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Dominion Champion of the Crusade - AC dominion of Florrum

Ashlan Crusade Narrator




Winter games, Ashlan Crusade Dominion of Florrum hex

Taking from years of tradition on many worlds, warriors from all around the crusade have come together to test their mettle and be chosen as this year's Champion of the Crusade. On a windswept coastal moorland not far from the Ashlan border, several challenges have set up to test strength, skill, speed and endurance. Spectators have been invited along to enjoy competition, a showcase of both personal strength, and the strength of the Crusaders.

There are others who have hitched a ride to the small planet to explore and achieve their own ends, viewing this event as an opportunity to explore a new world with the might of the Crusade not far away.

Objective 1 - Champion of the Crusade

Open to Ashlan Crusade Character, if you have a character that really wants to compete and you believe has justifiable positive ties to the Crusade, then PM first.

Set over five rounds, the competitors will be tested in different ways that will show why they should be hailed as a Champion of the Crusade. The entire tournament will be held over the course of two day and the first challenge is beginning soon after sunrise on the beach at the base of the dunes.

Entry and travel to the competition is officially free, wanting to attract the best, not just the best that can afford it. However, a small non-profit wager vendor has been authorised, for entrants who feel like the glint of a credit stick might push them to greater feats. The fair has been set up by businessmen and workers from nearby Florrum, keen to see that Florrum is seen in a positive light by the onward marching Ashlans and their position in the Florrum food chain protected.

On a flat field surrounded by sand dunes is a large gold and blue pavilion with attractions and related entertainment, flanked by several smaller tents for the entrants to use to rest, prepare and generally relax between events. A large board outside has the names of the five events along with painted boards with names of the competitors and places for their scores.

Day 1

Test of steel - Test of the Sharpshooter - Test of Strength

Day 2

Test of the Moor - Test of the Mountain

This is the objective for the contestants and the participants

Post your results (along with why you are advantaged or disadvantaged) after each round is announced and the roleplay how you got that score in your post and you can also react to your competitors as you do so, the posts might not be as massive as usual, but we still need to tell a story to be able to get the Dominion.

I will post a description if the challenge for that round, then, using whatever die roller you choose your roll a d10. Your score is how well it goes, the higher the better, the total will be out of 50 for the five events. Screenshot your results, but it will be an honor system.

If the end result is a tie, it will go down to a crowd cheer decision, mechanically it will be a comparison between the two tieing characters of number of advantaged and disadvantaged rolls posted. Because everyone knows the Crown love an underdog story. The least advantaged or most disadvantaged wins the tie.

Bonuses + Handicaps

If your character profile page has a strength that is relevant. Or if you can think of a genuine justification (for example super strong as a species strength) then you can roll with advantage. This means rolling 2 dice and picking the HIGHEST.

If your character has a weakness that is relevant, then you will roll with disadvantage. This means rolling 2 dice and picking the LOWEST.

Don't abuse the strengths and be honest about the weaknesses, if you put that your weedy little Zilkin is a crack shot, roll that bonus for the shooting, but don't forget he might struggle with the test of strength.

There is an entirely optional buy in of 1000UC per character for the event that can be transferred to Spirit of Ashla Spirit of Ashla prior to posting your first post.

Whoever wins, gets 75% of the pot, second place gets 25%. If either character didn't opt in then the winnings goes to the next highest placed character that did opt in. So for example if 1st and 3rd opted out. Then 2nd gets 75% and 4th gets 25%.

As I said, totally optional.

Day 1 - Challenge 1 - A test of Steel

On the dunes, a short gauntlet has been set up protected by four combat droids. Each droid must be defeated before moving on to the next. The first two are equipped with shock swords, one a single handed and the second double handed sword. These are all set to deliver a sharp shock but no damage. The next has a two handed version of the same and the last is a four armed duelist with two swords and a staff. Competitors are judged for speed, style and efficiency as they pass through. This is a test of skill with a melee weapon, any ranged weapons, offensive force powers or other tricks are prohibited. The droids are combat training droids so are designed specifically for this sort of action and will be replaced after each run. With any excess components donated to a droid repair charity.


