini Cass Gemini

The Hutt Lorda would nod towards the now announced 'Erich Kreutz'; he had heard from his food spy network about the Vigo's actions in the galaxy and they are something of note in his eyes. A useful asset that he could use in the future to expand his galactic food empire using less than legal means of operations. While keeping himself out of harms way so to speak. He watched as the vigo said something else; but he was more concerned about the woman that was in attendance. That isn't to say; that he didn't watch as the vigo turned around and walked to the throne reserved for lortho. This Erich Kruetz wouldn't be a problem at this event; on the other hand he had better proceed to speak to that woman.
"My lord," she looked at Paranoda as he eyed her with suspicion, "you have a beautiful palace, its form follows its function wonderfully, and may i complement you on your chef for this evening"
Paranoda had been caught staring at the woman; something was off here in a creepy setting. That woman had also seem to have a personal vendetta against the Vigo Kreutz, as he noticed that she was staring at the vigo only for a brief moment with a smile on her face. The Hutt Lorda would redirect his gaze towards the woman; once she started to speak. Knowing that she was only saying those things to get something out of him; he was nine hundred years old not some just born huttlet that had just crawled out of their parent's pouch. Although he responded as well; to seem formal, although making a mental note to investigate a little more over her motivates to attend. The pieces starting to click into place.

"I thank you for your kind words; Miss Cass. The chef will be notified of your compliment towards them; I'm sure they will appreciate it. But let's get down to the reason of your visitation to my humble abode; I know for a fact that you aren't here on Rookal's Request. You've come for another transaction; although you do hide it behind a powerful facade that is hard to detect if you don't know; what you are looking for." Exclaimed the Hutt Lorda; connecting the pieces of this puzzle that didn't add up to him. If she believed him to be a fool; then she was gladly mistaken. Paranoda had lived for Nine Hundred Standard Years; gathering the influence of the Mancheron Kajidic across the galaxy and he himself had used every dirty trick known to galactic kind to get what he wanted out of people. This woman had another reason for coming to his personal abode on Darvannis; weather it to bargain or assassinate him. He wasn't quite sure; but he did silently press his alarm button on his lounger's armrest. Having it connect to an extremely encrypted channel to the palace communication tower; as the number of armed guards would increase slowly; entering into the hall with their weapons not out. As to not appear suspicious to his guest that arrived. They would begin to take a seat at the buffet tables; acting like they would be having a good time. But be ready to intervene if necessary if the woman even showed the slightest movement of attacking the Lord President.


Oh well, thought Cass to herself, she knew her little game would only be temporary. Chances were that the Hutt was bluffing at this point to catch her out, but better to be honest now.

She looked at the guards in the room and saw a few more discretely filter in. Hutts were fiercely force resistant, so someone as crudely trained as her couldn't hope to know what he was thinking, the guards on the other hand, as a pirate she had made sure she was trained to feel when a guard was on alerttl, and the increased anxiety in some of the guards was a clear sign that she had been rumbled.

"Very well Lord Paranoda, Lord Rookal does not know I am here, he is off at a family party. I intercepted his invitation as I wished to speak of business for myself, not be led around like some retainer." She bowed her head more respectfully this time "My little game of intrigue was just my own showmanship, you may tell your guards to stand down as I have no intention of causing you or anyone else in this room harm."

Took one last bite of her pastry before putting it down. She couldn't manage a full hutt sized éclair herself, maybe she would save that for later, if they didn't throw her out immediately.

She wondered how many more Hutts would be coming to visit, the only other hutt attendee so far had sent a representative instead. Maybe she wasn't the only one playing games. The Republic was still finding its feet and each Hutt would likely be jostling for rank.

Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz
Credit Wizard Credit Wizard


