Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Blood eyes for blood ties [Malum of house marr]

Mariah wasn't sure she liked this one, but she had every bit of official documentation that could be expected. She even had real cargo that could be sold. But in the hidden compartment that could hold up to 1 tons worth of material, there was the smuggled stuff. It would wait out any investigation if there was one. Naturally, she'd be against that. But she wasn't going to try and stop them here. Once they were done though, the droids would get to work. Meticulously preparing the cargo for their buyer such that a thorough search, without her help, would likely turn up nothing. She even organized them in such a situation that many scans would struggle to recognize they were specifically overlapping with the real cargo making them almost undetectable.

She still didn't like it, but she was pretty good at her job. And her ship could stand a lot more than most. On top of that, she wouldn't be meeting the buyer in person. She'd be directing White-5 with a dozen swam drones and basic remote guided hover-platforms for the cargo to meet the buyer. Mariah wasn't an incompetent fighter, but she wasn't really elite either. She'd never built her body up for that sort of thing. 80 years of life could do a lot for you, but most of that was not spent on working out and fighting. It was spent on the sciences and adventures.

Mariah sat at the captains chair as the droids would prepare everything and head out. Holding the device she could use to directly take control over White-5 if she chose as she ran a finger along the necklace she had mindlessly. It was from her parents, maybe the reason they died, yet also probably the reason she'd lived this long. 85 was respectable for any human, but 85 with a body in it's 20's that was in incredible health, that was rare even for most force sensitives. And she kept it, always. It'd never go from her. More important even than her ship, both of which came from her parents. Valued over anything else. It connected her to them in an additional way, her mother was an imperial knight who used the force. Her fathers career more unkown, but she understood he studied it somehow. Since she believed herself wholly without the force, this item that used it to extend her lifespan and keep her well was yet another connection she had to them.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

mariahs-necklace (worn)
mariahs-gauntlet (worn)
orestiad-flight-suit (x3) (available but not worn)
Aquatic Enviro-Shield (stored)
Atargatis skin (hidden)
A wide range of tools and equipment for technological repairs and creations.

Mariah has an IR-1, bar-58, and sunfury on her.

IR-1 (x3)
bar-58-blaster-pistol (x4)
pv-16-sunfury-pulse-pistol (x2)

White-5 (Using 1 IR-1, 1 sunfury, 1 bar-58.)
20x Aristaeus Drones

For all of Malum's wild, strange, and dramatic adventures, he could not claim to have ever been involved in a sting operation before. So far, they seemed to involve quite a bit of waiting, as the trap was set, and all hoped the culprit would walk willingly into the net. The only reason he was involved was due to fears that the culprit, apparently well known to be slippery could escape, or at the very least hide out, if they attempted to capture them on Alvaria proper.

Instead what they had proposed was rather novel, capturing her as she came into the system, near the planet's orbit. They would be too concerned with avoiding the fleet of Shikkars and Arbites protecting the planet to be concerned with the unseen, where a tractor beam could capture them and hold them in a stasis that held them under siege within their vessel, rather than needing a hunt through the various ruined cities of Alvaria below.

Of course, the only problem with that little plan was that none of the law enforcement had access to tractor beams, nor even ships. The request had been pushed up the chain to the armada above, where traction had been made, after all, close cooperation between the armed forces and law enforcement was key to militarised rule, and though Alvaria itself did not need the militarised police systems seen across the more... rowdy planets within the Imperium, such was equally useful in its defence.

However, the issue was that the fleet themselves, rather embarrassingly would admit to not having a vessel with tractor-beam capability, even lacking one that had the stealth capability that would make it easier.

There was only one ship in the fleet that fit both categories and unfortunately for them, it was both being repaired after extensive damage from the Battle at Fiviune and could only be accessed by speaking to the owner of the ship.

And that was where he came in, here he was, lazily at the bridge, his arm at the armrest, holding up his head, as the other hand strummed a beat along the other armrest. It was no exaggeration that the Mors Vistra had taken severe damage after Fiviune, but notably, one of the systems which for the most part functioned as was intended was its stealth system. It was really for that reason, and that reason alone that Malum had allowed his flagship, a Super Star Destroyer to be used for such a menial task as this. Still, if his people needed him, he would do whatever was necessary.

Even if it required his direct supervision to make certain nothing went wrong.

Thus as a rogue ship warped out of hyperspace, a cruiser or frigate of some kind, he imagined, doing its utmost to avoid detection from the fleet, swinging by undetected of whatever patrol craft were around, Malum took careful note. While this was a rather unique smuggler, he had come to understand, that there was no reason for there to be any holes in Alvaria's defences, especially when the stakes were so high.

It was as the ship began to enter orbit, that Malum leaned forward at his seat.

It was time.

"Decloak the ship, engage the tractor beam, and let us meet this clever smuggler."

