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Dominion Commercial Boycott | EE Dominion of Cerea and Conglomerate Prime




While in the case of Takodana there was an accidental opportunity for the Eternal Empire to gain control of Starbird Trade Spine, in the case of Cerea and Conglomerate Prime it was a purely intentional move. The goal here was to get this and make the situation of the Galactic Alliance more difficult. If they imposed embargoes on the Eternal Empire because of the attack, they would also make GA trade difficult. After the warning attack, this act was quite similar to the Cold War acts.

This was what this situation was about for the Eternal Empire and its allies, and it was very important. Therefore, the Eternal Empire was even ready to forcibly occupy Cerea and the Conglomerate Prime to carry out their will. Although they hoped that all this could be resolved peacefully. That is why this larger group of diplomatic teams has arrived at the Conglomerate Prime to negotiate accession.

At the same time, the Eclipse Rebellion also set in motion, they went to the planet Cerea, where they were preparing to break into one of the heavily guarded prisons to free political prisoners and captured rebels before the Cerea government handed them over to the Eternal Empire. So time really urged them.

In addition, both the Eclipse Rebellion and the Eternal Empire sought to recruit soldiers on the planet Cerea, where chaos broke loose. It is not known which side attacked the other first, but a fairly large-scale battle began between the parties, which included the newcomers, as did the residents of the city…



Objective 1: Trade Agreement
The diplomatic goal is for the Loyalists, ZU and Black Sun at Conglomerate Prime. The goal is to succeed in persuading the locals that they want to join the Eternal Empire voluntarily and that is also in their interest because they do not want to get involved in war. Especially not into one that would almost certainly be lost. Thus, the goal is a friendly agreement and understanding with them that it is in their best interest.

Objective 2: Prison Break
The Eclipse Rebellion wants to do no less than break into Cerea State Prison to free at least two dozen political prisoners and imprisoned Rebels. However, they do not have much time for this, as they learned on arrival that the government wanted to hand over the prisoners to the Eternal Empire within a few hours, where execution would almost certainly await them.

Objective 3: The Great Recruitment
Both the Loyalists and the Rebels held recruits on the planet at the same time, plus in roughly one place. It all turned out this way by accident. However, the entire military unit of the Loyalists is what is here in this place, which is fortunate because the prison break is likely to be reported soon, so it is the Rebels’ job to prevent the Loyalists from reaching the prison and of course they have to take care of the city and also for newcomers. And Loyalists must account for the rebel scum, as appropriate.

Objective 4: BYOO
Bring your own objective, whatever you want. The point is to have fun.


Link: Cerea and Conglomerate Prime

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Civila City, Conglomerate Prime
Equipment: Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | Shield talisman | Taozin amulet || Empyrean gland
Tag: Open
In recent weeks and months, it has been a place where one could not refine, the Conglomeration Prime and Cerea must have been ruled by the Eternal Empire at all costs. That’s why they sent the terms before they arrived to give the Prime’s leaders a chance to consider them and make a decision. She hoped everything would go as smoothly as possible and there would be no need for an invasion.

Although, if that happened, it would be a good place to try out the Einherjar and Dísir projects, it was best if they kept it a secret for as long as possible. It will then appear in the light of the answer. In any case, also brought with her a sufficiently large fleet, if the intervention was necessary, the invasion could begin immediately. Last but not least, she hoped that the size of the fleet would also make the locals change that if they wanted to say no.

Now she will live what is one of the basic sentences of the Warden "The Jedi do what is right. The Sith do what they want. We do what is necessary." And it was necessary to acquire these two planets for the stability of the Empire. As always, wore her usual uniform and coat. Went down to the capital with an average dropship, to the place where the meeting was with the government. Now she would have been glad if Adrian had come with her, her late husband was able to talk a hole in anyone's belly. It’s true for the woman, too, but she was expected to do something else, especially in a situation like this, not that.

Soon arrived (probably and hopefully with others) at the meeting venue, which was a huge hall, and people from the local government were already present. Came a little deeper, then stopped in a stiff, military stance in a small stretch, hands clasped behind her back.