Tags: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz

The Hutt Lorda has gambled successfully; the woman had clearly noticed the increasing number of guardsman that had entered into the banquet hall. Now it was time to see; what the woman had to say for herself; it was one thing to interrupt his party by lying to him about the reason for there visitation. He would have to speak to Rookal in the future about this woman and have him discipline her to prevent this happening again. He would brush his long grey beard tied in locks; waiting for them to respond; while also devouring his 10th buffet plate today. Sending a service droid to get him some more food to fill his empty gullet.
"Very well Lord Paranoda, Lord Rookal does not know I am here, he is off at a family party. I intercepted his invitation as I wished to speak of business for myself, not be led around like some retainer." She bowed her head more respectfully this time "My little game of intrigue was just my own showmanship, you may tell your guards to stand down as I have no intention of causing you or anyone else in this room harm."
The Hutt Lorda would peer over; once she started to speak. Knowing that she intercepted the invitation he sent to rookal was bad enough; but for this woman to come before him under false pretenses was something that Paranoda had found enraging. But he settled himself down in his mind; and went over the pros and cons with one hand going towards that this female could be dangerous and could possibly kill him sooner than his guards could react. On the other hand; the woman might be powerless and was just trying to intimidate him with fancy displays. Once she spoke about business; would paranoda be interested, as he himself had many assets that he could offer her in exchange for growing his influence across the galaxy with his galactic food empire. Once the woman bowed her head and spoke some more; would paranoda decide to proceed to utter a response towards her.

"You are quite perceptive to notice the increase of guardsman in the area. As for business related matter; you may proceed to speak about this deal as we both possibly have something to gain from this transaction. Although I do appreciate your honesty at this moment in time; so I will forgive your showmanship display that you did." Said the Hutt Lorda; raising his hand as a signal to let the extra guardsman out of the hall to carry on patrolling. Although this wasn't to say that he didn't also use his hand to send a message to contact his elite detachment of guards through a servant droid. Nar Shaddaa Deployment Troopers with Neural Bands; protecting them from mental manipulation. This detachment wouldn't enter the hall directly as to alert the woman or vigo, they would be inside of a side room and be ready to come out in the event of danger to the Lord President. While the Service Droid would come back to the Hutt Lorda with another tray of buffet food; Paranoda would carry on devouring the immense food and sipping on his boga noga while he waited for the woman to respond or the vigo to add to the conversation. Slightly worried inside of his mind; that he was being snubbed by the other hutt families; and that is why they didn't want to attend his banquet on darvannis.
Erich was many things, and a gentleman was certainly one of them (when appropriate). Per Paranoda's generosity, a servant presented herself so as to serve Erich from the buffet table before them, and Erich politely indicated which morsels he wished to partake of. Some of the delicacies available catered almost exclusively to the Hutts, but there were equally as many choices for those with less robust appetites. Erich nodded after the servant filled his plate with his desired choices, and he neatly folded a napkin upon his lap before grasping the cutlery and tasting the food; each piece of tender meat and seasoned garnishes in turn. He particularly enjoyed the bantha steaks, which were not only cooked to perfection but were also exceedingly well marinated. Lortho needs to step his game up Erich mused as he became somewhat enamored with his meal. Whatever enjoyment he felt was swiftly cut short. A slight twinge of intuition brought his mind into focus upon the other two figures seated near him, and on something happening nearby. He noted there were a lot more individuals around them all then had been a few moments prior, and closer observation revealed they... weren't eating anything. It could be nothing, but it could also be something. In another life - a life Erich had long since buried, he had learned there were no such things as coincidences in his line of work.

His suspicions were confirmed when Paranoda spoke up at the woman, who apparently was known as 'Ms. Cass'. Erich would be sure to file that name away for further... investigation. According to Paranoda, she was not here at the behest of Rookal, another Hutt of some renown and influence within the Republic. Was she masquerading as his representative? If so, that was a very foolish endeavor indeed. Hutts were not among those who particularly enjoyed being played for fools - he knew that well because he had often been the means by which others had learned that lesson. Rather violently, of course. Erich finished chewing the contents in his mouth and swallowed slowly, placing his utensils beside his plate with a practiced grace. He then casually rested his hand across the table, as if he were discussing the weather with old acquaintances. While the gesture may have seemed somewhat out of place given the rising gravitas of the situation, he was the only party to the simple fact that this gesture positioned his hand mere inches away from the DC-50 blaster pistol holstered behind his left jacket lapel. As the Vigo observed the exchange between the two, one of Paranoda's turns of phrase caught Erich's attention. 'Powerful Facade'? At first hearing, one may think it meant a clever disguise or some well crafted pretense to secure entry. That was out of the question given what appeared to be a laughable attempt at pretending to be a Hutt's representative. Then realization dawned upon him as again his intuition flashed.
Another force user? Do they breed like Gizkas? Naturally, Erich was not unaware of the existence of force users in copious quantities. He had... helped a few to disappear in the past. But that was under another's employ, with a different name. The name of a man that no longer existed.

