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Faction Corruption of Voss Tower of Prophecy [Sith]


The Tower of Prophecy, ancient home to the Voss Mystics. For generations their seers and healers used the powerful Force energy that swirled about the tower to perform acts of Force Visions and prophecy. The Tower allowed for their seers to pierce the very veil of the Force and see into all things – past, present, and future.

It was a powerful tool. But, now Voss, the city the Tower resided in Voss’Ka and the very Mystics themselves – were hers. And yet, as always, Darth Voyance desired more. Coupled with her own powers of meditation, dark side channelling, and visions, the Tower would be a powerful weapon of unimaginable dark clairvoyance. But, as it was now it would only become a puppeteered tool. Taken from the Voss. An empty weapon.

‘No,’ Voyance’s mind echoed, consumed by a meditative trance.

‘It must be cultivated into a Nexus of the Dark Side, before my machinations can be…complete.’

She slowly opened her eyes and looked out into the Meditation Chamber of her
Soothsayer Star Destroyer. The chamber was blackest dark, as all holoprojections had been turned off and Voyance remained in her opened qabbrat meditation sphere. She wore dark robes accented with black embroidery that shimmered in the dim reflective lights of the qabbrat’s reserve lighting.

Placing her ornate golden gloved hands on her knees, she lifted herself up and stepped out of the qabbrat onto the darkly marbled steel floor of the chamber. As she did the lights beamed back on. A thousand holoprojectors in small sockets across the floor activated their white light protocol and bathed the chamber in fluorescent brilliance. Voyance strode through the chamber and exited it. Following a trip up the repulosrlift elevator, she reached the command bridge which was directly above the chamber.

The hissing partition of the bridge blast doors announced her arrival to all. The staff in the navigation and sensors pits and at the communications panels all stood to attention. Last to pay their hierarchical respect was the Soothsayer’s commanding officer, Captain Karn. The female chiss turned slowly and nodded curtly to her dark master as Voyance drew near.

“We have arrived my lady,” said Karn.

The Soothsayer was in atmospheric drift above the Tower of Prophecy, drowning it in its bloated arrowhead shadow. An omen for what was to come through the Force.

“Good,” said Voyance coolly. “And what of his Darkness ( Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex ) ?”

“The Dark Lord has yet to announce his arrival. Though his officer’s said his ship shall be exiting hyperspace travel soon enough,” replied Karn.

“Upon his arrival inform his Darkness that I shall be in my private holo-chambers and shall respond to summons from there,” said Voyance.

“As you command, my lady,” Karn.

Voyance smirked and nodded, turning away she watched out in the Voss sunset colored cloud sea.

‘Soon the corruption of the Tower shall produce the malevolent Nexus I need to found my Dark Praxeum.’

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Aboard the Behemoth II

Streaking through hyperspace was the Emperor's flagship, the appropriately named Behemoth Dreadnought, en route to the mystical world of Voss located deep within the Tion Hegemony. The Emperor himself was situated deep inside of his sanctuary, enshrined in his own personal qabbrat as he meditated on the whispers of the Dark Side, letting the nefarious energy course through his body like an unimpeded stream. Immersed in darkness, the Dark Lord of the Sith allowed the rage burning within his heart to further fester and boil, drawing upon painful memories and experiences to further expand the wellspring of hate. Such meditations were necessary for the Dark Lord to hone and sharpen his fury, to further understand where his hate sprung from, and strengthen his hold upon the infernal dragon of Carnifex.
He only emerged from his sanctuary when the hyperspace alert chimed within his protective cocoon, the longitudinal seams parting into both respective hemispheres and exposing the Emperor to his surroundings. He lowered himself down from his levitated meditation and rose up on his two feet. Snatching the clothing he had set aside, he dressed and exited his personal chambers to make way to the bridge. As he walked, a pair of his Crownguard Protectors fell into step behind him.
The Behemoth II's bridge was the epitome of order, with every officer stationed at their post and working in total synchronization with the other parts of the bridge's command structure. At the head of this ordered whirlwind was Lord Admiral Vin Rurik, a male Shistavanen who had replaced the dreadnought's previous commander after he had been slain in a prior engagement. The white uniform of a Lord Admiral contrasted sharply with the dark brown fur of its wearer, but Lord Admiral Rurik wore it proudly and with distinction. He would have not been placed in command of the Emperor's own flagship had he not maintained a reputation for professionalism, success, and loyalty.
Lord Admiral Rurik acknowledged the Emperor's arrival with a deep and respectful bow, as did the subordinate commanders of the bridge, while the lowest members of the bridge crew went on about their tasks. The Emperor knew that was good, the lowest rungs needn't prioritize pledges of fealty over doing what they were assigned to do. The higher officers could afford that pleasure, as was their privilege, but the Emperor did not stand for the lack of efficiency when every crewmember neglected their function.
"We are about to reach hyperspace terminus over Voss, Supreme Excellency."
"Very good, Lord Admiral. You may inform the Lady Raaf to join us on the bridge."
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Voyance Darth Voyance AMCO AMCO

In the eye of her meditations, she was immersed in the Force.

