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Private Chaos & Order [Ariana Du Couteau]

Caedyn Arenais


Location: Coruscant, Lower Levels.
On-Duty With: Ariana Du Couteau Ariana Du Couteau .

Service to the Galaxy, a Jedi's purpose and obligation as part of the New Jedi Order, or any other for that matter.

Tonight was set to be exactly that, and Caedyn Arenais had organized for him and his Padawan Ariana Du Couteau Ariana Du Couteau to undertake a patrol of the lower levels in service to CorSec in order for his Padawan to experience a more typical act of duty. From what he had learned, she had seen the battlefront more times than she had been granted a mission or assignment by the Jedi Council and so starting at 6 pm that evening, the Jedi Knight had been given clearance to take his student on a patrol of the criminal underworld that Coruscant's skyline tried to hide so well.

Frankly, he was looking forward to the experience himself. He wished to show his Padawan a more remedial form of duty, yet nonetheless important to the lives of those they looked to serve and protect, to advocate for and assist in whatever capacity possible. This introductory mission wasn't just about acting as an arm of law enforcement, but also the process of briefing, debriefing and writing up a conclusive report for the council to look over following the mission's completion. All duties of a Jedi Knight or Master.

Standing in the Hangar Bay of the Jedi Temple, Caedyn Arenais watched as traffic came and went while awaiting the arrival of his Padawan. This would be their first official assignment together, and yet he knew well that Ariana was already quite experienced and by no means new to the life of a Jedi; however it was important for Caedyn to cover the basics not solely for her experience and learning but his knowing that all angles of service had been covered in her time under his tutelage.
Ariana Du Couteau, Jedi Padawan
Action: Prepare herself for a Patrol


Ariana narrowed her eyes as she stared deeply into the mirror, focusing solely on her right arm. It was an issue that the young Du Couteau heir needed to address sooner rather than later. She sighed deeply as she ran her fingers through her hair, with a quick shake of her head Ariana turned to leave her room. The mission assigned to her demanded her full attention, so thoughts of her lost arm could be settled later. Exploring Coruscant, such a novel concept, a much different place than Teta.

The hanger where her Master was waiting was not crowded so when she arrived it didn’t take long to spot him. Ariana moved at a brisk pace and stood at the ready in front of her Master, she bowed quickly and greeted him.


“I am quite ready for our patrol.”
Ariana added with a soft smile and agreeable nod.

Ariana wasn’t sure what to expect down in the lower levels of Coruscant, her father always warned her about exploring such areas without escorts. Her lightsaber hung tightly on her left side, it gleamed with the assorted lights that surrounded them, proof of her effective polishing technique.

“It will be just the two of us, correct? Or will there be CorSec nearby?”


|| Caedyn Arenais ||​

Caedyn Arenais

Ariana Du Couteau Ariana Du Couteau 's arrival was timely and respectable, approaching and greeting him with a bow. The Jedi Knight smiled, approving of her presentation and soon bowed in response, speaking gently "Padawan. You certainly look ready".

Within their partnership, it was still early days. Formalities were a requirement for ensuring that, as a Jedi Knight, Caedyn could see that his Padawan conducted herself in a manner befitting of a prospective and future Jedi Knight; Yet what he hadn't expressed publically was that he didn't much care for the process compared to getting to know someone on an equal level. With time, the two would grow closer, but he wasn't going to be cutting corners given what happened with his previous two students.

"Just us" he replied to her question regarding any possible back-up down in the lower levels of Coruscant, "Though CorSec will know we're down there, we're running a general patrol which means walking the streets and keeping an eye out for those in need, or otherwise criminal activities" he elaborated, soon turning to gesture for his Padawan to walk alongside him as Caedyn Arenais began to make his way towards one of the public transports that would take the pair of them, as well as other civilians and Jedi personnel to a number of different stops.

"The Jedi Temple, while our home, provides a certain comfort and security to students that can often leave them unprepared for the dangerous nature of the Galaxy when they first experience it" Caedyn told Ariana, though she wasn't included in this belief; "Though I don't need to worry about you, I know. You've seen a lot out there already, regrettably having to experience full-scale war at such a young age".