He had always been under the mindset that those of any consequence would either be within the Jedi Order or the Sith Empire, or the barbaric Brotherhood of the Maw. Didn't the New Order have a corps of force users as well? The prospect that renegade force users existed that acted with near impunity and independence alarmed Erich. This would be the second such force user he had encountered in as many months. Naturally, said alarm did not register on this face, and he was well practiced in masking his emotions and thoughts through techniques he had long honed into expertise. He did silently curse himself for coming prepared for a party, rather than a potential entanglement with a force user. He at least had his thermal underweave on, but this was a new suit - he didn't like ruining his suits. At all.

It appeared the imminent threat of hostilities subsided as 'Cass' confessed to the Hutt's charge, and Paranoda apparently was contented to accept what she said as he waved off whatever guards had intermingled themselves within the crowd. Erich wasn't certain how wise such a decision was, and he also wasn't certain about returning his hands to his cutlery. The Hutt appeared to return to a state of relative ease, but that meant nothing to Erich. If something happened here, and Erich didn't attempt to prevent Paranoda's death, Lortho would likely hold him partially responsible. That wasn't good for his business, to be sure. He did however reach down to dab his lips with his napkin, after which he folded it and placed it next to his plate. He then leaned back and extricated a small silver case, which opened to reveal a collection of cigarettes within it. He plucked one from within and placed it gingerly between his lips. After returning the case to the inner folds of his jacket, he then produced a lighter and set about igniting the end before clicking it off and storing it away as well. A few puffs of smoke flared from his nostrils; the only sign of mild bemusement the human male would express as he leaned back and made brief eye contact with Paranoda. He gave him a slight, almost imperceptible nod - meant to convey that he was at his disposal should the Hutt require it. Otherwise, Erich opted to remain silent as he awaited Cass's reply to the Hutt's invitation to proceed.

Credit Wizard Credit Wizard Cass Gemini Cass Gemini
Location: Palace of Ascendance; System of Darvannis
Tags: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz

Paranoda had seen out of the corner of his eye; that the vigo was ordering from the buffet table and directing the service girl that he had provided for the event to what parts of the buffet that he was willing to try. The Hutt Lorda had noticed that the vigo was enjoying the food through subtle changes in his facial muscles while he ate; although the hutt was nine hundred years old, his keen instincts about people didn't change but only grew stronger so that he could tell from even the smallest change of expression that someone had been lying to him. The Hutt Lorda also noticed that the vigo was aware of the increase of the guardsman around the hall; something that the mancheron lorda was interested in. He was dealing with two kean people that sat in front of himself. Although he might have missed out on the other hutt lordas at this event; these two people were enough amusement for him that it simply didn't matter anymore.

He had also noticed from the vigo; that he was observing the woman that he was speaking to at that moment in time. Something told him that the vigo didn't like the woman but he couldn't make such a crude guess without proper evidence to support his hypothetical case inside of his mind. He had a Kean instinct that was something to admire and his reputation preceded him; so in that case. When he had spoken about Miss Cass not coming from Rookal's Request; the hutt had no doubt in his mind that the vigo would find this suspicious and act against her at some point to gain opportunity for himself in the Hutt Lordas court. This was amusing to paranoda; as he sat there conversing to Miss Cass about her reasoning for her visitation to his humble abode on darvannis. His glowing reddish yellow eyes also picked up a new form of expression on the vigo; that had something going in his mind and the fact that he was chewing loud enough for his ear slits to pick up. He watched as the man rested his arms on the table; as if to throw him off but in reality he had often known that people like to keep their blasters handy in the event of trouble and he himself was no different with his sonic disruptor pistol in its gun holster but that was hidden behind his heavy black overcoat that went down over his form to his tail like a cape. He had used 'powerful facade' as a way to prod into the vigo's mind and see what he might do. So he had unsummoned his guards for that reason alone and not because he was dumb enough to trust that the woman would cause no harm towards him or the fact that she lied to him. Besides the fact that his Nar Shaddaa Deployment Troopers were in the next room; monitoring the situation without fail to prevent any real harm to the Lord President of Darvannis.

