Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Staff Codex & Factory Template Contest

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The Factory // The Codex
It can be any template that you feel the Codex or Factory might be lacking. (Ex.) Codex: The long-awaited Civilian NPC Template, A "General" Lore Template, a template to create your own Languages, etc...) We will leave this open to you as long as possible, but, make haste because it won't be here forever!
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Thank you! <3

CODEX template
Non-Combat NPC unit template​

  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Role: [ Is this uinit serving as medical detail to your character? Is it a uinit of your faction? Is it a research team for your company? Explain the IC role this uinit will fulfill. ]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers’ content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Group Name: [ What is the name of this unit? Example: “Czerka's engineers” or “University archaeologists”. ]
  • Affiliation: [ Who is this unit loyal too? Usually a faction, company, or character. Link any relevant character bios, faction pages, or groups. ]
  • Classification: [ What type of unit is this? Choices include, but are not limited to: Engineers, Researchers, Scientists, Doctors, Teachers, Archaeologists, Bureaucrats, etc. ]
  • Description: [ Give a brief overview of this team/group. Notable appearance, if they have a team symbol, general mindset and behaviour, etc. ]
UNIT INFORMATION: The combination of Unit and Availability below is the indicator of how numerous your unit is. General medical team for instance would be considered Large/Common, while Doctors specializing in Blackwing virus would be a Small/Unique unit. Majority Force User Unit are prohibited from being Common or Large. The as in many areas as possible and more specialized your unit is (FU or NFU), the smaller and less common it should be.
  • Unit Size: [ This is how many individuals make up a single unit. Choose from Small (each unit is small, comprising a dozen members or less), Medium (moderately sized unit, often specialized), Large (many individuals, often compromising the rank and file). ]
  • Unit Availability: [ This is how many person are available for replacement. Choose from Unique (only one), Rare (very few, difficult to replace, may have long learning/training times), Uncommon (some, replaceable, enough to support), Common (many, easy to replace, likely with more always in learning/training, or does not require expertise). ]
  • Unit Experience: [ How experienced is this team/group? Choose from Incompetent, Novice, Trained, Expert, Master. Expert and Master are more appropriate to smaller, less common groups/teams with lower failure rates, while Trained and lower are appropriate for larger, more common groups/teams with higher replacement needs. Also because it is easier for them to learn and develop further than those who are already starting as Expert or Master level. You are encouraged to update groups/teams, as they grow through RP in experience, through the submission modification thread. ]
  • Equipment: [ If your team/group possesses any specialty equipment (equipment suitable for their work, sensors, medical equipment, bureaucratic programs, computers, etc.) list them and provide links here. Check the table below for production level and affiliation of any Factory submissions based on the unit's size and availability- those that are inappropriate will need to be changed. The unit may use equipment of the listed production or higher production values, but not lower. ] [ Disadvantage: They can only have non-lethal weapons in their equipment. ]
  • Specialization Function: [ Describe this unit’s general function in their specialization. Put things like their functions, habits, goals, how they interact with other parts of a company, faction, do they need support or are they the support, etc. ]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some strengths of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
[ Include a description of the unit’s history here. How they were formed and by whom, past noteworthy actions, whether they were involved in war, how they work, what their short or long term goals are, etc. ]
In theory you can just submit a Force tradition as an organization or a religion, but if you think of a Venn diagram shaped like Mickey Mouse, org is one ear, religion is the other, and Force traditions are the face.

  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Canon: [ Is this based on, or a successor/derivative of, a canon Force tradition? If yes, link to the original Force tradition wiki article here. If no, simply put N/A. ]
  • Permissions: [ Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission. ]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc. here, canon or otherwise, especially obscure references, or events important to the submission. ]
  • Tradition Name: [ The name of the Force tradition. ]
  • Tradition Type: [ What kind of a Force tradition is this? Options include, but are not limited to: Formal Order, Alien, Cult, Decentralized, Monastic, Warrior, Wandering, Other. (If Other, please explain.) ]
  • Tradition Focus: [ What kind of a Force tradition is this? Options include, but are not limited to: Intellectual, Spiritual, Physical, Technological, Sensory, Crafting, Other. (If Other, please explain.) ]
  • Influence: [ Choose from: Dead (no living practitioners), Solitary (a single practicing member), Minor (localized to a small area), Planetary (practiced by individuals across a single world), Interplanetary (practiced by individuals scattered across multiple worlds), Major (widespread across the galaxy). ]
  • Orientation: [ Choose from: Light, Light-leaning, Balanced, Dark, Dark-leaning, Other. (If Other, please explain.) ]
  • Influence Area: [ Where can this tradition be found? Name the planet or area in the galaxy. If a dead or solitary tradition, write N/A ]
  • Symbol: [ If your Force tradition has symbols or icons that are associated with it, include or describe them. ]
  • Description: [ Give a general description of the Force tradition. ]
  • Membership: [ How does one become a part of this Force tradition? Are they born into it? Are there ceremonies that one must go through or skills one must learn? Explain any processes that must be adhered to, if applicable. ]
  • Motives: [ What drives this tradition? Protecting a homeworld or species, perfecting themselves, acquiring ancient knowledge, destroying their enemies? Include any applicable links. ]
  • Rules and Teachings: [ What does this tradition believe, preach, and practice? What does it require of its practitioners or outsiders? Does it enforce those requirements? ]
  • Reputation: [ How well known outside of its own practitioners is this Force tradition? How are its practitioners viewed by others (people or governments) around the galaxy? Do other traditions see them as amusing, heretical, or frightening? If the Force tradition isn't widespread enough, you can simply write N/A. ]
  • Openness: [ How open are this tradition's practitioners to revealing their identity or presence, working with others, or sharing their teachings with outsiders? ]
  • Characteristic Equipment: [ Do this tradition's practitioners have any trademark equipment? Lightsabers, unique weapons, handmade armor, talismans, staffs, tools, trophies, books, gadgets, animal companions, badges of authority, sacred relics? ]
  • Notable Force Skills: [ Does this tradition focus on, or have special expertise with, trademark Force abilities? Does it involve rituals? Does it require songs, incantations, gestures, or objects of focus? ]
  • Notable Force Limitations: [Does this tradition neglect, ignore, forbid, or poorly understand some kinds of Force abilities? For example, the Jedi tradition has typically excluded alchemy and lethal Force abilities, the Sith tradition has typically excluded healing, and don't ask an Ewok shaman to cast Force Lightning. ]

[ Mention any notable PCs or NPCs that are part of this Force tradition and their role/title/position within it. (Alternatively, link to a post or blog with this information if you would like to keep an active player roster.) You may also request a sub mod to add/remove members. Link any relevant characters or NPC submissions. ]

[ Include a description of the Force tradition's history here. How did this Force tradition come about? What other traditions influenced them, if any? Did they split off from another tradition or grow from a specific culture or event? Does it have ancient roots, or did it arise during the Four Hundred Year Darkness? Are there any historical events and memories tied to the people who follow this religion, major events, etc.? Link to any relevant characters or NPC subs. ]
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I'd like to make a few little suggestions for the main Starship Templates page. New version:

Balance Guidelines
For a Mass-Produced starship, start with all values at Average. For each increase you should:
  • Reduce the Production value, OR
  • Reduce another rating (e.g. increase Speed while decreasing Defenses), OR
  • Provide balance with genuine and significant weaknesses.
For help keeping everything balanced, you may want to refer to the Starship Spreadsheet Tool.

