Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Charity Relief Auction

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Spek Zhio Spek Zhio Arcadian Arcadian Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Die Shize Die Shize Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau John Locke John Locke Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha @Anyone else

Crown and Spears Hall was one of many that were being built around the galaxy. Along the trade routes to better facilitate the commerce and move cargo... but also in many cases it was a means to network. Massive conference halls that were designed to facilitate meets of merchants. Rooms with some of the latest in terms of technologies. Junko had come to her and asked for two things... specifically for charity relief efforts to the worlds devastated in the recent mandalorian attacks and just in general. Sasori had been around for a longer time now and was still pushing the bounds of what could be done with their various products. Matsu facilitated the experimentation of force imbued technologies to better understand what could be done.. and sometimes it was able to be used by the general public. The jedi couldn't horde everything after all so some of their labors would be able to be seen and bought. THe proceeds being matched by Sasori and Atrisia to effectively triple what is presented to the relief efforts. The Economic Management Biots there to aid with funding as needed in the hall and two massive areas dedicated to showing off the marketplace as well as the small auction block. There was a marketplace where anyone could set up and show off their wares as needed.

Auction Block:
Lot A: Cat's Eye Bodysuit - Advanced stealth suit, unisex design with high levels of protection.
Lot B: A.C.M.E. Armor - Advanced medical armor and equipment designed to protect medics and doctors in the field protecting patients.
Lot C: Experimental Stealth Speeder - Advanced stealth technologies built into a sleek and fashionable speeder.
Lot D: Sasori Junjita - Advanced cloning and adaption technologies for terraforming and acclimating species to a new world quickly.
Lot E: Sasori Last Resort Cannon - Stealthy weapon for last resort shots if captured.
Lot F: 1x Product comprised of Chai La Plating - Highly protective, lightweight and able to repair itself over time.
Lot G: Stealth Cannon - First generation stealth turbolaser firing invisible volleys.
Lot H: Hydra Class Combat Biot - Advanced self replicating combat biot able to replenish its own squad.
Lot I: "Blue Hawks Flight" - Mysterious ship paid for in full by a sith lord to a jedi company. Abandoned soon after by sith lord when he realized the jedi fashioned it to work for lightsiders.
Lot J: Gallinore IKM Prototype - From Locke and Key, a powerful HRD highly skilled.
Lot K: Mystery Box - It could be anything.
Lot L: Force Tech Wasp - Advanced Fighter from Force Tech - 3x "Warrior"
  • Current Bid:
    • Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr - 450,000 Credits WINNER
    • Correspondence Compensation Bid of 4 Aurodium Bars
Lot M: Frostbane Gauntlet -
  • Current Bid:
    • Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr - 150,000 Credits WINNER
    • Correspondence Compensation Bid of 4 Aurodium Bars
Lot N: - Force Tech Wasp - Advanced Fighter from Force Tech - 1x "Executioner"
  • Current Bid:
    • Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr - 150,000 Credits WINNER
    • Correspondence Compensation Bid of 4 Aurodium Bars

Rules for the auction
Tag me and who you are competing against if you are.
Be respectful OOC, IC wise you can be rivals but keep it friendly this is for charity.
All thread participants get a Auction Swag Bag at the door.

Auxiliary Auction: Speeder Edition

Given the popularity of it with a surprising amount of bids... Sasori has decided to hold a second smaller auction showcasing their advanced speeder models.

Lot A: Sasori Boudica Rider - Reversed engineered basilisk wardroid able to go from space to planet and surface to spaace with incredible speed and shielding.
Lot B: Sasori Force Rider - Experimental speeder built for speeds previously unseen and mirror Loth wolves in the ability to channel the force to make hyperspace windows over small distances.
Lot C: Experimental Stealth Speeder - Experimental speeder being presented for a second time with how popular it was and designed for some fo the best in terms of stealth attacks.
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Location: The Crown & Spears
Tags: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
A small entourage of handsomely-dressed sentients - predominantly human but with a smattering ofcolors, sizes, and shapes - waded through the small collective of beings gathered near the front desk of the luxurious Crown & Spears Hotel.A tall, mysterious dark haired woman led the pack, garbed in an expensive black dress, high-heeled black boots, and a black shawl draped over her shoulders. Her facial features remained cloaked beneath the brim of a wide-brimmed summer hat, and her long black hair fell down her shoulders like an obsidian waterfall. The conversations in the room seemed to dim to a quiet murmur when the group had arrived; no doubt drawn by the strangely coordinated movements of these mysterious men and the self-assured stride of the woman...

