Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Business Negotiations

Csilla. Ths Chiss homeworld and the capital of the Iron Empire. The icy planet was far in the Outer Rim, but made a suitable place for the meeting to take place. The city of Csaplar was the center of most politics that occurred in the sector, and this would be no different. Vinten Veers, the High Warden of Csilla, had invited other representatives from the Corporate Sector and the Iron Empire to meet in the capitol building. Vinten would take them to the conference room where he had had numerous meetings with other Iron Empire officials, and officials from other factions. This time though, he would act as a mediator between the two, as he belonged to both and had a vested interest in both.

He stood outside the large gray building, guarded by several soldiers in black armor. They held rifles, and had capes draped over their left shoulder, showing that they were government soldiers. Vinten's arms were crossed, and he was somewhat annoyed. The meeting was scheduled to begin in the next fifteen minutes, and none of the representatives had arrived yet.

As he stood there, a red protocol droid came out, walking up behind him. "Sir, the conference room is prepared. Shall I begin welcoming the guests?"

Vinten hated the incompetence of droids sometimes. He spun around, sticking his finger right in the droids face. "Do you see any guests!? Because I don't!" He sighed, and then pointed at the building. "Go inside and be prepared to serve them drinks when they finally arrive. I will welcome them myself."

"Yes sir" The droid hobbled up the steps and back inside, not bothering to look back at Vinten's sneer.

[member="William Griffin"] [member="Priscilla Genesis"] [member="Viktor Alexander"]
The yacht Priscilla was aboard slowly pulled into dock, and with her exiting would be 8 royal guard members along with a protcol droid. She looked around the station and saw it to be in pristine condition. A good first impression, let's hope it stays that way. As they would begin the approach to the arranged destination, the Protocol droid would speak for her rather than her speaking herself.

"Priscilla Genesis, Royal Trade Ambassador to the Pantoran Republic, Trade Ambassador for the Corporate Sector and Diplomatic Negotiator"

She would nod as the droid said this, following up with.

"Greetings, let's hope this won't take too long. I see I'm the first to arrive. Is there an area for my escort to wait? They are here for my explicit protection only. My Droid will be accompanying me inside"

She would speak in an assertive tone, knowing what she was saying was what was going to happen. She knew as a trade ambassador, being friendly wasn't the first priority, business was and sometimes economics requires a tough hand to get what you want. She looked at the smartly dressed man; looking him up and down.

[member="Vinten Veers"]
Exactly ten minutes before the meeting was scheduled to begin a small shuttle arrived bearing Iron Empire markings. It settled down on the pad not far from where High Warden Veers and a young looking Pantoran woman were waiting.

The ramp lowered and Viktor descended the ramp in his warden's uniform flanked by an Iron Empire Army Captain in dress uniform. Both walked up to the pair. The Captian popping a crisp salute and Viktor giving his fellow Warden a nod.

"Warden Veers thank you for the invitation it is could to get the chance to work with you again."

Viktor turned to the Pantoran woman and her droid.

"Viktor Alexander High Warden of Ilum and Commanding Officer of First Battalion, Third Regiment, Iron Empire Army. This is Captain Marcus Stanforth my Executive Officer."

Viktor then turned to the host ready to follow them both to the Conference room so they could get down to business. Apparently the Empire was considering a trade deal and he was here to discuss specifics of such a deal. Economics was of great interest to Viktor and something he had some experience in. Granted limited experience but experience none the less.

[member="Vinten Veers"] [member="Priscilla Genesis"]

William Griffin

"it's cold as hell out here...What the hell are we doing over on this side of the plaza, the capital building is over there." One of William's companions would speak out through clenched teeth, he was obviously not used to the cold weather of Csilla. William would puff out a cloud of smoke, his cigarette between his fingers. "Its called respect imbecile, you don't want to leave a bad impression on the Iron Empire before we even get negotiations started now do we?" He would say as he brought the cigarette back to his lips. They were leaning up against a building across the capital.

"But that doesn't help if we're late." His other companion would pipe up as he founded the corner, he was tapping his watch. William sighed as he dropped his cigarette then stomped on it. "Hate it when you're right Jake, come on lads, let's not keep those blokes waiting." William would say as he readjusted his hat and began a brisk walk across the plaza and to the capitol building.