He slightly watched the vigo pull a cigarette from a small silver case that he had on hand. Paranoda himself didn't like the smell of foreign smoke inside of his banquet hall personally because he rather enjoyed his own cherry flavoring. After watching the vigo put it between his teeth and lite it; and watching the puffs of smoke flare from the man's nostrils. Once this happen for a few seconds in time; did Paranoda and the Vigo's Eyes meet for a brief moment in time. He got the message from the vigo that he would be ready to assist if the woman tried anything to him; the exact result that paranoda wanted; to test the vigo of his loyalty to the hutt cause and see if he would be a worthy ally in the future. Once eye contact was done; would paranoda refocus his full attention to cass; waiting for them to proceed to talk about her purposed business arrangement.


"I had hoped for a few more Hutts to be present today to make my offer, but you are the one whom most interested me so I will cut to the chase." She waved her hand and a small holoprojector floated into the centre of the room, and landed between them. A show lit up from showing her Station.

"I am in possession of a large ex-military platform and I am in the progress of improving its systems and turning it into a new hub for people, like yourself and other crime bosses to do business. It will be a neutral place where as long as you follow over arching rules of the station; no killing other syndicate members, keeping your systems up to safety standards, minor things, you can operate freely and have close connections to other potential business partners."

She sent more information to the holo, including current numbers or residents, businesses already signed up, current operating profits etc.

"Obviously, a station of this size is expensive to run, so I am looking for partners to get involved. I am not looking for huge sums, nor am I offering large stakes in the business. But the terms I think you will find fair."

She went on a bit longer about details, including percentage stakes, initial investmentments and residency options.

"So, if you were to say, build a restaurant or something like a casino" she looked at the Vigo, aware of his lordo's previous investments "your can either pay a residency fee and have your business there, like so many others, or buy into the station, which would allow you priority pick of location and facilities, a cut of the overall station profits and a reduction in both maintenance amd security fees."

She had spoken a lot now so thought she would give the others a moment to mull over her offer.

Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz
Credit Wizard Credit Wizard


Location: Palace of Ascendance; System of Darvannis
Tags: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz

The Hutt Lorda had looked over at the woman as she began to explain the business deal to himself and the vigo on the other throne who was no doubt listening to her every word. The woman then explained how she was looking for more hutts to arrive in order to discuss her business deal; but it was rather strange that she then said that she was looking forward to seeing him the most out of all of them that should have attended his gathering. Paranoda watched as she waved her hand and a holoprojector would make its way into the center of the room; once activated it would show an interesting looking space station that could be of use to the Lorda of the Mancheron Kajidic. The Hutt Lorda would stare away from the space station on the holoprojector back to the woman; as she began to explain to himself that the station was an ex military platform and that she was basically looking for investors to help run the station and follow a simple set of rules that Paranoda found fair enough to consider agreeing to provide some funding to her. He was further interested when she brought up useful information such as residency & other business that have made themselves known on the station. The prospect of earning more credits for the Mancheron Kajidic has a whole; made paranoda want to join in but he would need more information about the station first. So he devoured some food and waited for her to carry on speaking.

While he sat upon his lush throne along the back wall; he would carry on listening to the woman and peering over to the information from time to time to see if it was really worth all the effort to invest in the property. He was interested in the part about having an opportunity to buy into the station to better allow him to enjoy the priority pick of location and facilities; and the potential profit that the Mancheron Kajidic could make by having a powerbase on the station to spread their influence far across the known galaxy. Paranoda would consider his options inside of his head; while he looked at the vigo from time to time to see if this information was getting to him. Knowing that there was more reward than risk in this endeavour; he decided to confirm his option of buying into the station to recieve the superior benefits that the woman offered. "You have my attention; Miss Cass. This station is something of value to the Mancheron Kajidic and would like to help you succeed in running the station to full capacity. Therefore; the Mancheron Kajidic will buy into the station to receive the benefits offered from that package. All you will have to do is say your price and it is done." Exclaimed the Hutt Lorda; grabbing another bottle of boga noga from the passing service droid. He would ponder inside of his blob like head; that this event was going smoothly and he was gaining connections with people of influence like he wanted to further expand his galactic food empire. A space station was a risky enough endeavour as it is; but the hutt lorda was confident that he could wither out the potential disaster using his immense influence and wealth that he has kept hidden in the Palace Subterranean Vault. The Zeltron Servant Girl would walk back out of the hallway up to Paranoda; grabbing a datapad with his checking number on it. Going to write out the check to hand over to the woman; once she said her price for buying into the station. While the hutt lorda waited for either the vigo to respond or the woman to tell him the price so that he could begin to move assets and supplies to the station.