"In contrast to the Temple, the lower levels is a good introduction to the reality of civilian life in the Galaxy. Poverty and crime are commonplace and while the Jedi are often envisioned to be fighting the Sith or some likely threat, our duty to protect and serve, extends to common society too. Everyday folk, simply trying to get by" Caedyn explained, wanting to provoke some thought and discussion from his Padawan in preparation for what might await them when they arrived and began their patrol of the Capital's underworld.

"Have you visited the lower levels before?" He asked, glancing to Ariana as they boarded the public transport, an airbus that contained a number of other occupants, finding their seats in wait for the ship to depart.
Ariana Du Couteau, Jedi Padawan
Action: Prepare herself for a Patrol


Ariana nodded to her Master’s answers, while it wouldn’t exactly be going at it alone, there was a certain sense of security knowing that a pair of CorSec officers were at nearly every corner here in the upper levels. And now in the lower areas? But she felt confident they wouldn’t encounter much of any threats, least not from those who live down there. Now if there was a sudden Maw Attack. Ariana remembered the news from those days, it was a horrid situation and she had thanked the Force that her father was back on Teta with them.

Back when I first thought such attacks would never reach my home. The solemn thought spurred her back to focus on the present conversation. Ariana walked alongside her Master and listened to his explanation for the reason for their patrol mission. It was understandable how important it was to engage with people outside of the Temple. Can’t expect to engage with fellow Jedi all the time in one’s growth. Ariana agreed.

The Airbus that waited for them was something that Ariana found a bit quant, she followed behind her Master closely and sat down with a curious expression. His added explanation of duels and fights with Sith was also a key importance, if a Jedi’s only encounters were with either other Jedi, Sith and Force Users, that would certainly stunt specific developments. I wonder what my father experienced to finally become a Senator? Master Caedyn’s question broke through her thoughts and Ariana shook her head, slowly though as she took a moment to think a bit more before she voiced her response.

“Perhaps? When I was still a child, along with my brother, my father sent us to these camps with other Noble children and princelings, they had vehicles for us to ride along with so none had private transports as we explored less than polished marble stones.” Ariana explained, but the Airbus they were currently sitting in was a far cry from what they used back on Teta.

“I don’t expect to see serving droids asking us for our preferred drinks and hors d'oeuvres here.” Ariana added with a quick shrug. “-Of course I don’t think we can compare the lower levels of Teta with those of Coruscant. . . but I was raised to be charitable with those less fortunate and understand their plights. . . I shall be sure to conduct myself as a proper Jedi and Citizen of the Alliance.”

Ariana hoped their patrol would be more akin to the charity work she had assisted before back on Teta.
Can’t wait to tell my brother about my own public service to the constituents of the Alliance.

|| Caedyn Arenais ||​

Caedyn Arenais

“Perhaps? When I was still a child, along with my brother, my father sent us to these camps with other Noble children and princelings, they had vehicles for us to ride along with so none had private transports as we explored less than polished marble stones.”

Ariana Du Couteau Ariana Du Couteau spoke of her life, giving Caedyn the impression that she was of noble birth. High born. It certainly explained the access to training under her father, as well as the demeanour in which she held herself.

This was something they held in common, as Caedyn was born to the royal house of Commenor, where his parents presided as King and Queen of the Commenor Systems Alliance back in those times. Despite the family name and reputation of those days, Caedyn had always retained a humble and grounded nature, preferring to interact with others on an equal level; It was only the financial equity that he had used to further support the Jedi and Democratic Governments in and around the Core, further on in his young adulthood.

"The lower levels of Coruscant won't be reminiscent of your upbringing, I'm afraid" Caedyn informed his Padawan, wanting her to understand the bleak reality for much of Coruscant's population in everyday life. "Where we are travelling, poverty is commonplace, and with financial struggle also comes the likelihood of Criminal Activity. For some, it might be a case of trying to get by, but there are also gangs present in the district" Caedyn explained further, though being certain to add "Don't misunderstand, the majority are good folk but I just want you to be aware of how hard life can be down there for some".