Whether they were born & bred Corporate Stock or something else, one couldn't be too sure... but one thing was clear: from the stoic faces & buttoned-up appearance of the soldiers to the air of natural command & confidence flowing from the woman, they were not to be trifled with.

As the group reached the front desk, the suited 'soldiers' moved to take possession of the space - establishing a small semi-circular perimeter around their dark-haired boss as she greeted the woman behind the desk. The brim of the hat lifted up, revealing a beautifully chiseled face and deep violet eyes; a most unusual color for a human. A smile that didn't come within a parsec of her eyes blossomed on the woman's face as she spoke quietly:

"Good evening. Gwendolyn Allos of Moonveil, Incorporated..." She paused, then added, "I believe I have a reservation."

It was a statement. Not a question.

The attendant behind the desk had been watching their approach, all-but forgetting entirely the other individuals who'd been waiting in line. This group of new arrivals had simply walked in and taken possession of the lobby as-if they owned it.

Most peculiar, indeed.

"Um..." The attendant began, making eye contact with the mysterious figure across from him before turning his attention to the small screen atop the desk. He typed quickly, bit his lip, and nodded before hesitatingly returning her stony gaze. "Yes, ma'am. It's a pleasure to have you - welcome to the Crown & Spears. I have a reservation for one of our penthouses plus a secondary room on the fourteenth floor. Will that be sufficient for your stay?"

The woman nodded absently before glancing around the lobby. "Yes, that will be fine, thank you."

The attendant hesitated for a moment, about to offer some of the services the Crown & Spears reserved for high-paying clients... such as the services of a protection team or guide... but a glance out of the corner of his eye at the seasoned, clean-cut, no-nonsense demeanor of the suited toughs who were paying attention to everyone & everything but him made him realize that such an offer would be pointless. Instead, he gave the imposing woman a half-hearted smile and fell back into his routine. Directions were given, electronic keys handed over, and a final thanks for their patronage offered.

As the group stepped away with the woman again taking the lead, the employee let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.

She hadn't requested a valet or delivery of their luggage, and before he could offer it, he watched two of the suited men - a green-skinned Rodian and a dark-skinned human who towered over everyone in the room - break off and return to the front entry. With a few quick keystrokes on his screen, he made a note in the Moonveil File: "Prefers privacy."

Then, he plastered on his previous smile and waved over one of the visitors who'd shuffled out of the way.


Ivory Stroud, Donna of The Family, led her protective detail down one of the hallways - following the attendant's directions to a bank of lifts a short distance down. The Donna, along with three of her operatives, stepped into one lift while the remainder took a second - both heading for the fourteenth floor. Once they were safely inside the lift, Ivory glanced upward; recognizing the bubble camera which sat in one corner of the ceiling. The surreptitous glance hadn't betrayed much of her appearance and she kept it that way - reserving any conversation for after they'd reached their rooms. They rode up in silence, reaching the 14'th floor only a heartbeat before their comrades joined them.

Together, the group made their way down the hall - following the directions given to them by the front desk - until they reached a turn in the hallway. The two rooms Moonveil had reserved for her use were set on a corner of the building overlooking the promenade far below. The position was as defensible as they could get, and provided easy access to both the bank of lifts and a set of stairs down the opposite hallway. Ivory swiped the key she'd been provided and stepped aside, glancing down both hallways as her highly-trained squad of Mafiosi swept into the room like a torrent.

She stepped into the room after them and shut the door firmly, pausing to look around the luxurious suite with it's sweeping views to the city lights twinkling in the growing twilight, then removed her shawl and hat with a sigh.

"Clean sweep." She directed, her tone sharp.

"If they're here, we'll find them."

The comforting, confident voice of Stephen Rohr responded. The refined, elderly gentleman was on the other side of the room, and had already begun supervising their standard operating procedures for whenever The Family stayed outside of friendly territory. A few of her soldiers had already produced tiny boxes from their coat pockets... bug detectors which would scan for the presence of any unusual frequencies or transmissions. One of her men was already pulling cushions off of the sofa and chairs and tossing them into the center of the room for another to scan them.