"I hope you have made the right decision regarding the Eternal Empire's request." said in a cold military voice.




Equipment: Dark Blessings of Kuolema / Varjokävely
Ship: Aries XIII
Location: Civila City, Conglomerate Prime


The time for diplomacy, over bloodshed, was now. Those of Conglomerate Prime must surely understand the alternative to war, that agreeing to a peaceful solution was in the best interest of both sides. If the two planets could be brought into the protective embrace of the Eternal Empire through a peaceful transition, then perhaps through this demonstration from the Empire those other planets on the outskirts of the Eternal Empire's territory would be inclined to anoint themselves with the same results as Conglomerate Prime.

Known by her reputation as a fierce and deadly warrior in the fields of battle, the Sith was also well educated in the science of politics and diplomacy. Long before the Force manifested itself within her being, Mikilanna's Father had prepped and groomed her to become a Felacatian Senator back at Felacat; but the Force's will would not be ignored and thus had dominated her future. It wasn't until her late mentor explained in great detail the importance of using words to sway the minds of another; and in terms of the Force that is where her talents resided.

She arrived at the hall, flanked by two Eternal Empire soldiers dressed in formal uniforms, where others were already gathering. The presence of the two guards were unnecessary she thought, however at the request of the Empress it was required all Empire diplomats have personal guards; and again she thought they would only get in the way if things went south.

Coming to an abrupt stop after moving through the delegates with cold, brisk steps, she stood off to the right of her Empress as the woman spoke. The Sith Lord was not an imposing figure in one's first assessment of her. She was short and athletically toned, but what lied beneath that shroud was a figure capable of inflicting nightmares into the minds and wills of those that opposed her. And for the intimidation factor, her two lightsaber hilts attached to her belt were clearly visible and swaying like a pendulum to the eyes of the opposition.


Alli Vern arrived to the meeting in her best dress and followed by a couple women that seemed to be assistants but anyone with a closer look would note that they seemed more like bodyguards. She only had the finest HRD's defend her after all. This was another meeting with hopes for trade. She had helped her A.I welcome the Chiss when they were the ZU, surely this would come in handy for trying to draft these two planets into the Eternal Empire. Perhaps she could even secure business. That would be a win win. She wondered win the Hutt would arrive. It appeared she had beaten it to the punch. She nodded politely to the Empress, acknowledging her. She didn't say anything yet, more took her place. Hopefully this would go better than her last meeting.
Objective: 2


Lori hadn't been there before, but she needed to now. Yet it was comforting to know that she had some pretty big backers on her side. Their support helped to give her the confidence that she needed to put herself in the front lines again, so close to Eternal Empire space.

It was discovered that the Cerean government had captured some of the Eclipse Rebellion, as well as opposition to the government's known plan to join the Eternal Empire. All were meant to be handed over as some kind of peace offering. Yet it was well known that those prisoners would soon be tortured and executed, to be set as examples for those that dared to oppose the Imperial regime.

Those like Lori.

Twenty kilometers away from the Cerea State Prison (CSP), Lori sat in the lounge of her newest vessel; Jaster's Delight. Although she wasn't relaxed. Instead she was studying a holo-map of the prison, leaning forward as she worked on memorizing it. A half dozen Rebels sat nearby, as well as BB-610 BB-610 and a couple of hires; Naten Harel Naten Harel and Mark Cross Mark Cross .

"Our targets are in the South wing. We'll need to distract most of the guards and attention to the other side so that we can have minimal interference. 6-10, I'll need you with me to open up the cells. I'm sure that you could bypass any lockdowns, right?"