And from the view of the smuggler, it would seem like magic, as a colossal giant of a ship suddenly appeared into reality, its tractor beam clawing onto the much smaller ship, and beginning to drag it towards the hanger.

"Have the starfighters ready, we do not want any unpleasant surprises, until then, Venerandus you are in command, I will want to speak to our soon to be unwilling guest." Malum intoned, raising from his seat, offering a nod towards his aide-de-camp and second in command, receiving one back in turn, and having his cloak billow as he left through the bridge doors, followed shortly behind by two members of the Guard.

He mused several questions on the walk down.

Would they beg for mercy? Would they stand resolute? Would they try to bargain?

He supposed he would find out soon.

Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr
Everything seemed to be going fine, there was no alerts or anything yet. Mariah practically jumped in her seat when a massive ship appeared and her ships sensors alerted her hey were under tractor beam lock, "Holy karking sithspit! Stations!" she yelled alerting the crew to prepare if there was a fight as she activated all the droids, and the shields. The ship might not have seemed initially special before, but no the energy signature of it would be a massive energy signature, as it was running 3 particle, and 3 ray shields paired up right after each other creating a defense system that was rather intense for a ship of it's size, her free hand twitched nervously as she activated the weapons systems but didn't lock them on or try to fire them, she immediately switched to open comms, "Hey, hey! Whoah! What the kark is up, this is the Fyrnock, we didn't do anything!"

She let go of the mic and waved to have the secret cargo hidden again. Given how sudden this was she wasn't sure what exactly was going on, she assumed her movements were deemed suspicious. But maybe the buyer tried to rat her out, if so, she hoped that the hidden cargo bay would hop up to scrutiny, it was a very big ship afterall. Very difficult to search for every nook and cranny, and with systems like this an odd scanner might just be more of the systems. She quickly hurried into the orestiad flightsuit as she waited for a response hoping they'd be fine. If they did really know for sure, or couldn't be convinced otherwise, could they be paid off? She wasn't all that interested in being a prisoner of the sith, the fear of that built up quick when she realized they'd take her necklace for sure. She'd lose everything and may never get it back. And that was if they decided to let her live long enough to see the effects of it's loss anyway. Sith were rather intimidating people.

It wasn't like the shields were stopping the tractor beam, certainly not from a ship that big. They were just a precaution if the ship was going to try and shoot her down while holding her there, you never could know. "What in the world do you need a ship that big for for a transport?! You'd think I'd be carrying an emperor with that kind of response, are you sure you have the right ship?" she added, then sat back carefully watching all the sensors and monitoring the shields as white-5 reached his own station. She was the only organic on the ship but with all the drones and white it was practically fully crewed. But it was still a mere 80 meters compared to this monster of a 13,600. 170 times or so in length then her own. This was not a spot she wanted to be in.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

mariahs-necklace (worn)
mariahs-gauntlet (worn)
orestiad-flight-suit (x3) (1 worn)
Aquatic Enviro-Shield (stored)
Atargatis skin (hidden)
A wide range of tools and equipment for technological repairs and creations.

Mariah has an IR-1, bar-58, and sunfury on her.

IR-1 (x3)
bar-58-blaster-pistol (x4)
pv-16-sunfury-pulse-pistol (x2)

White-5 (Using 1 IR-1, 1 sunfury, 1 bar-58.)
20x Aristaeus Drones

"Merely a precaution, we assure you, citizen, a random spot check as it were, we apologise for scaring you with the presence of the Mors Vistra but trust that if you cooperate you will soon be on your way," The feigned, gentle, understanding voice of Venerandus Marr answered back to the outrage of the smuggler, which he quickly noted down and transmitted to Malum still on the walk down to the hanger, that the smuggler seemed to both be a woman, and young.

Malum noting the new information on his datapad finally reached the hanger, by which point even from the entrance he could see the congregation of crew, guards, and pilots, crowding around the ship that had been dragged into the hanger. As soon as they spotted their Imperator's personal presence, most broke out into salutes which he acknowledged with a nod, while others bowed, which... he was still not entirely sure how to deal with.

He instead ignored them, his iron-tipped boots taking measured and forceful strides across the metallic hanger bay, every step sending an echo through the room, as his Guards behind him at both shoulders stood resolute, and disciplined, intimidating at the best of times. A representative of law enforcement down planetside, after getting up from the ground was the only one to approach.

"Your Imperial Majesty," Malum had the good grace to look away from him at that comment, he was never quite able to get used to what the Alvarians called him, what he was remiss to call Darth Empyrean at every meeting, "We have confirmed this is the Fyrnock which means the operation was a success."

"Not as yet," Malum intoned, staring at the redoubt doors of the ship, "We still need to question the smuggler and see how vast this conspiracy goes."