Objective 2 - Bring your own objective

This is an exposed world, chosen because of its windswept and rugged nature to match the rugged competitors, maybe you have a story to tell? Maybe you have some business with Florrum itself or it's businessmen?

Last edited:


Day 1 - Challenge 1 - a test of steel
Greer has bought in

It was Greers turn on the challenge, she had watched several fighters try their luck including another padawan that was now definitely sporting a broken arm. She smiled to herself as she focused herself, trying to plan her route and watch her footwork.


She launched herself forward at the first warrior holding a crackling sword, disabling his parrying arm with a lunging strike with her claymore before spinning the blade down and severing its neck. The second droid was on her rapidly and she kicked her heavy boot forward, her kilt flowing with the movement. As it reeled and struggled to recover from the force of the kick she jumped and whirled the blade around her, doing it with a strike between hits hips and ribs.

She had a moment to catch her breath as the next droid stalked her from the edge of his section. Both ends of the weapon crackled to life as he swung once at greer then again with the other end, she blocked the first blow with the crossguard of her saber, then caught the other end in the thick fabric of her kilt. Greer smashed the pommel of her sword into the droids chin, opening its guard up to take her blade just below its sternum.

The last droid was now hers, she had built up a lovely rhythm now and she jumped towards the droid, she blocked its attacks, deftly, it was hard to resist hitting it with the force but she wouldn't be disqualified now. It was an intense fight but in moments the droid laid defeated and Greer kneeled respectfully for the judges. Looking at her score, she would take it.

Result 10
Advantage - strength blood of the warrior

Abishai Contesoto

Abishai watched Greer run the gauntlet. The young padawan was still in her training, but on her physical merit and sword skill alone she proved impressive. The red head whisked through the droids, her blade searing the air with precise strikes, her form that of an unmistakable warrior. The woman complete the course, disabling all the droids flawlessly.

The older knight coughed as the damaged droids were replaced. He would run the gauntlet next, and even he felt some pressure after Greer's performance. Garbed in his Zeison Sha light armor, the half cape around his waist, Abishai drew his khopesh and hefted the weighty blade in his hand as he approached the starting mark at the dunes.

At the signal, Abishai surged forward. He deftly parried the first droid's initial strike, only a simple additional twist needed to smash his elbow against its head to rattle the droid's sensors. A side kick to the outside of its knee served to compromise the foes balance and a follow up blow to its arm with the heavy blade separated the sword, and the mechanical hand gripping it, from the droid's arm.

Running through the sand to the second droid, Abishai found it already coursing forward with shock swords flailing. The raised khopesh blade stayed one humming sword, the knight's fit frame repelling the force of the attack and twisting to parry the second hot blade. A shoulder check caused the droid to stagger in the soft sand, and a level, swift strike with his sword disabled Abishai's second foe.

The third droid's big blade came faster than Abishai anticipated, and he was barely able to deflect it, his balance thrown off. The droid followed up quickly with another blow that glanced off of Abishai's leg. The searing pain of the shock elicited a grown from the frustrated knight and he hobbled on his stunned leg in an attempt to recover the initiative. The droid's blade struck again, sliding down the blocking blade of the knight to run across his knuckles. With a growl Abishai drew back and swung his sword in a fierce backhand that finally stayed the droid.

Taking on the last droid, the knight found himself barely keeping up with the last opponent's multiple weapons. He managed to block them, but not without a number of nicks and tips that left painful shocks along his arms and legs. In a humiliating blow, Abishai was knocked onto his back. The droid's weapons poised to finish him.

Only with a command from the game master did the droid draw back, allowing Abishai to bound to his feet. He laughed humbly, bowing to the droid. He had been bested, but he could not be upset. It was a game, but also a learning experience, even for a knight. Relying on his discblade and Force powers, he could have easily defeated the four droids, and more. It was clear he needed some refreshers on the simple art of sword fighting, the foundation of the Blades order.

