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Private Coruscant Prison Blues (Beltran Rarr and Ingrid L'lerim...)

Beltran stepped out of the speeder and smoothed his dress uniform jacket. Dozens of aircraft moved rapidly passed the massive prison structure. The Lorrdian had never been to Coruscant, but his experiences on Denon had well prepared him for life on the ecumenopolis. As the taxi speeder took off and sped off into the airway lane, Beltran made his way up the large staircase toward the entrance. There were dozens of guards, Galactic Alliance soldiers and battle droids milling about.

As Beltran approached the main guard station, he found himself facing a fresh-faced young Mon Calamari in a naval lieutenant's uniform. The red skinned aquatic being held out his hand and spoke in a deep, gravelly voice. "Identification, please."

Handing the officer his credentials, Beltran spoke. "Captain Beltran Rarr, Antarian Rangers. I've been granted a visitors dispensation to speak with Lady Ingrid L'lerim."

The Mon Calamari harrumphed a little as he began to scan through the tablet that contained the authorization forms. Relations between the Galactic Alliance military and the Rangers were still on the cool side. The death of the Duros Senator at the hands of Ranger Gunnery Sergeant Tulan Kor Tulan Kor a few years ago had soured relations between the two entities. It didn't help that Sergeant Kor's team had well and truly thrashed the GA forces they'd encountered during the operation.

Time and the looming threat of both the Bryn'adul and the various Sith factions had done some to mend fences, but to Beltran's mind, the GA were still nursing some bruised egos.

"It appears that your authorization is valid, Captain. You may proceed, but you will need to leave any weapons here."

Beltran nodded. He'd expected as much, so he hadn't come particularly well armed. Just his 10mm Pulse Pistol, which he surrendered without complaint. This wasn't a combat mission, but if he needed to, Beltran had no doubt that he would be able to handle himself-even without his weapons.

With his weapon surrendered, Beltran proceeded inside. He hadn't seen Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim since their encounter on Korriban and he had been surprised that the Empress of the Eternal Empire had surrendered to GA forces in a recent battle. Ingrid and her troops had often come to the aid of The Sith Empire in the past, which had put Beltran and the red-haired Empress on opposite sides of battle more than once. But she had always maintained a strict code of honor, which along with her powerful martial abilities, had cemented a certain sense of respect between the two. Beltran wouldn't call her friend, but he could perhaps see a day when they might be allies.

Once inside the prison complex, Beltran was led to one of the detention suites, where high profile prisoners were kept.

"Lady L'lerim has been informed of your impending arrival. Would you like a guard escort to remain with you while you are inside?"

"No, thank you. I will be fine."

"Very well, there is an intercom inside that you can use to summon a guard when you are ready to leave."

With that, the entrance to the suit opened and Beltran stepped inside. Facing Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim as the door closed behind him, Beltran nodded in greeting. "Lady," He offered respectfully. "I've come to discuss the threat posed by the Bryn'adul with you."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Top Secret High-Security Prison, Level 4999 of Coruscant
Equipment: Military uniform || Empyrean gland
Tag: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr

Ingrid lived her unanimous days in her prison suite on the 4999th level. Every day a visitor came in, these were typically agents and soldiers who wanted to interrogate her. Of course, COMPNOR also tortured her for further information, but the woman did not reveal anything. She may have been a prisoner, moreover of her own free will, but that did not mean that she would tell anything it could do harm to the Eternal Empire. No, even from here she had to protect her home, her people.

Her hallucination, that is, Adrian, was the only loyal companion she could always rely on. The pain and lack of a man was equally strong nonetheless, but at least she could talk in thought to her dead husband. Which was only real to the woman, as only her imagination played with her. But for her, he was real and he never left her.

In the morning they were told that Captain Rarr would visit her. It was an unexpected encounter; they never said who was coming. Even Tithe's visiting was a surprise. Maybe they were trying to get information through him? It was conceivable. She last met the man at Korriban and before that at Voss. In both cases, the red-haired woman protected Adrian. In the first case, the woman was just a regent and the man was just her fiancé. In the second case, she was already an empress and the man's wife.