Eskk Jannik

Erick Pryde



He was at home.
Conglomerate Prime was the definition of corporate greed and industrialization, and the the most needed factor within the Unions grand resurgence plan, therefore the Politburo could not afford to simply allow the Chancellor, Alli Vern Alli Vern , to negotiate on behalf of the semi-autonomous state alone. No, they sent him.
Without telling her, no doubt.
Such was how the wheels of politics turned, each group competing with one another for influence and power. The Magistrate was less enthusiastic of his assignment however, as he was not familiar with many within most within the grander Eternal Empire.
As he took his place next to Alli, he leaned in to whisper into her ear. "This is a planet I can live on"

ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴢᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ



| OBJECTIVE: Prison Break |
| LOCATION: Cerea |
The ECLIPSE REBELLION [ Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun ]; Naten Harel Naten Harel | Mark Cross Mark Cross | Eskk Jannik |


Much like the partner he'd arrived with, the planet of Cerea was of unfamiliar territory for him, marking a new experience for the both of them. BB-610 wasn't much for scenery to begin with, though, as to him most planets were just that: planets. Even if he did, however, there'd be little time to dwell on the details given the severe importance of his assigned task. This was the role he was looking for. He could actively make a difference.

The astromech projects the hologram of the prison's layout, mapping out its several entrances and exits. Once the woman was satisfied, the hologram flickers away, as he rolls closer to Loreena's legs, peering out from behind her. His advanced photoreceptors can identify the prison from inside the vessel, eyeing it in deep contemplation. Listening attentively, BB-610 turns to face her, nodding.

' Bypassing overrides should be no issue. I can also scramble their frequencies to stop their commlinks to buy us some extra time. ' he chirps in low binary. This shouldn't be too difficult - he walks in, does astromech things, Loreena does the fighting, they walk out. Throw their additional teammates into the mix and the droid is, surprisingly, rather hopeful of his outcome for once.

He can be a hero. Tiny little BB-610 can be a hero. He glares up at Loreena, and there's one thing that's apparent in the crystalline reflective glass of his unblinking optic: hope.

' I'm ready when you are. '


E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Civila City, Conglomerate Prime
Equipment: Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | Shield talisman | Taozin amulet || Empyrean gland
Tag: Ladybug Ladybug | Alli Vern Alli Vern | Erick Pryde
In fact, it wasn't Ingrid who insisted on this, but rather the STRATCOM, as it was well known that Ingrid didn't like bodyguards. So they were accompanied by them only because it had to and not because she wanted it. In addition to the STRATCOM, it was Adrian who always insisted on this. She didn't know, but maybe her husband had suggested this to the STRATCOM when he was alive to make it mandatory, because otherwise Ingrid would never take anyone with her. In fact, if that happened, the late Sith Lord was right.

Returned the nod to Alli Vern Alli Vern ; although she would have negotiated as the ZU leader did, unfortunately Ingrid could not do so. She had to be a strict and determined soldier who had to give two options, without loopholes. Otherwise, it was good to negotiate with her, but if they were in a situation like this; it wasn't that. Everyone around her took a seat, she hadn’t done it yet, she was still waiting for an answer.

Looked through the locals, feeling the confusion, worry, and all the emotion that surrounded them. And there was indecision. They still didn't know what to answer. This will obviously not make the negotiations easier; she really trusted they would not have forced her to make the worst-case scenario happen. Ingrid had no objection to having to issue the order, but she still wanted to avoid it. She’s been working too much lately on good PR.

"Well then?"

Just one cold, frosty question, in disturbing silence. She saw a man leaning over to Miss Vern and whispering something in her ear. Local leaders looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what to say or do. Ingrid was still motionless waiting for what to tell her; who will be so brave as to speak up. Eventually, there was an older bothan man who spoke.

"What can we expect if we say no?"