"Of course, your Imperial Majesty." The officer responded, bowing his head in subservience, as he turned away, content to allow his superior to continue things.

Allow his superior who very much did not know the etiquette for such things.


"Pilot, please exit your ship without armament on your person, we have a few questions for you!" Malum felt silly as he shouted against the durasteel doors, but hoping the smuggler would simply give in, rather than force him into action.

He was very curious about this smuggler now, gazing at the ship more closely, it was modified to a degree which he had not initially realised, that spoke of resources or expertise that could prove rather useful to him.

If she was cooperative that was.

Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr
Mariah breathed slightly easier, she wasn't so sure they were telling the truth. Especially with a ship like that. But, it wasn't a great idea to try and strike a fight with a super star destroyer. Even tough though her ship was, being alone in a fight like that with a tractor beam already locked on. That was just bad news. She relented, shutting the shields down as she entered the ship, and setting her weapons aside. Her gauntlet was on her though, she could call out to her small army of swarm drones, aristaeus, and white-5 if need be. Not that it'd be enough...but she could hope.

She shut her eyes, fingers still twitching from all this, she called out, "Alright! Alright, I'll head out. This all seems a bit much." she said opening the exit and holding her hands out, at least the nervous twitching was easily explained. She noted the sith, red eyes. Not yellow. Interesting. Not a thing to focus on right now, she nodded her head at him, "This, uh, really seems a bit intense even for..." she gave him a shrug, " know."

There was a combination of habit and genuiness in the way she was acting, sure, there was real nervousness, but it was just as important even if she'd not been technically smuggling. The slight casualness though, that was slightly more fake. Mariah had been around long enough she could take on an air of formality if she really wanted to, if she could hide that twitching, taking on the appearance of a calm person wasn't that hard either.

Of course, if they were using sensors to detect what was inside, they would recognize the abundance of drones. Swarm drones were essentially how Mariah kept herself safe, they were her equivilent to a b1 when it came to security forces that either she or white would be running remotely, their main disadvantage. Again, not unlike a b1. They weren't totally reliant, could still run certain functions alone. But for specific tactics they did need aid.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
mariahs-necklace (worn)
mariahs-gauntlet (worn)
orestiad-flight-suit (x3) (1 worn)
Aquatic Enviro-Shield (stored)
Atargatis skin (hidden)
A wide range of tools and equipment for technological repairs and creations.

IR-1 (x3)
bar-58-blaster-pistol (x4)
pv-16-sunfury-pulse-pistol (x2)

White-5 (Using 1 IR-1, 1 sunfury, 1 bar-58.)
20x Aristaeus Drones

The doors swung open without grace, as was the way of the great metal hulks that allowed them to travel the cosmos, all functionality, no grace.

Though the Mors Vistra was an exception to that, the slitherine colossus was as beautiful as she was dangerous.

Though of course, Malum recognised he was somewhat of a biased party when it came to his own ship. He would think the Alvaria, Ragathor, and Lochris had been beautiful vessels when they had simply been unmodified Arbites, Shikkars, and Caeduses respectively, there just simply was something about owning the ship, that made its beauty glimmer through the cold steel.

Speaking of beauty, such was an apt description of the figure who emerged out of the metal hulk, chestnut brown hair flowed down her face, framing her features, while ocean-like orbs stared down upon him with a mixture of unease and concern. Not exactly feelings that were inappropriate to feel as one was a smuggler, and had been intercepted by a Sith, he supposed. She was always unseasonably pale, almost as if she had never experienced the touch of the sun before.

"Still chasing the skirts of every woman that moves, are you?" The everpresent and mocking voice of the entity whispered through his brain, cackling at itself, as Malum did his best to keep his features frozen.

Unfortunately looks were not going to save her.

Even if for some reason, Malum felt there was something familiar about her.

"I do not believe it is the right of criminals to question the means of their capture," Malum stated with unemotional softness, taking a step forward to stand atop the edge of the opened door. To a degree she was right, this was overkill, and he certainly would need to find some ships to add to the fleet that had tractor-beam capability, unfortunately even with a planet under his control, the remnants of the Tsis'Kaar and the Marr wealth, resources were tight, especially with all the expenses necessary to maintain those three sources.

He noticed the nervousness exude out of the woman, tilting his head to more consciously realise the audience they held. "Begone all of you, I am certain there are tasks to be completed, this show is done," He gave all of them the lazy eye, as their small audience slowly dispersed, before returning to face the smuggler.

"Now Ms..." An awkward realisation that he did not know her name, "Simply hand over the cargo, provide us the identities of your employer and who you were to deliver it to, and I promise your sentence shall be les-"

He stopped his words, the amulet around his neck beginning to warm at the touch.

He was not particularly emotional at the moment, nor in danger, which meant...

It had only warmed like this for very specific reasons, and if not for those...

