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Faction Cleaning Seats | Galactic Alliance [Galactic Senate Building]

Melolei Kardul


OBJECTIVES: Clean the Senate Building
PEOPLE PRESENT: Temp Agency Cleaning Crew, Senate Security Staff
TAGS: Open

With her headphones on, she began to walk through her own assigned corridors of the senate building. It was mostly devoid of activity, her hand waving to those that lingered to guard the place. Her badge flashed more than once as her attitude made it plain she didn't enjoy the thought of working over what most considered a week end. But credits were credits, and at least the work was on her own planet for once.

There were others working alongside her from the same temp agency, but they all had unofficially made her the leader of the group. An exhausting task given the responsibilities that had already been given to her now including babysitting the lot of them. Also meaning she had to come and go in order to bring any of the work related grav-carts they needed from the transport. Her seniority was for some reason the deciding factor today. Perhaps because she had been the senior most member of the crew that day.

Or because she was the longest lasting worker for the agency period and none of the others wanted to deal with the guards as much.

Either way, she had gone back and forth, working with the guards to slowly get the assigned people to work before moving to her own floor. The communicators were working finally, having spent several minutes fiddling with them. The receptionist at the front desk had pointed her to security in order to work out what signal to not use, but also to make sure that the agency cleaners could be monitored given they were in a government building.

Details that made her head spin.

What did they figure people did? Got jobs as cleaning staff to blow a place up?

Seemed awfully far fetched in her experience. Then again the galaxy was a strange place. Even here where the seat of the Alliance sat was not free from the strange happenings of the universe.

A lot had been happening of late, and the place had seen more and more frequent use with scarce times between to actually allow the regular cleaning staff time to work their magic. Well, at least what most considered magic. The people that used the force-thing could produce a whole other field of magical shows. Moving stuff with their minds and summoning lightning and all that bith-jazz. But even other cleaning companies needed help from time to time.

Which was why the temp agency had seized the opportunity to send in someone of their own workers to establish a healthy rapport with the senate and those companies paying attention to who they hired. Taking the turbolifts up, she began to slowly work through the seating areas around the top. Emptying bins, dusting, sanitizing and making sure the arrangement was immaculate for the next use.

Several were assigned to garbage bins all along the floors while others were to follow a pattern, working from the top, down to avoid leaving behind dust from the higher levels. All of them wore rather plain uniforms, unadorned and dull in color. The brimmed hats only added to the rather bland display the agency workers had.

Melolei clicked on the
music on her portable player, sound feeding into her headset as she began to sincerely work given her final trip through security had brought the cleaning supplies in. Which had been nearly a fiasco in and of itself with how paranoid the guards had been. All questions and answers she didn't want to have to repeat again given how antsy the group had seemed.

What are the side effects of each container? How long does it take the disinfectant to disperse? Will the aerosol linger for longer than a standard galactic day? All questions she had to look up in her technical data sheets that had been handy on the grav-cart thankfully. She'd never had to actually use the blasted things until today, but was thankful she had remembered the dispatcher mentioning them.

Vreemde Morteisen


Morteisen Vreemde
CEO of Macharian Industries Corporation | Senator of Brentaal
Attire | Holo-Projector | Com-link | Datapad

Objective: I. Escape the Droid, II. Find the office
Tag(s): Melolei Kardul , open


Vreemde was for the first time setting foot into the senate building on Coruscant today. He had never even been close to the Core in his life and was now getting here, at the centre of political and cultural influence, as an official envoy for both his company and a core world. Brentaal was busy, even busier than ever and he was going from signing one paper to signing the next once they had moved in there a while ago.

It was difficult to listen to the droid, he was talking and talking about this and that, even throwing in history of the building. Morteisen was busy with looking around and offering greetings to the people he passed. He knew the droid would eventually bring him to his officer here, but he couldn´t fething stand that constant flood of information. Especially because they were useless.

At a crossing of two corridors, he just turned right where the droid walked on and enjoying the silence for a moment. The corridor was a long gallery with windows to the skyscraper landscape of the Galactic City. He slowly steps on, the clean and polished boots leaving nearly no sound on the carpets.

For a while he was just standing there and enjoying the silence, watching the outside world and the sun slowly setting.

Melolei Kardul


OBJECTIVES: Clean the Senate Building
PEOPLE PRESENT: Temp Agency Cleaning Crew, Senate Security Staff
TAGS: Vreemde Morteisen

She was dancing to the tune in her headphones as she cleaned a set of seats inside one of the senators areas when a message cut out the music. Her hand stuttered as she waited and listened to the other over the comm link with a growing frown. Her ears fell slightly listening to another cleaner inform her someone was standing near a set of windows and staring outside.

Cutting them off from getting the corridor area clean.

She tapped into the channel security had provided for her, informing them she was stepping away from her cart on the top level to deal with one of her coworkers. She didn't move from it until she received a reply and heard the turbolift doors open. One of the security guards took her place as she made her way down via the turbolift and found the cleaner in question.

A rodian who buzzed angrily at her and gestured to the man in question. After a small back and forth in the junction of the hallways, she assured them she would handle it before pulling the headphones down and easing towards Vreemde Morteisen with a bit of caution on her part.

"H-hello! High. Um...are you staff or an office worker? I didn't think anyone other than the guards were here." She finally spoke, standing a few meters back while wringing her hands together. Her ears were drooping slightly, nervous energy about her.


Vreemde Morteisen


Vreemde Mortesisen
CEO of Macharian Industries Corporation | Senator of Brentaal
Attire | Holo-Projector | Com-link | Datapad

Objective: I. Escape the Droid, II. Find the office
Tag(s): Melolei Kardul , open


He was deep in thoughts as a voice appeared behind him. Already close to a sigh that the protocol droid had found him again, he slowly turned around just to see a young woman looking at him. Vreemde immediatly become a bit more relaxed and the returned frustration was gone already. He offered her a slight bow of his head with a soft smile.

"Good evening. Well neither, my name is Vreemde Morteisen, new Senator of Brentaal."

The man looked at her for a moment, keeping his smile. She apparently belonged to the facility management, cleaning the building after work time.

"I hope I am not disturbing you or your collegues at your work? I came here late because I like some silence when working, but my protocol droid had a slightly different approach and we separated."

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