// As usual, feel free to control the NPCs. ^^ //

Objective 2: Prison Break

Cerea, home planet to the Cereans and its famous outsider citadel, Asphodar 3 , which was visited by many travelers and merchants alike. If there was one place in the galaxy that Naten didn't mind unwinding on after a long hunt, Cerea would be somewhere on the top of his list. But today, he wasn't visiting the scenic planet for a vacation, no he was here for work; a prison break to be exact. Although this wasn't his first time to be hired to for a prison break, it wasn't everyday that he took on these type of quest. Most clients who offer jobs like this one didn't pay much for the trouble it was worth, or whoever the client wanted Naten to come rescue wasn't worth the saving either as he knew they were the type to land themselves back into the prison. When Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun offered him this quest of helping her rescue her folks down in the Cerea prison, he was about to decline the offer until she had mentioned the amount of credits he would receive and who exactly they were rescuing; definitely these prisoners weren't the typical inmates, no these where Rebels and politicians to be specific. Imagine, if this whole operation turned out to be a success, Naten wouldn't have to worry much about looking for offers as he reputation would increase and more clients would be out and about looking for the mercenary.

But that king of thinking will have to sit on the shelf for now as he quietly studied the prison's layout on the holo-map, noticing the tight security that their opponents had. "With the droid handling most the tech side of this break in, I'm sure or enemy will eventually pick up a hint that someone is probably interfering with their signals, which also leads them into thinking someone is trying to break in. Eventually they will have their guards preform a sweep throughout the whole prison. Stealth, of course, will play a huge role here, since you want to take out a little of a number of guards as you can since we don't want them to keep sending more, or worse, sending their army." Naten stated as he marked certain areas of the prison that had high and low security.

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Mark Cross Mark Cross Eskk Jannik BB-610 BB-610


Equipment: Dark Blessings of Kuolema / Varjokävely
Ship: Aries XIII
Location: Civila City, Conglomerate Prime
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim / Alli Vern Alli Vern / Erick Pryde


The arrival of two unfamiliar individuals seemed to put the delegate opposition on their haunches. This was their home planet and yet they began to feel suffocated from the overgrowing presence of the Empire. One didn't need to look deep with their eyes to see the apprehension in the Conglomerate Prime's delegates body language. They were growing nervous, and rightfully so. Their entire livelihood rested on this meeting.

As the Empress demanded a response, a verbal chess move Mikilanna felt was a Sith absolution, she looked out the tainted window off to her left adding her voice quickly,
"What is that congregation of buildings?"

Eyes of the hosting delegates turned in unison to address what the kitty looking female spoke of. "Oh that," an elderly woman piped up, "That's our science facility! Alas, it's closed off to everyone accept our science department."

nd you are," the question from Mikilanna posed to the older woman.

"Forgive me!!! I'm Dr. Deoli, I'm the Science Minister."

'm a scientist as well," the Sith replied, silently entering the elderly woman's mind. "I would find it very profitable...if not a sign of trust building between these two sides...if I could have a tour of those facilities."

"Oh, I'm afraid...," Dr. Deoli began. As she struggled to finish her train of thought, as a new thought entered her mind. A cold, whispering suggestion invaded the mind of her intelligent brain. Captivated by the words flowing so deep and pleasantly, soothing her into a state of a thrall; she finished, "...there is so much to see! I don't want to steal away your time from the prepared banquet."

Placing her left hand on the right should of the doctor, she spun her around in the direction of the turbolift. "I'm sure my Empress can afford to delegate my time to you."




LOCATION: Galactic Alliance Legation, Tecave City, Cerea
OBJECTIVE: Establish resistance cells


“Well, I must say this has been a, ah, real pleasure,” Aerarii Tithe announced as he rose from his chair, seeking to end one of the most mind-numbing meetings he had ever sat through. “Now, do take care now, my associates will be in touch soon. Yes, yes, bye bye now.”

The leaders of the Sanctuary Resistance, so named for the Sanctuary Pipeline along which they sought to disrupt Loyalist transport freighters, likewise rose from their seats and offered a grovelling thanks for the support the Galactic Alliance had pledged. While having outlined in inane detail for the last hour about how they were fighting for the future of their children and their honour, Tithe couldn’t help but notice that they did not spare a second in grabbing the camotolo of unmarked credits he had offered them.