Result 6
Advantage: Skilled Swordsman


Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Ares Atrius Ares Atrius


Heinrich was tempted to try his luck in the events of the day. When he was still a padawan, he had often taken a part in friendly competitions. It was something that had been used to build a tolerance for learning through failure, and the qualities of being a good sportsman had proven to build stronger bonds. Despite this, he would abstain from such acts for the day, as he wished to allow others within the Crusade a moment to shine. He was one of their leaders, after all, and would not wish for anyone to feel as if there were a conflict of interest.

He walked his way among the outskirts, overseeing those that attempted the first trial. Such times felt like such a rarity among the chaotic wars and turbulence of the galaxy, and moments such as this felt as if they needed to be cherished. The crusaders would have their fun, taking a moment to at least indulge in their own entertainment for a time.

Heinrich finally found himself a seat, though not among the more prestigious of locations. He may have been a member of the upper echelons of Ashlan society, but today, he wished to walk among those that weren't at the forefront of the Ashlan leadership. Today, he wished to be one of the people...



Objective: speak with the Grand Admiral

Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana


The festivities surrounding the games were bustling with activity, the area surrounding the trials filling with people from across the Tingel Arm and beyond. The games themselves had been a recently implemented idea, and Pietro was certainly one of the many that were eager to see how it panned out. With so many warriors in their midst, the Crusade had decided to give them an opportunity to share their skills away from the battlefield. Pietro himself backed the idea, as he knew all too well that warriors with new war had potential to grow restless. Today was important for that reason, as well as a much needed boost of morale.

The cardinal slowly made his way up a nearby set of stairs, making his way to a balcony seat. The seating arrangements weren't quite as comfortable as he was used to; the entire site had been pieced together in a quick fashion. Nevertheless, the cardinal wouldn't complain. He was merely happy to see what his fellow crusaders were capable of.

He leaned back in his seat, watching the first to contestants make their moves. The young padawan had been first, setting a fine example for all to follow. Next had been a face that Pietro did not recognized, though he knew him to be a member of the Order of the Sacred Blades. The man had faired well enough, though he was eventually bested by the final droid. He took it in stride, however, showing he was indeed a good sport. Not being the greatest duelist, Pietro found both competitors to be rather impressive.

His gaze slowly shifted across the crowd, looking for the Grand Admiral. Though his primary purpose was to attend the competition, Pietro had much to discuss with his friend, and he hoped the tournament would allow him the time to do so.



Objective One: Day 1 - Challenge 1 - a test of steel

Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Abishai Contesoto, Sister Mercy Sister Mercy


Though a devout believer in the way of the Ashla, Ihsan often found himself being forced to keep such beliefs away from prying eyes. The NIO were his people, just as much as his fellow crusaders, but they weren't the most keen on letting such a faith into the ranks of the Imperial Knights. As such, Ihsan spent most of his time away from the Crusade, attending to the duties of his imperial station. Once word came to him of the tournament, however, his inner competitive nature began to show. As a Thyrsian raised by a Mandalorian foundling, such competition was in his blood. He thrived on it, and hope to see himself win the day.

Once the previous challenger had finished their attempt at the gauntlet, Ihsan steeled his mind while the droids were reset. He adrenaline was pumping, yet his mind was calm... not unlike before the chaos of battle. Once the course was reset, he drew his beskar sword, and attempted plotting his course. Normally, the knight would have brought his lightsaber, but wanting to challenge himself, Ihsan decided to up the ante. He took a deep breath, and leapt for the first droid.

The first obstacle had been simple enough, being dispatched by Ihsan with a quick slice across the chest. The second allowed him little time to react, and Ihsan found himself barely parrying the blow. He twisted his wrist, pushing the droid's larger blade toward the right, allowing him an opening to strike. His own blade cut across the droid's neck, decommissioning it with a swift blow. A good start, but it wasn't over yet.