Upon reaching the building armoured guards would be present, each of them in black armour complete with a cape. He would smile. They were obviously trained. He came just as [member="Priscilla Genesis"]'s protocol droid finished introducing her.

He would chuckle at her introduction, eyeing her royal guards down as she asked about where they'd wait. He looked at the two men following him. "Go ahead and head to the ship...I'll be fine." They simply nodded before walking off. William would then tip his hat.

He'd look to [member="Viktor Alexander"], he hadn't met him before, he seemed to be the other Iron Empire representative.

"William Griffin, Corporate Sector Authority, nice to meet you, sorry if I was late." He would say breifly.
[member="Vinten Veers"]
After yelling at the protocol droid, Vinten spun back around, just in time to see the Vacht landing in front of him. He let out a breath of air, and turning his sneer back into his usual smirk. "Ah, very good. Our visitors have begun to arrive."

He watched as [member="Priscilla Genesis"], her droid, and her guards all came out of the ship, walking straight across the plaza and up the steps to meet him. He listened to the droid's introduction, and stuck his arms out to the side, almost like he was going to give someone a hug. "Ah! Ambassador Genesis! So glad you could make it." He then took a step down, reaching out his hand to shake hers. "I missed you at the meeting of the Founding 10, but I am sure we will spend quite a bit of time working together." He motioned behind him, and began to speak again. "Your guards are free to wait outside the conference room or return to your ship. My guards will be the only guards in the room with us, however your droid is welcome."

Moments later, High Warden [member="Viktor Alexander"] came in behind, accompanied by an officer. Vinten smiled, reaching his hand out to shake his fellow Warden's. "Ah, Warden Alexander, so glad you could make it. I look forward to working with you again."

Then came [member="William Griffin"], one of the Founding 10 of the Corporate Sector and a man Vinten had already spoken with. He reached his hand out to shake his, hopefully his final one for the introductions. "Ah, Mr. Griffin! I am very excited to see what propositions you have!"

He spun around, sticking his hand up and pointing toward the entrance. His guards both spun, grabbing the stocks of their rifles and letting the barrel rest on their shoulders. They began to march toward the entrance and Vinten looked to the diplomats. "Shall we begin?"
Viktor smiled shaking offered hands and giving out polite smiles. Other than that Viktor remained stoically quiet. Once the delegation began to move towards the conference room Viktor would fall in step walking a foot or two to the left and middle ways between Warden Veers and the delegates. The Captain walking directly behind Viktor. It would almost seem as if the Captain was there not as a guard but serving double duty as Viktor's assistant and adviser.

A curious thing perhaps but a necessary one to help Viktor juggle both his responsibilities as a Warden and as an Army Officer. When they reached their destination the Captain would of course stop finding a spot outside of the room to remain until the meeting was instructions seemed to be needed for him to do so.

[member="Vinten Veers"] [member="Priscilla Genesis"] [member="William Griffin"]
As she heard the words "High Warden" a sense of admiration came across her, something her father always dreamed of having, order. The Iron Empire was something that literally characterized the word 'Order' despite this, there was no place for her in such an organisation. At least not yet. She turned to [member="Viktor Alexander"] and began to speak. "I have always admired the work of your Nation. I strive that Pantora too may become like it one day, possibly even joining it." She would stop speaking as she then continued to follow [member="Vinten Veers"] with the protocol droid directly behind her. "R-341, take notes of the meeting for my father to glance over later."

William Griffin

William Griffin

[member="Vinten Veers"] was something else, they had previously met though briefly. William himself has heard little of the Iron Empire. But it was enough to know that they were a powerful force that was not to be trifled with. The Warden would greet [member="Priscilla Genesis"] and [member="Viktor Alexander"] before coming up and shaking William's hand. He would speak in a tone William hated... That superiority, William hated it. But he would smile, one day he hoped to gain that superiority, but he kept that to himself and beamed a bright smile to the man.

"Likewise Warden." He'd say in a cheery tone. He would then follow behind everyone as they entered the capitol building.

He took note of the officer following the high Warden, too clean press of a uniform, the conference room was near.