Note: As a general rule, the Factory rounds down, not up.

Starship and Station Templates
Choose the Template that best fits your submission. Ship classifications are loosely based on the ancient Anaxes War College System. If you are unsure which template to use, please contact a member of the factory team for assistance.

Balance Guideline
Lengths are applied as per an Adjusted Anaxes War College System. For technical ratings, start with all values at Average for a Mass-Produced piece of technology. For every increase you should either:
  • Reduce the Production value.
  • Reduce another rating (e.g. increase Increase Speed while decreasing Defensive rating).
  • Provide balance with genuine and significant weaknesses.
  • The factory will always round down, never round up. Please keep this in mind when approaching submissions.
Starship Templates
Choose the Template that best fits your submission. If you are unsure, please contact a member of the factory team for assistance.
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You could submit this as an organisation in the lore section of the codex. But, I feel it would be better to have its own category. Because there are niches which aren't examined in the organisation template. I think if we have a dedicated, easy to use template to help the codex with things like governments under MF's and to really encourage factions to flesh out the planets under their domain and codify their dominions in a way, describing what they've got going on. Because lets face it, once a dominions done, there aren't many MF's which decide to deep dive, and elaborate on the lore of territories under their control and give them some unique flair.

The reason I added an expansive military section, is because I think, unless you're really going to go through the whole hog rigor of subbing a military NPC sub, you will because 9/10, you'll use it in combat RP. But the purpose for this, is if you just want a random NPC stormtrooper garrison, to add some flair. Like say, I just wanted to have X planet be garrisoned by stormtroopers. But I want them to be purple, and they train people, and won't really appear outside of that setting. Which I know I won't use in invasions. But I want it noted that that's how stormtroopers will specifically look on X planet.

Could open the way for more RP for say Republic/Democratic factions to talk about how each planet votes etc. And a way to establish military districts for more imperial/Darkside factions, and describe some of the more inhumane things they may have in their occupied territories.

  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfil in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Canon: [ Is this based on, or a any canon material? If so, link here. ]
  • Permissions: [ Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission. ]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc. here, canon or otherwise, especially obscure references, or events important to the submission. ]
  • Planet(s) Chosen: [In this section please list what planet or planets which are under the nominal control of this government]
  • Name of the Government: [In this section, please list the name of the government. So for example the Dual Barony of Carlac. The Federal Republic of Candrilla. The Exegol Mandate. The Governate of Kashyyk. The Duro-Correllian Constitutional Republic. The Occupied Imperial Territory of Bastion. The Moffdom of Naboo. Military District Ruusan.]
  • Relationship With Overlord: [In this section please denote the relationship the government has with its overlord government. Overlord government being a major or minor faction who have this planet within their cloud. So for example, is it an occupied territory under martial law? Is it a willing partner whose now a member of a faction?]
  • Type of Government: [So list here what sort of government it is. Is it a constituent democratic state of a wider Republic? Is it an occupied territory under a military governor? Or is it a monarchy?]
  • Symbol: [Does the government have a symbol? Maybe something like the coat of arms of a Royal Family. The Military Symbol of the governing garrison? Or the flag of a Republic? Please list the flag under the 'Image Credit' section.]
  • Role: [What role does this territory maintain within your Major Faction? Is it say a territory seized for its riches? Or is it a place which is being built up to contribute? Why did you annex this territory? And what does it contribute to your faction?]
  • Leadership: [Name an IC leader. Maybe President Seymour Buttz. Or Military Governor Amanda Lovengiss.]
  • Capital: [Simple as that, name a world, and the city its capital is housed in. So for example: Fortress Dosuun, Prefsbelt IV.]
  • Assets: [This can be codex subs submitted to a certain planet. Or say a companies headquarters. Or any military units submitted within the codex you would like stationed here.]
  • Important Members: [This here is for PC's and important NPC's you have submitted and or write. But also feel free to add your own, with some backstory off the cuff.]
  • Government Stability: [Is this a government supported by a popular mandate? Or is it a shaky, divided democracy? Is the planet under threat of some horrible revolution?]
  • Wealth: [How wealthy is the planet? Has all its wonders been pillaged by a foreign invader? Or is it prospering under a major faction? Is there some new trade which has opened up? Or is its industry having to adjust?]
  • Freedoms: [What sort of freedoms can people expect here? Are they under martial law? Or is it an unlimited free speech utopia?]
  • Politics: [Where does this government politically align? Do the people here vote? And if so, who for? Are the government staunch federalists, wanting to be apart of the larger major faction? Or are they separatists, who want to have their own autonomy?]
  • Imports: [What sort of goods does your government need to import? Does it a need fresh supply of soldiers for anti-partisan duty? Or perhaps they need food stores to stave off starvation? Maybe machine parts for new factories?]
  • Exports: [What does your government export? Has the new weapons factory allowed it to create walkers? Does it provide food for a burgeoning Empire? Or does the broader military recruit heavily from the sector?]
  • Military Strength Rating: [Rating is to be put as either Maximum. High. Medium. Low. Very Low. None. ]
  • Military Force Name: [What are the name of the local troops? What designation do they have? Is it a series of Stormtrooper Legions occupying it? Or is it like a Royal/Republican Guard? Is there any unique flair to the name?]
  • Military Force: [So here, describe the sort of military strength of the government. Is it a major military hub for the major faction? Or is it a loose garrison? Does it need legions of troops? Or does it merely have a small local security force? Also here describe if there's a special flair to local forces. Do stormtroopers have a green coat of paint? Do the soldiers wear feathers in their hats? Do they perhaps fight half naked? Also what type are they? Are they mercenaries? Are they tribesmen? Or are they a local branch of a broader federal military?]
  • Military Role: [So what role does the military, if any play here. Is the military necessary for keeping the peace? Or is it here to train? Or does the military recruit heavily from this state? Or is just effectively a police force?]
  • Military Installations: [This is for both codex submissions relating to military facilities, but also to describe any others you wish to add ad-hoc. So say you want to say there's a large prison camp. Or some form of small naval dockyard. Or perhaps a staging ground. Just list any approved, and any headcanon'd installations here.]
[So describe the history of the planet. You might want to just put what you guys did in a dominion. But you could also describe the establishment of your government after say you drove the Sith from some world. Or put down an insurrection. Fill in the gaps here between what happened when your Major Faction took the world in some way, and has since evolved into a part of your factions cloud. Or maybe elaborate on some of the gaps you've found within the template. Go ham. Go wild.]
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I ran into problems when trying to sub various ethnic and cultural groups within the Shi'ido, a canon species. I wound up going with the Species template, as I felt it was better suited to my needs, but this led to confusion with the judges and presumably readers of the sub. Others also questioned why I didn't just use the Organization template; I decided not to because Organization focuses heavily on a power hierarchy, making it better suited to businesses, minor factions, governments, and so on. Here, I've basically just combined the Species and Organization templates.