"I would also suggest learning to speak with people plainly, and on their level. We don't want to give anyone a reason to distrust us, and sometimes when people see someone who has come from a place of greater wealth, this can lead to jealousy or distaste. Today, we are Jedi. Neither high nor low born" he concluded.

The Airbus shuddered in its initial departure from the Hangar, the thrusters firing on low impulse as it gradually moved to clear the temple outskirts before travelling at a greater speed.

"I encourage you to speak your mind when we're not in the company of civilians, on assignments such as this. Ask questions or if you disagree with something I say, voice it so that we can discuss things together. I want you to feel able to question your surroundings, myself included. It will help you to learn and understand more as we move forward each day in our training and service together".
Ariana Du Couteau, Jedi Padawan
Action: Prepare herself for a Patrol


“I understand Master,” Ariana responded, she felt confident in her ability to adjust quickly. “-I am quite adaptable with any language I use across most forms of Galactic Basic Dialects.” She added as she pointed at herself with her left hand’s thumb. The young Du Couteau heir placed her hand back down on her knee, but when she looked down she half expected to see both hands pressing against both knees. The phantom feeling continued to linger after so many months, but Ariana smiled softly and looked ahead towards the front of the Airbus.

“But we are born still with status,” Ariana spoke, “-My father explained to me that even if perception meant nothing to me, it means everything to everyone else.” She felt sure that even if she didn’t judge others for their fashion choices that never meant she wasn’t being judged for hers. Same for status, titles, abilities and so much more are we judged and weighed against.

“-Though with that said; I am curious how the populace of Coruscant lower levels perceives the brown Jedi Robes and our Lightsabers.”

I guess we’ll find out when we get there. . . . Her hand tensed slightly as her grip on her knee tightened out of reflex. She remembered how easy it was for her Father to enter into any room, irregardless how ill received his presence could be among those present at the time. ‘Graceful Arrogance’ she remembered her father calling it once, a rather pretentious trait to possess, but it matched him to the letter in many cases.

And I don’t even have my father’s capes that can block flames or fires caused by anger. . . literally in some cases. Her fingers tightened a bit more, but with calmer thoughts and easier breathing. she relaxed enough to allow her left hand to escape into her pockets.

“What are we patrolling for first? Investigating some recent criminal activity or simply observing for any?”


|| Caedyn Arenais ||​

Caedyn Arenais

“-Though with that said; I am curious how the populace of Coruscant lower levels perceives the brown Jedi Robes and our Lightsabers.”

"Well...Contrary to what the media and stories might have you believe, not everyone reveres the Jedi, as I'm sure you know. To some, we are little different from CORSEC. Authoritarian figures, where the common folk might feel intimidated by our presence" Caedyn replied as the airbus took them down towards beneath the clouds, a layer of pollution that hid the true nature of coruscant from the splendid mask that the surface levels provided by first impressions for newcomers.

"Don't expect everyone to greet us openly, or to be forthcoming from the start. Part of this trip will be about creating a foundation for positive relations between us and the underworld, keeping in mind future assignments and our means of representing the Order for others who might follow in our footsteps" he expressed, making certain to note how their activities might also further influence the success rate or experiences of other Padawan and Knights whom might take up similar assignments thereafter.

“What are we patrolling for first? Investigating some recent criminal activity or simply observing for any?”