"So Warden Veers, what does your Empire hope to accomplish?" He would ask simply trying to make conversation.
Vinten led the pack,a guard on either side of him. He walked just like any rich person would, with a smirk on his face and a spring in his step. As they walked, he could hear [member="Priscilla Genesis"] and [member="Viktor Alexander"] talking, and was glad that nobody was at anybodies throats, at least not yet. As he walked, he heard a voice come behind him. It was [member="William Griffin"], asking about the future plans for the Iron Empire. He looked back for a moment, but did not stop walking as he spoke. "The Iron Empire is a haven! A safe place for those who want to stay out of the wars of the Jedi and the Sith. Our neutrality is what makes us a lure for the galaxy, and we just hope to expand, creating an expansive empire that welcomes all, in a galaxy of peace, and order." He kept walking, and then gave his associate something to ponder. "My plans however, those are a secret." He smirked, having every step of his life already planned out.

They reached a room with two guards, one on either side, and an Iron Empire officer standing at the entrance. "High Warden." The officer bowed slightly, and stepped out of the way of the door.

"Thank you Captain Salve." He turned back to the group. "Ladies and gentlemen, here we are. Head on inside. Your guards may wait out here with mine, but your droids may enter. Drinks will be served momentarily." Vinten moved to the side and stood beside Captain Salve, allowing the others to enter.
As she heard the Politicans response ([member="Vinten Veers"]) she pressed the issue further. "Oh no do tell, Mr Veers, only business associates are present, I'm sure spreading some of your political secrets wouldn't get you shot. Tell me, what about new members to this Empire? I myself am interested in joining, never been much of a fighting woman but always interested in the politics of things. I'll even tell you, before my father was exiled I represented Pantora to the Confederacy of Independent Systems and resolved a diplomatic dispute. Needless to say, I am a seasoned professional."

She gives a smirk as the Protocol droid would begin to recall information. "Lady Genesis is speaking the truth. She is Assistant-Diplomatic Officer to the Prime Minister, although currently she is plot-.." She would turn to the droid, giving it a ghostly stare. "Let's keep that quiet for now, R-341". Turning back to the group, "Oh no but seriously, do tell, I am very interested in this little organisation you've got here. I'm sure my most esteemed collegue ([member="William Griffin"]) will vouch for me in saying the Corporate sector are very intrigued in Iron Empire."

[member="Viktor Alexander"]
Viktor smiled waiting in relative silence until the got to the conference room. He did give Lady Genesis a nod. He would move to his seat but not sit until his guests did.

"I thank you Lady Genesis for your kind words and shall gladly share them with the Emperor......I am sure he will be glad to hear them."

Viktor smiled softly at the exchange between Warden Veers and Lady Genesis. He would pause for a moment before speaking.

"It may sound a bit cliche and forced but the goals of the Empire are very simple." To provide a safe place for our people to not just survive but prosper. One way to do that is through economic stability. To provide sufficient goods and services to our people...............and with any luck jobs. This is hopefully where your organization comes in."

Viktor paused.

"We can provide safety and security to our people through the Army and the Navy. We can provide some jobs and opportunists through or own corporate as well as Research and Development people." "However there are a vast number of resources and goods that are not native to the worlds of the Iron Empire."

Viktor smiled.

"With any luck today we may work towards a mutually beneficial agreement to resolve that. One that will ultimately need to be ratified by the Emperor but I see no reason we can't hash out some parameters to such an agreement."

[member="Vinten Veers"] [member="Priscilla Genesis"] [member="William Griffin"]

A slick, white and red painted Sheathipede-class Shuttle slid through the air over Csaplar, constant and sure in it's movements. It landed in a nearby spaceport, going through the normal protocols. Dravis turned in his chair, removing himself from the copilot seat. His pilot, a rather disgruntling Geonosian. His seven guards, a group of rather disgruntling Geonosians, all carrying sonic rifles.

The Bith had gotten used to the company he kept, but others here obviously wouldn't have. Instead of leaving them on the ship, as he may have otherwise, he decided to bring three along, leaving the other four and the pilot to guard his shuttle. He would use them to stand out, to show how far the Corporate Sector reached. While it may garner a slight bit of mistrust for the Sith, he figured the benefits outweighed the costs.

Finally, the Acolyte came within sight of the building the meeting was to take place in, and he saw a group of guards huddled outside. Dravis whispered something to his guard in Geonosian, who relayed the message to the others. They scattered, flying up and over the nearby buildings, disappearing from view. The Bith continued forward, until he came to the door, and was escorted in once he said his name.