Having bested the first two quickly, Ihsan found himself wishing to outshine the others. He sprinted past the third droid, rolling under its blade as it came at him horizontally. He hoped to eliminate the last two just as quickly as the first, drawing them together in an attempt to set a new pace for the others. He found himself caught up in the moment, excited to be showing his skill to his fellow crusaders... until the fourth droid's weapons came down upon him. Ihsan found his momentum halted as he was now caught between both droids, attempting to fend off more strikes than he would have had to, if he had simply taken a bit more time.

Parry after parry followed, and eventually, Ihsan managed to run the third droid through, strafing around the body as he held his sword in place. The droid's body became a limp shield from the fourth, and Ihsan put himself in position. Pushing the droid off of his blade, Ihsan kicked it into the four-armed droid that blocked his path. Seizing the moment, he ducked beneath the next strike, cleaving upward with his blade, finally putting the droid down.

It wasn't the most impressive display, but he at least made it through. Ihsan took a mental note; if he were to win this, he would have to take better care to not get ahead of himself.


The Smiling Myrmidon

Once more Ares did not exactly follow the unwritten concepts of the Iokathian rulers, the idea of preservation and secrecy. His co-Praetor would have reason to offer another raging speech in front of the other Exarchs, complaining and condemning the action of the leader of House Atrius. A quarter of the council would applaud, half would remain silent and another quarter would boo the notion. It was just how it was. Ares saw opportunities to expand outside of deserted, dark and wild space. House Atrius held undercover presence on several of the worlds known to the Galaxy and right now everything was in preparation for the first pbulic Death's Memory festival on Karideph. He would not let himself contained by tradition, by dusty expectations and narrow-minded focus.

Therefore the Praetor was doing what he considered to be right and very much within the laws of his order and home. Expansion and the enforcement of justice were his duty and bringing that to the people, outside his domain, was a priviligue for them and an honour for him. Civilization did not wait or come for free, it was the result of hard work, sweat and by history, of blood.

On the near-empty world of Florrum the Ashlan Crusade, an organisation of faith, determination and spirit, was holding a tournament to promote bravery and combat among its members. The realm of the Ashlans was based around the ill-advised dogma of the pure Light side but where light shines, shadows are cast and their fanatism did not leave much to be desired. They were as much devoted to war and conquest as any other realm, just believing themselves to be BLUFOR, not OPFOR. Whatever. They held potential to be a valuable asset and companion in the years to come. Ares had plans and he needed allies and support to make them reality.

With only two Knights, unarmoured, much to the complaint of Scyllias Aventor Scyllias Aventor , the head of House Atrius headed to the center of attention. His neutral shuttle had landed where other civilians did and he was walking along the people dressed in a white coat with black and gold, the two Knights flanking him, the pikes unignited but presented in their hands. It was not conventional, nor official to approach someone like this. But leaving his guards at the entrance of the arena, he made his way towards Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust and would sit down next to him.

"A beautiful idea for a crusade, to honour it's crusaders by showing their skills."




Armes with a pair of vibroblades, Hei began his run quickly, the first droid dropping easily to a lucky blow, but despite being a Jedi, Hei's shattered and artifical body was a shadow of his self and he took more blows from the droids than his pride would have liked. Nonetheless he pressed on, finally making his way to the fourth and final droid. Ducking low to the double sweep he tried an upper slice, but the droid was faster than him and blocked it easily. The combat was tough, but eventually, Hei crossed the line posting a decidedly average score.


Score = 5
Disadvantage - character weakness, poor reflexes




Tags: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici

Isla walked toward the seats as opening ceremony of the trials carried on, all a lovely spectacle but fairly clichéd for this kind of event in her opinion. She wanted to see the Champions of Ashla have their chance to demonstrate their abilities. Looking at these warriors and calling them her allies was an honor. She had made an attempt to speak to a few of them whilst they were warming up, but had only had chance to speak to a few.

A few rows up she saw Pietro Demici Pietro Demici sat, looking around, there was a seat beside him that she would take.

"Good morning Lord Demici, hasn't Ashla brought us quite day of festivities, and obviously the beautiful weather, may I?" she laughed as the wind from off the moorland blew her hair out of place as it whistled out to sea. She did an respectful bow to the Cardinal before taking her seat next to him.

