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Approved Tech Copero's Wail

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  • Intent: A wonderful prize for the CIS MVP of Copero.
  • Image Source: Link
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Manufacturer: [member=Adron Malvern]
  • Affiliation: [member="Scherezade deWinter"]
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No

  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Alchemized Phrik, Herdon Leather, Permafrost Crystal, Svolten Rhyolite

  • Classification: Sith Sword
  • Size: Large {Just under 2 Meters}
  • Weight: Light

  • Copero's Wail: This blade has a mighty ability. When used by someone proficient in The Force this blade can draw it's power in before releasing it at the tip of the blade or along it's edge, magnifying the blade's reach as the wave of Force flies out towards the wielder's enemy. The outburst appears as a pristine blue light that chills the air as it flies. Whatever that blue light touches is carved into as if the blade itself had wrought destruction. The wave also leaves a faint trace of ice wherever it impacts, showing the icy nature of the sword.

  • Extremely Light: Phrik, even when alchemized, is an almost unnaturally lightweight metal. Although this blade is large and considerably dense the Phrik used to forge it leaves the blade lighter than it's counter-parts. This makes the blade more maneuverable and distractingly fast in the hands of the right wielder.
  • Durability: While Phrik is surprisingly light it is also remarkably strong. Some consider the metal to be near indestructible. While this blade is not indestructible it is made to stand up to any lightsaber and even take blaster bolt rounds with ease. The blade's edge is considerably sharp and requires significant effort to dull.
  • The Connection: Once the user syncs themselves with the crystal embedded in the blade's hilt they will effectively lock the sword's powers so that it can only be accessed by them. All of this sword's special features will be null without the user who bonded with it.
  • Alchemized: While the blade is able to stand up to the blow of a lightsaber, there are other properties bestowed onto this sword by the Dark Side. All of the powers and effects that this sword brings are minor leaps to ensure victory.

  • Large: Copero's Wail is a sizeable blade, just under two meters in length it is a hefty blade that is difficult to be used by anyone who is not familiar with Greatswords.
  • Force Signature: Almost as if it was a living being, Copero's Wail has a distinct Force Signature that is hard to miss. The blade is a small beacon that can be tracked by those attuned to the Force.
  • Force Nullification: If this sword is moved within a field of range that nullifies or reduces the effects of The Force then it will lose many of it's properties. Once the Force has been cut off from this blade it will no longer be able to access any of it's special abilities and will be no more than a plain Phrik Greatsword.
  • Force Light: Nothing forged through darkness can withstand the light for long. As such this blade has a significant weakness the the lightside ability. It can cause the blade to be temporarily weakened to the point where it will no longer have access to it's special abilities.

The battle to release Copero from the Jen'ari Empire's loose clutch was almost too easy for The Confederacy. Of course as history has shown, all battles will result in the birth of something new. In this instance the item that was born from this battle was Copero's Wail. A blade forged to represent the Confederacy's victory on the world it is a thing of pure beauty. Made from the finest Phrik that could be found the blade was forged and tempered by [member="Darth Metus"] before being enchanted upon and alchemized by his apprentice, [member=Adron Malvern]. The blade itself is magnificently sharp and set to stand up against most forms of assault.

The hilt of the blade is wrapped in resilient leathers and the pommel is topped with a small gem. This gem is a Permafrost crystal which gives the blade it's icy appearance. When the Force is channeled through the blade in preparation for combat, it will seemingly become draped in a thin blanket of frost. Every swing of this blade is pure death, as it calls upon a fearsome wail which can not only heavily extend the blades range but also intensify the damage done by the slash.

Gifted to a member of The Confederacy by [member="Srina Talon"], this blade is a sign of the victory on Copero and the endless devotion that made that victory possible.
Factory Judge
[member="Adron Malvern"],

Since this is a sword created by Sith Alchemy, I recommend adding the weakness of Force Light being able to damage/Render inert, or destroy the weapon.

Also, you may need some Svolten Rhyolite for that edge to stay as sharp as you want it to do so.
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