Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cole Dagos

Image credit to ArtStation user Carlos Gradilla

NAME: Cole Dagos

FACTION: Galactic Republic (Former), Mandalorian Clans (Former)

RANK: Captain (Former/GR) Colonel (MC and Current)


Culture: Mandalorian

AGE: 30

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5 foot 10


EYES: Green

HAIR: White

SKIN: Pale



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+ Hand to Hand combat

+ Marksman

- Drill Sergeant mentality

- Materialistic


Cole is just above average height with white hair and green eyes. His has a piercing look that seems to look directly through your soul. He walks tall and proud but seems to always have his hands clasped behind his back.


Cole grew up Eshan in a matriarchal society. It was a hard life of being treated like less than good enough just for being a boy. It only made Cole work harder and fight harder. He trained day and night in hand to hand like all Echani did. As he did he pushed the other men around him just as hard.

When he was old enough he left Echani looking for greener pastures. Looking for a place where he could be judge on the merits of his ability and not his gender. In leaving home he left his past behind to never speak of it again.

When anyone asks about his childhood or his home he simply replies. "I was born, I grew up, I left."

Cole is a fighter at heart signing up as a Soldier to make his path in the Galaxy.

The first place Cole ended up after leaving home was on the Republic world of Caridia with a small contingency of former Imperial soldiers looking to live their lives in relative peace. Due to the natural ability of his Echani heritage Cole quickly rose to the rank of Captain in the Imperial militia that called Caridia home. For the first time in his life he felt like he truly belonged.

It would be short lived though as tensions in the Republic resulted in an attempted coupe that saw his people targeted for assassination on the orders. Very few made it off of the planet alive and into exile.

Cole would take on mercenary contracts to make money and keep himself fed. During which Cole was reconnected with a step-sister he didn't know he had. What should have been a happy reunion was quickly turn tragic as his sister brought news of his father's death. Cole and his sister would travel the galaxy taking what contracts they could to keep food in their stomachs and clothes on their backs.

A stop on the Wookie home world of Kashyyyk would changes Cole's life forever. There he would meet a woman name [member="Arla Balor"] there as part of a celebration of a victory against the Galactic Republic. Cole found the woman fascinating and having a lot of love lost for the Republic that murdered his men and tried to kill him started up a conversation with Arla.

They spoke of battles past, or victories and defeat before ultimately before talking about the Mandalorians themselves. A curious Cole was intrigued by the culture and Arla herself. She would invite Cole to return to Mandalore with her. It was an offer that Cole accept glad to be able to stay in one place for any length of time and actually kick his feet up. Arla would become a sort of mentor to Cole teaching him not only what a Mandalorian was and what they believed in but also teaching him the language. He enjoyed his time with Arla and eventually adopted the culture himself though he did turn down adoption into Clan Ordo that Arla was head of. Instead he struck out on his own doing the occasional favor for not just Clan Order but some of the other clans as well.

It was a Galactic wide threat that would see Cole complete the transition into a full practicing Mandalorian. The leader of the Mandalorians called by his people Manda'lor would make a call to arms against a threat made by a Rogue element of Sith bent of destroying the entire Galaxy.

Cole would answer the call rushing to the side of his mentor and friend Arla. On the transport Cole would end up being loned his first set of Mandalorian style armor and two weapons. All three of which he would carry into battle. During the battle Arla and Cole would charge a Citadel through wave after wave of Sith Troops. Cole would end up wounded twice before the ever reached it. However refusing to let down his brothers in battle Cole pushed on. They would after intense fighting making their way not only to the Citadel but into a lift up to the very super weapon the Sith had threatened the destruction of the Galaxy with. It was there that Cole and Arla would split off to attempt to destroy separate reactors powering the weapon. Cole for his effort and outumber at least a hundred to one would be seriously injured and knocked unconscious before being rescued by a droid allied with the Mandalorian Clans. be continued.







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