Days later she was a widow, a half-widow, because the woman's first husband was still alive, only Adrian is not. Since then, she has been a mother of two, the mother of two beautiful boys, one of them were Tubrok's and the other Adrian's son. The woman trained before and then took a shower. She was already dressed, so she came out into the living room in uniform, just as Beltran had arrived.

The woman's hair was still wet and not in a bun, reaching to the middle of her back, many strands falling forward untidy. Thus, the woman could have denied her age by at least ten to fifteen years (she looked younger than her real age anyway), so she looked younger than mid-twenties instead of mid-thirties. She looked exceptionally human, tired, not an inaccessible soldier, an Empress. It's like she was another person.

For a few seconds. When she saw the man, her posture became the usual stiff, military, her gaze hardened as well. Ingrid raised an eyebrow at the man's words for a moment.

"Captain!" She also greeted the man with respect, then continued in a cold voice. "COMPNOR may already be quite in despair that their torture will not progress... if they already bring someone from the SJC to get information through you."

The COMPNOR did not visit her today, so she rightly assumed that this was the real reason for the visit and not Bryn’adûl.


Beltran regarded Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim coolly as he stepped into the suite. She wore a uniform, one that Beltran figured belonged to Eternal Empire, the growing empire that she led as Empress. He could see the weight of that position on her face and knew that he was in the presence of a true leader. There was some tension on her face and in her posture as she greeted him. He had learned of her capture through a single report he'd received from Ranger intelligence. Apparently it had been a voluntary surrender, though the Captain had none of the particular details.

The mention of torture caused his eyebrow to raise, that seemed a little odd given that she was in GA custody, but if the NIO intelligence group was involved as well, then Beltran guessed he could see it happening. She didn't look especially worse for wear, but Beltran knew that there were many ways to hurt someone, and not all of them had to be physical.

"I'm not here to extract knowledge from you," He said simply. "Whatever the Alliance and Imperials want from you is no concern of mine. Though," He added for the benefit of the listening devices he knew would be active in the room. "I doubt any form of torture could force you to disclose anything you wanted to keep hidden. It would be a futile exercise."

Stepping further into the suite, he gestured to a pair of easy chairs in a Shall we sit? manner. Taking a seat, Beltran looked up to the red-haired woman and continued. "No, I am here to speak to you about the Bryn'adul. After a lull in their operations, they're once again on the move. The Concord has lost several systems to them in the last few months. In essence, we are loosing the war."

"I'm here, because I don't believe that the Concord had hold the line on their own. Even with support from the Alliance and occasionally the Confederacy. The Jedi are too fractured and indecisive to mount a unified defense. Most seem more interested in wringing their hands at the slaughter than actually preventing it. And those who do fight refuse to see beyond their own egos and lust for praise and adventure." That last part, Beltran said with no small amount of venom. He'd lost track of the number of times Jedi had abandoned Concord troops to pursue their own agendas and the cost in lives was growing steeper with every battle. Ranger Command was frustrated too, but none of the Generals had the stones to risk their political clout to go against the Silver Jedi Council or the Senate on Commenor.

Beltran had been given some leeway to conduct his operations as he saw fit, but with the loss of Roche and other key systems, funds were growing tight as the Concord worlds looked to protecting their own borders rather than supporting the Rangers. "In essence, I'm here because we...I..need resources. I need to raise a fighting force that operates independent of the Jedi command structure. I need weapons, supplies, credits and advisors. Ranger command won't support me acting outside of the command structure, but I'm hoping that you might. I know the Eternal Empire has its own problems, but if the Bryn'adul make it to the Core, they'll come for you next. That's assured."

