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Request Calling Jedi and Padawans - join the darkside, be free. [2nd try]

Come join the darkside, even just temporarily, just a taste, a trial of a month or two. it be fun (so they said). It may be something a little different for your lightsided character that might potentially trigger an arc. And maybe your char (and you ooc) might learn things and have their eyes opened to a world they did not expect the darkside to be. Be it falling and then redemption, or falling and then deciding the dark isn't for you, or falling and fully embracing the dark. IDK. Some ideas: Your character was kidnapped, coerced (like my char was) away from the order or just because they simply were curious and found themselves within darkside infleunce. Have their views shift from the experience or not at all.

There are tons of darkside chars that are happy to be a mentor. You don't see many: acolyte in need of darkside master LFGs. Its mostly padawans wanting jedi mentors, maybe somewhere out there, a sith or elite might want an apprentice too - and might be a fun plot for them to.

There are so many opportunities, character arcs with the darkside. The dark side is calling, why not give it a shot? Anakin Skywalker did, you should too.

Putting this up as maybe a discussion I guess. Some prompts: Those with jedi or padawans, what are your plans for your char? Would you ever considered a falling to darkside arc? What about current darkside characters, what would be their views on taking on a falling jedi apprentice?

My main is a fallen jedi, I can certainly help if you are intersted in a darkside character arc, but im sure there are many would love to too.

Context: putting up this thread up again as the previous one didn't go as planned. And so we can have a proper discussion on this. Intention of this thread is NOT trying to convince people to create sith characters or debate why people don't play sith or the problems of Sith vs Jedi.
I am mostly pointing out and asking people to consider the fun arcs and char development to explore when having their current jedi or padawan fall. Malum recently gave me some advice and mentioned he hasn't really seen much of fallen jedi arcs on chaos. Not sure how true that is, but it made me wonder. Such arcs would be something I'd like to see more of - and playing my own was really fun.

I have also rephrase my words so its a little nicer and less chaotic as you can see :)

Lets all just be nice and learn from our mistakes and be better.
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in case anyone is wondering about nouqai's falling arc. she mostly fell because she couldn't pass her trial of spirit. and malum just being so damn nice coerced her into taking apprenticeship under him and embracing her dark. of course, this is a very simplified explaination, there is much more to it.

the arc is wonderful. although she is mostly following malum rather than the sith order. in the future, that may change.

i plan for her to get captured and forced into jedi rehab soon tho.
There are tons of darkside chars that are happy to be a mentor. You don't see many: acolyte in need of darkside master LFGs. Its mostly padawans wanting jedi mentors, maybe somewhere out there, a Sith or elite might want an apprentice too - and might be a fun plot for them to.

The one time I advertised for someone to train my Sith character, it led to one of the worst RP experiences I've had in all my years on Chaos. Granted, any time you agree to write with someone you don't know you are taking a risk that it will be awful. In this case it gradually became clear that the person writing my character's master was less interested in telling a story than they were in enjoying a personal power fantasy, one which included victimizing my character. Once I realized what was happening I terminated the apprenticeship, but it left a bad taste in my mouth.

Not all Sith writers are like this... but some are. It comes with the territory of writing an evil character - some people simply overdo it. I think other people are aware of this or have had bad experiences before, and as a result they are less likely to agree to write an apprentice to a Sith writer they aren't familiar with. Instead they will make arrangements with their friends or people they know and like. Or in my case, I decided to have my character's master be an NPC I wrote myself.

Malum recently gave me some advice and mentioned he hasn't really seen much of fallen jedi arcs on chaos. Not sure how true that is, but it made me wonder. Such arcs would be something I'd like to see more of - and playing my own was really fun.

I have seen fallen Jedi arcs, but they were more common a few years back than they are now. Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl comes to mind as a good example of someone who had a convincing fall to the Dark Side.

I've also made a few attempts at writing a fall, but I've never been able to commit to it fully. That seems to be the case for most of us - usually the fall is only temporary, often the result of mind control or Dark Side corruption rather than a decision the character makes of their own free will. Writing someone dramatically changing their views without it feeling like they've suddenly become a completely different person is difficult to execute and probably beyond my current skills as a writer, lol.

One thing I have never ever seen anyone write is a redemption arc. Not even a Hollywood-style self-sacrifice for the greater good where the former villain gets killed off shortly afterward. People who write villains always stay villainous on this site. Maybe someday I'll try my hand at it.
One thing I have never ever seen anyone write is a redemption arc. Not even a Hollywood-style self-sacrifice for the greater good where the former villain gets killed off shortly afterward. People who write villains always stay villainous on this site. Maybe someday I'll try my hand at it.
I actually did this with a Sith of mine - Dimitri Voltura. Never did the inherently good arc with him - he wasn't fallen. Neither was he Tarkin-level evil. But he did get his redemption right before his death. Arcs like these do happen - I've seen it with others as well. Many people just miss it cause they're focused on their own stories at the time.