  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Canon: [ Is this based on a canon species or group? If yes, link to the original species wiki here, if no simply put N/A. ]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers’ content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Name: [ Name of the group. ]
  • Classification: [ Ethnicity, cultural group, etc. ]
  • Origins: [ This can be a planet (canon or Chaos canon sub), a company's lab, a region of space, extra-galactic, etc. Provide a link if applicable. ]
  • Affiliation: [ Does this group hold loyalties to any particular character, faction, government, company or establishment? Link any relevant characters, faction pages, or groups. ]
  • Symbol: [ If your group has a sigil or logo, provide a picture or briefly describe what it looks like. ]
  • Domain: [ Does your group lay claim to any particular area? Link the planet(s), Cities, or other types of areas your group has influence over, if any. Do they keep to themselves, or are they an active part of the community? How is their relationship with the local populace? This is the place to flesh out how your group interacts with the community around it. ]
  • Estimated Population: [ Unique (Only One Member), Semi-Unique (An extremely small number, first or last of their kind), Rare (A few groups, often limited to a single world), Planetary (A Large Concentration on a single world or system, rarely found off-world), Scattered (Smaller groups or individuals found in many places around the galaxy), Inter-Planetary (Multiple larger populations found within numerous star systems), Common (Can be found in most any space-worthy colony around the galaxy)- Optional: include a population number. ]
  • Description: [ Provide a short paragraph that describes this group at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in distinctions below. ]
  • Distinctions: [ Describe any unique physical traits that define what they are and set them apart from other members of their species. Be sure to include any differences between male and female, as well as variations between different regional groups if any, and characteristics that denote a matured or ageing individual. ]
  • Force Sensitivity: [ Force Dead (members of this group are Force Dead with the bonuses and drawbacks inherent to that. Ex. Yuuzhan Vong.), Non-Sensitive (no members of the group are FS), Rare (very few members are FS. Ex. Hutts), Low (Some members are, but many are not), Standard (Some are, some are not, it is neither common nor uncommon), High (Many of its members are sensitive to the Force. Ex Humans, Twi’leks, etc), All (Every single member is born sensitive to the Force, but lack training. Ex. Neti, Vahla). ]
  • Membership: [ What does it take to be considered a member of this group? Do you have to be born as one? Is there an initiation or a ritual to induct outsiders into their ranks? Missions they have to carry out? Tasks to perform to prove their skill/worthiness? Is it easy to marry into the group or are there certain attributes the group looks for/do you need approval? Include both IC and OOC info, as if someone were interested in your group and wanted to know how to join. ]
  • Climate: [ Describe what kind of feel your group has from the inside. Are members open and encouraged to mingle with outsiders, or are they isolated and closed off? ]
  • Reputation: [ How do people see this group from the outside? Beloved? Distrusted? Wary or neutral? Describe your group's reputation here. ]
  • Curios: [ Do the members of your group have any special item, marking or trinket that designates their membership? Something that only those part of this group would have access to or possession of? Examples are tattoos, amulets, rings, books of faith, etc. ]
  • Values: [ Most groups are defined by a set of common values. Maybe the Resol'nare, the Jedi Code, etc. Does this group have any religious beliefs? Philosophies? ]
  • Diet: [ Is this group associated with a certain type of cuisine? Are there any dietary restrictions? Note down common foods and preferences, what is forbidden to eat, etc. ]
  • Communication: [ How do they communicate amongst themselves? Do they have their own spoken language (if so, tell us which), body language, telepathy, etc. ]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some strengths of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
[ Include a description of the group's history here. Most galactic groups will be quite old - include major events relevant to the group's history in how they evolved and developed into what they are today where appropriate. Including Chaos canon events, where they impacted the history of this group, is a plus. ]
Lore Template: MOUNT

A refinement of the Beast Companion Template specific for mounts and riding beasts.

  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Role: [ Is this a simple pet? A guardian? A sentry for a location? A war mount? A working beast? Explain the role this companion animal will play. ]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Age: [ Please keep it sensible. ]
  • Force Sensitivity: [ Choose from: Force Dead, Non-Force User, Untrained Force Sensitive, Force User. ]
  • Species: [ Remember to consult the Banned Species List. Don't use anything on it. If the species is uncommon or custom it should be linked to the correct Wookie Article or the Codex Species Sub. ]
  • Appearance: [ Describe the appearance of the creature. How big or small are they? Fur or scale colour. Any distinguishing marks such as scars, tattoos, or other markings. ]
  • Name: [ Also worth including: aliases, nicknames, ranks, titles and so forth. ]
  • Loyalties: [ PC affiliation? Will he on allow a certain PC to ride him? Is she part of a stable of other mounts? Link any relevant characters, faction pages, or groups. ]
  • Personality: [ Describe the Mount's personality. Aggressive? Calm? Lazy or energetic? Friendly with new people or shy? Explain how they act with both those they trust and those they don't know. ]
  • Combat Function: [ Combat is difficult to avoid -- after all, this is Chaos. Should your NPC wind up in combat, what would they be good at? How would they work alongside you, or would they be a liability? Remember: An NPC is weaker than a PC of an equivalent level, and will not match them in power, skills, or abilities. ]
  • Role: (What role does this mount fulfill? Cargo Transport? Personal Transport? Armored Transport?
  • Size: (Please choose a size between Extremely Small, Very Small, Small, Average, Large, Very Large and Extremely Large.)
  • Weight: (Please choose a weight between Extremely Heavy, Very Heavy, Heavy, Average, Light and Very Light, Extremely Light.)
  • Combat Capability: (What combat capability does the mount have? List any talons, claws, fire breath etc, and provide a rating relative to the scale of the mount from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High and Extreme.)
  • Defenses: (What kind of defensive systems does the mount have? Give a rating for how well protected it is. Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High and Extreme. [Links: Vehicle Armor, Approved Technology])
  • Maneuverability Rating: (How agile is your mount? Can it take tight turns? This is relative to the size of the mount. For your type of mount how maneuverable is it? Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High and Extreme.)
  • Speed Rating: (Give the top speed of the mount relative to its size category. Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High and Extreme.)
  • Locomotion: (Bipedal, Quadrupedal, Wings, Fins, etc.)
  • Passenger Capacity: (How many non-handling riders can the mount hold, if any?)
  • Cargo Capacity: (Please choose a size between None, Very Small, Small, Average, Large, Very Large and Extreme.)

  • [Provide, in list format, some strengths of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
  • [Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
Codex NPC Creation

A simple additional field for the present NPC Combat Unit Template. This field would only apply to units that have Force users in them. NPC units without FUs would simply not use the field, just like planet subs that don't have a Force nexus leave out that section.

Force Abilities (Force User Units Only): [If your NPC unit has Force Users, please list their Force abilities, especially unusual or rare ones.]

Alternately this could simply be added to the already existing Combat Function section.

Combat Function: [ Describe this unit's general function in combat. Put things like tactics, habits, goals, how they interact with other parts of a larger army, do they need support or are they the support, etc. If your NPC unit has Force Users, please list their Force abilities, especially unusual or rare ones.]

Current text is in spoiler.


  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Role: [ Is this unit serving as protective detail to your character? Is it a portion of the rank and file of your faction? Is it a strike team for your company? Explain the IC role this unit will fulfill. ]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]

  • Unit Name: [ What is the name of this unit? Example: "Imperial Stormtroopers" or "Republic Commandos". ]
  • Affiliation: [ Who is this unit loyal too? Usually a faction, company, or character. Link any relevant character bios, faction pages, or groups. ]
  • Classification: [ What type of unit is this? Choices include, but are not limited to: Conscript, Infantry, Engineers, Recon, Artillery, Fighter Pilots, Black Ops, etc. ]
  • Description: [ Give a brief overview of this combat unit. Notable appearance, if they have a unit emblem, general mindset and behavior, etc. ]
COMBAT INFORMATION: The combination of Unit Size and Availability below is the indicator of how numerous your unit is. Stormtroopers for instance would be considered Large/Common, while Rogue Squadron would be a Small/Unique unit. Majority Force User Units are prohibited from being Common or Large. The stronger and more specialized your unit is (FU or NFU), the smaller and less common it should be.