The interior of the building was quite exquisite. He would expect nothing less from an Empire. He walked in on the tail end of [member="Viktor Alexander"], of whom he could identify as one of these said Imperials.

Dravis' voice, light and rather happy, would follow the man's voice, seemingly apparating from the shadows.

"I'd hope that luck won't be any part of this negotiation." Dravis smiled coyly, the folds on his face curling. "I would like to think that us being here was planned, and we will all treat this deal with the respect it deserves, not simply as a thing to be left to chance, like some game." Dravis really did not like chances.

The Sith looked around, his deep, endlessly black eyes containing simmering sparks of bright energy. "I know some of your faces, but I do not believe any of us have been introduced. I am Dravis Rosilla, and I will be making sure this deal goes smoothly. I look forward to creating this mutually-benefiting agreement with all of you, sincerely."

He bowed to the group, hands clasped together. Perhaps in the future, he would have the power to disregard pleasantries like this, but until then, he was forced to smooth down the quills of politics.

- [member="Priscilla Genesis"] - [member="Vinten Veers"] - [member="William Griffin"] -
Questions, questions and...more questions! Everyone seemed to be more interested in the Iron Empire than the situation at hand. [member="Priscilla Genesis"] began pressing about Vinten's political goals, but then fortunately began to go on about what she had accomplished and her interests in the Empire. That gave Vinten an escape route to avoid what he had planned. "The Empire is welcoming of all newcomers, and someone with political experience like yourself is surely welcome! As the empire expands more and more planets will need leaders and Warden's to oversee them."

Then [member="Viktor Alexander"] chimed in, letting Vinten stop talking. He looked back to his captain and frowned, before walking into the room, the door shutting behind him. [member="Dravis Rosilla"] came in just before the door shut, and Vinten had completely forgotten he had been invited. The invitation had been given to everyone inside the Corporate Sector, but he had forgotten Dravis had replied.

As everyone found a seat and got settled, Vinten moved to the head of the table and sat down, his protocol droid coming out with a try of drinks. "This is AP-321, he will bring you drinks and refills. Please be sure to ask for whatever you need. He will take care of it." The droid began to walk around to each person, asking what they wanted from his tray of drinks. Meanwhile, Vinten began. "Well everyone, welcome officially to the Iron Empire Embassy. I am so glad you could all make it. As you know we are here to discuss terms for business and protection between the Corporate Sector and the Iron Empire. Seeing as I am a member of both, I will act as a mediator more than a supporter of either side. However I will step in if I have input. Who would like to begin?"

[member="William Griffin"]
As she sat down in the conference room, she would lead off of what the mediator ([member="Vinten Veers"]) had said, giving a smile as she did so. "Well, I'd like to thank everybody for joining my fellow representative and for these negotiations. I believe the first order of business we will be discussing is the possibility of expanding The Iron Empire into Corporate Sector influenced areas. I speak for myself but I'm sure my most esteemed colleagues who are not present would agree with me in saying as a Trading organisation, we are constantly at threat from external influences, a prominent example being the rising Galactic Alliance who control a large portion of 3 major hyperlanes in the galaxy, them being the Rimmo, Hydian and Corellion trade route. As an established major power in the universe, what would you do in protecting our interests in these areas?"

She would then glance round to the other negotiators, awaiting a response.

[member="Vinten Veers"] [member="Dravis Rosilla"] [member="Viktor Alexander"] [member="William Griffin"]

William Griffin

sorry for the late reply

William followed the group into the conference room after hearing [member="Vinten Veers"] speak about how the Iron Empire seeks freedom and peace. The teen almost scoffed at the remark, he had always hated the idea of being held under the authority of a government. The conference room was nice. He took a seat next to [member="Priscilla Genesis"] who said that the Corporate Sector had much interest in the Iron Empire. The teen would not his head as he sat back in the chair. "But of course, the Corporate Sector is much intrigued by the Empire." He would then remain quiet as [member="Viktor Alexander"] spoke about how the Empire protects their army and navy, and how they wanted a mutually convenient agreement. William smiled. Of course they could reach an agreement.

He would turn his head as [member="Dravis Rosilla"] walked into the conference room. "Nice to meet ya Dravis, better late then never is what I always say..." He removed his hat and placed it on his lap. The group finally started to get to business as Vinten led off as a mediator.