It had warmed like this when he had found the Holocron of Darth Marr.

Within a flash, he was inches from the woman's face, madness shining in his crimson eyes, as his Guards, so resolute, silent, and disciplined before, seemed surprised, shocked even.

"You have a relic of Darth Marr, where is it, tell me now, and you will be freed." It was feverish in tone, mad in its contents, sense mattered little, justice even less, all he needed now was the possession which was his by right.

Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr
Mariah's mind rushed in an instant of fear at the accusation, though the thought of 'real or not that's normal' was very much one she had. "I'm just a transport lord! Everyone's a criminal somewhere!" she rejected. To her considerable shock he sent his men away. She wasn't sure if that was good, or very very bad. Only escalating the twitching of her muscles as things intensified in seriousness. This was why she had droids. She was at risk, her necklace was at risk, her eternity was at risk.

At the demand for employer and cargo she'd practically have been willing to give it straight away, neither was technically an admittance of guilt. Afterall there were genuine merchandise that she could provide very easily, and there was always documentation. So many documents. Instead he hesitated and was suddenly in front of her, she stumbled back a step or two his demand met with both recognition and fear and confusion all at once all of which this time were wholly visible on her face. She clutched at her necklace on instinct at the usage of the family name, even if she technically had no idea where it came from just that her father brought it to her one day.

Stuttering out a reaction,
"I'm just Mariah Marr there's no Darth! All the cargo's in the ship it's not like I can stop you!" she answered giving her name swiftly as an attempt to try and remedy the situation but she really wasn't sure of any relic that she'd have to the name. It was hard for her to imagine it was tied to one of her parents either, though her father was certainly secretive.

Several Swarm Drones and White-5's plastoid head peaked out the door staring out at Mariah for orders, she instinctively held out a hand for them not to instantly start firing away,
"I keep detailed records there's no need for all this karking threatening and jumping at me."

Not that the threats didn't help, though the ship and circumstances were certainly quite enough. Naturally finding every little record that actually had the smuggling details would be nigh impossible without knowing the way they were coded in, just being clunky coding to anyone without the knowledge. But it was still technically true. If he did intend, or have someone search it though, her name would show up. Even if there was no formal explanation for why she was still alive and young. Patents, ship records, plenty that tracked to the name and face of Mariah Marr. Whether it was truly needed or not.

Naturally forefront on her mind other than her death, was the necklace. She knew full well it was made through the force. And it could be sensed as such as a result too. Whether or not it was actually what he was after, she wasn't sure it really mattered. Maybe there was a relic somewhere on board, but in her mind, he demanded a relic of Marr. That was a relic of some kind, and it belongs to a Marr. Maybe that was all it would take.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
mariahs-necklace (worn)
mariahs-gauntlet (worn)
orestiad-flight-suit (x3) (1 worn)
Aquatic Enviro-Shield (stored)
Atargatis skin (hidden)
A wide range of tools and equipment for technological repairs and creations.

IR-1 (x3)
bar-58-blaster-pistol (x4)
pv-16-sunfury-pulse-pistol (x2)

White-5 (Using 1 IR-1, 1 sunfury, 1 bar-58.)
20x Aristaeus Drones

It was as if his breath had been punched out of him.

"Mariah... Marr?" His voice questioned, seeming to be in utter disbelief. His crimson eyes narrowed, gazing upon the smuggler's features, wherein he was already so uncomfortably close, none of her features matched, she lacked the raven locks that seemed to define those of his House, so did she miss the red eyes of the great Marr that actually defined their House.

So it was a lie, she had thought quickly, knew who ruled this world, and thought she could stop him in his tracks by using his family's name.

Oh, she would certainly pay for such flagrant transgression.

Yet, he stopped himself still.

A figment of doubt broke his brow. After all, it had been he who had discovered the truth, that their ancient practice had been utterly worthless, a lie that had cost them everything, so many Marr scions, left to die, for nothing at all. They might not have had the eyes of their forefathers, but they had not been any lesser for it, for in their blood still flowed the blessings of their great ancestor, and they could pass it both onto their children.

So had been born Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar , and who knew, how many else? For once they realised the barbarity of their filicide, they simply abandoned their young.

How many were others there, who knew nought of their heritage? Who did not know that they were scions of an ancient, and proud line?

An uncountable many.

There was every chance the one before him was one of them. It would explain the familiarity, he was confident he had never seen the woman before, but the feeling of familiarity did not leave him.

"Where are you from?" He spoke, mind still elsewhere as he considered the possibilities, "Who are you descended from?" He had seen the droids by the doorway, but he ignored them entirely, if they knew what was smart, they would star, far, far away. He needed information, that was the only way he would figure this out.

Of course, he noticed too how her hand went to feel the amulet around her neck when the accusation rang. Was that the artefact then? It looked far from the amulet around his, which burned hotly against his chest, it seemed to not then be a holder for ashes, it was for something else entirely.