TAG: Credit Wizard Credit Wizard Cass Gemini Cass Gemini

As Paranoda suspected, Erich was indeed listening to this strange woman very intently. He would be lying if he said that it wasn't an appealing opportunity, but a part of him was mildly chagrined from the simple fact that he highly doubted Lortho would move on this. This drew upon the already sensitive mindset that Erich had, wherein he was underutilized, and had tied himself to the 'wrong Hutt' on matters of any consequence. Paranoda, on the other hand, appeared to be far more than what immediately met the eye. The way the Hutt appraised both himself and the woman bespoke an intuition and insight that few other Hutts (in his experience) possessed. It would be a most engaging proposition to fall under his employ, but Erich had the distinct feeling that would be more than he bargained for. To a certain extent, Erich benefitted from Lortho's lackadaisical pursuits. He could wield much of the Hutt's influence when it mattered, while also benefitting from the Lorda's position and influence. Plus, it wasn't like he didn't earn this position through the droids he had acquired for Lortho's already massive mechanized household staff, or the squabbling rivals Erich had eliminated silently to consolidate his power. In fact, such freedom had enabled Erich to acquire quite a sum of credits in his own right, compiling a private fortune of sorts. While not nearly as significant as Lortho or Paranoda's wealth, Erich boasted enough capital to post a respectable sum of credits for this venture.

That said, Erich dare not imply doing something independent of Lortho's operation. He did not know Paranoda well, and Erich had been around long enough to know that some Hutts were very protective over the influence their race wielded within their... 'Republic'. No, whatever gains Erich made personally would have to be done privately, under the umbrella of Lortho's protection while it lasted. Plus, he would likely not encounter any problem in legitimately staking some of Lortho's money in this enterprise either. If it was successful, Lortho would be pleased. If it was not, then he could easily hold this 'Cass' woman responsible - whether that was financially responsible, or physically responsible.
"A most intriguing proposition, Madame' 'Cass'!" Erich's features creased into a broad, well practiced smile yet again. "Before I recommend my Lorda commit resources to such a venture... I feel obligated to give voice to some questions. Such as, where precisely will this station be located? Surely you are aware that most high traffic areas would be rather heavily patrolled by entities such as the Silver Jedi, Galactic Alliance, or New Imperial Order. While it would definitely help with security, something tells me that wouldn't be desirable for all the business you intend to conduct from this station. As for those high traffic sectors that aren't under their influence, you're looking at either Hutt Space -" He glanced over at Paranoda with a sheepish air, then back at Cass as he flicked some ash from the butt of his cigarette: "or sectors that fall under the control of all manner of petty mercenary outfits, pirate lords, or pompous aristocracies - many of which already have their own major hubs of business, trade, and other... activities." He took in a hefty pull of his cigarette, then slowly breathed it out in her direction. "That's not even considering other 'independent businessmen & women' who already have similar stations in the few areas far enough away from prying eyes. Many have tried what you're suggesting madame', only to fail. Miserably. Why would this endeavor be any different?"



Location: Paranoda's Palace
Tags: Credit Wizard Credit Wizard Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz Cass Gemini Cass Gemini

The was a loud BANG! BANG! BANG! on the door, then it opened slowly to reveal the large form of a blue skinned and yellow eyed Hutt that nobody would recognise here today. One of the Palace staff stepped forward,

"Introducing, his excellency Lord Aemulor Torrijic"

The announcer bowed and moved out of the way. as the Hutt moved himself up in front of Credit Wizard Credit Wizard and took a bow himself. he was followed in by a fairly standard group of followers, each wearing the crest of the Torrijic family. There were also three creatures behind him, two which were most closely human, but had plates grafted to their arms as armour and another that was a slightly larger than human Bryn'adul warrior. All had helmets on with eye blinding covers and were completely passive.

"My Lordo, Great and Powerful Paranoda, I come to you with no invitation as I am no Lordo, but with a gift and an offer of friendship."