Point I'm making is - it's all perception. Yes, you had a bad experience. I had a similar bad experience with a master with one of my Jedi. Had to replace the master with someone else's character cause dud. Doesn't matter which side you write, those experiences happen. It's up to us how we rise above it and continue writing and achieving what we wanted with our characters. It's purely perception and what a writer wants to achieve with their character. Some people want the power creep. Some people will use their apprentice like Palpatine used Vader. They won't care. Others will. Dynamics differ in every faction, not just within the Sith. Unduli never trained Baris Offeee so that she could fall, but it happened anyway - meanwhile Baris saw it as really doing what the Jedi should have done.

As a friend said recently - the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

A character doesn't have to go full evil in order to fall. A pair that executes this well is Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr and Falentra Falentra . Neither are inherently evil - but their roads to hell are paved with good intentions. Everyone keeps saying how limiting it is with the Sith, but I am yet to experience these limitations and I've been writing mostly Dark Siders for a very long time now. Some of my character don't have a shred of goodness, others do. None of them are the same and I've had killer stories with all of them. I know others have had a similar experience with their Darkies.

In the words of Tef - Be the change you want to see.
Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl comes to mind as a good example of someone who had a convincing fall to the Dark Side.

Thanks for the mention. W.


The only thing I can contribute to the reworded thread is some advice for anyone considering a dark sider arc, which I'll give despite the reservations I expressed in the last thread.

Zaavik's case was a perfect storm of circumstance. Good-natured people like Jedi don't become evil overnight. IC years of disillusionment due to proximity to Alliance Intelligence (SIA) and their nefarious dealings along with the struggles of echoes from an extremely violent upbringing set the stage for a fall I wasn't initially prepared for. All the SGHW invasions really facilitated this, so I know there aren't as many opportunities now that aren't self-made. Though, Tython being in the hands of the Dark Empire is a REALLY GOOD reason to get disgruntled as Jedi. Jedi ethics are inherently flawed by design, which is part of the reason dark side falls happen to begin with. Find things your particular clique of Jedi are doing (or aren't doing) that your character is opposed to. Rationalize a fall around that.

Or just get involved with a toxic sith apprentice redhead whos really bad for you and drags you down even further it works wonders I promise
Point I'm making is - it's all perception. Yes, you had a bad experience. I had a similar bad experience with a master with one of my Jedi. Had to replace the master with someone else's character cause dud. Doesn't matter which side you write, those experiences happen.

Agreed. Used to be that I had only bad experiences with the Sith, but more recently I’ve also had a terrible time with the Jedi. It's pretty much the same complaints, too.

I’m gonna assume this is the result of a cultural/linguistic difference. But I would not use that word if I were you lol.

Jedi ethics are inherently flawed by design, which is part of the reason dark side falls happen to begin with.

Eh. Maybe it's my minor in religious studies talking, but I wouldn't say it's "inherently flawed". Like most religions, the Jedi set a moral standard that is pretty much impossible for most people to live up to. No one is perfect or even capable of perfection. Most religions also teach that mankind is flawed, not the divine. But most people on here seem to prefer the idea of the Force having no consciousness and no will, so whatever.

I started to write a whole paragraph about how Chaos canon is a lot more nebulous than regular canon, but I actually changed my mind. I think we do (or did) have a fairly clear-cut idea of Jedi ethics. Zaavik was a Jedi during the Ryv Era, a unique time period in which part of the NJO narrative focused on challenging Jedi ethics. I always liked that aspect of the story, even if I do think it got pushed too far and became a big shitshow OOC. I miss the days when the GA was ballsy, as opposed to the ultra-safe, "don't do anything that will make us look bad" mentality that the faction has now.

But I'm getting off topic, and the OP said they reposted this thread because the last one didn't go as planned, and now that I'm reading the previous thread I'm realizing I did the same thing those other people did. L
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I’m gonna assume this is the result of a cultural/linguistic difference. But I would not use that word if I were you lol.
I actually laughed at this. In all honesty I didn't mean it like that at all, but very true what you say :D

Anyhoo, it's always fun to see or write a Jedi flirting with the Dark side and it's true that it aint that prevalent anymore. I miss the days. Bring back the days.

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