The Donna gave her chief Protection Officer a small smile, then walked over to him. She offered him the small keycard given her by the front desk, which he accepted.

"Clone it, and make sure everyone gets a clean copy. I'll hold onto that, so if there's a beacon inside, they'll know where I'm at."

He gave her a knowing grin and nodded. Ivory never went anywhere alone, so it wasn't that big of a risk. "Yes, ma'am."

"I'm going to freshen up, and head down to investigate the wares on-offer. When Caspian returns with the luggage, ask him to stand by - I'll need him with me."

And without another word, The Donna turned and strode into what she naturally assumed was the Master Suite on the opposite side of the room.

She cast a curious look at the beautifully wrapped gift basket laying atop the large king-size bed, and made a mental note to investigate it later.

Location: Crown and Spears Hall
Objective: Add to the collection (LOT C)
Tag: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Equipment: In bio (no armour)


Celt collected bikes and cars, and what she had her eye on was one nether of a bike, fast stealthy and armed in a way that would make her vod envious. The mandalorian wasn't here today as an armoured warrior, she wasn't even here as a Saxon, she was here as Celt, a full blooded petrol head with money to burn on a new toy. Since her accident had allowed her to pay for her ranch in cash she had very little in the way of real outgoings so she felt lucky to be able to be a little frivolous from time to time. She was by no means as wealthy as some of the attendees no doubt, but it didn't matter.

She had a chip of credits and was also willing to trade in the bike she was already riding, a classic civilian model that itself was worth a hefty bag of credits, but that is how these collections were built. She looked around at the other bidders as she walked past the different lots, there was some really interesting toys in here, reading some of the descriptions she wondered how they even existed, but who was she to pass judgement on the whims of the universe.

A lot of this stuff was ex-jedi technology, and an arguement could be had for staging an assault on this place to seize it and prevent it falling into the hands of enemies of the Mandalorians, but that would be rude and she had not gained authorisation for any moves like that. Galactic diplomacy was on a knife edge already, so she would have to behave today.


Objective: Bid on lots Aurek and Jenth

Location:Crown and Spears Hall
Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Neutral: Celt Saxon Celt Saxon Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
Equipment:Equipment In Bio

It's been a very long time since Roy had been in the more civilized parts of the galaxy. With a galaxy on fire to tend to he had poured himself into his work helping on whatever world needed aid. Pirates, Maw Remnant, Imperial Remnant, Hutt Cartels, Trade Disputes, Civil Wars, Gangs, etc… You name a situation Roy and his lightsaber had shown up to help. Now here he was taking part in an auction to help the galaxy once more. He’d heard about the Mandalorian raids and the rise of an organization known as the Empire of the Lost. Curious he had infiltrated a number of worlds and verified what he heard first hand. His purpose today was two fold help the galaxy and reestablish contact with his order.

He walked through the displays of the various items. Gone was his dusty and oil stained flight suit. In its place was his green set of robes freshly cleaned and pressed. He hoped he would run into master Ike before this got properly started but there would be time still if he did not.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Roy Vermilion Roy Vermilion Celt Saxon Celt Saxon Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

There were a couple of bids coming in, wonderful as she looked around the hall. A few from the crowd stood out and she was informed guests were around the building. The internal AI going to her interface over her ear when it spoke. The Jedi grandmaster started walking around and checking on some of the other storefronts. Merchants able to come in and show off their stuff here or take part in it.. the trade offices showing some small abandoned cargo lots that could be sold as contracts to freighter captains. She had plenty of time to go around and meet aand greet. The petite jedi master looking more unassuming as some of the biots were walking around and selling various wares to people.

Meanwhile in the rooms, the internal AI of the facility spoke. "Lady Allos, should you require additional key cards I would be happy to fabricate them. Crown and Spears seeks to give the very best in accommodations." The voice was neutral and the walls shifting as the materia forms a viewscreen with the AI standing there. Blonde hair and a business suit over the form. "Locations of guests are not tracked unless accessing restricted areas. Would you like to know more about the features of your privacy status?" The AI offered a smile and bow of her head as another screen appeared on the wall in the other room with one of the men scanning and checking. "Please if you are going to do that buy me dinner first."
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current Outfit

"I'm late! I'm late!" Hilal rushed towards Crown and Spears Hall brushing past the fancy dressed people who were putting in their bids. Hilal was so focused on what dress to wear to the event that she missed the first few bids. The Bounty Hunter had heard about a charity event which while it was nice to actually have funds to contribute to the poor and needy, also had some interesting tech that Hilal could utilize for her future contracts.