He snapped his fingers and stepped back, three of his retainers placed down a triangle of shield emitters forming what looked like a boxing ring around the three passive creatures who did not respond. Once the fences were set up, Aemulor pressed a button on a pad and all three had their blinders retract in to their helmets. The moment they locked eyes, the two humans immediately set upon beating the Bryn creature and the creature returned the jesture, none were armed and all were armoured to it was a brutal brawl. All three looked almost possessed as they beat on each other. The fences gave mild shocks to the fighters if they touched them, spurring them back in to the centre. It was clear that the humans had the upper hand and the Bryn was taking a heck of a beating. After a few minutes, Aemulor pressed the button again and the blinders came down. The change was immediate, without sight of their foes, all three just stopped fighting and stood still, again passive but bruised and bleeding mildly in places. Aemulor slid the pad in front of Paranoda.

"For your enjoyment my most esteemed lord"

Aemulor stepped back and waited for the response from the host, it was then that he noticed the two humans in the room, servants probably, he would greet them, but honor dictated that he made no further action until he was welcomed and his gift was accepted.
Location: Palace of Ascendance; System of Darvannis.
Tags: Aemulor the Hutt Aemulor the Hutt | Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz | Cass Gemini Cass Gemini

The Hutt Lorda turned his head towards the front entrance of the banquet hall. Hearing the loud "Bang, Bang, Bang" on the door to this chamber. Without a second thought; did it open up to reveal a blue skinned and yellow eyed hutt that not he even recognized as being apart of the hutt families. Whoever this hutt was a mystery to paranoda but he decided to let it play out in case the hutt had something useful to offer himself and his kajidic who controlled this world. Once a servant droid had mentioned his name; did paranoda proceed to ponder inside of his blob like head. This "Aemulor Torrijic" was something quite different than the rest of the hutt families; an odd aura radiated from him and the Lorda of the Mancheron Kajidic would have to do some investigation into the hutt before him.

Once the this hutt moved in front of himself and bowed his head towards him would paranoda respond in kind with a more subtle gesture. Paranoda had also noticed that the Hutt wasn't alone but had brought forth a group of standard retainers that he often saw in other hutt courts that he had visited in his long life span. He then noticed the armored humans and a bryn'adul warrior had also entered. Something was off about this hutt; why else bring a genocidal warrior into his court but for some sadistic reason; he then noticed something else that they had helmets on there head and there general behavior was passive; which gave him the the creeps inside of his head but he didn't physically show this due to not wanting his guest to see him as weak minded. Once the hutt decided to speak; did Paranoda listen very well when they explained that they didn't have an invitation but a gift in mind to him. To which paranoda would be interested to see. He simply watched as this Aemulor Torrijic's retainers would place a shield like device around the 3 people that had entered alongside him; and the 3 people inside would begin to engage in a short but brutal fight right before his eyes. To any other hutt this would seem like entertainment; but to Paranoda who had established himself as a legal and honorable businessman for a hutt at least and such this display was nothing but plain and simple violence inside of his banquet hall instead of having any entertainment value. The Hutt then slid a pad once the 3 stopped fighting upon command infront of him. He would proceed to speak; once this new hutt had gotten done speaking.

"This is hardly entertainment; Mister Aemulor Torrijic. There is nothing special about blind violence without a purpose. I suppose I should just kick you out for disrupting my party with this barbaric display. But I will allow you to stay for the simple reason that you are amusing." The Venerable Aged Hutt would say; clearly not being amused by this entertainment in the slightest. Paranoda would point towards an unoccupied throne belonging to some lorda that never showed up at this moment in time. Directing them to take that seat while he discussed real business with the Vigo and Miss Cass. Of course; being a food obsessed hutt he would make sure that this new hutt had many choices of food and beverages to devour if he choose to in front of him. He himself would press a button on his lounger; bringing up a smoking pipe and putting it to his mouth. Blowing out some smoke that had a cherry scented flavor that added to the rooms atmosphere. Of course this smoke was engineered to not cause harm to his lungs; but provided him with energy instead.

Location: Paranoda's Palace
Tags: Credit Wizard Credit Wizard Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz Cass Gemini Cass Gemini
Aemulor listened to the response of Credit Wizard Credit Wizard , this was disappointing, he had been informed that Paranoda was a hutt of the old ways by his majordomo, he was furious being let down like this.

"My apologies that this is not to your tastes, my investigatrs will be appropriately disciplined." He glared at his majordomo who visibily shrunk in stature. He was also not impressed with Paranodas forthright reaction and belittling him, but he would never show this, in the pecking order, he was a lower Hutt than most some some of this must be tolerated to build friendships.

