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Concern and Question regarding Factory interaction

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Master Account Joined Oct '23

I have a concern and a question.

Per this thread:

Tefka - "This is absolutely absurd decorum. This is a verbal warning"

Concern - An applicant was asked a question. "What components or Canon effects can you provide that would quanitfy that Force Fields can prevent usage of the Force, or EMP based attacks?" The question was answered in detail by the applicant. No forum rules were violated that I can see.

Result - The applicant received a verbal warning from Tefka, who I believe to be the site administrator.

Question - What is the impact of a 'verbal warning' and what is the basis of it in this case? It currently appears this applicant was warned for being verbose and detailed in response to a question.

Thank you for your time.
While transparency is a useful tool in maintaining integrity in the face of skepticism, I would not have made this a public post.

I understand looking at a discussion on a post between a factory judge and someone looking to submit to the factory and wondering why the discussion was rather abruptly terminated by the Site Owner. However, I do think you should consider reaching out to an administrator of the site for clarification in place of this route. It seems likely to stir up unnecessary trouble in the event you catch someone at the wrong time.


Master Account Joined Oct '23
While transparency is a useful tool in maintaining integrity in the face of skepticism, I would not have made this a public post.

I understand looking at a discussion on a post between a factory judge and someone looking to submit to the factory and wondering why the discussion was rather abruptly terminated by the Site Owner. However, I do think you should consider reaching out to an administrator of the site for clarification in place of this route. It seems likely to stir up unnecessary trouble in the event you catch someone at the wrong time.

Thank you for the input. I understand your concerns.

I have competing concerns about this public interaction and its consequences.

Ah. I should’ve gone to Discord first for more context, it seems the player has dramatically announced they are taking an LOA as a result of my comments.

Look man, let them be mad. There’s no honor to defend here, they’re probably gonna realize how silly it was to write 5 essays trying to get a factory sub approved. Or maybe they learn nothing at all, who knows. But its perfectly fine for people to be mad, you’re not going to fix the world by getting up the stones to come shake my tree.

I’m re-locking this thread. Like I said in the Factory sub…

There's so much energy in this thread over absolutely nothing that could be spent for creativity and positivity elsewhere in the community.
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