Soon the Princess would speak. William would stay silent as she talked about the trade routes. "I agree with Ms. Genesis, how do you plan to protect our interests?" He would say.
Viktor waited and listened to what the delegates had to say taking a moment before responding.


He paused for a moment before continuing.

"Let me explain. One I am not just a politician or military officer. I am also a third generation businessman.......Droid and arms manufacturing to be more specific. So I am well aware of how these things go. You propose a good or service you feel we lack or need, may be even what is costs. If it is in fact something we need or desire then we negotiate that cost."

Viktor's hands came up forming a triangle just under and in front of his chin.

"So far you have offered no good nor service but provided a cost. Also you have indicated an inability to protect your own assets. That brings me to two questions."

Viktor paused.

"My first question is if you can't protect your own assets then why should we. The second being with what justification do I take to the Emperor to violate sovereign Alliance space? Bare in mind such an order can only come from the Emperor and at this point the only justification I can foresee for such a thing is if you are offering Majority ownership and control of Corporate Sector in exchange for the protection of it's assets in transit through Alliance space to various buyers."

[member="Vinten Veers"] [member="Priscilla Genesis"] [member="William Griffin"] [member="Dravis Rosilla"]
Dravis looked between all congregated, sitting in a chair with less-than-perfect posture, a reminder that he did not grow up in politics, such as the others here most likely had. He was a businessman to the core, and he knew a difficult negotiation when he saw one.

[member="Priscilla Genesis"] started things off with a valid point, in the Bith's eyes. In any good deal, one must first ensure that security was provided. [member="William Griffin"], after greeting the Sith, echoed the concern. [member="Viktor Alexander"]'s answer intrigued him.

Almost promising no help in security was not a good first step for a negotiation.

Dravis listened to the man lay out his points, and admitted a few of them were valid. As much as his pride willed him to disagree with the man, he knew Mr. Alexander was no slouch in business. Dravis figured he better do what he did best: honey the words.

"I believe my colleagues assumed the benefits of such an agreement between the Iron Empire and the Corporate Sector were implied. Let me restate them."

"The Sector is considerably wealthy, considering all of the businesses that comprise it. Trade agreements and perhaps tariff reduction of Sector products would benefit you greatly, as your economy gains a boost from the added business. More credits would flow through the Empire's doors. In case you think I swindle you, I will admit that these measures would also benefit us, but this is the science of a trade agreement. We both benefit." Dravis frowned, extending his hands diplomatically.

"This is why we must also both bear costs. Starting up trade routes in new places are risky, you know. Pirates are a constant nuisance, and sometimes, cargo gets misplaced, or held up by jealous factions. As you are a businessman, you must realize that both sides must accept some responsibility for the protection of said agreement." The Sith's eyes glinted with an inner light.

"Therefore, extra protection is not necessary, but beneficial for both sides in the end. Or else, the Sector is the only one bearing the risk, and are less likely to keep such a deal. And we wouldn't be violating Alliance space at all. Ms. Genesis only means to say that if the Alliance were to hold up a shipment, that the Empire would hold an semblance of accountability."

Dravis leaned back in his chair, waving over the servant droid. "Something fruity, please." A thin smile parted his lips as he waited for someone's next move.

- [member="Vinten Veers"] -
Vinten leaned forward and clasped his hands together, resting his elbows on the table. He lowered his chin and let it rest on his clasped hands, watching the debate going back and forth. Both sides made decent points, but what benefit did the Empire really stand to gain? Wealth? Perhaps, but many of the businesses inside the Corporate Sector had yet to grow past infancy. Plus, the Sector was newly formed and some of the kinks were still being worked out. As the others debated back and forth, Vinten decided to pull up his datapad, searching through Corporate Sector and Iron Empire documents, looking for any possible issues that may arise of conflicts of interest that he would need to bring up.

As he searched through the information, he was struck by a statement made on in the original document published by the Corporate Sector. It stated that the Corporate Sector was claiming all unclaimed worlds throughout Wild Space and the Wyl. That, could become problematic.

"In the original declaration made by the Corporate Sector, in which I am a part, it states that all Wild Space and The Wyl shall be claimed as Corporate Sector space. That is very threatening to the interests of the Iron Empire, and could create problems. By making such a claim, you threaten all planets not currently under a faction's control. As well, that is something very difficult to enforce. If another faction moves to take an unclaimed planet, but you claim you rule it, who truly controls it? Would it lead us into a war we cannot afford? Not only that, but the Iron Empire intends to expand. What if we wish to take more planets? Will you say that you own them and we cannot invade them?"