  • Unit Size: [ This is how many individuals make up a single unit. Choose from Small (each unit is small, comprising a dozen members or less), Medium (moderately sized units, often specialized), Large (many individuals, often compromising the rank and file). ]
  • Unit Availability: [ This is how many units are available for deployment. Choose from Unique (only one), Rare (very few, difficult to replace, may have long training times), Uncommon (some, replaceable, enough to support), Common (many, easy to replace, likely with more always in training). ]
  • Unit Experience: [ How experienced is this unit? Choose from Rabble, Recruit, Trained, Veteran, Elite. Veteran and Elite are more appropriate to smaller, less common units with lower casualty rates than the rank and file, while Trained and lower are appropriate for larger, more common units with higher replacement needs. You are encouraged to update the units, as they grow through RP in experience, through the submission modification thread. ]
  • Equipment: [ If your unit possesses any specialty equipment (weapons, armor, combat tools, star fighters, landing ships, etc.) list them and provide links here. Check the table below for production level and affiliation of any Factory submissions based on the unit's size and availability- those that are inappropriate will need to be changed. The unit may use equipment of the listed production or higher production values, but not lower. ]
  • Combat Function: [ Describe this unit's general function in combat. Put things like tactics, habits, goals, how they interact with other parts of a larger army, do they need support or are they the support, etc. ]

  • [ Provide, in list format, some strengths of this submission. 2 recommended. ]

  • [ Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
[ Include a description of the unit's history here. How they were formed and by whom, past noteworthy battles, moral affecting defeats, where they are stationed if applicable, etc. ]
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Factory Template
Racing Vehicle​
Racing Vehicle Template
  • Intent: (Example: 'A fast racing swoop for the Kalidan Fried Ewok 1000')
  • Image Source: Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writer’s submissions as part of the submission)
  • Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
  • Manufacturer: (Kuat Drive Yards, BlasTech Industries, [Character Name], etc. Please ensure you link these accordingly.)
  • Affiliation: (Individual Character Name (an individual PC/NPC who is permitted to use this item), Company Name(s) (Companies authorised to use this submission), Faction Name(s) (Factions authorised to use this submission), other potential options include a submitted NPC unit, or another general organisation/group.)
  • Market Status: Closed-Market (Any character can use this if they have explicit permission through, for example, a marketplace purchase), Open-Market (May be used by any character without permission from the Manufacturer))
  • Model: (Example: Plug-2 Behemoth. For submissions where a model wouldn't be appropriate, such as a custom walking stick, put 'N/A' for 'Not Applicable'.)
  • Modularity: (Can components of this submission be swapped out for other components? Is it especially easy to modify? For most submissions, put 'No'.)
  • Production: The scale is Unique (Only One Character), Semi-Unique (A Single Racing Team), Limited (Only one small group of characters. IE: A Single Constructor, Company, or Group.), Minor (Large groups of characters. (IE: A Single Major Faction, a Few Constructors, or Many Racing Teams.), Mass-Produced. (Anyone.) Characters refer to NPCs & PCs.)
  • Material: (What is the racing vehicle made out of? Heavier materials may necessitate a proportional increase in weight. Example: 'Durasteel, podracer components.' If this submission uses materials not found on wookieepedia, please link. You may also be asked to link materials that are obscure or difficult to find, e.g. exist as a byline in wikia entry)
  • Classification: (What is the classification of the racing vehicle? e.g. Racing Swoop Bike, Racing Walker, Racing Speeder Bike, Racing Landspeeder, Racing Airspeeder, Podracer, Racing Groundcar, Pace Vehicle, Etc.)
  • Size: (Please choose a size between Extremely Small, Very Small, Small, Average, Large, Very Large and Extremely Large. Larger vehicles are generally more difficult to pass and create more turbulence or ‘dirty air’ in their wake, especially through turns. However, they may have more difficulty negotiating tight corners and/or especially narrow circuits.)
  • Weight: (Please choose a weight between Extremely Heavy, Very Heavy, Heavy, Average, Light and Very Light, Extremely Light. Heavier vehicles generally maintain better stability in corners, though may have less overall cornering speed, braking performance, and acceleration from a static position.)
  • Acceleration: (How quickly does the vehicle reach its top speed? Provide a rating relative to the scale of the racing vehicle from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High and Extreme.)
  • Launch: (How quickly does the racing vehicle accelerate from a static position? Provide a rating relative to the scale of the vehicle from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High and Extreme.)
  • Braking Power: (How quickly does the vehicle arrest its momentum? Provide a rating relative to the scale of the racing vehicle from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High and Extreme.)
  • Cornering Speed Rating: (How quickly and easily does the vehicle negotiate a corner? How quickly does it take tight turns? This is relative to the size of the vehicle. For your type of vehicle how agile is it? Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High and Extreme.)
  • Top Speed Rating: (Give the top speed of the vehicle relative to its size category. Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High and Extreme.)
  • Propulsion: (Repulsorlift, Wheels, Tracks, Bipedal, Quadrupedal)
  • Minimum Crew: (Lowest amount of people required to operate the vehicle)
  • Optimal Crew: (The ideal amount of people to operate the vehicle)
  • Passenger Capacity: (How many non-crew individuals can the vehicle hold, if any?)
  • (Detail briefly in a list format actual contents of the known abilities, special features, qualities of note. [Links: Vehicle Sensors, Approved Technology] If these are notable enough to be strengths, please add them to strengths)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)
(Describe some of the histories behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)
Here are the changes to the base vehicle template, abbreviated:
  • Removed Armament, Cargo Capacity, and Defense Ratings, as those things aren't really relevant for a racing vehicle​
  • Renamed Speed Rating to Top Speed Rating​
  • Maneuverability Rating was in practice, replaced by Cornering Speed​
  • Added Acceleration, Launch, and Braking Power Ratings​
Factory Template
Ranged Weapons
  • Intent: (Example: 'A personal weapon for Darth Scabious' or 'an advanced armored personnel carrier for the Republic')
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writer's submissions as part of the submission)
  • Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
  • Manufacturer: (Kuat Drive Yards, BlasTech Industries, [Character Name], etc. Please ensure you link these accordingly.)
  • Affiliation: (Individual Character Name (an individual PC/NPC who is permitted to use this item), Company Name(s) (Companies authorised to use this submission), Faction Name(s) (Factions authorised to use this submission), other potential options include a submitted NPC unit, or another general organisation/group.)
  • Market Status: (Closed-Market (Any character can use this if they have explicit permission through, for example, a marketplace purchase), Open-Market (May be used by any character without permission from the Manufacturer))
  • Model: (Example: E-11 Blaster Rifle. For submissions where a model wouldn't be appropriate, such as a custom walking stick, put 'N/A' for 'Not Applicable'.)
  • Modularity: (Can components of this submission be swapped out for other components? Is it especially easy to modify? For most submissions, put 'No'.)
  • Production: The scale is Unique (Only One Character), Semi-Unique (A single small unit, squad, or squadron), Limited (Only one small group of characters. IE: A Single Minor Faction, Company, or Group within a faction.), Minor (Large groups of characters. (IE: A Single Major Faction, a few companies, or groups.), Mass-Produced. (Anyone.) Characters refer to NPCs & PCs.)
  • Material: (What is it made out of? Certain materials are more resistant, or vulnerable to certain weapons. Example: 'Durasteel, blaster components.' If this submission uses materials not found on wookieepedia, please link. You may also be asked to link materials that are obscure or difficult to find, e.g. exist as a byline in wikia entry. )
  • Classification: (Blaster, Disruptor, Ion/EMP, Slugthower, Rail/Coil/Gauss, Etc.)
  • Size: (Please choose a size between Extremely Large, Very Large, Large, Average, Small, Very Small, Extremely Small.)
  • Weight: (Please choose a weight between Extremely Heavy, Very Heavy, Heavy , Average, Light, Very Light, Extremely Light.)
  • Ammunition Type: (List the ammunition type: Power cell, gas canister, slugs, etc.)
  • Rate of Fire: (How quickly the weapon fires. Choose from None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, and Extremely High. Very High and Extreme will require justification in the strengths and weaknesses.)
    • Ammunition Capacity: (List the ammunition capacity. The more powerful and lighter the weapon, the lower the magazine capacity is likely to be. Please choose a size between Extremely Small, Very Small, Small, Average, Large, Very Large and Extremely Large. You may also include a number with the Rating)
    • Cyclic Rate of Fire: This is the maximum rate of fire the weapon can achieve, as in how fast it can possibly shoot period. None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, and Extremely High.
    • Reload Speed: This how much time it takes between magazine changes. Choose from Extremely Slow/Can't, Very Slow, Slow, Average, Fast, Very Fast, and Extremely Fast
  • Effective Range: (Effective range in relation to the weapon type. Remember that a carbine will have a longer range than a pistol, an assault rifle longer range than a carbine, and a sniper rifle longer than an assault rifle. Choose from None, Point Blank, Personal, Average, Long Range, Battlefield, and Extreme. Battlefield and Extreme will require justification in strengths and weaknesses.)
    • Maximum Effective Range: This is as far as the weapon can shoot at a target and still have an effect. For slug throwers it would be as far as the bullet would travel if you propped the weapon in a 45 degree shooting angle and just let a single round fly. For Blasters it would be as far as the round goes before totally dissipating. Choose from None, Point Blank, Personal, Average, Long Range, Battlefield, and Extreme.
    • Accuracy: For every weapon this will be the base accuracy of the weapon, as in if you fired a single shot at a point of aim, how close would that shot get to the point of aim. Choose from None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, and Extreme.
    • Recoil: How much recoil does the weapon have? Generally speaking, the lighter the weapon and the more damage output it has, the more recoil it will have. Also, certain types of weapons will not have recoil. Choose from Extreme, Very High, High, Average, Low, Very Low, and None.
  • Damage Output: (How powerful the weapon is, in relation to its class. Choose from None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, and Extreme. Very High and Extreme will require justification in strengths and weaknesses.)
    • Impact Damage: How hard does your round hit? How much kinetic damage and force does it effect to the target? Does it feel like being hit with a sledgehammer, or does the target even feel it at all before realizing they're dead? Examples of high impact damage are: Shotguns, heavy pistols, large rifles and grenades. Choose from None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, and Extreme.
    • Penetration Damage: How much does your weapon intend to penetrate armor or targets rather than destroy it? Does it even do surrounding damage to the things it hits or does it instead just punch a hole through whatever is in front of it and leave everything else behind? Examples are armor piercing rounds, most rifles (not the blaster kind), charrics/masers, anti-vehicle rifles. Choose from None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, and Extreme.
  • (Detail briefly in a list format actual contents of the known abilities, special features, qualities of note, etc. - If these are notable enough to be strengths, please add them to strengths. )

