Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Bottom of the Barrel

Jorrann Lanchur awoke.

The freighter began to shudder a little though enough to disturb him from his slumber. Looking around, Jorrann could see the many boxes surrounding he and his girlfriend: Ghette Gabece Ghette Gabece as shaking a bit. Ghetto slept soundly placing her head against his chest, a small smile was formed on her pale face. Jorrann couldn't help but smirk at his childhood friend now lover having a good night's rest after spending time worrying about what they were going to do. Jorrann and Ghette grew up together in the lower levels of Corascant, specifically level 1313. The place was high enough to form a "civilized" society but low enough to where the Galactic Alliance and the New Jedi Order couldn't afford to stretch their already thin assets to patrol the streets. That meant the only people that ran level 1313 were gangs from the Hutts, drug dealers, to Bounty Hunter organizations and orphans like Jorrann were caught in the middle.

To say it was a tough life would be an understatement, everyday Jorrann had to take any job that he could. Whether it was spying for rival gangs, or selling Deathsticks in the streets at night or valuables from innocents. If it weren't for Ghette, then he would've lost his mind years ago, he found stable work as a low level smuggler recently. It turned out Jorrann was pretty good at it, smuggling some drugs among gangs or more importantly information. If there was a few things that Jorrann had besides Ghette, was his charm and being a crackshot with a blaster pistol. Smuggling thankfully provided both and he saw it as a ticket to make lots of credits for him and Ghette. For too long, the pair have been nomads without a ship sneaking in the back of freighters trying to eek out a living.

Right now Jorrann accepted a job from a merchant who lived in Ord Mantell to smuggle items to the Galactic Alliance. If Jorrann succeeded, he would receive the biggest payday of his life of course he was going to get in on the action. "Hey," Jorrann leaned in and kissed Ghette’s long magenta hair. "We're almost to Ord Mantell."
The road to this point in life had been a long, sad one for Ghette. The only thing ever of any good in Ghette's life was Jorrann Lanchur Jorrann Lanchur and even with him around things weren't always good. Ghette's only marketable talent were her sticky fingers. Using them caused as much bad as good, and that was why Jorrann had to bail her out and keep her safe all the time. Even then Ghette knew she wasn't always safe. But now that Jorrann seemed to be getting better jobs smuggling, and she was able to stay by his side, things looked like they finally might make a turn for the better.

The magenta haired young woman remembered finding a spot to hold up in the freighter for the Jorrann's job. She didn't remember where they were heading and she certainly had no intention of falling asleep as she had during the trip. Whenever she was huddled close to Jorrann and they were moving away from Coruscant, Ghette's anxiety seemed to ease and somehow that translated into sleep almost all the time. Usually when she woke she would feel quite guilty. She somehow assumed that Jorrann was awake cuddling her and making sure that she was safe. There were so many other things that they could be doing together on a trip like this,. She felt bad...

Especially when the thing to rouse her from sleep was the touch of his lips against her hair, or forehead, or lips. His gentle voice brought a smile to Ghette's lips, even though she would have been quite happy to stay in the happy dream that she had been lost in. "Ord Mantell?? Did you tell me that was where we were going?" Ghette asked rubbing the sleep from her eyes and blinking to focus the crates the couple had snuck in amongst to make the trip. "Not that it much matters. Any place is better than Coruscant." She grabbed hold of Jorrann's hand and leaned in to kiss him lightly on the lips. "Do you need my help for anything? This is the big one right?"
Ever since her job with Zartax failed, Ghette was paranoid at the fact that the minor Hutt could find her and Jorrann and kill them. It was the major reason why the two fled Corascant and are on the run. That and Jorrann had plans in expanding his Smuggling career, for too long he did work strictly in the lower levels of Corascant but with Ghette's run in with Zartax it gave Jorrann the excuse to finally leave the planet. The young man chuckled ruffling Ghette's long magenta hair. Ghette didn't like her natural color combined with the fact that she wanted to disguise herself from Zartan and found a malfunctioning hair stylist droid to dye her hair blue before they left. The Droid mistranslated it to magenta and it ended with Ghette cursing the droid out until Jorrann told her that he liked it.

"Yes that's where we're going Ghette," Jorrann chuckled kissing Ghette on the forehead.

Gheete was a talented thief capable of slipping in and out but the Hutts were ruthless even their minor crime lords were more feared than the average ones. "I've told you Ghette," Jorrann said. "This is the first time I've got a smuggling mission that's off planet, this person: Rodrick has some valuable items that he wants to smuggle to some high ranking officers in the Galactic Alliance and the best part is. He has connections and he pays well our road to poverty ends at Ord Mantell I can just smell it in the air."

The young man raised an eyebrow. "Better yet that's just your perfume," he chuckled kissing Ghette back. "You look very nice Ghette," he said. "Then again I say that everyday. Love your attire."

Another shutter was felt as entire ship began to rumble. "Looks like we're entering the atmosphere." Jorrann mumbled hugging Ghette. "Won't be long until we reach the surface."

Ghette Gabece Ghette Gabece

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