The currents swirled around her, ebbs and flows of darkness and light in a never-ending kaleidoscope of the Force. It was struggle, it was strife, it was life, it was death, it was balance. It offered brief glimpses to the Lady of Secrets; faces, places, events before, present, and future all cycling around her, hinting at what could be and what had been. An image had been plaguing her dreams for a fortnight, a mysterious shape or construct in space calling out. It was a maddening mystery for her, and she had hoped to gain insights.

"Lady Arcanix, the Emperor requests your presence on the bridge."

Purple eyes opened, the view from her borrowed quarters showing the streaks of hyperspace for a few more moments. Lowering herself back to the floor slowly, she concealed the scowl threatening to break out on her face. She had been close, she was certain of it. A few more moments... but she could not refuse the summons of the Emperor.

Besides they were likely nearing the world of Voss.

It had been one reason she had joined the Emperor in his sojourn to the world of the Voss Mystics, to potentially gain the answer she sought. The offered goal of Darth Voyance and the chance to observe and use such powerful Sith spells had intrigued her of course though. Both Sith likely knew that she couldn't resist such a project.

In swirl of her dark robes, she proceeded to the bridge, ignoring the quiet bowed heads as she passed. They might not be as respectful to her as the Emperor, or the five Sith that sat on the shrunken Dark Council, but they still carried great esteem for the Great Deceiver and the Triumvir of Power.

"My Emperor," she said, bowing herself for a moment to the towering figure.
It was ironic, in a way. Years ago, when he was a mere Acolyte, his curiosity had driven him to face the Trials of the Voss Mystics and he had emerged a member of their order, albeit an honorary one. He had never had anything but respect for the Mystics... yet now he would aid in corrupting the beating heart of their order. It was all for their own good, of course, for in the Dark lay secrets beyond even them.

They would understand, in time, even those not yet swayed by the Emperor's puppet and his novel teachings.

Rousing himself from his meditations, he emerged from an unadorned chamber deep within the Shrine of Healing. Making his way towards the landing pad, he nodded respectfully to the true Mystics and was greeted in turn, though many appeared distracted. They would sense it, as he sensed it, though most would not know what it meant - the twisting currents of the Force, the rising darkness. Soon, everything would change.

Sliding into the seat of a sleek airspeeder, he leaned back, closing his eyes at it took off as if on its own accord. Yes, everything would change. The Mystics, their visions, the very essence of Voss. He could only hope that they were doing the right thing.

Factory Judge
A corruption of Order.

The Voss, once aids of the Silver Jedi years ago, were now under the thumb of the Sith Empire. I knew not the process in which they had so found a hold upon a species, and group notoriously standing firm upon neutral ground. Seeking to find a depth within the force that even the most powerful of Sith Lords, and Wisest of Jedi Masters could ever hope to reach. Now it seemed that Darth Voyance, a twilek Lady of the Sith had so called for those who would be suitable to bring about "A Dark Praxeum."

Its been years since I have worked with the Sith Empire. Last steps I ever took among them was when an Empress sat upon the throne. Not an Emperor. Yet, the mark left from that meeting of our ideologies still burned upon my chest to this day. However, I was interested in this lass. Very ambitious, and cunning. Considering she was trained by the very man who led the Empire, it was to be expected. I had been at the coronation of this individual. The Naming of the Darth to be fully fledged within the Empire.

Oh the memories.

It seems this time, I would be aiding the Emperor and his... well. Voyance was no longer an Apprentice. I had a feeling I knew what was going to happen. The biggest reason for powerful Dark sided individuals for meeting up in one location, was to pull more into their reach. To gain something they so desired with an almost lustful need. Holding a simple tome in my hand, I was reading within the pages of it. Letting the text flow across the pages as this rather physically appealing Twi'lek entered the bridge. Throwing out commands for when the Dark Lord will summon her, and then proceeded to walk out.

Standing from my seat, The tome closed shut with one hand. Gently hiding it underneath my arm as I thrust my hands into the pocket of the outer jacket I wore of my Fiber clothing. Following her footsteps, I knew she would hear me. Boots hitting the almost mirror like reflective floor.

"His Darkness... huh... quite the interesting title you hand your former Master."

A smirk formed upon my face for barely a second before leaving.