The Vice Chancellor flopped back into his repulsorchair with a sigh, having lost count of how many anti-Eternal Empire resistance groups he’d met with over the last two days. Recruiting them was a top priority for the GA strategy in this region, demonstrated by the personnel involvement of Tithe and the Director of the Strategic Intelligence Agency. Mind you, the evacuation of the small GA embassy which was going on around them in light of a predicted occupation of Cerea by the Eternal Empire did detract from the image of strength and stability Tithe was trying to project.

The greater the reach of Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun and her rebel movement, the greater the Eternal Empire would be disrupted. Keeping the region destabilised would keep the Empress and her loyalist busy, buying the GA more time to strengthen their border against another incursion. The events of Byss could not be allowed to happen again.

But in order to ensure the safety and security of the GA, Tithe had a dozen or so more meetings with minor warlords to get through.

“And whom, pray tell, do we have the pleasure of meeting next?”
Wanderer Lost, Wanderer Found

Equipment : One(1) shoto lightsaber, One(1) standard E-11D blaster carbine, One(1) industrial-strength syntherope (50m), Three(3) standard thermal detonators, One(1) Imperial trooper helmet with standard comm connections
Ship: Standard-kit HWK-290 light freighter
Tags: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun , LE-03 (Leigh) LE-03 (Leigh) , Mark Cross Mark Cross , Naten Harel Naten Harel , BB-610 BB-610 , Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe
"Our targets are in the South wing. We'll need to distract most of the guards and attention to the other side so that we can have minimal interference. 6-10, I'll need you with me to open up the cells. I'm sure that you could bypass any lockdowns, right?"

"We're in position. Ready to go when you give the signal."

Na'an dropped the comm handset back down to the droid at the tree base and turned back towards the prison. They were huddled in a makeshift shelter just out of sight of the Prison's patrols over the north wing, overlooking the complex from a forested cliff nearby. Na'an had been perched in one of the trees for well over an hour now, scoping out their approach and feeling her blood sing with anticipation.

"This one's going to work out," she said. "I can feel it, Leigh. Between that GA stiff on the inside and the plan Loreena's cooked up..."

She watched the guard change through a pair of binoculars. When she handed them down as well, her eyes were glittering brightly with...not joy, exactly, but excitement. "They don't know it yet, but there's a hundred people in there waiting for us."

One hand lovingly grazed her upper arm; in the short period since Panatha, she'd clumsily embroidered the sigil of the Eclipse Rebellion onto the stiff Imperial leather of her jacket. It had taken her days to find the right shade of blue. Leigh's blue.

"Waiting for you."

It wasn't enough to make up for going behind Leigh's back--if anything, her wearing this color only added fuel to the lie Na'an had told the Empire about who this color belonged to. But in its way, she hoped Leigh knew it was a start. Na'an didn't think the droid understood sometimes, how important she was to her. How Na'an's every move might as well belong to Life Emulator 03, anyway. What harm did it do to serve as her arm in this, too?
But that was a discussion they'd had many times before, and never mid-mission. Na'an turned her attention back to the task at hand. "Are you ready?" she asked the droid, looking down at her. "This isn't going to be like Parnatha, in and out with the Force guiding us around the fighting. And you haven't seen combat in a while..."
Equipment: Passive/Active Holonet comm system, multi-phase arm cannon (part of chassis), Five (5) standard thermal detonators, One(1) 50-meter syntherope coil
Tags: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun , Mark Cross Mark Cross , Naten Harel Naten Harel , BB-610 BB-610 , Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe , Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an

Leigh activated her dome to shoot Na'an a good-natured scowl. "I pride myself on keeping my combat protocols up-to-date. I assure you, when the time comes you will be the one struggling to keep up."

She pointedly avoided looking at the crest on her partner's arm. Mid-mission was not the time. But the human didn't seem to understand how important she was to her. Leigh had started an entire Rebellion for the sake of her and Adelle's safety. Did she really think taking the name of the Voice of Abbaji--and all the threats from the Empire that came with it--was the kind of suicidal move the droid would ever accept?

No matter. All it meant was that Life Emulator 03 had more motive to make sure anyone who threatened Vidalu Na'an died.