  • (Detail briefly in a list format actual contents of the known abilities, special features, qualities of note, etc. - If these are notable enough to be strengths, please add them to strengths. )
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)
(Describe some of the histories behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)


Okay so with that out of the way, let's talk about the changes I want to see.

First and foremost, you'll notice that I moved some fields around in the balance table, introducing sub-categories while also adding some categories. I did this for two reasons: Lowering the bar for entry for beginners and allowing for much more creativity/expression for those who really want to push the limits of submissions. I will go over each of these in depth.

So you're probably wondering, how is adding sub-categories lowering the bar of entry for beginner factory peeps? Doesn't that just a new layer of complexity of headache for people in the factory and the judges? It can, but hear me out. Here is my idea for future factory subs that get put out, and that idea is to allow for much more creative freedom while also simplifying the process. My suggestion for the rules from here on out, is that only the major categories, ie: Production / Size / Weight / Rate of Fire / Effective Range / Damage Output, should be the only major balancing points. This removes recoil (which most people use as a dump stat) magazine size (look at that another dump stat) and instead makes them fall under the categories that they realistically would effect. And I would like to also add as a rule that these are the ONLY major categories that can be used, as they are the major points of balance. This gets rid of any possible future issues of people wanting to add in future points of interest for balance, as you can't use it to affect the major balancing points of the table. And it makes it much easier for someone to make a balanced sub, and offers much more ease in starting out in the factory because all of the newbs out there can be like "Do I need to have the sub-categories?" which is answered with "Nah fam,".

Now for my second point, opening up the tables for creativity and/or expression of factory pros. I can see this going two routes where each of the subcategories is its own little mini table that needs to balance, or that the averages of the two sub categories will instead equal the category they are inside (this is the route I prefer but I'm gonna leave both options on the table). An example of the first would be you have a sub's category (let's say damage) at Very High, its subcategories would start at Average and you would have to balance them out to get a net zero. This would look as follows:

  • Damage Output: Very High (+2)
    • Impact Damage: Low (-1)
    • Penetration: High (+1)

Second option however would be represented by having the overall category be at its rating, and all of the sub-categories would instead have to average out to the rating of the category itself. This would look something like this:

  • Rate of Fire: High (+1)
    • Cyclic Rate of Fire: Extreme (+3)
    • Ammunition Capacity: Low (-1)
    • Reload Speed: Fast (+1)

Reduction of the categories to actually have to balance will allow for those of us who have been in the factory to suddenly have a lot of options open when creating subs. Because while we just lost two of the dump stats, it also makes the size, weight and production of a weapon suddenly much more impactful of a sub's in character quality. Now suddenly if you have a master crafted blaster pistol created by John Locke himself on the peaks of Mount Olympus using materials literally gifted to him by the gods of the force you can see that kind of craftsmanship in a sub reflected by the overall stat tables, which should be indicative not of how good a sub is but how it will interact IC. And to add onto this, the subcategories will allow for someone to go into depth on how a sub works allowing for people to set the tone for the rest of the submission itself. Now you can describe and set down in stone for yourself how comparatively each part of the sub should fit together.

I'll leave this for people to look at, give suggestions so on and so forth.