He could seize it, ignoring her explanations, and simply doing as he willed.

Yet he stayed his hand.

She could be family after all.

Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr
Mariah watched him carefully, leaning back instinctively due to how close he was. And wary of any influence on her mind. She didn't like the idea he might be trying to work around in the brain. She knew of course ways to help prevent that, but most had to be paid attention to. She couldn't just do them nonstop. Hence the active caution.

Gears were turning, she understood that much. Or at least, she hoped that much. And finally another question, one which seemed like maybe it could lead somewhere. Hopefully somewhere that wasn't a cell, or execution. "I was born in a Fel Empire." she answered, "To my mom Reycel and father Jak Marr."

Still, more things that would show up as true in documentation. The two had always been an interesting couple, her mother was an imperial knight, her father's occupation she never really knew. It had something to do with the force, and the fact he one day came home with an item like the necklace wasn't a total shock to her. But what he did was never told to her.

Unlike her mother, she had presumably not been born with the force. She was, for the most part, a fairly normal person. A bit in the clever department and good memory, but mostly normal just with a good bit of knowledge and some special parents. Her departure and long healthy life thanks to the necklace were what ended up with her continuing to progress further and further in knowledge and skills until she was doing quite well for herself.

All of which she now perceived as very much at risk. She did not want to fight a Sith, but if it did become the chance she'd be arrested, she doubted she'd be released, she wasn't quite sure the best course of action with this one specifically. "Is there anything I can do to be out of this? A super star destroyer is not the kind of place any traveler usually wants to be..." he'd asked about some artifact, but she strongly doubted it was the necklace. And if it was, she wasn't going to say it. It was probably the only thing she wouldn't be letting go without either a fight or a plan to get it back. She just hoped that if he did decide she was going to stay, he wasn't going to suddenly stab her with a saber and end it now. Cause there wasn't much she could do about that at this range.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
mariahs-necklace (worn)
mariahs-gauntlet (worn)
orestiad-flight-suit (x3) (1 worn)
Aquatic Enviro-Shield (stored)
Atargatis skin (hidden)
A wide range of tools and equipment for technological repairs and creations.

IR-1 (x3)
bar-58-blaster-pistol (x4)
pv-16-sunfury-pulse-pistol (x2)

White-5 (Using 1 IR-1, 1 sunfury, 1 bar-58.)
20x Aristaeus Drones

"A Fel Empire?" Malum sounded out the name as if it was some sort of foreign substance, the only Fel Empire he knew of was the one of Jagged Fel, the man who had usurped the Remnant of Darth Sidious to crown himself Emperor, breaking away from the Sith Emperor's values to make his Imperial Knights.

No doubt, it had been inspiration from that Fel which had fueled the New Imperial Order and their rebellion against the Sith Empire which they all by rights served.

The Fels were likely part of that more than he could know, there were some of their family still around if he remembered correctly, no doubt desiring the very same throne that they once were elected to, and then made hereditary. He was able to respect the enemy for their skills and abilities, even if he would hate them for daring to upjump themselves towards a throne that was not theirs.

It did not make a great first impression towards him, that this woman was a daughter of those that would serve those usurpers and traitors, yet, he paused still, rather than making an attack that in all rights would be deserved, for she had said enough to warrant his interest, warrant his curiosity, warrant her staying alive for a few seconds longer.

"Jak... Marr?" The first half of the name he did not recongise at all, the latter one he recognised all too well, he knew no Jak Marrs from his family, yet that meant little, his family was vast, and though the woman before him did not look far from his age, he could not say older or younger, he had little frame of reference for how old the man would have been to have her.

Yet a Marr that served the New Imperial Order? That was... treason.

Treason from within his own House.

That was...

He found himself taking a step back, adjusting, and rebalancing himself as he considered it. It might have been possible, his House had been as vast back then, as it was now, many had been lost in the wars on all sides, some having disappeared entirely, it was not... impossible that there had been defectors of his House, those that had served with the rebels and traitors alike.

Would he punish a daughter for the sins of her father?

"What do you know of the House of Marr?" He finally spoke, ignoring her question entirely, as he gazed at her carefully, looking for any sign of deceit, needing to know if she was truly who she said she was, and who he might think she is.

Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr
She nodded again at the question, her hands clenched together behind her back squeezing each other trying to keep the rest of her from full-sprinting out of the situation. Or trying that is. Mariah had been taught a great deal about the force, but there was still a massive portion of history out there. And her education mostly only lasted until her parents death. She could never have learned everything in that time, but on top of that, she wouldn't have been told everything either.

Sure, there was some Marr of ancient past. But his tale was a short one and not one given much focus compared to the hordes of other pieces of knowledges. Of how the force worked, of the history of jedi or sith or other things, particularly relating to the more studious portions of the force. Arcane and alchemic and insightful. Weavings and seeing's. But less house's or lords and ladies.

