Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Cold Reception



Wearing: xxx
Tag: Sasha Voss Sasha Voss

Ilum was cold, but JJ had the force. Thanks to his master’s training he was able to remain warm despite the frigid temperatures of the ice planet. It had been the site of the most recent battle the Galactic Alliance fought. The Empire had made a run at stealing kyber crystals and ambushed a group of padawans prior. It was a turn of events which hit Judah differently than they had even three days prior. He suddenly found himself taking on his first Padawan learner, or completing her training.

“We are about to touch down, prep the ship for landing.”

This was going to be a growing opportunity for them both. All they knew was their own relationship with Cambria Zadira Cambria Zadira . Judah already knew the limited and early bond he shared with Chiassa was nothing like the one had with the Twi’lek. It scared him to think he was now responsible for another Jedi, their progression to knighthood. Was he as ready for it as Bri and his father thought?

The Shadow Runner shook as it hit the atmosphere, and did not let up until landing. Judah made a mental note to look into the dampeners when they got back to Coruscant. There was not much he could do about it now. For now, Judah was focused on the mission ahead of them, and more so, getting to see how he truly interacted with his new student.

This was a test for them both.

“The tunnels below the temple are still full of probe droids. We need to destroy them.”

JJ said nothing about the terrain or what other things they may run into. He was nervous about the situation. All he could think was that he knew that he would not be anywhere near the teacher Cambria had been. Judah still held her on a pedestal. Considering how much she had put up with, and how much of his personality she had tempered, it was deserved. JJ could only wonder what Chiassa felt about Bri, or the new pairing.

“You’ve already made your own lightsaber, and survived my dad’s class, so I think there should be no worries there. Only thing I need to know is if I tell you that you need to hang back, no matter the reason, or lack of it, can you do that?”

In other words… how well could she listen.​

Ilum, Unknown Regions
Galactic Alliance Territory

Master/Padawan Mission #1 - Seek & Destroy Imperial Probe Droids
Judah Lesan Jr. Judah Lesan Jr.

Of all the places for my first mission with my new master... Couldn't he have picked somewhere tropical?! I wonder how Knight Gotto Sorendu Gotto Sorendu is fairing with trying to heal the wounded planet? At least that is what I think the hermit Jedi was going to do after meeting his plant friends, awkwardly.

"Yes, master," the young Tholothian answered respectfully, her nimble fingers pushing buttons on the flight panel in front of her in the co-pilot's seat to start the landing cycle while the Corellian brought his prized light freighter down through the tumultuous atmosphere of Ilum. The ride down was quite exhilarating, but one she'd rather not do all the time.

As soon as the Shadow Runner set down, the padawan quickly did the post-flight checklist, then met the Guardian back at the starboard boarding ramp hatch.

"Yes, I do thanks to Master Zadira, and well the class was a bit... " Chia was going to say dumb but decided not to talk ill of his father's presentation and more so let her smirk show yet. The two were still getting to know each other's quirks and didn't want to screw things up on the first go. "erm underwhelming yet informative from a certain point of view," she nodded with a politically correct response. Though, he probably saw right through her BS.

"Of course... As you wish, master. I will do as I am told," she again replied dutifully as if the Twi'lek was still mentoring her, then offered a small smile. "I am ready when you are. May the Force be with us."

Chiassa pulled the hood of her woven cloak up over the decorative skull cap that adorned her head and braced for the frigid temperature of the icy snow planet as the hatch was opened and the ramp lowered.

Good thing one of the other padawans who had been on the earlier ill-fated training mission to Ilum gave her some of their leftover hand and foot warmers. She would definitely owe them.
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Wearing: xxx
Tag: Sasha Voss Sasha Voss

Yikes. Chiassa was as formal as Cambria expected. This was not going to do at all. Maybe JJ thought he would like the bit of formality, but the sound of it was just so… rigid. Judah was way too easy going to expect his students to be as formal as most Jedi were expected to be when in the presence of a master. It seemed that no matter how hard Judah tried he was his father’s son in many ways. This was just one more item on a long list.