Also #BringBackStandardFeatures
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Factory Template

  • Intent: (Example: 'A personal armor for Djingly Phett')
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writer's submissions as part of the submission)
  • Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
  • Manufacturer: (Kuat Drive Yards, BlasTech Industries, [Character Name], etc. Please ensure you link these accordingly.)
  • Affiliation: (Individual Character Name (an individual PC/NPC who is permitted to use this item), Company Name(s) (Companies authorised to use this submission), Faction Name(s) (Factions authorised to use this submission), other potential options include a submitted NPC unit, or another general organisation/group.)
  • Market Status: (Closed-Market (Any character can use this if they have explicit permission through, for example, a marketplace purchase), Open-Market (May be used by any character without permission from the Manufacturer))
  • Model: (Example: E-11 Blaster Rifle. For submissions where a model wouldn't be appropriate, such as a custom walking stick, put 'N/A' for 'Not Applicable'.)
  • Modularity: (Can components of this submission be swapped out for other components? Is it especially easy to modify? For most submissions, put 'No'.)
  • Production: The scale is Unique (Only One Character), Semi-Unique (A single small unit, squad, or squadron), Limited (Only one small group of characters. IE: A Single Minor Faction, Company, or Group within a faction.), Minor (Large groups of characters. (IE: A Single Major Faction, a few companies, or groups.), Mass-Produced. (Anyone.) Characters refer to NPCs & PCs.)
  • Material: (What is it made out of? Certain materials are more resistant, or vulnerable to certain weapons. Example: 'Durasteel, blaster components.' If this submission uses materials not found on wookieepedia, please link. You may also be asked to link materials that are obscure or difficult to find, e.g. exist as a byline in wikia entry. )
  • Classification: (Anti-Blaster, Anti-Ballistic, Multipurpose, Other)
  • Weight: (Please choose a weight between Extreme, Very Heavy, Heavy, Average, Light, Very Light and Weightless.)
  • Resistances: (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.) Resistance Ratings Extreme will require the submission to be Semi-Unique. This Resistance Rating is considered very strong and are usually dealing with unique items that should be restricted to Player Characters only.
    • Direct Attacks: (And other Blaster type weapons) How much protection does the armor provide against this type of damage?
    • Force: How much protection does the armor provide against this type of damage?
    • Elemental: How much protection does the armor provide against this type of damage?
    • Environmental: How much protection does the armor provide against this type of damage?
  • (Detail briefly in a list format standard features that are a part of this submission. )

  • (Short brief detail list on any advanced systems with a respective link to the technology if available. What are the types of advanced systems that this armor has? This includes stealth, Bio-restorative technology, power armor, Force Enhancements, Alchemy Enhancements, Force Imbuement enhancements, or any similar or equivalent Force or technologies that may be rare or specialized. - If these are notable enough to be strengths, you must add them to strengths)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission. Any resistance ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)(If your armour is vulnerable to specific types of attack (e.g. Ion/EMP/Lightsabers) please list these here)
(Describe some of the histories behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)


Alright, this is gonna ruffle a lot of feathers so lets get this out of the way. My suggestion for changes here are in line with my ranged weapons changes. Reduce the number of major categories to balance the submissions out and lock them, because if there's one thing that's rampant with armor tech rn it's how bad it has gotten, and open the floor for sub categories so the tables can be used how they were intended. I'll explain it in two parts; Why the Major Categories should be locked, and Why Sub-Categories should be added.

So a lot of people are gonna be up in arms about this part, locking the main categories and making them the only thing that gets balanced across the entire table. I would argue this is a long time coming as a major problem in the Factory rn is that armor submissions keep adding more, and more, and more, and more, and more..... (you get the idea) fields to make stronger and stronger armors. I myself am sort of guilty of this because my current list to balance armor protections (mainly because I'm a person who likes to define everything not because I like to power game a RP board) is around 12-13 fields which is absurd. And I'm not even the worst (you know who you are). But while I feel this for me originated from a want to define all aspects of an armor piece, I feel like for a lot of people it is less about the fine details you can get from a table such as that, and more based on how well they can game the system. So my suggestion is, like in the ranged weapons template, lock the major categories for balance. These are Production / Weight / Direct Attacks / Force / Elemental / Environmental. These all cover most if not all the major classes of damage each character might encounter in roleplay, and do so in a way that is fair to account for and doesn't allow someone to create five dump stats to jack up a bunch of others (again, you know who you are). This makes it fair, balanced, and actually allows for new factory submissions to be more easily balanced because now instead of a judge being forced to make a judgement call if three different fields are technically different enough to be their own fields, they can instead go "This is the template, and these are the major fields,". It also would allow for the weight of an armor to actually carry weight in the sub, and suddenly lower production armors will start looking like they should, rarities that are suddenly much better than bog standard counterparts.

So now for the next part, which is the sub-categories. I feel this should be added because where the old system holds each individual part equal to the rest, I don't feel like this is true and, in a lot of people's cases, I feel like it's an exploit. However, I also feel like if you take away the individual categories subs suddenly become a lot more bland, generic, and otherwise just broad strokes painting. Which is why I think sub categories are important. Here is where the creativity, the niche little balancing points, and the style of a factory artist (because lets be real if you are using this it is artistic expression) will come to light. Maybe you want your armor to be melee focused, even lightsaber focused? Or you want to make a version of canon thinsuit tech? With sub categories that you can use to balance out each major category, no longer will someone add multiple categories of the same damage type, to jack up their resistances to weapons fire. Instead, each category will have sub-categories to balance it out, making the defining terms of how and where it is good at doing that stated thing, defined. And it will do so in a way to make it easily balanced, not broken and easily abused, and also make it fair for future generations to come. Do you have stuff you want specified in your sub? Then find the category it falls under and place it there. Here's an example of how I would like to see it implemented:

  • Production: Minor (-1)
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances: (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme.
    • Direct Attacks: Very High (+2)
      • Energy: Very High (+2)
      • Kinetic: Very High (+2)
      • Lightsabers: Very High (+2)
      • Blast: Very High (+2)
    • Force: None (-3)
    • Elemental: High (+1)
      • EMP/Ion: Very High (+2)
      • Fire: Average (0)
      • Ice: Average (0)
      • Electric: Very High (+2)
    • Environmental: High (+1)
      • Radiation: Very High (+2)
      • Biological: High (+1)
      • Sonic: Very Low (-2)
      • Pressure: High (+1)
      • Acid: High (+1)

So, in conclusion here's what I'd like to see done with armor. If you look at the table, each of the Major categories overall balances out while each of the sub-categories balances out each category internally. This I think is much more fair, as it allows future armor pieces to be balanced and it doesn't allow for factory peeps and judges alike to have to sit there and wrangle what is a fair category for balance and what isn't. Because now, people can go nuts in the sub categories, do what you want, but the major categories would be fixed allowing for the same playing field to be across every writer, and every sub.