"How have you been since we last spoke then? Any more news on the resting Lord?" she wouldn't speak the name of Grayson here as his status was still not public knowledge. She clapped as the show came to it finale of a huge Ashlan Phoenix, rising from the sands wreathed in flame.

"Feel like a little wager my Lord? How about a thousand credits on Padawan Caimbeulaich, versus a competitor of you choice? I spoke to her back stage, seems like a good and strong willled woman. Something a little off about her demeanour but she looks tough."

She grinned at Demici as she leaned back pushing her hair again back from her face.

Ashlan Crusade Narrator



Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich
Abishai Contesoto
Ihsan Varad Ihsan Varad
Hei Sogecki Hei Sogecki
Sister Mercy Sister Mercy

Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Pietro Demici Pietro Demici
Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
Ares Atrius Ares Atrius

Day 1 - Challenge 2 - Test of The Sharpshooter

As the first round finishes and the competitors eat and drink, more than a few of them checking wounds and other knocks taken from the battle droids, a quartet of repulsor Drones buzz down the beach over the shallows out to sea. The first two stop at 100m and 200m distances and project groups of cube shaped target images. The last two both go out to 300m, the first remains stationary but the other begins a programmed route back and forth at a walking pace on an a 30m long arc, remaining 300m from the beach at all times.

Large screens at either side of the shooting position showed close ups of the four Drones, 3 targets on each, 12 targets in total.

The Marshall shouted to the first competitor to come forward and handed them a blaster rifle with electrosight as their weapon. "You have 12 targets and 24 shots, placing is based on speed to eliminate all targets, or total number of targets eliminated once your Ammunition runs out. Good luck." The shooter started in a kneel and began firing.

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Location: Surface, Florrum
Objective I.: To speak with others, to watch the competition.
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Ares Atrius Ares Atrius | Open
[ Flúgva valkyrjur á val ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina arrived on the planet alone today. Gei was still busy with the expedition at Netherworld. After arriving from the Netherworld, she was now invisible. In immaterial and invisible form it was easier to travel in the crowd. True, she would have flown anyway, but she didn't want to draw attention. She also felt many acquaintances and friends nearby. That was Isla and Uncle Pietro. She felt them close together, possibly they spoke with each other. But someone was alone. Heinrich.

She decided she would go to him. Eina didn’t want to compete; she didn’t feel fair to fighting others. The Valkyrja was over three hundred years old, and from the first day of her life she fought in countless wars. Although she forgives many here in Realspace and gave them another chance to walk in Ashla's path, she was a ruthless but fair warlord at the Netherworld. Everything there was much blacker and whiter than among the living.

There was actually a brother-sister relationship formed between Heinrich and Eina recently. For her, these relationships were strange, it was still hard to get used to the fact that Gei was there with her; she was happy for him, of course, but it was also strange, after three-hundred years of solitude. She had a bit of a distant relationship with Adrian, they loved each other, of course, but they went different paths, but she got along very well with her other half-brothers and sister, the little ones. But back to the present.

She made the distance in the air to the part where Heinrich was sitting next to another man. Eina didn't hide her aura now, so the man could have felt her approaching. The Valkyrja finally landed on the ground. As she took on her physical form and visible appearance, the sound of her wings became audible and her aura even more evident. If Heinrich let, she leaned over and hugged the man from behind while sitting in the chair, then gave a sisterly kiss on his cheek.

She smiled kindly at the man. Maybe she got so close to him because Gei considered him a very good friend too. The dyad was strange sometimes.

"Greetings! I'm happy to see you, I missed you!" she said kindly.

After that, she noticed the other man, to whom the Valkyrja nodded respectfully.

"Welcome! May Ashla shine your path!" she greeted him as well, then sat down on the other side of Heinrich.




Day 1 - Challenge 2 - Test of the sharpshooter

Greer walked forward to the small wooden platform and kneeled in a similar way to the other competitors. Prior to this tournament she had never used a gun, she had spent the preceding three weeks practicing, but it just wasn't her, it threw her balance out and she felt wrong without her blade. But she was a Jedi and would step up to the challenge.