She read the items ahead of time many of which were out of Hilal's paygrade or built for the stinking Jedi but there was one item that caught her eye. It was specifically the Experimental Stealth Speeder. "I'M HERE!" Hilal shouted as Matsu Ike Matsu Ike made her announcements. "AND I WANT TO PUT A 30K BID ON THE EXPERIEMTNAL STEALTH SPEEDER!"

Hilal skidded to a stop breathing as if she ran 3 marathons. "I hope I'm not too late!" she said placing her hands behind her back and flashing an innocent smile.

Celt Saxon Celt Saxon
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Location:Crown and Spears Hall
Allies: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla Celt Saxon Celt Saxon
Neutral: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
Currently wearing: This
Song:Eternal Youth

She wandered the hall placing bids on various items that caught her interest as she went. She spotted Hilal and Celt as she roamed the hall giving both a friendly wave as she did. She moved over to Celt.

“Spot anything that catches your fancy?”

She asked gesturing to the halls contents.

“There are so many fascinating things here. I even bid on the mystery box lot just out of the sheer curiosity of it.”

  • Lot A: 25,000 Credits
  • Lot B: 20,000 Credits
  • Lot C: 25,000 Credits
  • Lot F: 50,000 Credits
  • Lot G: 100,000 Credits
  • Lot I: 100,000 Credits
  • Lot J: 75,000 Credits
  • Lot K: 50,000 Credits


Location: Crown and Spears Hall
Outfit: Shikibu Dress
Tags: Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy | Celt Saxon Celt Saxon | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla | Araia Bralor Araia Bralor

”Come on Latty! The auction has already started!” Supisy demanded of her partner. ”Now that we’re pulling in our Commonwealth salaries we have creds to spend. But there is only one stealth speeder available, and it looks to be getting a good deal of attention.”

The Twi’lek didn’t really need her partner to help her bid or gain access to the auction Junko Ike Junko Ike had taken care of the latter and Supisy had her own accounts for the former. But she knew that Latyuo would complain if she bought something “stupid”. There wasn’t really anything else that interested Supisy. But when she heard what the auction was for Latyuo said that they should use their new wealth to help other less fortunate beings.

Supisy grumbled as she approached the stealth speeder that had caught her eyes. She was a bit surprised to find three other girls in the area talking as if they knew each other. ”Hey girls. Hope you don’t have your hearts set on that fine piece of machinery, cause she’s coming back to Atrisia with me.” Supisy said it with her usual playfulness, but her competitive nature was likely to take hold at some point.

”What’s the current bid?” she asked looking for herself and smiling. ”Thirty thou? I think I can up that a little bit. Hope you gals don’t mind some friendly competition. I’ll bid 35K for starters.”
Marshal, Journeyman Protector
Location : Crown and Spears Hall
Present Day
With : Kara Susni

Eesh! We're late as it is, and you're working?

Arla and her cousin Kara were running late, though Arla thought it unfair that Kara brought it up, she'd broken a heel and had to change footwear. Each of the cousins wore a gown, Kara in blue and Arla in white, tasteful and fashionable at the same time. Arla was messing with a small datapad she'd concealed in her bodice.

I'm placing a bid on the auction. Settle down.

The older cousin by a year, Arla naturally took the seniority to extremes. She put away the datapad having placed two bids. Lot E for 25,000 credits, and Lot C for 40,000. There was a lot of interest in the stealth speeder, and Arla also liked what she saw. Kara expertly took the datapad before Arla could stop her.


Just a moment.

Kara tapped in her own bid. 25,000 credits for Lot D. She was dating a bioscientist who would love the potential of the advanced terraforming cloning technology. Kara gave back the datapad just in time for the two cousins to enter the hall.

They walked together towards the bar and took glasses of champagne from an attentive waiter. Then they moved into the gathering to mingle.