Oh and again because I can. #BringBackStandardFeatures

PPS: I think this same format should be applied to materials.
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Factory Template
Melee Weapons

  • Intent: (Example: 'A personal weapon for Darth Scabious' or 'an advanced armored personnel carrier for the Republic')
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writer's submissions as part of the submission)
  • Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
  • Manufacturer: (Kuat Drive Yards, BlasTech Industries, [Character Name], etc. Please ensure you link these accordingly.)
  • Affiliation: (Individual Character Name (an individual PC/NPC who is permitted to use this item), Company Name(s) (Companies authorised to use this submission), Faction Name(s) (Factions authorised to use this submission), other potential options include a submitted NPC unit, or another general organisation/group.)
  • Market Status: (Closed-Market (Any character can use this if they have explicit permission through, for example, a marketplace purchase), Open-Market (May be used by any character without permission from the Manufacturer))
  • Model: (Example: E-11 Blaster Rifle. For submissions where a model wouldn't be appropriate, such as a custom walking stick, put 'N/A' for 'Not Applicable'.)
  • Modularity: (Can components of this submission be swapped out for other components? Is it especially easy to modify? For most submissions, put 'No'.)
  • Production: The scale is Unique (Only One Character), Semi-Unique (A single small unit, squad, or squadron), Limited (Only one small group of characters. IE: A Single Minor Faction, Company, or Group within a faction.), Minor (Large groups of characters. (IE: A Single Major Faction, a few companies, or groups.), Mass-Produced. (Anyone.) Characters refer to NPCs & PCs.)
  • Material: (What is it made out of? Certain materials are more resistant, or vulnerable to certain weapons. Example: 'Durasteel, blaster components.' If this submission uses materials not found on wookieepedia, please link. You may also be asked to link materials that are obscure or difficult to find, e.g. exist as a byline in wikia entry. )
  • Classification: (Dagger, Sword, Whip, etc.)
  • Size: (Please choose a size between Extremely Large, Very Large, Large, Average, Small, Very Small, Extremely Small)
  • Weight: (Please choose a weight between Extremely Heavy, Very Heavy, Heavy, Average, Light, Very Light, Extremely Light.)
  • Cutting Power: How well does your melee weapon cut? Is it a Ginshu knife, a Samurai Sword, or a brick? Choose from None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, and Extreme
  • Piercing Power: How well does your melee weapon stab? Is like a spear, a Rapier, or a brick? Choose from None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, and Extreme
  • Blunt Force: How well does your melee weapon smash? Is it a brick? Choose from None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, and Extreme
  • (Detail briefly in a list format standard features that are a part of this submission. )

  • (Detail briefly in a list format actual contents of the known abilities, special features, qualities of note, etc. - If these are notable enough to be strengths, please add them to strengths )
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)
(Describe some of the histories behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)


So here I'd just like the damage types for melee weapons defined because rn, the table doesn't really serve any purpose. Plus, all of the fields are perfectly matched too with Production / Size / Weight / Cutting / Stabbing / Blunt.
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
FACTORY template
Melee weapon template​

My melee weapon idea is much-much simpler than Monster's, which one I suggested in the Factory months ago.
All the changes:

  • Classification: (Dagger, Sword, Whip, etc.)
  • Size: (Please choose a size between Extremely Large, Very Large, Large, Average, Small, Very Small, Extremely Small)
  • Weight: (Please choose a weight between Extremely Heavy, Very Heavy, Heavy, Average, Light, Very Light, Extremely Light.)
  • Primary damage: (Burns, cuts, punctures, crushed injuries, electric, sonic, etc.)
  • Additional effects: Any additional effects caused by the weapon. For example, poison, stun, burns, freezing, etc.
Factory Template
Small Craft

  • Intent: (Example: 'To create a fast courier vessel for the open market')
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writers' submissions as part of the submission)
  • Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
  • Manufacturer: (Kuat Drive Yards, BlasTech Industries, [Character Name], etc. Please ensure you link these accordingly. For Manufacturing limitations on who can make what, please see For more details see the Star Ship rules)
  • Affiliation: (Individual Character Name (an individual PC/NPC who is permitted to use this item), Company Name(s) (Companies authorised to use this submission), Faction Name(s) (Factions authorised to use this submission), other potential options include a submitted NPC unit, or another general organisation/group. For Affiliation limitations on who can field what, please see For more details see the Star Ship rules.)
  • Market Status: (Closed-Market (Any character can use this if they have explicit permission through, for example, a marketplace purchase), Open-Market (May be used by any character without permission from the Manufacturer))
  • Model: (Example: TIE (Twin Ion Engine). For submissions where a model wouldn't be appropriate, such as a custom walking stick, put 'N/A' for 'Not Applicable'.)
  • Production: The scale is Unique (Only One Character), Semi-Unique (A single small unit, squad, or squadron), Limited (Only one small group of characters. IE: A Single Minor Faction, Company, or Group within a faction.), Minor (Large groups of characters. (IE: A Single Major Faction, a few companies, or groups.), Mass-Produced. (Anyone.) Characters refer to NPCs & PCs.)
  • Material: (What is it made out of? Certain materials are more resistant, or vulnerable to certain weapons. Example: 'Durasteel, blaster components.' If this submission uses materials not found on wookieepedia, please link. You may also be asked to link materials that are obscure or difficult to find, e.g. exist as a byline in wikia entry)
  • Classification: (Starfighter, Bomber, Scout, Atmospheric Fighter, Atmospheric Bomber, Atmospheric Scout, Gunship, Dropship, Interceptor.)
  • Length: (Via Metric System. Max: 50 meters. Examples: X-wing: 12.5 meters, Y-wing: 16 meters, Millenium Falcon: 34.7 meters, Slave I: 21.5 meters)
  • Width: (Via Metric System. Max: 50 meters. Examples: Y-wing: 2.9 meters, Millenium Falcon: 25.61 meters, Slave I: 21.3 meters)
  • Height: (Via Metric System. Max: 50 meters. Examples: Y-wing: 7.9 meters, Millenium Falcon: 8.27 meters, Slave I: 7.8 meters)
  • Armament: (You may provide your armament in list format and must provide your vessel an Armament Rating. (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Armament Ratings are scaled in relation to the class of ship, meaning a Starfighter will not equate to a Destroyer.Armament Ratings provide only basic weaponry (ex. turbolasers, ion cannons, concussion missiles. laser cannons, etc) unless the ship also has a description of weapons. Please link to all Factory subs used. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology)
  • Defenses: (You may provide your shield and armor systems in list format and must provide your vessel a Defense Rating. (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Where None is a man in a space suit hanging on to an engine, Average is typical defense, and Extreme is heaviest defense with heavy armor plating and multiple layers of powerful shields. Defensive Ratings are scaled in relation to the type of ship, meaning a Starfighter will not equate to a Destroyer. You should list particular systems under advanced systems. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Links: Approved Technology)
  • Squadron Count: (Please provide the amount of fighters this submission would have in a squadron. The average squadron for any starfighter is 12, at lengths averaging 12.5 meters. The bigger the fighter, the smaller your Squadron Count should be. The smaller the fighter, the bigger your Squadron count can be. [None: 1 | Very Low: 4 | Low: 8 | Average: 12 | High: 16 | Very High: 20 | Extreme: 24 ] Squadron Sizes may be listed as just the rating.)
  • Performance: (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. How agile is your ship? Can it take tight turns? This is relative to the size of the vessel (e.g. a Corvette with Low Maneuverability will be more agile than a Star Destroyer with a Low rating.
    • Speed: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme
    • Maneuverability: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme
  • Cargo Capacity: (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme.
  • (Provide all of your submission's standard features, including non-combat items, here in a list -or- alternatively simply state 'all standard features'. This includes all features that are common for vessels of this class. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)
  • (Provide all of your submission's advanced systems, including non-combat items and special weapons, here in a list. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Stealth technology and other advanced systems may require other weaknesses or reduced ratings for balance. Ensure significant capabilities from systems are included in the Strengths and Weaknesses lists. Examples include: Stealth systems, Advanced ECM systems, Crystal gravfield traps, HIMS, Molecular shields. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)
(Describe some of the history behind the submission. Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)