She began to fire, the blaster kicking into her shoulder and throwing her first shot wide, 'great start' she thought to herself as she tucked the rifle butt snugly into her shoulder before firing again. She tried to concentrate, clearing her mind with the force, but the blast of the gun made it as easy to focus as if she was meditating whilst having water thrown on her face.

The downed the first three targets in 5 shots, not great but not a disaster. Then moved on to he next three. 5 shots again. For the last two targets she dropped a prone position, again as the others had done before her and fired. It felt like it was taking an age, she wouldn't win on speed this round. Eventually she finished, running out of Ammunition with one target to spare. Oh well, the time was actually OK to get 11 looking at the clock. Middle of the pack in an event she knew would be weak for her.

Result 5
Disadvantage - never uses firearms


Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Ares Atrius Ares Atrius


The festivities continued as each showed their potential. Some had found themselves succeeding, displaying their skill in glorious fashion. Those that hadn't faired so well maintained good spirits in their failure, displaying their honor even in defeat. As Heinrich looked onward, he found himself joined by another, a man that had recently found his way into the Crusade's circle. Heinrich looked at the man as he spoke, offering him a nod in greeting.

"Indeed it is. You are Lord Atrius, correct? I heard that one of the leaders of the Houses would be joining us today. It is a pleasure."

Heinrich had heard of the group known as the Knight Houses of Iokath, and was eager to learn more of their growing presence within the galaxy. As Ashla willed it, Ares had graced the Crusade with his presence, which would present both the Houses and the Crusade with a great opportunity. But first, Heinrich would take his time getting to know the man.

"Your people have been away from the galactic stage for some time. It is good to feel their presence once again. Honor is something that the galaxy needs more of, especially in these turbulent times."

There was a shift in the empyrean as he spoke, an aura of light that could only belong to one individual. As Eina greeted him with the hug and kiss on the cheek, Heinrich returned it. To say he was glad to see her in better health would be an understatement; the things she had to go through in recent months would be tough for anyone to endure. Despite these trials, Eina had come out the other side as bright as ever.

"Eina, it's great to see you again."

Heinrich hadn't expected so much company when he first arrived, but he was glad to have it. The games were meant to bring people together as much as they were meant for sport, and he was pleased to be in such company.



Objective One: Day 1 - Challenge 1 - a test of steel

Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Abishai Contesoto, Sister Mercy Sister Mercy


The next challenge would prove more difficult for Ihsan than the previous. Though he had trained extensively with a blaster, he hadn't used one in many years. It wasn't a skill that would truly ever go away, but he would have to shake off the rust. He took the rifle in hand, and proceeded to take his firing position.

The first shot was easy enough, and the man was able to hit his target on the first attempt. Feeling like the shot may have provided him with a bit of an edge, Ihsan prematurely shot at the next target, missing it by several feet. Another two rounds fired off in quick succession, with only the third finally finding its target. It appeared he was getting ahead of himself again.

He took a deep breath, trying his best not to rush things. His eyes narrowed as he aimed the weapon, zeroing in on the third target. He let a single round loose, and found success once again. The next several targets had gone down on the first shot, and it seemed that Ihsan was finally finding his rhythm. He finally reached the last target, taking aim and letting another round loose. He anticipated hitting it, but unfortunately was not so lucky. In frustration, he fired twice more, only to miss twice again. He stopped himself, repositioning the rifle against his shoulder. His breathing slowed, moving at a tranquil, rhythmic pace. On one of the exhales, Ihsan fired once again, finally taking the target down. It wasn't the best performance, but he hoped that it would be enough to keep him in the game.



Objective: speak with the Grand Admiral

Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana


"By all means, please do."

He motioned toward the seat as she approached, offering her a nod in response to the bow. In truth, the cardinal wouldn't have required such formalities with the Grand Admiral, as they had become good friends over the past few years. Nevertheless, appearances had to be kept, particularly with so many around.