Supisy Blen Supisy Blen Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy Celt Saxon Celt Saxon Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla Araia Bralor Araia Bralor

C - 40000
D - 25000
E - 25000


Location: The Crown & Spears
Tags: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Rival Bid on Lot Jenth: The Gallinore HRD - Araia Bralor Araia Bralor | Roy Vermilion Roy Vermilion

As Ivory had turned to stride out of the suite's central living area, she - and the entirety of her Security Detail - swiveled at the sudden voice. A figure had appeared on one of the walls; addressing Ivory's alias and commenting on her request for Stephen to clone their ID cards. Everyone turned to look at the suited, blonde-haired AI Construct on the screen... while her clear joke to one of The Family's soldiers in the other room was met with a mix of surprise and humor.

"Lady Allos, should you require additional key cards I would be happy to fabricate them. Crown and Spears seeks to give the very best in accommodations." The voice was neutral and the walls shifting as the materia forms a viewscreen with the AI standing there. Blonde hair and a business suit over the form. "Locations of guests are not tracked unless accessing restricted areas. Would you like to know more about the features of your privacy status?"

Ivory cast a bemused glance over her shoulder at her team, making eye-contact with Stephen Rohr. The look on The Donna's face said everything.

An AI. Of course a place as opulent & technologically-advanced as this would have AI.

"That won't be necessary." Ivory responded to the question. As she addressed the screen, her left hand slipped behind her back and she made a quick series of gestures with her whole hand - communicating through Code-sign: 'No Business. Find me a blind spot.' Her meaning would have been clear... They couldn't discuss the finer points of their Criminal Enterprise safely, and she needed a place to do so without being heard. Rohr would have been paying attention, and would have already realized the necessity. "I'm sure the Crown & Spears takes the privacy and security of their guests with the utmost seriousness." She smiled at the AI, instantly falling into her well-practiced routine of disarmament & diplomacy.

"I'm only taking precautions against circumstances outside of my control. You understand."

"If you would,
" she continued, still addressing the AI, "Please reserve for me an available table if there is one downstairs. I'll be attending shortly."

Then, without another word, she turned her back and left the room to get ready. A hard stare in Rohr's direction reinforced the seriousness of the situation.


Fifteen minutes later, The Donna stepped through the large archway into the Auction Hall. A few feet behind her, a tall, powerfully-built, dark-skinned Human man followed, hands clasped in-front of him in a neutral position. Like her, he was dressed all in black - sharply dressed, in fact, in the finest business attire. The man carried himself with poise, but anyone with sense would immediately recognize he was far from a gentle giant. Caspian was The Donna's personal Close Protection Agent - one of them, anyway - and like any well-disciplined Executive Protection agent, he gave his boss enough space so that she wouldn't feel crowded. As adept as he was at being noticed, he was equally adept at blending into his surroundings - fading from view unless his presence was needed.

Quietly, 'Ms. Allos' asked her escort to find their table while she browsed the wares on offer.

The Mafiosa took a few moments to carefully read the room - recognizing, shockingly, one or two faces which were familiar. Namely, that of Matsu Ike Matsu Ike - Jedi Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi, and someone she'd met previously. Ivory smiled slightly, watching through the crowd as the Jedi Master finished her presentation. The Donna was not the sort to initiate conversation, however - preferring to let others come to her. Instead, she dipped her head, concealing her face behind the wide brim of the black hat which covered her face, and began browsing the wares.

The buzz of conversation filled the room, and excitement seemed high. The crush of bodies seemed more focused on a display of a powerful-looking Speeder Bike. The experimental weapons didn't catch her eye... The Family possessed considerable ties to the Galactic Black Market for weapons & armor of all shapes & sizes, and Ivory had first choice.


One of the items distinctly stood out, and drew the attention of the Crime Lord.

An HRD designed by Locke & Key. She took a few minutes to read up on the design specifications, and inspected the holo which provided a 360-degree view of the synthetic life-form. The Family had many soldiers spread out across the Galaxy, and droids were a dime-a-dozen... but something about this particular technology sparked her curiosity immensely.

Lifting the datapad she'd been given to mark her bids and review the various items, The Donna crisply & with very little thought placed a personal bid of 250,000 Credits. The small beginning bid of 75,000 took second-place.