Then the question of what she knew, she shook her head, "Not really anything I guess? I know of a Marr from a long time ago but I admit I've slacked a bit when it comes to politics or lineages. And there wasn't any 'house' of Marr my parents bothered to tell me about." she answered hesitantly, eventually anything would come out so...better to get some knowledge up front, she activated a small holo-projector and put her identification up there, "And I've been a bit behind on recent politics...hopefully you can forgive that much. Given..." she nodded her head to the identification, and that the birthdate was listed as 85 years ago, "I know some things about the force. But I'm really just a transporter and a scientist. I'm not out her trying to meddle in sith business." she tried to assure him.

Plenty of signs she was worried, not so much that she was trying to lie or manipulate him.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
mariahs-necklace (worn)
mariahs-gauntlet (worn)
orestiad-flight-suit (x3) (1 worn)
Aquatic Enviro-Shield (stored)
Atargatis skin (hidden)
A wide range of tools and equipment for technological repairs and creations.

IR-1 (x3)
bar-58-blaster-pistol (x4)
pv-16-sunfury-pulse-pistol (x2)

White-5 (Using 1 IR-1, 1 sunfury, 1 bar-58.)
20x Aristaeus Drones

Malum took the information as it came, she did not know of any House Marr, that much was not too surprising their previous generation was never that prominent, while the current generation... his generation would likely only be prominent within Sith space, as much as he could tell, her claim of being out of Sith space was not false. Still, the fact she knew of the great Darth Marr, even vaguely was an impressive feat, most knew nothing of the history of Darth Vitiate's Sith Empire, to know a figure beyond the Emperor... well call him biased, but it was enough for him to know he would need to be lenient.

Yet that went out of the window rather quickly, as he gazed upon the the information she pulled up, there was nothing too strange regarding it.

Apart from one detail.

One very significant detail.

Her birthdate was listed as nearly a century ago.

"Is this some kind of joke?" He hissed, even as something at the back of his mind, even as the amulet around his fingers grew hotter signalled to him the truth, this was entirely real, as impossible as it seemed.

This woman before him, the one doubtless appearing not much older or younger than him, was in fact apparently six decades older.

That predated the New Imperial Order.

That predated this generation of the Marrs.

What... did that mean?

"Has your science found a way to maintain youth...?" He gave her a look up and down, firmly confused, firmly... shock and surprise and confusion all rolling into one, "How... how is this possible?" Yet even as he asked, as his gaze fell towards the amulet around his neck, he felt he had an inkling.

Yet even then, his mind was drifting to another question... if her age was true, and she was a Marr.

She could be from another line from generations ago, long dead.

Ones that apparently had been part of a Fel Empire.

Who exactly was Jak Marr?

Who exactly was Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr ?
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She saw the time he read it, she'd gotten used to seeing the surprise people had. Usually, at worst, it meant a trip to the station until they realized everything backed it up. And while they may not understand the WHY of her being alive so long, they at least knew it was true. Maybe they blame it on cloning, maybe some fancy tech, whatever their reasons. But it was usually enough eventually for it to get it over with. Typically though, the sheer quantity of records she could send at a moments notice was enough to convince them it wasn't worth their time trying to figure it out.

She shook her head firmly as he asked if it was a joke, "It's real. There's more documentation to prove it than some data pads can even hold." she answered.

Then the question, of course, the 'how' of it all. She wanted to shrink away and vanish. Boy, that was a skill she wished she could have. But such a thing was not possible here, and certainly not with a sith staring right at her. And right at her necklace. She gripped her hands together to stop herself from reaching for it. "Something from my father." she really, really, did not want to elaborate further. What would a sith do if she told him? Just take it, almost certainly. What else could she expect, and that was death, a slow death over the next 60, maybe 80 or so years. One she feared. "And caution. Usually enough anyway..." the latter part both true, and a lamentation of her current situation.

Wasn't easy to try and admit it all had to do with the necklace. That it had kept her around so long just by being worn. Kept her young, kept her quite healthy. And kept her snagged to it. "It's not..." she wasn't sure how to phrase anything to convince him not to look into it. Despite her age, there were only so many interactions she'd had with sith. And that was very intentional. The jedi at least could be understanding, and were less likely to go after her over something like that. But sith, and many others, they weren't so eager to let some random, even a potential enemy, hang onto an artifact. Even if it's only attribute was that it extended her lifespan.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
mariahs-necklace (worn)
mariahs-gauntlet (worn)
orestiad-flight-suit (x3) (1 worn)
Aquatic Enviro-Shield (stored)
Atargatis skin (hidden)
A wide range of tools and equipment for technological repairs and creations.

