Satara Hawk
Singing Mountain Ma'tra
Just letting you all know, since I now have students waiting. I'm not MIA or anything like that, I'm just incredibly busy right now with classes, the net is still kind of shifty and on top of it all, my mom has a big work project with her former work partner which we're both handling. So until that resolves (hopefully in the next couple of days), me and my laptop are going back and forth working with them. So my replies will come as soon as possible. best I can promise said ASAP is this weekend.
Again, sorry, guys. don't hate me.
§ This message is also for Lauda's students. If anyone has any WoD issues/questions/etc, PM either me or [member='Kytarra Hawk']
Again, sorry, guys. don't hate me.
§ This message is also for Lauda's students. If anyone has any WoD issues/questions/etc, PM either me or [member='Kytarra Hawk']