“Okay… first thing… not so formal. If you wanna call me master that is fine, but for the love of the force if you have the ability to loosen up a bit, then let’s see how that works for us.”

He canted his head to look over his shoulder, back at Chiassa.

“Sound good?”

Judah did not really wait for an answer, because it was more an expectation. If she just happened to be that formal in her personality, then JJ would accept it.

“Really what I want is for you to be free to be yourself. If you’re worried about crossing some line, breathe easy. I’ll let you know if you do.”

There was a slight chuckle as he rolled about his mind what Chiassa had said about his father’s class. It was as typical Judah Lesan Senior as it came. She would learn over time that his father was a bit eccentric and not the person his public persona made him out to be. His father was a shadow in every way it meant to be a shadow, and JJ often thought his father’s personna was more the real Judah than the man who did not wear the mask.

“My dad is a Jedi Shadow. It was very likely the class served another purpose beyond just teaching lightsaber basics. You’ll get to know him better. Our master wishes for me to make amends with him.”

Our master. Yes, they had both shared Cambria Zadira Cambria Zadira as a master. Chiassa knew that by now. During the mission there would be no mistaking it. JJ had learned the same saber forms as his master and was strong in the same areas as the Twi’lek. From a certain point of view they were cut from the same cloth. Where they differed was Judah did not hold a strict adherence to the old ways.

“Oh… also, no heating pads. The force can and will keep you warm. Have you learned anything about the skill called tapas?”

Ilum, Unknown Regions
Galactic Alliance Territory

Master/Padawan Mission #1 - Seek & Destroy Imperial Probe Droids
Judah Lesan Jr. Judah Lesan Jr.

Seriously?! How could this guy have been Master Zadira's padawan learner?! I mean he's so very brash. I could just imagine her total frustration with him... and not to mention that all-knowing glare of hers working overtime. hehe Junior here might not be so bad after all. Time will only tell though.

"As you wish, Master," Chia answered dutifully though with an ever-so-small smirk on her face as she exaggerated his title. He wanted her to loosen up, well one should be careful what they wish for...

"Tapas? Pfft of course, but why use the Force in such a frivolous way and expend all that energy in the early part of our mission when one can just have the warmers doing their job just fine? Well, for now," the young Tholothian replied, flashing a quick lopsided grin the Corellian's way as the two Jedi progressed to their chilly destination on foot.
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Wearing: xxx
Tag: Sasha Voss Sasha Voss

So the girl had a little bit of snark to her. JJ smirked knowing full well that with a little bit of freedom he would likely have his hands full with the young Tolothian. That was more than okay. Judah liked a challenge, but he also knew how to help someone that was a bit more like him. Had she been a lot more like Cambria, JJ may have been at a loss of where to begin. Structure was not something he did well. Another thing he got from his father, maybe even his mother on that one.

“So what you’re telling me is that you cannot run tapas in the background while preserving energy for other things you may need?”

His voice carried a bit of sarcasm with it. He was not chastising her in any way, simply using her own method of response in return. Was it wise to meet the padawan on her level? Maybe. Judah wanted to establish a sense of rapport. He was not one to lord his title over the young woman, nor did he want to make himself seem so superior she could not learn anything from him.

“I want you to try. War is a different world, something I know you are already familiar with, but often we are asked to stretch ourselves in ways that require practice beforehand. What would be taxing now will not be later, and when better to attempt to test your limits than with the safety net of a master?”

Okay, so maybe he had picked some things up from Cambria. That sounded a bit more like her than he wanted it to, but as with parenting, apparently one fashioned their teaching style after the one they learned from.

Judah would not say anything else on the matter. She would either try what he was asking her to do or she would not. It was a word Cambria would likely get after him for using, but that was one area he was different. JJ was always ‘trying’ to press beyond his natural ability. Even as they walked through the frigid caves toward the temple entrance the guardian was eyeing the cliffs and wondering just how high he could leap. The jump would be impressive, but he was with a student now.

There was something else, electronic chatter. Was it imperial?

“They should not have active probes so out in open this close to the temple should they?”

JJ reached for his datapad to confirm the last logs and scan data he had received.

“C’mon we should investigate… to the left hmm?”

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