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Approved Species Barenth healing plant B3-T7

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Name: Barenth healing plant B3-T7

Development thread:
Earth Studies:
Average measurements: Grows to heights of up to 100cm.

Cultivation Requirements: Currently cultivated at The Eden Project Biodomes and Eden BioDome Stations

Distinctions: : Dark green, red flowers, and red tubers and berries.

  • Medicinal Effects: Has been noted to act favorable to cancerous and contaminated cells, such as those under radiation, chemical, or biological attack, allowing healthy cells to combat cellular contamination and disease.
  • Nutritional Value: Enhanced by the Morodin's slime, the leaves, flowers, red berries, woody stems and tubers are highly nutritious and soothing to the body for a short boost of energy and mental clarity.
  • Climate control: The Barenth Healing Plant B3-T7 is very delicate, requiring a temperature regulated 'clean' environment so as to ensure it's viability. A single frost and it can kill the plant.
  • Transport carefully: It due to its temperature regulated requirements, it makes transport of the plants outside of PharmaTech difficult without specialized containers to hold them in.
Average Life: Annual plant

Nutritional Value: The Barenth Healing Plant's berries are a good source of vitamins and minerals. They contain a high level of antioxidants in the Barenth Healing Plant's berries, especially zeaxanthin.

Antioxidants protect cells against breaking down when they are exposed to elements such as smoke and radiation. A single 4 ounce serving provides nearly 10 percent of your daily value for protein. The tubers and berries contain a chemical component called beta-sitosterol. This helps drastically decrease the size of overgrown cells and can cause apoptosis, or “cell suicide” in tumor or damaged cells.

They can also generate general feelings of well-being, improve neurologic/psychologic traits, support better gastrointestinal health and bowel functions, help build stronger musculoskeletal systems, and improve cardiovascular health. They’re easy to add to meals to boost energy levels and performance.


When a Ho'Din healer named Baji came to Barenth, he encountered them in an ancient laboratory. He observed them and tried to stay to continue observation and to eventually use them for healing purposes. Unfortunately, an earthquake struck and Baji was forced to leave. He grabbed some of them and left. Later, he came back only to find the sanctuary crushed. The plants were not destroyed, but badly contaminated. Baji had made a tough decision; he decided that for all his life, he would stay and help the remaining plants.

Nearly a millennia later, Enter Pharmatech.

PharmaTech's Research and development team with the conception of the "Eden Project" have been sending scouts, researchers, and used it's vast resources under Arceneau Trade's Colagoramate's arsenal to go forth and try to find viable ways of perhaps bringing such rare or extinct species back. Various viable seeds were found encased in amber, carbonite, and under heavy permafrost. These seeds were untouched from the original contamination that had made them worthless. They also collected samples of the results of Baji's hard work. The Ho'Din healer would perhaps rest in the knowledge that his work had not been in vain.

Under the research of the Eden Program, Morodin, Ho'din, and Ithorian horticulturalists and botanists worked alongside with cloning tech with Tai Fa Holdings and the Morodin's natural slime. The most distinctive feature of the Morodins was their ability to secrete a nutrient slime trail that promoted growth and mutation in plant life that it covered. The composition of the secretion varied with the Morodin's diet, and they were always experimenting with new combinations by eating plants, exuding the secretion to create a new, more nutritious, strain of flora which then entered their food chain.

This resulted in a sustainable healing plant, allowing it to stabilize and provide a highly nutritious product. Currently, this version has a moderate increase in healing than the original Barenth Healing Plant plus an additional nutritional value. It has been noted to act favorable to cancerous and contaminated cells, such as those under radiation, chemical, or biological attack, allowing healthy cells to combat disease.

However, the Barenth Healing Plant B3-T7 is very delicate, requiring a temperature regulated 'clean' environment so as to ensure it's viability. A single frost and it can kill the plant. This also meant that due to its temperature regulated requirements, it makes transport of the plants outside of PharmaTech difficult without specialized containers to hold them

It is currently cultivated at The Eden Project Biodomes and Eden BioDome Stations

Intent: To expand on Star Wars lore on bringing back a nearly extinct botanical species and showcase the ongoing PharmaTech Botanical expansion on endangered and extinct species. It maintains the same benefits as the canon Barenth Healing Plant save for additional nutritional value as explained under strengths and a fleshing out of its healing properties.
[member="Noire Vanya Tal"]

Having read through this one, I can honestly say it's a straightforward, well-written sub, just as the Bota one was. I've no issues to be addressed on this one, so...

Pending Approval [member="Mahet"]
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