IR-1 (x3)
bar-58-blaster-pistol (x4)
pv-16-sunfury-pulse-pistol (x2)

White-5 (Using 1 IR-1, 1 sunfury, 1 bar-58.)
20x Aristaeus Drones

He idly nodded at the answer, he did not doubt that there was more than enough documentation to prove this. Yet, that at this moment was far from what he wanted, he already knew in his heart of hearts that she a Marr, was telling him the truth, unless she was a liar even greater than him, but that seemed unlikely at best, she was telling him the truth.

No, the issue at hand was the how.

And she was clearly being evasive on that answer.

Truly... he did not want to push her on that point, even if he was desperately curious. Immortality was something to be frowned upon, to be crushed when one saw the chance, especially if one used their immortality to enslave the will of others.

But the extension of life.

Well, he was not so hypocritical to not see how similar they were, how functionally familiar. Yet... it existed in grey area, time... for now was not such a great weakness, he was young, he had the time to do what he wanted...

Yet, he was ageing.

And for what he wanted for the entire galaxy, who knew how much time he needed?

She was decades old... by what the documents said, nearly ninety.

Yet she looked no older than him.

If he could have more time...

...What could he achieve?

Temptation was there to seize the amulet, the thing he was so confident, was the secret of her abilities.

Yet, shame pooled just as quickly.

She was kin, and he was considering robbing her.

He let out a sigh, leaning back, giving her room to breathe.

"My apologies... Lady Marr..." That was... an odd thing to say.

He felt his own amulet grow hot at the name. All but confirmation... but there was one last thing to do.

Pulling on the amulet, feeling it as if it was a hot coal, he offered it to Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr , "There is however, one thing I need you to do, and depending on the result, you will be free to go, once the illicit cargo is seized," Truly either way she was free to go, he remembered after all what happened the day he met Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes , another found cousin.

But just like her, he doubted she would want to leave that quickly considering what was likely to be found.

"Touch the amulet, if you are what I believe you are, then I believe you will find it particularly enlightening," And horrifying, death was not something easy to witness.

But it would prove it once and for all.
She waited. Every moment in fear, waiting for something to happen, trying to stop the occasional twitchiness of a hand, or face muscle, or foot. Anything could still go wrong. What sith wouldn't want to take that necklace from her, or her ship, maybe throw her out an airlock. Or use one of the less practiced, but very real abilities, to rip all her knowledge from her minds and leave her as nothing. Death could be only a split second away, or an agonizing eternity.

Her brow furrowed quickly at the phrasing her chose to refer to her. Lady from a peer would be odd, Lady from a Sith would be impossible. Clear manipulation, what could he possibly want to gain by switching so quickly to that. Unless he'd messed up perhaps, then he maybe just wanted to avoid an incident and get her out of here. But even if that was true, there was surely no way he'd try and show that much respect over it. Not a sith, not unless he wanted something and somehow couldn't take it by force.

The man pulled an amulet out himself, she was utterly terrified of the possibilities of what it could be. She knew of FAR too many things it could do. Mind control, physical transformation, and things far, far more terrifying. But, what exactly could she do about it. But hope it wasn't going to be worse. Her heart was racing as slowly, and without a word, just glancing between him and his amulet, she moved a hand forwards.

A throne before her eyes, power flooding the room. Rage, justified. Pride, duty.
The emperor speaks of superiority in his fear of death and flight.
Disgust. Denial. His pawns fall like cattle.
And then, power. Weakness. A surge. Pain. Ripped from the body in an instant of failure.

Mariah retreated back from the amulet letting out a cry of pain, her whole body responded like she'd been hit by a shock herself tensing and flinging her back. And then there was more, sounds, and feelings, and awareness bled into her. Every movement she felt twice. And her eyes hurt. Like they were burning out of her skull! She saw nothing but red, every twitch of them like someone stabbed a needle inside.

She was curled on the ground gripping her face letting out a yelp of pain.

Above, the droid on her ship looked like he was ready to pounce at any moment. Any further sign of danger. But wasn't sure what to do just yet. Orders were not clear on this.

Her breathing was still fast, she was still absolutely terrified, her eyes began to feel less on fire, and she slowly stopped squirming. They ached still, like she'd spent days staring at a screen. And everything felt different, every sense. Every feeling. She stared at him, unsure how to respond from here, "What did you do?" she asked uncertainly.

Truth was, she felt she knew what she saw. The Emperor Valkorion, and of the Sith, the epitome of immortality, perhaps more so than any but a jedi ghost had ever achieved, and even then perhaps, and of course guilty of nearly destroying the galaxy, a very very long time ago. And facing him, Marr himself. One of the most powerful, and probably most just sith, of his era. And likely many others. And yet not enough to even stand up a moment to the grand evil before him.

