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Spoiler Book of Boba Fett Episode 5 | Skeevi's Mom has Spoilers

Well-Known Member
This was easily my most entertaining episode for me so far.

But it's arguably just The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 1, and not really The Book of Boba Fett. I'm surprised, really surprised they put this much emphasis on him for the entire episode. There are only three episodes left, no? I really want to find out why this show is called "The Book" of Boba Fett.

Ring World was cool, Grogu chain mail is cute, and hot-rodded naboo starfighter is surprisingly badass

Oh yeah, and dating Jawas is a thing humans do, but Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill 's mom did it before it was cool.
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You know things aren't going great when the best episode doesn't even involve the main character. Good to see Mando back really writers? Can't shoehorn the MAIN CHARACTER on to the show?
It was awesome to say the least, a lot of cool tidbits scattered across that offered substance to the audience. However, that said, it then becomes an issue in of itself once the titular character is overshadowed by someone else and the fans wish to see Boba in Din's shoes instead. Or so the conversations with friends I've had has made me believe. It was The Mandalorian S3E1 to me, too. It made me wish I had seen Boba in that role instead, able to solo a room rather than exist as some old man thrown across a room and talk, and talk, and talk.

He's silent in ESB and ROTJ due to a lack of lines, but his portrayals since (both Legends and Canon) have had a mainly silent Boba. Even Temuera Morrison thinks he talks too much.

If the season is meant to have seven episodes and one is dedicated to another character entirely, I have concerns for the final two (especially since Rodriguez still has one more left to direct).

If nothing else, I hope Boba is able to be cool for once sometime soon.
The worst part is I was planning on giving a character of mine a modified n-1 due to the sublight thrusters and design and what do they do? Add an n-1. When they had the ship covered I honestly thought it was a pod racer.
Lots to like about this episode. The visuals on the Mandalorian Purge? Fething amazing. Those TIE Bombers dropping nukes, droids picking through the blasted ruins Terminator style, the pile of Mandalorian helmets, beautifully executed. A whole lot of lore and emotion in like a minute, and something that helps explain the practices of the religious sect that Mando is part of - zealous, paranoid survivors of a genocide who see themselves as the only true keepers of their culture. The whole "Bo-Katan caused this with the curse" bit was interesting.

In short, this episode of The Mandalorian was great! Shame about whatever's going on with the Book of Boba Fett.

I kid. Mostly. There have been moments of Boba, like the fantastic worldbuilding for the Tusken Raiders, that I have loved. But the show as a whole has felt kind of... unmoored. The jumping back and forth in time, with basically all of the interesting action in the past, has meant that it's hard to get as invested in the show's present, usually a small part of each episode. The overall threat keeps being unclear; I was ready for it to be the Twins, but then suddenly they don't seem to be, now it's the Pykes (which is cool, glad to see them, but we haven't really seen them do anything properly menacing yet). The show just meanders a bit too much.

I'd have just set the whole first season in the past, covering the period from Boba getting eaten to his rise to Daimyo.

Mando's special guest episode makes me wonder if The Mandalorian isn't getting a season 3, just one episode out of every new show to himself. Rangers of the New Republic? Look, here's an episode about Mando that features the rangers for five minutes at the end. The Acolyte? An entire episode that's a vision of whatever Mando is doing in the present. Obi-Wan? Let's check in with Mando. Audiences like Mando, so let's just sprinkle his story in to get them to watch these shows we're not as certain people will watch.

That's a joke. I hope.
The Corellian Sharpshooter
Episode 5 was good. I'm surprised, though, that anything Boba-related happened in the last three minutes. It was just Mando the whole time. I mean, I'm not complaining, Mando and the Darksaber and the souped-up Naboo starfighter and the Grogu chainmail and all of that was awesome, but if Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni want to make another Mandalorian then they should just do that in a separate show. Besides that insight, the episode was pretty great. Plus, we're probably going to see Grogu next episode, and I am 99% certain that he will accompany Mando in the retrofitted droid socket. That would be pretty cool.
Hmm, I wonder if I could do a review of this episode without mentioning the special guest star?

Anyways, I greatly enjoyed this episode, and hope it sets a new standard for future episodes. The Ring World was fantastic, and I hope we get some more information on it soon. 28 days from now, I am definitely going to set a thread on it. I also liked the continuous shot with no cuts as well. Also, was it just my imagination, or was the public transport starship of the same model as the ship Anakin and Padme ride to Naboo in Attack Of The Clones?

I also liked the expanded lore about the Mandalorians and their weapons. That flashback sequence in particular was quite striking, if a little bit dramatic. One thing I found a bit confusing was the lack of defenses on the city. On a planet with so much historical war and conflict, you would think they would be more prepared for something like that. Minor gripes aside, it was the 2nd best flashback the show has given us.

The Tatooine segment was a bit underwhelming though. I suppose I am heavily biased against The Phantom Menace, but a lot of it just felt unnecessary. Also, I have never really liked N-1s, and the one in this episode felt like gratuitous prequel fan pandering. Peli Motto was pretty much the only thing keeping it from turning into a complete slog. I am also a bit annoyed that we did not get to see more of the Pyke Syndicate, but I suppose the longer they are gone, the less likely it is that they are going to get usurped by someone else, like Prince Xixor or Qi’ra.

Overall, I would give this an 8 out of 10.

Matt the Radar Tech

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Mandalorian season 3 is off to a great start!

Silver-armored Boba Fett was amazing!

Bounty hunting is, and always will be, infinitely more interesting to me than sitting in Jabba's palace talking about tributes!

Heavy energy sword!

Terminator KS20s are scary!

Bombs go boom pretty!

Naboo starfighters with v8 engine blocks are silly, but pretty!

Also, N1 starfighters aren't good for bounty hunting - no room, unless bounties get stuffed into the refurbished droid slot!

Anyway, I can't express how much I enjoyed watching another episode of Mandalorian. Not only did it make me completely forget Boba Fett - for real, I didn't even care he wasn't in it - but I now just want to see season 3. I do question why the powers-that-be decided to wedge an episode of Mando into the Boba Fett series, and... I am inclined to believe it was intentional, to save failing viewing ratings.


This was a fully formed and realized Mando episode. My thought is that an episode of Boba Fett was removed, for the sake of taking a season 3 episode, and replacing it. The events of this Mando episode bridged far too many plot devices and threads - new ship, being kicked from the cult, losing the spear, etc - and seemed like Fennec was a last minute add on.

Part of me wonders if they actually did it. Another makes me wonder if they knew Boba would struggle, so they preemptively prepared a Mando inclusion... still inclined to think this was an early Mando season 3 episode, shoehorned for ratings.

Either way, I'm iffy on whether I see Boba getting renewed for season 2, and instead think - like I originally did, after Mando season 2 - that the three characters (Mando, Boba and Fennec) will be merged into a singular group (under Mando title) and work as a unit.

Either way, the Mandalorian episode was the best Boba Fett episode so far.

Ex-Pirate. Former Pirate. Truly.
I want a palace on one of those ring worlds.


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