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Approved Tech CC-PS22 Sub-Light Propulsion System

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Make the right choice, make it Captain's Choice!
CC-PS22 Sub-Light Propulsion System
  • Two-In-One Propulsion: The PS22 covers your repulsorlift and ion engine (with enhancements) all in one convenient package, which saves the interior space and expense of having to buy and maintain both separately.
  • Even a Wookiee Can Do It!: Only a few basic components are added to the PS22, making it easy to scale up or down, maintain, or modify with further performance enhancers.
  • Accelerated Acceleration: The enhanced ion-acceleration systems in the PS22 grant the system increased speed and maneuverability over comparable ion engines without the use of temporary boosters.
  • Air-Glider: The PS22 comes with an remarkably powerful repulsorlift system capable of maneuvering a starship in-atmosphere with surprising speed and agility, even without using the ion engines.
  • Total System Failure: Since the repulsorlift and ion engine are all routed through this one propulsion system, any breakdown or damage to one can impair the other, or take the whole system down.
  • Power Hog: All of the performance enhancing systems in the PS22's ion and repulsorlift engines mean the entire drive requires a lot of extra power if you want it to run at peak efficiency.
  • Slow Start, Rough Run: Ironically, it takes time for the ion-acceleration systems to kick in, leading to poor initial acceleration, and once they do they run hotter, noisier, and more radioactive than standard ion engines which makes them easier to track.
  • Repulsolift Letdown: The PS22's repuslor systems only work in a gravity well and cannot compete with proper ion engines in terms of performance, they are primarily a stop-gap until the ion engines reach full power.
The CC-PS22 Sublight Propulsion System was developed by Captain's Choice as a way to develop a more powerful engine system for traveling below light speed without relying on afterburners or other common, short-term boosters. The solution came in two parts, first a set of powerful ion-energizing systems similar to those used in plasma reactors, and an expanded repulsorlift systems. By increasing the energy of ions passing through the engine using an energizing rotor and accelerator, the PS22 is able to provide a stable yet noticeable boost to performance across the entire system. While this boost is not quite as potent as afterburners or similar systems, it is more sustainable and provides an equal kick to both speed and maneuverability. The second half of the system is an enhanced repulsor suite designed to provide increased speed, agility, and altitude during in-atmosphere maneuvering without the need to run the ion engines.

While these systems are formidable and versatile, there is one major drawback to the ion acceleration system; it takes time for the accelerating systems to reach maximum power which slows down the start time and initial acceleration for the ion engines. The repulsorlift systems were boosted in part to compensate for this by giving pilots a workable alternative to help get off the ground, but they only work in a suitable gravity well and can't compete with proper ion engines. And of course, both systems require significant power to run at peak efficiency. Despite these drawbacks, the combination of high performance and simplicity makes the the PS22 the go-to propulsion system for Captain's Choice and its customers.
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