Chump change to La Kosa Nostra.
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Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Crown and Spears Hall
Outfit: Shikibu Dress
Tags: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch | Celt Saxon Celt Saxon | Roy Vermilion Roy Vermilion | Araia Bralor Araia Bralor

Of course Supisy was rushing me, yelling out as she ran to the item that SHE wanted. The first opportunity that we have to represent the Commonwealth on a galactic stage and my young partner can’t contain herself. ”Well maybe you will have to make a more practical purchase. I know you want everything that goes fast, but you don’t really need a stealth bike. And have you seen the armaments on that thing…

As I spoke I knew that Supisy wasn’t listening to a word that I was saying. There was only one item that caught the Twi’lek’s attention and that was where Supisy was heading. When I saw the other three girls that were near the speeder getting Supisy’s attention from that was definitely not going to happen. Of course before addressing the young women, Supisy managed to make a bid on the speeder. I knew there was no sense trying to move Supisy along, so I decided to look over the available items on my own and extend a slight bit of trust that Supisy wouldn’t embarrass herself.

Even though it was designed for a Jedi, I was a little surprised that Supisy had no interest in the bodysuit in Lot A. Not that she really needed it, but she liked clothes almost as much as fast vehicles. Most of the items didn’t really fit into my area of use. Though I told myself if the bids stayed in reach that I would bid on one or two but, old habits die hard and I was holding out to figure out what the best value would be. As I was considering what to watch for, the bid board updated and I saw the name of Arla Susni take the top bid location on the speeder. She was a leader in the New Star League Remnants. We had been present for support on Rodia, but hadn’t formally met the woman. For now I decided to wander aimlessly and see who would bump into me. I wasn’t as good at breaking the ice as Supisy. She had no shame and would burst into any conversation that she found interesting. I found myself wishing that Junko was here and we could walk the hall together.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Celt Saxon Celt Saxon Roy Vermilion Roy Vermilion Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla Araia Bralor Araia Bralor Supisy Blen Supisy Blen Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

THe AI arraigned all that it could for the woman as they were leaving. The main floor fo the auction hall having some tables for looking at the lots or having things brought to you. Screens and biots attending to the people showing products. The jedi grandmaster was looking at the bids that were coming in... plenty for the experimental speeder and it was popular... more popular than she had thought it would be. "Hmm." She said it to herself standing there as the bids for other items came in. The ship was well going to go for a price at least. She wasn't entirely certain what they woluld be able to do with it... it was armed and it was stocked with Sasori products allowing it to function for centuries repairing itself.

She stayed there for a moment meeting a few others and walked around looking at the speeder as the sights of Arla, Celt, Supisy, Hilal and Araia. "Welcome." She bowed for all of them and smiled. "I maybe should have brought two or three it seems with how popular it is." She was saying it and checking it as all looked like they could be capable enough with it. SOme of the other things were getting traction as well when she walked and most seemed taller than her. She gave a grin though while checking on a few more of the lots that were being looked at. "I hope everything is to the liking when it comes ot the items being offered."

Bids updated for the auction

Location: Crown and Spears Hall
Objective: Add to the collection (LOT C - 50k )
Tag: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Equipment: In bio (no armour)


"Oh Hey Vizsla," she said with a smile to her friend Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla "Cheeky chit, bidding against me." she gave the forgemaster a little playful wink. "How have you been?" she asked.

They were then joined by another woman who she didn't recognise, she smiled again. "A few bits, got my eye on this... oh, I guess you are Araia Bralor Araia Bralor then?" she chuckled as the ident attached to the lastest bidder arrived on her pad. Then another bidder, a popular item it appeared... screw it.

She pressed a few buttons and increased her own bid to fifty thousand credits. The bike she rode in on was worth thirty, so she had some wiggle room, but if she could avoid using that then leaving with two bikes would be brilliant. And quite the riding feet.

A smirk crossed her lips as her ident replaced that of the last bidder "There we go girls, lets have some fun."
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current Outfit

Frack no, frack no, frack no. More people are bidding on that bike Hilal wanted so badly, of all the blasted things. No one wanted that cute Starship, nor items that belonged to the stinking Jedi. Just the stealth bike wonderful. "Sometimes I feel like I'm somebody's cosmic plaything," Hilal thought miserably.

To make matters even worse, Celt Saxon Celt Saxon the fellow Mandoa whom Hilal got acquainted with back at the tournament was amongst the many competitors for the bike. Hilal felt her cheeks flush, she felt horrible going against her even though it was over a material item. "I've been great until you decided to place a bid on the item I wanted," Hilal smirked. "You would think these ladies would be more acquainted with other things like a fracking Star Destroyer!"