"Our mission is simple enough," she said, running through a mental map of the prison complex. She did not need the reminder--the map had been downloaded into her systems, after all--but humans did seem to like vocalizing their refreshers. "Miss Arenais used the intelligence gathered from this prison base quite well. If and when she gives the signal, we light up the north side of the complex to divert fire and allow the stealth team time to complete their work. Avoid damages to the central complex, in order to ensure Imperial propaganda cannot use it for messaging purposes. Our priority is on the wing dedicated to prisoners slated for execution, although all other blocs between there and the exits should be freed and given an opportunity to join us."

She turned her cannon over to inspect the underside, and although she had not consciously set the algorithm to do so, her holographic face smiled grimly. Although she would not have been able to know it, there was a certain excitement in her circuits at the prospect of this mission's success--an excitement rather similar to that of her human partner. "Many of them were jailed just for harboring anti-Imperial sentiment. I suspect few of them will reject such an opportunity."
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Eskk Jannik

Equipment: 2x lightsabers, DL44 Blaster Pistol, OL-2 sniper rifle

Tags Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun BB-610 BB-610 Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Naten Harel Naten Harel LE-03 (Leigh) LE-03 (Leigh) Mark Cross Mark Cross Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an

Eskk had known about the prison and the negotiations to turn over the rebel prisoners for some time. In fact, before he betrayed the Empire he had been on a list to oversee the prisoner transport. Eskk figured if he was going to find Loreena again, this would be the place. He had been perched up in a tree almost since he had arrived on planet. He had been wearing the same green and brown cloak of his simple black clothing all that time. It was probably a good thing that he had been still most of the time.

He had noticed someone setting up a makeshift hut, but Loreena didnt appear to be there, so he didnt care. Even though his sensory organs did detect someone with a force presence in that direction, he didnt let it distract him. Eskk would feed in due time.

Eskk switched between monitoring the hut and the forest canopy looking for some sign of Loreena through his high powered rifle. Finally he sighted a group of people moving through the trees. He couldnt tell whether Loreena was there or not. Eskk had to get closer.

Eskk started force leaping through the trees towards the position where he had seen the group of people. The exertion was clumsy at first due to his stiff muscles. He almost fell out of a tree more than once. Soon enough though, Eskk had limbered up. He had to know if Loreena was there. He wasnt out to stop her this time, but she had something he wanted and he had something to trade for it.

As Eskk got closer his sensory organs began to detect a familiar presence. Loreena was here. He was sure of it now. All he had to do now was follow his sensory organs to find her.
Objective: 2

Lori loved BB-610 BB-610 's enthusiasm and confidence. She gave him a nod with a small smile, although the situation at hand was weighing her down a little. "That's good. Only interfere with their communications the moment that they realize what's going on. And if you can, seal the blast doors to slow them down from reaching us from the inside. "

She then turned to Naten Harel Naten Harel as he spoke up, nodding to his suggestion about stealth. Normally it'd be prudent, but there were far too many people that needed to be freed from their up and coming executions. "Stealth would be great, but we've got two dozen or more to rescue. Our best bet is the element of surprise."

Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an 's voice was heard over her comms. Good. They were ready. Now Lori, BB-610, Naten, Mark Cross Mark Cross and the others needed to get into position.

"My pilot Arla will drop us close and will be ready for pick up. She'll be our air support and hopefully we'll be able to get out before any blockade is set up." Right now Lori wasn't certain of what the Eternal Empire was bringing with them or when they were arriving. Hopefully the numbers would be small. Hopefully there wasn't a commanding force. "We'll arrive on speederbikes. They're in the small hanger. 6-10, you can ride with me. If there aren't anymore questions, we can go now."

Eskk Jannik LE-03 (Leigh) LE-03 (Leigh)


Galactic Alliance Legation // Tecave City // Cerea
OBJECTIVE: Establish resistance cells
INTERACTION: Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe // CLOSED



M had considered supporting Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe from a distance and only appearing as a holoprojection, but eventually settled for an in-person route. Should things go foul in-person, she could activate her disguise matrix. There was always the potential that, no matter how strong her encryption, traces would be made back to SIA –– in which cause, plausible deniability could evidence in courts and with matters as delicate as these, the director could afford no such oversights.

