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Approved Starship Bucephalus Class Fast Diplomat

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  • This advanced warship contains all of the standard engines, shielding, internal and external systems that would be expected of a ship of this kind


  • Fast Hyperdrive - The ship has a state of the art fast hyperdrive, allowing it to cross the galaxy in a fraction of the time it would take the average Starship.
  • High Security - With the latest in electronic packages including the advanced SAINT AI, diplomats can be assured that any communication or other state secrets aboard will remain secure
  • Tough Vessel - In keeping with its duties of ferrying around some of the most important dignitaries of the Ashlan Crusade, the vessel is designed to be very durable, allowing it to get its passengers to safety if needed.
  • Stealthy - The digital Countermeasures and stealth coating make the vessel stealthy and hard to track if not using its hyperdrive.

  • Lightly armed - Never intended as a warship the vessel has enough armaments to ward off pirates or oppunitistic bounty hunters, but if you expect to be entering hostile territory, the ships toughness and speed are its only real defenses.
  • Limited capacity - For a ship of its size it has a fairly low capacity for consumables and cargo, instead having large and well appointed private quarters and a fairly large meeting space.
  • Making a big Entrance - The powerful engines have a large energy signature making the ship easy to detect when entering or exiting hyperspace. Like all good Crusaders, this ship likes to announce its arrival.
  • Limited stealth - The ship does not have a cloaking device, relying on sensor tricks and stealth coating. It can be tracked by convential systems, even if its exact location cannot be pinpointed.

As the political reach of the Ashlan Crusade expanded, so did the need for increased mobility amongst its high command. The distance across the galaxy to reach its ally the Eternal Empire was a week or more with existing ships. In conjunction with HPI r&d that created the new engine, Archangel build the Bucephalus Class, cutting the journey time by 90% and also the cost of travelling as instead of sending an entire warship, a dignitary could travel in comfort, surrounded by their personal bodyguard and just a few essential crew members.

The Bucephalus has a large underslung cargo bay which can store ground vehicles and around two months of consumables for a full complement, although politicians can vary wildly in their needs so this is only an average. The ship has 6 fully equipped state rooms, a meeting chamber for a dozen or more officials and enough space to accommodate around 30 humanoids in total. The minimum crew is one as a pilot, but it is recommended at least 1 co-pilot, a navigator, and two additional engineers to run the ship at full efficiency. With no cargo aboard, in an emergency the shuttle would be able to sleep dozens more in its cargo bay, but this would be uncomfortable.

The quarters themselves are of average size, being a shuttle, but lavishly Equipped and each room is secured individually from the others including a secure access terminal.

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  • Affiliation: (Individual Character Name (an individual PC/NPC who is permitted to use this item), Company Name(s) (Companies authorised to use this submission), Faction Name(s) (Factions authorised to use this submission), other potential options include a submitted NPC unit, or another general organisation/group. For Affiliation limitations on who can field what, please see For more details see the Star Ship rules.)
Missing that field, please add it in.

Cannot use Limited production items on a Minor Submission, either reduce the production or remove the SAINT, no exceptions.

Let me know when you address these.
Hanaya Enzar Hanaya Enzar
Listib Hibin Listib Hibin

Good morning and thank you for looking at this.

Re added affiliation, not sure how I deleted that.

Changed production to limited to accommodate our AI system that I forgot was limited. Put extra balance point onto maneuverability.

Thank you
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