"Our primary objective will be to identify any major breaches of legal conduct. This isn't a strict investigation but more a routine patrol. It's a stepping stone into the underworld, and a good first step for the two of us to share in. We'll be keeping eyes out for criminal behaviours such as the distribution of black market drugs and contraband, while our Comm's will keep us informed of any reported crimes such as assaults, thefts and the like. Consider it an open book, with your eyes and instincts to interpret the success of our patrol" Caedyn informed Ariana Du Couteau Ariana Du Couteau , concluding with the notion that her input in this assignment would carry significant weight in how they might proceed, and perform overall.
Ariana Du Couteau, Jedi Padawan
Action: Prepare herself for a Patrol


“Ah, stopping illicit goods being exchanged and being a representative of the Order.” Ariana repeated to herself. She understood the concept of law enforcement, and how important it was to the stability of any society. On Teta the Royal Guard functioned in a similar style whenever the local police precinct needed the assistance. Though Ariana knew that even Royal Guards spent countless months and some even years training for such roles. I myself have only been instructed in the matters of the Force and combat techniques.

Ariana figured that since her Master was with her, he could handle the bulk of the responsibility and workload. The idea of being the cause that a crime went unpunished gave the young Du Couteau heir much to worry about in their mission. Her hand gently grasping her knee, Ariana watched as the airbus moved deeper into the lower levels. Passengers shuffled in and out, the wide variety of alien species gave Ariana pause to reflect how Coruscant was quite diverse.

As the airbus rumbled to another stop, several passengers began to file out towards the exit, Ariana peered out of the window again and noted how much darker it had gotten. They had traveled far less than an hour, but it seemed almost late evening with much of the walkways only visible due in part to the street lights.
“Is this our stop? Or are we heading even lower?”

|| Caedyn Arenais ||​

Caedyn Arenais

“Is this our stop? Or are we heading even lower?”

"This is it, level one-three-one-two," Caedyn replied, soon moving to stand and walk through the centre of the airbus in line with the other people disembarking to the mid-level of Coruscant; "We'll first make contact with CorSec and then begin a patrol of this level before moving further down. It should give you an indication of how much things change the more we head further down" he explained, leading Ariana Du Couteau Ariana Du Couteau out into the dense warm air of level thirteen-twelve.

The streets of the mid-level were layered like huge, speeder-sized catwalks, separated by large gaps between each path for air-speeders to fly between as directed by their traffic lanes. Already, hundreds of citizens walked the duracrete roads, lined with shopping stalls and apartment blocks that rose so high, they blotted out the skyline above. The two Jedi would both receive looks from passersby. Some smiled to the Jedi, while others looked them over and kept on their way giving little to no greeting at all.

"Caedyn, over'ere!" Came a voice from their right as a tall and stocky-looking man moved between the crowd, uniformed with the insignia of the CorSec Security Office. "Ah, Malu!" The Jedi Knight grinned, moving to greet the man with a firm handshake, both taking each other by the wrist in what would appear to be a much more personal meeting than he had led Ariana to expect. "It's good to see you, my friend. I assume this means you're our liaison for today's assignment?".

"Aye, 'at'd be right" The Devaronian gave a toothy smile, "'erd somethin' 'bout yer comin' down 'ere an I reckoned we catch up on old times" the man spoke with a manner of slang customary of the streets below. He was well experienced, and despite his seemingly uncouth speech, Caedyn knew him to be a great officer of the local law. "Who's the kid?" Officer Malu looked to Ariana as though she were an unexpected factor in their friendly reunion.

Caedyn turned with a grin, soon looking to his Padawan and gesturing towards her, "This is my Apprentice, Ariana Du Couteau. Ariana, meet Malu, an old friend of mine from Commenor. He and I both went to school together before my time with the Jedi" Caedyn divulged, giving her an explanation for their contact and surprising familiarity with the Jedi Knight.

"Greetings Miss" Malu smiled broadly, soon turning to glance back to her mentor with a skeptical eye; "Yer' takin' her on this watch then? 'Erd you were givin a rundown of things. Takin' she can 'andle herself eh" the Devaronian looked back to Ariana as if studying the Padawan.

"I'm aware of the situation yes. Black Suns causing a stir with Commerce Guild. Richtor informed me. We'll be on our toes I assure you. This is a routine patrol, we're not looking to interfere with his investigation but we will defend ourselves if provoked" Caedyn responded, his tone having run flat and matter-of-fact.

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