So here's the two major changes I wanted to see with ships. And this can be transferred both across small craft and capital ships, which is I think that speed and Maneuverability should be collapsed in with Performance (make a sub category for Speed and Maneuverability but most people won't really care to as they like to use one as a dump stat for the other) as the two are very, very related and I think Cargo Capacity should be added. This is because I think one of the major points that most people kind of gloss over when they look at ship design and fleet comp is the transport, the fleet tender, the fueler that supports the surrounding ships because it is the dedicated transport/support vessel. Irl this can be the same comparison as a LPD (Landing Platform Dock) vs a LCS (Littoral Combat Ship) vs a Frigate. A Landing Platform Dock, or transport ship, is a purely combat support vessel. It doesn't have very much armament and offers little in the way of any combat support but it is more than capable of carrying a lot of people and gear. A Littoral Combat Ship is a small ship with the ability to primarily carry troops, some light aircraft (such as helos and F-35s), and generally be a general purpose combat transport/combat support ship with a single gun to defend itself and support troops. And then we go to Frigates. Frigates in the modern world have a singular purpose, which is to fight/murder other ships or otherwise support the fight. I want to see this in more ship designs as you can see this in Star Wars as well. Acclamators are the Star Wars version of a LPD, they are combat transports that are lightly armed compared to other ships of their size but they carry a massive payload of people and material. And in cannon as many people know, Acclamators sucked in Ship v Ship combat.

An alternative that I can see to this, is instead putting Cargo Capacity under Hangar Capacity. Making the new table would look like this:

  • Classification: (Corvette, Personal Transport, Envoy, Scout, Assault, Freighter, Patrol Ship, Dropship)
  • Length: (Via Metric System. Max: 200 meters. Examples: Defender Class Light Corvette: 94 meters, CR92a Assassin-Class Corvette: 139.25 Meters, Marauder Class Corvette: 195 meters)
  • Width: (Via Metric System. Max: 200 meters. Examples: Defender Class Light Corvette: 34.7 meters, CR92a Assassin-Class Corvette: 58.95 Meters, Marauder Class Corvette: 131 meters)
  • Height: (Via Metric System. Max: 200 meters. Examples: Defender Class Light Corvette: 29 meters, CR92a Assassin-Class Corvette: 16.97 Meters, Marauder Class Corvette: 22 meters)
  • Armament: (You may provide your armament in list format and must provide your vessel an Armament Rating. (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Armament Ratings are scaled in relation to the class of ship, meaning a Starfighter will not equate to a Destroyer.Armament Ratings provide only basic weaponry (ex. turbolasers, ion cannons, concussion missiles. laser cannons, etc) unless the ship also has a description of weapons. Please link to all Factory subs used. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology)
  • Defenses: (You may provide your shield and armor systems in list format and must provide your vessel a Defense Rating. (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Where None is a man in a space suit hanging on to an engine, Average is typical defense, and Extreme is heaviest defense with heavy armor plating and multiple layers of powerful shields. Defensive Ratings are scaled in relation to the type of ship, meaning a Starfighter will not equate to a Destroyer. You should list particular systems under advanced systems. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Links: Approved Technology)
  • Carrying Capacity: (Please provide the amount of space dedicated to carrying craft and cargo for the vessel.)
50m [Base: 0 | Very Low: 0 | Low: 0 | Average: 0 | High: 0 | Very High: 0 | Extreme: 0 ]
100m [Base: 0 | Very Low: 0 | Low: 0 | Average: 0 | High: 0 | Very High: 1 | Extreme: 2 ]
200m [Base: 0 | Very Low: 0 | Low: 0 | Average: 1 | High: 2 | Very High: 3 | Extreme: 4 ]
  • Hangar Space Allocations: (This is the allocated amounts of starfighters and support craft (dropships, shuttles,gunships,etc) this submission can hold in its hangar based on the maximum hangar space capacity listed above)
    • Starfighters: x squadrons
    • Support Craft: x squadrons
  • Single Craft Hangar: (Does this ship have a hanger for a single fighter craft to be docked? Please choose either Yes or No. This field does not need to be taken into account when balancing but should be included in the strengths and weaknesses.)
  • Maneuverability Rating: (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. How agile is your ship? Can it take tight turns? This is relative to the size of the vessel (e.g. a Corvette with Low Maneuverability will be more agile than a Star Destroyer with a Low rating.
  • Speed Rating: (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. How fast is your ship in normal space? How fast can it take off, how fast can it speed through a planet's atmosphere? This is relative to the size of the vessel (e.g. a Corvette with Low Speed will be quicker than a Star Destroyer with a Low Speed.)
  • Hyperdrive: (Does this ship have a hyperdrive? If this ship has a hyperdrive how fast is it? The lower the number, the faster the ship is, you may choose decimals. Any speed below 1.0 requires the hyperdrive to be added to the ship's strengths and accordingly balanced with weaknesses. Links: Hyperdrive, Hyperdrive Comparisons)

Either way I want to see this implemented as I think it is an under utilized aspect of ship construction and fleet composition.
Second King of The Elysium Empire
This is a Codex Template...
for the "lore" sub category
Lore Template: Faction Reforms

  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Canon: [ Is this a canon item? If yes, link to the original wiki article here, if no simply put N/A. ]
  • Permissions: [If the reform is based off another writer's post or thread, please link their permission here]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Name: [ Do these reforms have a name? ie: Ruusan Reformation, Republic Financial Reform Bill]
  • Reform Type: [What kind of reform is this? Military reform, Financial Reform, Rolling Reforms?]
  • Reform Passage: [How was this reform passed? Royal Decree? Passed through the senate?]
  • Description: [ Give a brief, general description of the reforms and their purpose]
  • Author: [ Who were the biggest proponents in creating the reform? ]
  • Publisher: [ Who were the biggest proponents in passing the reform? ]
  • Reception: [What was the response to these reforms in the government? By the people? By foreign powers?]
[ Some submissions might have additional information or opportunities to flesh out the submission. Add any additional fields, geared specifically towards the format the media is in, you feel would be useful for your submission. ]

EVENTS (Optional)
[ Here you may list events that led to this reform. Maybe a military defeat led to a restructuring of the army, or widespread corruption required loopholes in the government to be tightened. ]
  • Event Name: [ This can be the name of the event in-character, or the name of the thread it houses. ]
  • Links: [ If these events happened actively in RP threads, include any applicable links here. ]
  • Participants: [ Provide links to the participants of this event on either side. If organizations (i.e: factions, companies, NPC groups) are listed, individual characters do not need to be. If there are multiple sides, please separate them and their participants using bullet points or other similar formatting. ]
  • Overview: [ Provide an overview of the event, any particular high notes, interesting twists, What was achieved? Did a group make a monumental discovery? Did a faction obliterate a populace? Who won? ]


Thank you all for your efforts! There were some really good ideas to springboard off of and even a few simple fixes that will hopefully improve the quality of life for some of the NPC's. We hope to add a few more in the coming days, but, we'll see how these ones do first. Even though the contest has ended if you have any other thoughts I would urge you to utilize the Codex and Factory Suggestion Forums.

It's never too late to improve! Best Wishes & Thank you for your time!

A wee bit of good ole ucks should have found themselves to you. Let me know if they didn't!
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