Vinten set the holopad back down on the table, and leaned back in his chair. He crossed his arms and looked around at all of the officials, awaiting a substantial response. He wasn't there to argue between the two sides, but he could bring up issues that he could see becoming problematic.

[member="Dravis Rosilla"] [member="Viktor Alexander"] [member="William Griffin"] [member="Priscilla Genesis"]

(OOC: I thought I would let everyone know that I will be gone until New Year's day, so you can continue without me or wait til I get back. Whatever you choose.)
Viktor waited letting the Bith attempt to explain further what the Ambassador had said. He even paused for a moment to gather his thoughts on the information provided. A move which proved to be a fruitful idea as his associate brought up an interesting bit of information that threw a curve ball into the negotiations.

"I thank you for your insight into these negotiations Mr. Rosilla. However you have not answered my questions. So let me reiterate them."

Viktor paused for a brief moment.

"If you can't protect your own assets then why should we? It would be one thing concerning shipments bound for Iron Empire space. Taking it upon ourselves to ensure the products we have paid for actually reach us is something that could be considered as part on these negotiations. However for what reason should the Iron Empire expend resources to protect products bound for other governments? It brings into the mix the diplomatic relations the Iron Empire has with the governments. Something that can only be determined and ruled on by the Emperor himself."

Viktor took a sip of water before continuing.

"Second getting more into those diplomatic relationships. The presence of Iron Empire warships in Alliance space is best case an act of aggression and worst case an act of war. Again something that would, by Iron Empire law, need to be vetted by the Emperor. With what you have given me so far I am not prepared to go to the Emperor and endorse such an action."

Viktor then glanced at his fellow Warden.

"Now we come to the declaration made by your organization in relation to the Sovereignty and control of worlds located in Wild Space and the Wyl. This declaration will need to be explained and discussed further before we can entertain any form of Diplomatic or Trade agreements."

[member="Vinten Veers"] [member="Priscilla Genesis"] [member="William Griffin"] [member="Dravis Rosilla"]
Dravis looked between [member="Vinten Veers"] and [member="Viktor Alexander"] as they stated their pieces. Thankfully, he had come prepared to smooth these negotiations out. Truthfully, Dravis could've gotten bitter. He could've shouted. He could've spat at them, choked their guards, marched up to the Emperor himself and explained the situation.

But as the droid returned with a cocktail of some kind, Dravis let a calm smile overtake him. For alliances and propositions to succeed, there needed to be a certain level of...


"Your concerns are valid, of course. But you both must realize that not all the information has been put on the table, and assumptions have ran rampant. Assumptions that I can easily remedy."

The Bith took a sip of his drink, pausing to admire the liquid before continuing. "I have spoken with [member="Gorm"], the drafter of the declaration you both reference. The Corporate Sector has no interest in Wild Space politically. They are not the Alliance, or the Mandalorians, who would conquer a territory for the sole sake of conquering it. The Sector higher-ups have expressed interest in the economies of these countries, and that declaration states our intentions of... asserting control over those economies, for the betterment of all involved." Drav lingered on his last words, tasting them as if he were sampling a soft wine.

"Secondly, as I stated, all business deals require something out of both sides. Each of the businesses you view as new have actually been around for a millennia, although admittedly, they have waned in power. To help these businesses grow in power, they must trade within larger markets. By offering your trade routes, and protection, the Sector grows in power, and thus, our trading powers grow. That does affect you, and your Empire. We are an investment."

"Thirdly, I do not know what you expected, but trade caravans do not need star destroyers." Dravis let a subtle chuckle escape him. It was as if they thought he were asking the Empire to go to war. "Simple guard ships are very legal in Alliance space. Otherwise, pirates would have a field day. Of course, the Corporate Sector has it's own protections as well, but any assistance you can offer that would sweeten this deal could potentially be repaid tenfold in the future."

"If you and your Emperor do not see the value in such an investment, I'm sure we can work something out to the benefit of both parties involved." Dravis swished his drink around, resisting the urge to prop his heels up on the table. He knew no mind tricks, but he could influence those around him in other ways.

Promises had always been his specialty.

- [member="William Griffin"] - [member="Priscilla Genesis"] -

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