"Oh don't mind the ramblings of an old fool. M'lady Voyance. However, you do look quite appealing today in your robes. New threads?"

Darth Voyance Darth Voyance Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf AMCO AMCO
Voyance heard the snide chirpings of Vora Kaar Vora Kaar and turned her head to face the Dark Jedi Master. She had invited him onto her ship to act as a secondary power to her machinations but, found him to be a peculiar being. 'Dark Jedi' such a perverse philosophy - it offended both the Sith and the Jedi. The inconsistency irked her, but, power was power. And power was useful to her. Voyance smirked and nodded to the Dark Jedi Master.

"Indeed, Master Shaw," she said, "I try to look the part."

"Come," she continued, turning fully and gesturing him to follow her, "We shall greet His Darkness the Emperor together."

As she walked over to him the feigned platitudes decayed into a deathly stare and she stood only a breath's reach from his face.

"I trust you will be civil," she hissed. She then raised her hand once more and gestured him to follow.

Captain Karn watched Voyance leave with Shaw, and it made the usually statuesque chiss snap her lips into a frown.

Darth Voyance entered into an adjacent chamber with a single large holo-projector inside. The chamber was cavernously tall and lit with dim red vertical pillars of light embeded in the high vaulted ceiling. Voyance bent the knee, and lowered her body in prostration to her dark overlord. She glanced a golden eye and glared at Shaw.

"Kneel," she growled, before the holo-projection began to erupt blue and azure crackling holographic ghosts.

The holoprojection refined itself and transformed into a titanic visage of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and an attending Sith Lady Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf .

Voyance said nothing in a greeting, she only bowed her head low and awaited her overlord's words.
The Emperor kept his eyes on the viewport as the Lady of Secrets approached, only turning to face her once she had called out to him.
"Lady Raaf, I am pleased you could join me on this journey." Pleased, but not surprised. There was little that could turn away the infamous Great Deceiver from furthering her studies into the esoteric and the occult, and her presence at the Emperor's side in this matter of Voss was all but assured the moment he spoke to her hours earlier. "We're coming up on Voss now, Taeli. I would have you join me in making contact with the Dark Oracle." The dropping of formal titles was a great mark of familiarity between Emperor and Triumvir, both of whom had worked intimately in the decade leading up to their magnum opus; Operation: Eclipse.
Carnifex moved away from the viewport, leading Taeli to a smaller antechamber at the back of the command bridge where they could make use of the communication table. He pressed several keys on the console, the machine whirring to life at his touch and securing the connection being broadcasted from Voyance's vessel. The image of the Twi'lek Sith Lady was kneeling as it came into view, the faint visage of another being bleeding in on the periphery. "Lady Voyance..." the Emperor's eyes shifted over to the other, "And Lord Shaw. We have arrived." At that moment, the Emperor's dreadnought exited hyperspace above the planet Voss, its dark silhouette cutting an intimidating profile as it sailed near the planet's atmosphere.
"I trust everything has been prepared for our arrival?"
Aboard the Soothsayer

"Yes, your Darkness," said Darth Voyance.

"As we speak the Voss under the command of my Dark Cadre are awaiting the beginnings of this dark congregation."

"They will supply the necessary catalyst for the warping of the Force here into a Dark Nexus for our means."

"If you could honor me, I would request your assistance during this ritual."

"I shall be commanding the process from the Meditation Chamber of the Soothsayer."

Voyance gestured to Vora Kaar Vora Kaar , "Master Lazarus has offered to assist me."

Meanwhile at the Tower of Prophecy

Below, the Voss Mystics who had been twisted into Darth Voyance's service began their entry into the Tower of Prophecy. They were guided by Sith Magicians and Voyance's troopers. They flowed into the tower in a grim procession. Nearby was a spectator ( AMCO AMCO ), however they paid him no heed. Upon entering the Tower they proceeded to the room of prophecies were ancient Voss rituals of old tapped into the Force and provided the old mystics with supreme visions of what could and did come to be.

What they did not know, was that this would be their last ritual.
Gaze drifting across the grim procession of Mystics and their Sith handlers, he frowned slightly. Something felt off about the whole plan, about what they were hoping to accomplish. A feeling of doom lingered about that procession.

Shaking off such bleak thoughts, he made to the townhouse he maintained in Voss-Ka, and the Qabbrat in its basement.

He would observe, perhaps even participate, in the ritual to come, but something told him that there would be a need for damage control after its completion. The Voss could still be made to fully embrace the Sith Empire and its ideology, he was sure, but only if the right promises were uttered, the right deeds done, the right demands given.

One could "corrupt" a world easily enough, but true success would only be found in making its people give themselves wholly to the Dark.


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