"I've been well. Busy, but well. As for the resting Lord, he has mostly kept to himself. I can't say that I blame him. The situation on Ession certainly left him in a less than ideal state. His spirit is strong, but in the end we are all hindered by our physical form."

Pietro joined the applause at the sight of the burning phoenix. Such displays were mostly for the people, as it boosted morale. The cardinal found comfort in it, however. The blazing symbol of the Crusade embodied the growing power of their movement, which warmed his heart.

He cracked a smile at the mention of the wager, taking his time to survey the competitors upon the field.

"That Thyrsian man shows potential. A bet it is. Lets see if the good padawan comes through for you."

Pietro wasn't much of a betting man as of late, but being in the festive spirit, he felt himself wanting to partake. As they settled on the particulars of the bet, Pietro turned toward Isla.

"I have been wishing to speak with you in regards to your station within the Crusade. With the changes within the regime, and with Heinrich in his new position as Grand Marshal, we seem to be in need of a new prime minister."

He let the words hang for a bit, eager to see her reaction.



Abishai Contesoto



Day 1 - Challenge 2 - Test of The Sharpshooter
As preparations were made for the second challenge, Abisahai considered the other contestants. The small group certainly did represent the diversity of the Crusaders and the followers of Ashla in general. An imperial knight, a Zeltron-cybernetic jedi, the Galidraanian warrior, and the Anointed Sister. There were countless souls in the Crusade worthy to compete in the contest, and the Blades knight was honored to compete with the few joining him in awaiting the second challenge.

The second contest was explained and the Yanibarian observed carefully as Greer and Ihsan completed their rounds with the blaster rifle, both offering a respectable show. In turn, Abishai was handed a weapon by the Marshal. No stranger to blasters, he was expert, his skills honed instead for melee and his precious discblade. But he had made it a point to learn the basics of ranged weapons. Any fighter worth their spice had some experience with a blaster, after all. Though he had shown a knack for blasters, Abishai focused his training elswehere.

Taking a moment to adjust the sights, he knelt and raised the blaster, finding the first targets at 100m. Tuning out the murmur of the crowd, he centered the sight and squeezed the trigger. The targets were hit, each on the first shot. Pleased with himself, the Blades knight moved on and sighted the targets at 200m. Three shots, three targets hit. At this point Abishai was surprised himself.

The first target at 300m took longer to center on, as his hand was sweating and the weapon required readjusting. His first shot zoomed so close, as the screens revealed, but did not leave even a mark on the target. A breath later, a blaster bolt found the first target. The others two were hit with single shots, but the time taken to make them began to stretch with each new target. The fourth set were going to be hail mary shots to some extent, Abishai not wishing to consume too much more time trying to gauge the drone movement and all the mental calculations to hone in on it. He went with his gut, knowing he could use his first few shots to zero in on the targets. Again, much to his surprise, It took only five more shots to hit the three moving targets.

Rather shocked at his results, Abishai would have cited luck as the reason, if he had believed in such. He ended up hitting twelve targets in fifteen shots. With a cockeyed grin, he handed the rifle back to the Marshal.

Result: 8





It wasn't his rifle, but that didn't matter, he was an ace shot and this was his round to lose, so he began quickly. Hei had chose to restrict his cybernetics to only human levels of augmentation, noone wanted to to compete against a walking turret after all did they.

3 shots, the targets, three hits easy, no wait? He missed the first two? He had to recalibrate. After a few moments he was ready to go again. A total of 6 shots to hit the first bed was a bad start and things only got worse. The temptation was there to allow his cybernetics to do the work, but he had chosen this route. If Ashla wanted him as her champion, there was no way he could lose, if she wanted another, that person would win, the force would decide ultimately.

The force was not with the cyborg jedi tonight and he did not complete the course, two target left when out of Ammunition.

He looked across at Abishai Contesoto who had just posted a very respectable score. Giving him a small congratulatory clap as he walked past.