She hadn't been paying much attention to the conversation that had just transpired, though she'd managed to look as interested as once could expect from her personality-drained visage.

"Ideal timing." She intoned, folding her hands and adjusting her robes to accommodate. Her expression remained neutral, though there was an inkling of a smirk tugging at her lipline. "We have a report coming in from Civilia city, the conversations you're usually involved in are likely taking place soon." Her tone dipped as if she were regretful "I only have a few on the inside, but we'll see how things go."

“And whom, pray tell, do we have the pleasure of meeting next?”

The Vice Chancellor's question wasn't answered immediately. She looked distracted for a moment, consumed by a screen that existed on her wrist. Finally, she drawled a response: "As for your pleasure, Vice Chancellor, a representative from Endor. History makes them disfavourable toward Empires."

Right on the mark, a frustrated Yuzzum flickered to life on the projection ahead of Tithe and M. He smoothed his fur out before beginning to speak. He immediately burst out enthusiasm <Master Vice Chancellor, we are eager to meet your acquaintance.> M, for the most part, preferred to not be introduced. Only feed facts to the silver-haired businessman when he required them. They'd gone through enough of these tiresome interactions for him to know not to give her credence in these meetings.

<Our base here has been undetected since it's installation, and we are growing, however, to grow, we required aaa..uhh, pinch more in our pockets. It's true, we had a bit of nasty business with slavery in the past, thankfully the Empire stamped that right out. But, that's all we can thank The Empire for. The rest of our species are under mass scrutiny and the rebels are..all the hope we've got.


The neckless representative tilted its head, instead of its body –– eager to hear the offer.

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ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴢᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ



| OBJECTIVE: Prison Break |
| LOCATION: Cerea |
The ECLIPSE REBELLION [ Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an | LE-03 (Leigh) LE-03 (Leigh) ]; Naten Harel Naten Harel | Mark Cross Mark Cross | Eskk Jannik |


As he'd listen, BB-610 would run a brief diagnostics check. While he was hoping for a flawless mission, he knew better than to think this would be easy. If The Eternal Empire knew what they were up to, reinforcements would be met, and the droid knew very well how capable they were. He'd worked alongside them before. If danger was to be anticipated, then BB-610 would need to be as prepared as possible.


eassuring, most definitely. In the case of their commlinks being scrambled, BB-610 could rest easy knowing his signal enhancer and internal receivers would remain steady. The droid is unsure, however, about the notion of riding a speeder bike. While there was nothing inherently wrong with them [ on the contrary, they were very useful ], he couldn't help but notice that they weren't fitted with an astromech slot. BB-610 was more than happy travelling alongside fast vehicles, but knowing he'd have to sit in front of Loreena and pray she wouldn't let him fall was... unnerving.

He'd roll to the side, data probe meeting the port next to the hangar door, twisting it and sliding the entrance open. His optic would fall upon the series of speeder bikes, and BB-610, out of sheer paranoia, would begin a scan in order to detect any possible errors or possible malfunctions. There were none outside of the ordinary, which, while doing enough to settle that set of nervousness, brought him onto his next worry.

' You better know how to handle these things. ' he'd mutter to Loreena, his tone not one of distrust, but of uneasiness.

If his pilot were to be hindered inside a starfighter, BB-610 would know that he could take over for them. In this case, however, he's at the complete mercy of his partner. And while he wasn't necessarily judging of the woman's capabilities [ he's sure that she's plenty capable ], that lingering knowledge that he's powerless to control it was nonetheless eternally present.


Objective: 2

Lori could already feel the Jaster's Delight settling down once more as she made her way to the speederbikes.

~Captain, ready when you are.~ The voice of her co-pilot Arla was heard through the ship's P.A. System. The two had discussed the plan earlier, and so the schedule that Lori hoped to stick with was all plotted out.

