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Approved Tech Bloodeater, an Axe

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Bloodeater, an Axe

Intent: To create a personal weapon for Rel Ahn-Dross
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Primary Source: N/A

Manufacturer: Rel Ahn-Dross Rel Ahn-Dross ; Senar Ahn-Dross Senar Ahn-Dross
Affiliation: Rel Ahn-Dross Rel Ahn-Dross
Market Status: Closed-Market
Model: N/A
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Mullinine, Beskar Plating, Alchemized Terentatek Bone, Alchemized Leather

Classification: Axe
Size: Large
Weight: Heavy

Alchemized Components
Force Imbued
Bound with Dathomiri Magic

  • Imbued with the Force: The Axe is imbued with the Force enhancing its durability beyond the norm. It can safely be used to block and/or deflect blows from a lightsaber without incurring damage. Likewise due to its imbuement with the force the axe is lighter than it appears and can be controlled more easily in combat.
  • Bound with Dathomiri Magic: The Axe was bound with a spell upon creation by Rel's sister, Senar Ahn-Dross Senar Ahn-Dross . Senar bound a Spell of Assistance to the axe which enabled the axe to create a sort of symbiotic bond with its wielder. Whenever the axe wounds another being it subsequently heals its wielder due to the spell, this has the visual effect of the blood absorbing into the blade of the axe hence its name Bloodeater.
  • A Blade meant for Battle: Aside from being imbued with the force the blade of the Axe is made of honed mullinine and overlaid with beskar plating ensuring that its edge will never dull. It can chip away at stone, steel, etc and never see any diminishment in its own integrity.

  • Unwieldy: As with any other axe it can be unwieldy. It's best used two handed though a particularly strong or large individual could use it with one and if you miss your blows with it then quick recovery can be difficult ensuring it's best not to overextend yourself against any skilled opponents.
  • Force Imbuement: Due to its imbuement with the force it's all but impossible to hide the axe from the senses of Jedi, Sith, etc. If it were to ever lose the imbuement the axe would still be highly resistant to forms of damage thanks to the materials used in its construction.
  • Force Nullification/Suppression: Much the same as if the imbuement were lost the axe would still function in its base form and with the resistances inherent to the materials used in its construction but would no longer benefit from force augmentation or the Dathmorir spell boudn to it while it remained in the area of supression/nullification.

Bloodeater is a particularly large and fearsome axe optimized for two handed use. Rel Ahn-Dross created it using the bones of a Terentatek for its haft which were alchemized for durability on which he fitted a head of mullinine honed to a deadly edge and plated with beskar to ensure it retained its killing prowess. Similarly, alchemized leather is wrapped around the haft of the axe to ensure a stable grip at all times.

Once the axe was craft Rel imbued it with the force and enlisted his sister, Senar to bind a Dathomiri spell to it as well ensuring that it was even more potent. The Spell of Assistance ensures that whenever Bloodeater tastes the blood of an enemy it subsequently heals its wielder, the sight of which appears as the blade of the axe absorbing the blood into it and channeling the healing effect into the wielder.

The Axehead is inlaid with small sigils and signs denoting its lineage among those of Clan Ahn-Dross as well. These are purely asthetic in nature ensuring that the axe is eyecatching as well as fearsome.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Rel Ahn-Dross Rel Ahn-Dross

Nice and cool axe!
  • To the image source, please use this link.
  • Please put an N/A to the Primary Source.
  • You cannot use Senar Ahn-Dross as manufacturer without their permission. So please ask this, or please remove their name from the Manufacturer.
  • And I see you mentioned what happen if the axe lose the imbuement, but please add one more weakness to your list. What happen with the axe under Force Nullification and/or Force suppression effects.
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