Score = 4
Advantage - incredible shot (apparently)




Tags: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici

Isla paused for moment looking at the competitors, running her tongue along her teeth as she thought. Prime Minister? It wasn't that she felt she didn't deserve it, after all, she had stood side by side with her Lord and dealt with so many tasks that were far beyond her remit as Minister of Defence, including negotiating with foreign powers and managing internal laws.

"My Lord, I am honored by your offer, serving the Crusade is what Ashla put me hear to do, and with that authority I would be able to guide the Crusade even better than I can, under you blessing of course." she had watched Pietro for years now and admired him as a mentor, she was utterly loyal to him and he knew it, but she felt he respected that she wasn't blindly loyal, she questioned him, and tried to keep him honest, that was her role in their relationship.

"So the question I must pose myself before accepting your offer, assuming it is an offer and not a demand my Lord. Is am I ready to leave my military role as Grand Admiral and I must say that I am not." even the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic still flew his flagship at Korriban, and he had 25 years on her, so her request was not without merit.

"I will accept this honor, and carry out your wishes with every fibre of my being, but I would also request that I be able to continue my current role as a military officer and lead our warships into battle. How do you feel about that?"

She smiled and clapped as the next competitor finished, her padawan had an edge on his Thalasian at the moment but it was early stages.

"Have you given any thought to the role of Minister of Defence?"


Objective: speak with the Grand Admiral

Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana


Isla took her time considering the offer, calculating just as she always did. She was nothing if not thorough in her decision-making, a trait that made her quite invaluable. Pietro would be lying if he said that he thought she'd refuse, as she seemed like the obvious choice for such a role. Yet, it would be her decision nonetheless.

"You may retain the position of Grand Admiral. Your skills in that field are not to be taken lightly, and I would hate to see you step away from the fleets."

It wouldn't be a stretch to maintain the title of Grand Admiral while adhering to the duties of the office of Prime Minister. After all, even Pietro himself had commanded Ashlan fleets in the past. At the end of the day, Isla belonged on the bridge of a command ship just as much as anywhere else. The intricacies of fleet movements were like breathing to the Grand Admiral, and Pietro would not take that away from her.

"It is Ashla's will that you continue to command our fleets. I can think of no other that I trust as much as you in that regard."

Pietro remained silent for a moment as Isla spoke of her replacement. The cardinal had given it much thought, though he was unsure as to what the Grand Admiral's response would be.

"After much deliberation, I have opted to nominate Tristan Evore Tristan Evore for the position of Minister of Defense. He is an accomplished commander, and has remained loyal to the Grayson family for quite some time. I anticipate that he will be invaluable in the position."

Though there had been turbulence surrounding Tristan at the treaty signing on Ziost, Pietro saw great potential within the man, and that potential was something that the cardinal would seek to cultivate.


Ashlan Crusade Narrator



Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich
Abishai Contesoto
Ihsan Varad Ihsan Varad
Hei Sogecki Hei Sogecki
Sister Mercy Sister Mercy

Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Pietro Demici Pietro Demici
Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
Ares Atrius Ares Atrius

Day 1 - Challenge 3 - Test of The Strength

As the sand was cleared, actors portraying several members of the Crusade appeared, a Sister of Ashla in her armour and a sword wreathed in flame and massive holographic Angelic wings swung from the heavens and engaged a wretched looking on stilts a twisted visage of an epicantrix that lashed out toward the woman with a could of crackling smoke before pulling his saber. They engaged in a clash of blades before the angel, a vision of Ashla herself stood triumphant about the tall figure as it slowly descended into the sand as is dissolving.

The next scene had number of people on rubber suits twisting and moving as a mass trying to capture a speeder, which was a cart on large metal wheels running on a track. Aboard it was a man wearing the hat of a pontif, and just as the claws got close, a pyrotechnic bang went off where the speeder engine was.

But the speeder still needed rescuing, who would step up? Place themselves in the harness and pull the unidentifiable priest like leader to safety at the other end of the 50m long track.

The weight was designed to be difficult for a strong human but certainly possible, the wheels ran on metal runners, but the competitor themselves would have to slip into the harness and fight against the sand under their feet. Fastest time, or longest distance before the timer ran out would win.


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