"I graciously accept your offer to stay, and I would like the chance to introduce myself properly" he spoke as he moved to his throne, two his servants brought plates of food too him which he didn't touch until he had finished speaking.

"You are wondering who is this unknown hutt in my court, so I will tell you. I was once the brother of a Great Lordo, but hundreds of years ago our treacherous enemies ruthlessly butchered my whole family. I alone escaped and was forced to hide in shame, lest my family line be rubbed from the galaxy forever."

He stopped for a moment, looking over at the two humans Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz and Cass Gemini Cass Gemini , he would get to them. At least one? Maybe both? were force sensitives, but with his own force concealment power covering his dark nature, it made it hard for him to narrow it down. He was glad he had the foresight to always prepare his concealment, nobody should know his true nature, he only wished he could do something about the more physical corruptions.

"I have hidden for nearly 700 years, running ventures from the unknown regions, now, with my enemies all passed on, and your new Republic working to restore the pride of the Hutts, I come to you seeking the opportunity to join you and become stronger together."

If Paranoda, or anyone else in the room was to investigate further, this information rings true, 700 years ago a hutt by his name lived and was part of a small but wealthy clan. A brutal gas attack killed his while clan, with his name listed as 'presumed dead'. The perpetrators were then soon after, wiped out themselves, the details are sparse but it had all of the hallmarks of a revenge contract killing. At this point his story stops, there is no mention of the deceased hutt anywhere, either he had died and this was an imposter or he was telling the truth and had hidden himself well.

He finally grabbed for some food, signalling that his explanation was finished, he gave no shows of dishonesty, being truthful now was the best option

"Now I have greeted our host may I greet the other guests" he looked at the two humans and nodded to them "a human with the privilege to sit at a hutt throne usually has a story to tell"


Location: Paranoda's Palace
Tags: Credit Wizard Credit Wizard Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz Cass Gemini Cass Gemini
Aemulor sat on the throne viewing the other guests, one of his assistants handed him a pad with a few details about the other guests in attendance. He looked them back over and raised an eyebrow looking at the human female. This was an interesting one, he could use her.

It was then that an urgent message came through to him, there had been an incident in one of his facilities that urgently needed his attention.

"My apologies to the host, but it looks like we may have to continue this conversation another time. I would be happy for you to send me a bill for any food I have eaten" To walk in, eat and run would be shameful of him, but he would pay his way to prevent causing a scene. Paranoda was a business man, he should hopefully understand.

As he moved himself toward the door he looked at Cass. "Gemini, you interest me, I have an offer for you that I think you will find very interesting, please would you walk me to me shuttle?"

He turned to the human male and apologised to him personally too, there was no need to him to explain himself to a human, but the Vigo of a powerful hutt deserved respect, lest his lordo receive word of his bad manners.



Cass listened to the concerns of Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz and laughed. "Fair points well made, and I am not going to try and sell you a pack of lies, this venture might fail, but then so may any venture, the risk is there, but as you can see from my figures" she sent details to both Erich and Credit Wizard Credit Wizard , "the majority if the risk is on myself. Your investment is proportionally very small compared to your potential returns. None of us get risk without taking chances so I offer you that chance."

What she had offered them, including the price in her data was very generous terms, she was playing the long game. She stood to make very little from her investors. Having investors with larger businesses and connections would both cover the running costs of the station, and more importantly, bring in further business that she could exploit.

"As for the location, the station is currently here" she pinged up a map of the galaxy showing her emblem in a position not far north of CIS territory, one jump away from a major hyperlane serving both the CIS and SJC. "The station is equipped with a hyperdrive so it can be repositioned as I.." she corrected herself " we, see fit."

She stopped talking to allow the investors to mull it over a bit. She watched as Aemulor made his apologies and moved to leave, she was very curious about this hutt, another uninvited outsider, snubbed by the host. She would need to find out more.

Could he read her mind? She thought ti herself as he asked for her company, can't hurt to walk him to his shuttle and return could it?

"My lord Paranoda, I will accompany this guest at his request, you have all of my data to think about, included is an encrypted communication protocol to reach my ship, it should be good for about a week before I rescramble my transponder." She held out her hand and the holoplayer lept to her grasp.

"I hope to return shortly but should I not I would like to say thank you both Mr Kreutz and My Lordo for hearing me out after my little games."

She followed Aemulor and his party as they left the room, quickly catching up to him to discuss his offer. She did not return.



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