She tried to collect her mind together, tried to blink away the dryness and aching. And the confusion. As unwittingly her eyes shifted from their prior color, to the Marr's red. As her utter lack of sensitivity in the force was replaced. As everything would change for her.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
He was transfixed, it was the moment of truth, as the amulet burned hotly in front of them both, Malum holding it by the chain. He was all but convinced that this was the truth, yet like all other times, it would be this that would prove it without a figment of doubt. She was scared, that much needed not to be said, it was obvious by the twitches present across her body.

Yet, whether she believed him or not, no matter how strange a circumstance as he had put them both in, the calculus of curiosity and self-consciousness would always win out. Whether she knew his purpose or not, it was an amulet he wore around his neck.

And no doubt she had questions of her own.

What harm was there in doing as he asked?

To answer her questions.

To be let free.

Such that there was no surprise, when her fingers grasped around the amulet.

And Malum stood transfixed, confirmation making itself felt, for as soon as her hands touched the amulet, it was as if she was burned, flinging herself back, no act, her mind as caused by her blood, playing through the memory, the vision, which he saw so many years ago, when his journey first began.

The pain, the anguish, as she fell upon the ground, gripping her face.

It was all so... familiar.

For after all, why would it not be?

She was as much

Malum eyed her droids warily, it would be unfortunate to destroy the property of his newly found kin, yet if they deigned to intervene, then he would be left with little other option.

Fortunately, they seemed programmed with enough intelligence, or at least an instinct for self-preservation to remain still until orders were given that may have indeed been suicidal.

His eyes flicked down to the convulsing form of his newly found cousin.

He wished he could have aided in some way, yet he knew at the end, she was in no true danger, that their shared great and famous ancestor would no harm to one of his blood, that all this was absolutely necessary for her to know who she truly was.


Malum's eyes widened, as they stared into eyes that were so much like his own.

That had never happened before.

They widened even further, as he felt the Force seemingly... exist, where it had not once before. All... most... were touched by the Force, yet where most could not themselves act through the Force, left forever slaves to it, he had been confident Mariah was the latter... but now the Force flowed through her, when it had not before.

...The amulet was able to do much.

But it could not do this...

...Could it?

He had never met a cousin without force sensitivity... could... the ashes of their great and famous ancestor, left as much a fragment in this galaxy... wield that much power?

Possible... truly possible... but unlikely.

And the eyes... Lily Rhodes Lily Rhodes ' and Revna Revna 's eyes had not shifted colour when they had touched the amulet... why would it now?

Mysteries, that only she would know the answer to.

Malum finally stood forward, leaning down, not yet answering her question, as his hands gently grasped around her shoulders, pulling her up to shaky legs, allowing himself to be used as support, as he offered a genial smile.

As questions whirled.

"Rise... Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr ," He breathed out, as good an answer as he could provide, "It seems... my suspicions were correct... we are kin, cousins likely... though you... from a generation far beyond mine." He would no doubt need to look through his own family tree... he did not know of any Mariah's... but well, if his suspicions were correct, and this, Jak, was abandoned... that would make sense.

...Yet why did he know his own name?

Yet another mystery.
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She tensed slightly at the attempt to bring her to her fight, wary after what happened last time. Still...this time there was nothing. Her droids, thank the force, hadn't attacked. That was how they were designed afterall. What their orders were. They had to be cautious not to open fire unless there was an active threat or given a signal. Pre-emptive firing caused too many times everyone involved to die. And she was far too close to the biggest threat on this ship. Or at least she hoped he was the biggest threat.

Mariah held doubt about that smile, whatever the...sense she was now having might tell her. Yet, the more her mind began to connect itself back together. The more her excitement tried to challenge her fear, the more her curiosity bubbled up inside her seeking more. His words only furthered that. Yet, they were still a stunning statement. Kin, with sith. Not just Marr, but the Marr. And his descendants were around, with star destroyers at their disposal no less.

What options were there? Ask to be let go? Then what? Live knowing that she was now on the radar of sith, a known relative, maybe even a threat? She'd already been spotted out as a smuggler, if she tried to...back out, what then? "What a waste." and death? No....there were answers here, there was possibly even the options of a security she would never gain on her own. The possibility of protecting her necklace even longer, her ship, her life, her time.

Her thoughts and fear rushed through her, just as the force now did, eyes dashing this and that. Is father? A sith? Is this why I never knew what he actually did? It explains so much, why I was taught so much, why my parents vanished. Where does this path take me?

There was little choice was there. She looked back up to Malum, "What does it mean? For me? I was never exactly trained as a sith...I'm just a scientist pilot....with maybe some unusual stores of knowledge, but still. Why does my ancestry matter to you?" she worried about even asking more questions, but she was growing more...trusting, that this wasn't some ploy. That he wasn't going to skewer her with a final 'it doesn't' or something. But it didn't mean she didn't have fear.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

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