Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Between A Mand'alor and Another




Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam

Engaging: Mia Monroe Mia Monroe

Her face upon New Mandalore....

The implications were extreme, to say the least. Khamul had long leaned on his declaration of Mand'alor, empowered by the raw ferocity of the Maw. But they Maw was gone, at least in spirit, replaced by an Imperialist mentality with strings pulled by the same man that had convinced him to forge Mandalore's Lament. Khamul only held enough respect for Solipsis to understand how his cause may benefit his people, but as soon as he stopped proving useful, well...

The thought was quickly moved from his mind as he watched the ship touch down outside of the Death's Hand compound. He had heard of this so-called Mand'alor, and in truth, some deep part of him wished her to be worthy of the role. Yet, he knew that such high expectations often led to disappointment, and he certainly hated being disappointed...

His loyal Taung tribes, along with the Death's Watch that were loyal lined the landing platform, giving The Unchained a powerful presence. And why shouldn't they? He had earned his station, further than many Mandalorians before him. He could only hope that his "counterpart" could deliver, at least to a modicum of what he held his followers up to.


The title of Mand'alor was a difficult one to bear, even as a former. Despite nudging Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel into the seat, pushing him to take the lead instead of her eyes were still on her. Those who were alive when she held the title in its truest form, before the civil war, before the battle for Yaga Minor, they day her life and mind was turned on its head, were few and far between.

Mia travelled alone, she brought no honour guard with her, nothing to show power for this wasn't about flexing muscles. This was about getting the measure of the man who might stand on the other side. To understand how and why the Deaths' Hand had come into the service of yet another sith, to see if there could be away to bring the protectors and the Hand together that didn't involve bloodshed.

Armour of black and gold bore the markings of many battles, some more recent than others as she descended the landing ramp, sapphire eyes skimming across the troops that Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze had gathered to greet her, Taung and Deaths hand a like, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. To see their ancestral race standing alongside the children that thousands of years of cultural shift brought them filled her heart with warmth,

She offered her host a small bow of her head.

"Mand'alor the Unchained." she greeted mild amusement in her tone "Do all of your guests get such a welcome?"



Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam

Engaging: Mia Monroe Mia Monroe

To say that her mention of his title took him by surprise would certainly be an understatement, though the Unchained would show no sign of such thoughts. No matter what occurred within one's mind, the strength they exhibited was what mattered. She arrived with little fanfare, opting to allow her own quality to carry whatever weight was needed. It was a refreshing sight, one Khamul had seen little of from those outside of Death's Hand...

One should prove themselves based on their own merits...

Behind his mask, Khamul cracked a devilish grin. The Enclave had so readily opposed him, seeing him as a heretic and betrayer of their ancient ways. Yet, this individual had offered him respect, and as such, he would deliver it in kind. In a rare display of respect and acknowledgement, Khamul offered a slight bow of the head, something his followers had rarely seen from their Mand'alor.

"Not generally, but it is rare to have a visitor of your quality."

He motioned toward the gate of the compound.

"Would you care to follow me? There is much to discuss, both about our people, and your plans for them..."

That last bit certainly held a slight foreboding air, but perhaps this meeting wouldn't be as confrontational as the Hellhound of Mandalore had initially thought.


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Mutual respect was a good start, especially when the last time she had stood before a Mand'alor that had not been Ijaat, it had been Ra Vizsla. memories of the civil war flickered past her mind, the ransacking of Keldabe, the battle over Sundari. So many mandaloirans had died...slaughtered simply for being gifted with the force. If she could avoid another civil war she would. Mandalorians were stronger together and they had bigger enemies to fight.

An eyebrow arched at his choice of words. Her plans for them...

Flattery at its finest perhaps? She let out a huff that might have been a laugh.

"That we do." she agreed, falling into step at his side without missing a beat as they moved as equals towards the compound gates "Its an impressive assembly, I'm honoured. Perhaps when we're done you can show me more of what you've built here."

Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze



Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam

Engaging: Mia Monroe Mia Monroe

No signs of aggression were shown from the Unchained's guest, yet... though only time would tell what their dynamic would be going forward. Khamul was all too familiar with how those outside of Death's Hand felt about him. Heretic... false Mand'alor... Sith. How shortsighted they were... and that's why Khamul had put several of them into the ground.

"It took time and effort to find the faithful. Our people have been so scattered for so long."

As they entered the compound, the sight of Mandalorian and Taung alike sparring being an immediate eye-catcher. Khamul had always emphasized the importance of becoming stronger, so that each of his followers could reach their peak potential. If they couldn't, well...

Weakness had no place here.

"I am sure you've heard things about me. Tell me, what do your followers think of our great cause?"

A rather straightforward question, and one that he would perhaps not like the answer to. But he would take this time to study his guest, and see what he could divine from her response. Hopefully... it wouldn't end with him having to kill her.


Mia paused to watch the sparring. She'd spent so much time running around leading fights, making underhanded deals to secure the Protector's future that it had been some time since she'd had a good sparring session, she let out a sigh at his question and continued moving with him again.

"Aside from the fact that you are puppets to the Dark Empire?" She replied with a smirk, knowing full well it might get a rise out of him. "Your goal is an honourable one, how you go about it, however, is up for some debate. Crusading has its time and place." She shrugged "I have more blood on my hands than most, so it makes no difference to me."

Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze



Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam

Engaging: Mia Monroe Mia Monroe

Puppet... he had certainly been called that before. By Jedi... by the Enclave... yet it only steeled his resolve, for those that could not understand the machinations of a dreamer would always seek to bring that dream down. He withheld his frustration, however. He had somehow gotten better at that, in recent years. Perhaps he was simply getting older, or perhaps his focus had only become more honed, just as his sword arm had become more precise in its strikes with time.

"Puppets... no... you see, Solipsis, for all of his hubris and machinations, has been good for my followers and I."

He shot a look her way, his eyes piercing through the black visor of his mask.

"We have grown considerably in strength and influence, largely due to those same machinations. But make no mistake..."

He stopped in place for a moment, turning his full body to her.

"They are but a stepping stone. The moment they no longer benefit us, we will cut ties and go our own way."

His ambitions were greater than that, but the Unchained dared not to reveal such plans to someone so new to his world.

"Your efforts on Mandalore are noble... truly... and yes, there are times when crusading is necessary..."

He began to walk again, implying that she should follow.

"But in a galaxy where we only try to survive... I want our people to thrive. Yes, Mandalore is a start. But we are capable of so incredibly much more."

Another quick glance would shoot her way.

"Wouldn't you agree?"


Mia smiled beneath her helm, feeling the prickle of frustration within him. She knew that would hit a nerve. There wasn't a mandalorian in the galaxy that wouldn't prickle at being called a puppet, but he controlled his frustration, his reply even and calm, even though she could feel his eyes burning through his visor with each glance in her direction.

"I don't disagree," she began "However a mand'alors strength should be measured by what he or she can achieve without leaning on others. Whether you see yourself as puppets or not, your advancement has been because of the sith and not in spite of them. You can break away from them all you like, it will not change the fact that you needed them to get where you are now."

She stopped her own walking facing him in turn as he had her.

"I have never relied on a sith for more than information, and even that, is tenuous at best. Your reliance of Solipsis makes you weak. Doesn't matter how big or impressive your army is."

To insult Khamul on his own turf was probably not her wisest choice, but Mia did not truly care. He had asked her opinion and she was content to give it without sugar coating it.

"Our people have suffered much at the hands of sith. I've been fighting in wars against them for a hundred years." she inclined her head slightly "Give or take a decade or two in the nether. It is a never ending cycle. We fight them, we win, we fight them, we lose and somewhere in the middle some fool thinks they can work with them, but in the end the sith will always betray us."

She followed him again. "So betray them first. Then maybe, the people will stop calling you a puppet. Maybe, you might garner an ounce of respect, regardless of the fact that you have become the very thing that brought our people to near extinction."

Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze

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