Enough complaining, it was time to take action. Nothing in life is ever easy, and it was best to take your lumps and fight back. "All right Matsu Ike Matsu Ike !" Hilal declared. "These ladies really want to mess me up! But at the end of the night, I'll be leaving with that Stealth Speeder! Put me on for 60,000 credits!"

She turned towards Supisy Blen Supisy Blen and stuck her tongue out, if it was a fight they want, it was a fight they'll get. Yet, the only casualty this time will be Hilal's bank account.

Araia Bralor Araia Bralor , Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch
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Marshal, Journeyman Protector
Arla tried to keep a professional-like dampener on her excitement, but it was hard not to get caught up in the thrill and excitement of the occasion. Kara wasn't as reserved, having to make just as much of a too-seldom recreational activity as her older cousin. She was already on her second champagne as Arla took a look at the bidding.

Mandalorian names on the bidding for the speeder gave her pause. She liked it well enough, but didn't want to upset anyone by waving her credits around. Arla refrained from bidding again on Lot C. Instead she placed a bid of 60,000 on Lot K. A lot of money, but she was spending personal funds here. Respectfully she kept the bids sensible, not wishing to flash her wealth.

Hey! Party's over here, cousin!

Kara snatched the datapad away, though Arla noticed she quickly checked the bidding herself before concealing the pad inside her own bodice where Arla couldn't get it. Foiled, she raised her own glass of champagne and relaxed into a smile.

So, who's this bioscientist?

Arla held up a hand to forestall any objections or questions as to her knowledge of Kara's presumedly surreptitious budding relationship.

Your mother sent a transmission.

Kara's mother was Arla's aunt, and as parents do, especially in noble families, they pried and questioned whatever their children might be up to. A friend who worked in biochemistry had noticed her young charge in the company of Kara, and had mentioned it to Kara's mother. The family network was tapped to follow up, as efficiently as any intelligence gathering apparatus.


Kara frowned, but then couldn't hide the smile for long. Both girls squealed in excitement and animation, oblivious to everyone around them, grinning like idiots.

K - 60,000 credits

Supisy Blen Supisy Blen Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy Celt Saxon Celt Saxon Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla Araia Bralor Araia Bralor Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
Location: Crown and Spears Hall
Outfit: Shikibu Dress
Tags: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy | Celt Saxon Celt Saxon | Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Araia Bralor Araia Bralor

The bidding on the speeder was getting out of hand. Luckily for Supisy, Latyuo decided to go her own way instead of intruding on the Twi’lek’s fun. Her partner was correct that the speeder was definitely not something that Supisy needed. And that the weapons would likely make Supisy a target for trouble or collect dust. But it promised to be fast and fun and now it was a competition. The girl who added the last bid went so far as to stick her tongue out at Supisy in challenge. That could not go unanswered.

”Sixty-two thousand!” Supisy barked out her bid as she sauntered over to the previous bidder ( Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla ), a wide smile on the Twi’lek’s face as she approached like a young predator in the middle of an enjoyable hunt. ”I don’t like to lose, and I’ve recently got a bitchin’ new job. But the speeder isn’t the only prize in the Hall…” she moved closer and whispered to Hilal, ”And I’m not talking about the other items up for bid,” she added with a wink before taking a step backwards. ”So I might be willing to stop bidding if you promise to let me take her for a spin and promise to share a drink while I find other interesting people to socialize with.”

Lot C - 62,000 credits


Objective: Bid on lots Aurek and Jenth

Location:Crown and Spears Hall

Allies: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

Neutral: Celt Saxon Celt Saxon Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla Supisy Blen Supisy Blen


Equipment:Equipment In Bio

Song: Sharp Dressed Man

He did his best to catch Master Ike’s eye when she entered the floor. Was that a pang of guilt he felt? It had been a long time since he’d checked in too busy, too busy helping people had always been the justification before but it was different when he was confronted directly by the Grand Master of the order he was supposed to be a knight in.

He went to approach and paused his eyes widening when he saw a two hundred and fifty thousand credit bid placed on the human replica droid. Kriff that had gone a hell of a lot higher than he had expected it to go so soon. Thankfully all of Roy’s work had paid off so to speak and he had transferred the wealth of a few planetary crime lords into his bank account. He did his best to school the panic out of his features before placing his own bid on the item alright see how bad this Gwendolyn Allos wants it. Refocusing he approached Master Ike and bowed slightly.