She gave BB-610 BB-610 an affirming nod. "I won't let you fall. I promise." Lori chose the lead speederbike. After securing her bow and arrows, she then lifted the astromech, placing him into position up front. With her arms outstretched to grip the handlebars, she could hold onto him without sacrificing anything. She just wouldn't be able to shoot. But that's what Naten Harel Naten Harel , Mark Cross Mark Cross and the others were for.

Lori turned on her speederbike, giving a thumbs up to the cargohold's camera. That was the cue for Arla to lower the ramp. The other Rebels on board turned on their speederbikes and were quick to follow Lori's as she headed down the ramp and out into the trees.

Her acceleration was smooth as she drove through the forest, taking as straight of a route as she could through the trees. It wasn't until her datamap indicated that they were half a kilometer out from the prison that she brought her speederbike to a stop. She turned it off and set BB-610 back onto the ground. The edge of the treeline was just cresting the top of a small hill, giving them the cover that they needed. "We'll leave these bikes here just in case. We'll go the rest of the way on foot. Weapons at the ready."

Lori gathered her bow and arrows, securing the quiver on her back before grabbing her bow. Then she started heading to the edge of the treeline. On her way, she tapped into Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an 's comm frequency. ~You're good to go in 5. Good luck!~

They'd all need whatever luck they could get. Hopefully the element of surprise was on their side.

Eskk Jannik LE-03 (Leigh) LE-03 (Leigh) Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil
Objective 2

Naten nodded silently in agreement as he understood what Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun just said, if the mission only involved a handful of prisoners to rescue, then his plan would've worked perfectly. But he had just been reminded of how many individuals the team were going to break out, which was way more than he realized, but not impossible to handle. Following the rest of the group, he got on a speeder and followed Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun lead into the forest until they reached the tree line. He then took out his rifle and looked through his scope towards the prison, spotting a few guards from the position his group stood.

"It doesn't look like they are heavily guarded from the outside, but I'm sure most them are inside." Naten muttered as he lowered his rifle and waited for orders. Although he could put his finger on it, he was really sure why he got the feeling that there was something off about this prison compare to the others he's seen in the past. Perhaps this one relied heavily on their surveillance tech than on the guards, but good thing they had a droid with them to take care of that problem. He just hope there weren't any surprises waiting for them inside.
ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴢᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ



| OBJECTIVE: Prison Break |
Cerea |
The ECLIPSE REBELLION [ Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an | LE-03 (Leigh) LE-03 (Leigh) ]; Naten Harel Naten Harel | Mark Cross Mark Cross | Eskk Jannik |


BB-610's photoreceptors weren't designed to analyse an organic's eyes. There was no raw data to be extracted, or precise calculations in one's gaze, but the glisten in Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun ' told him more than enough. He could count on her. So it's when he's picked up [ for the first time in what felt like years ] that he doesn't panic, nor does he scramble helplessly in her grasp. In fact, he'd forgotten how much he missed the feeling. A fleeting feeling, however, as he's promptly situated in front of the speeder and secured by Loreena's arms.

That isn't to say that he felt completely safe as they took off. While he could rely on the woman's body to keep him steady, he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss the snug fit of an astromech slot. Perfect, precise shaping to keep him secure. While his optic stays on the lookout as they close the distance between them and the prison, BB-610 doesn't utter a word, partly because he has nothing to say [ there were no signs of danger noted, outside of the worryingly fast velocity ], and mostly because he was too frightened to.

' I almost scrambled a circuit doing that. ' the droid would bwurt, shaking his head as he's gently lifted off and onto the ground. Oh, the ground. Secure and steady. BB-610 relishes in the comfort of stability, but all good feelings are soon dwarfed by the lingering dread as he looks up at the prison. His photoreceptors zoom in, analysing the entrance. He'd expected a more guarded position. Four organics.

Like a child to its mother, BB-610 tilts his head up to glance at Loreena.
' Is this the part where the distractions commence? Because, while I doubt that I'd be fired upon, I don't think they would simply let me roll up without question. '



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