“It’s been a long time Master Ike. I probably owe more than a little bit of an explanation about my whereabouts over the past few years and an even longer explanation about the source of the income I’m using for bidding today.”

He said with a small smile.

“Explanations I would be more than happy to give after the conclusion of the auction.”

  • Lot A: 30,000 Credits
  • Lot J: 260,000 Credits


Last edited:


Location:Crown and Spears Hall
Allies: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla Celt Saxon Celt Saxon
Neutral: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy Supisy Blen Supisy Blen Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch
Currently wearing: This
Song:Eternal Youth

She smiled and nodded. “That’s me. She said cheerily

“I heard you had been working with my mom on missions lately so I thought I’d come by and introduce myself officially.”

She turned to Hilal and gave her a smile as well.

“Hilal here and I met during the Solstice as opponents…”

Her datapad pinged as a series of bids replaced her own. She replaced her bids all except one.

“And looks like we’ll be opponents again. Although seeing as there are plenty of items I’m bidding on I would happily bow out on the promise that should either of you win the speeder you would let me examine it so I can learn about the technology.”

She extended a hand out to both women.

“Does that sound like a fair deal?”

  • Lot A: 35,000 Credits
  • Lot B: 20,000 Credits
  • Lot C: 25,000 Credits
  • Lot F: 50,000 Credits
  • Lot G: 100,000 Credits
  • Lot I: 100,000 Credits
  • Lot J: 275,000 Credits
  • Lot K: 65,000 Credits


Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Celt Saxon Celt Saxon Roy Vermilion Roy Vermilion Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla Araia Bralor Araia Bralor Supisy Blen Supisy Blen Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

The bids continued and she stood there as someone approached her. Taking him in and mentally going over the faces she knew... she wasn't sure he had been known to her before... but he spoke and it seemed he was one of the scattered silvers who were returning slowly. THey might not be a massive planetary governing body anymore but they were able to do a whole lot still.... this was a good example. SHe looked at Roy though and bowed. "It is something I am awaiting with bated breath to hear thaan." She offered a warm smile to that and looked up at him while she was able to hear some of the others talking. The bids for the speeder might get big... or not.... but wanting to see and study the technology was... not terrible as she spoke motioning that Roy could come with her. "The technology is our newest stygianfire crystal. A hybrid created of the two that we hae adapted to a few ships and items such as the bodysuit." She said it and offered a smile with her hands behind her back. Giving information wasn't a problem... replicating the crystal was what Sasori and the silver artisans did.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy Celt Saxon Celt Saxon Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla Araia Bralor Araia Bralor Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Roy Vermilion Roy Vermilion

Both girls were into their third glasses of bubbly before Kara had finished spilling the details on her love life to her older cousin, who was enjoying this time away from duty. Arla felt her cheeks flaming as Kara described in great detail her exploits, as her cousin had intended. They were enjoying one another's company as only two old friends could, when duty allowed so few times for recreation. Kara felt the datapad buzz between her breasts, and fished it out to examine the display.

That Mandalorian outbid you on Lot K. Here.

Kara tapped in a bid in Arla's name of 100,000 onto lot K after examining the bidder's other efforts, figuring that Araia Bralor could afford it as much as Arla could. Kara, being younger and from a different branch of the family wasn't nearly as wealthy as her older cousin, who she knew could afford to be making large charitable donations. Arla watched in alarm.

What did you do?

Arla reached her hand for the datapad, but impishly, Kara put it away instead, grinning.

Looks like that Bralor Mando isn't short on credits. I bumped your stake to a hundred thousand. Now, let's find you a date, Katie.

The older Susni cousin was about to object, but she supposed she might be thankful that Kara hadn't put up a million. Not that she couldn't afford that, but it would be impolite and fairly embarrassing to raise the bidding by orders of magnitude like that. Arla let a smile cross her face, trying not to react to the use of her childhood nickname, a callsign she hated.

I'll settle for another drink and the eye candy, thankyou.

Kara smiled back, but didn't look quite ready to give up on finding someone for her cousin. After all, finding her a match would keep Arla off her case about her biochemist. She smiled wider thinking about him.

K - 100,000 credits

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