It wasn't Beltran's style to ask for outside support, but he knew that he needed it if his plans to stop the Bryn'adul were ever to come to fruition. It also spoke to his growing respect for Ingrid that he'd sought her out. She'd acted with honor in their previous dealings and he sensed that she was a woman with whom he would work.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Top Secret High-Security Prison, Level 4999 of Coruscant
Equipment: Military uniform || Empyrean gland
Tag: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr

The dress was just a general uniform she got here, in captivity, she was wearing a noble dress at the Serenno when she surrendered. She didn't bring any uniforms with her. So it was more of such a neutral, general garment. However, it did not appear on her that she was broken. For a moment she seemed an average human, close, but again she was the one Beltran had seen twice on the battlefield. She smiled sincerely at the man's words for a moment and barely nodded.

"You have already known me better in two encounters than COMPNOR has in recent weeks. They haven't figured it out yet that what you said now."

Nor that the woman would kill herself before that happened. Ingrid nodded at the chair, that is, there were more armchairs and a sofa in the living room. It was a regular, large upscale suite, just in a strictly guarded prison. She waited for the man to sit down and then took her seat. She sat with a stiff, straight back, still formal as usual.

"I heard from one of my visitors they were attacked again. My tactical analysis and calculations were correct. But that's why I'm here, that's why I let myself be captured, that is, I surrendered I didn't see a better way to talk to Chandra and Tavlar at the same time so that they could listen me…"

She listened intently to the man, angry and disappointed; Ingrid nodded understandingly. The woman had previously told the man what she thought of the Jedi and, of course, the Sith as well.

"The Alliance is more interested in the Sith Empire. I warned both the NIO and the Alliance about Bryn’adûl, but neither was interested …"

Weapons, supplies, credits and advisors… the woman would have been able to give them all to the man and would have been happy to help if she was not here in captivity at the moment. It was hard to do anything from here, she didn’t even get much information, which was very unpleasant and bad for a former intelligence agent.

"Captain… you are optimistic. There is a very high probability I will be executed by the NIO. When I surrendered, I knew exactly I could never return home to Kalidan. I'm not sure I'll be useful for you, but my husband… my first husband, the future Eternal Emperor… you will have to talk to him about this. He will definitely help you if I can't do this anymore."

~ I know you suspect I would be able to escape from here, easily. And you're right, but I'm not going to do it. If it takes my death for nations to grasp the danger, well, I am willing to accept death.~ she messaged telepathically.

"Bryn’adûl has already reached us. Before the siege of Dantooine, we were already attacked from the north. You know what that means? They got through some areas of the SJC, CIS, TSE, GA and maybe NIO without anyone noticing… They are literally everywhere! That is why I have since wanted to end the war and try to get everyone together against them…".


Beltran raised his eyebrows at Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim 's assertion. He hadn't heard about the attack on the Eternal Empire by the Bryn'adul. I guess Reece's death threw me for a loop, He thought to himself. The loss of his friend and fellow Ranger repelling the Sith on Voss had been a difficult blow to bear. That it had occurred, in no small part, because of a lack of communication between SJC units that had led to friendly fire enraged him. He had long been critical of the Silver Jedi's leadership in combat, but following Voss, he was now certain that the Jedi were not up to the task. Men and women of discipline needed to rule the day, not a bunch of blowhards with the Force.

He had been about to offer his aid on the matter of securing the red-haired woman's release when her telepathic message stopped him. He tilted his head to the side a little, considering her for a long moment before nodding. ~"Very well."~ He returned telepathically, before speaking out loud. "Alright, then tell me of your first husband?" Beltran had known of Adrian Vandiir. He'd been a powerful Sith Lord and part of Emperor Carnifex's court for a time. He'd also aided the Silver Jedi on Nar Kreeta against the Bryn'adul. Beltran didn't know the specifics, but he had heard that the man had died not long after.

Ingrid's first husband was more of a mystery to him. Other than the occasional intelligence briefing, and his two previous encounters with the woman before him, he knew rather little about the Empire or any of its major players. "I will also need some way of verifying that you have sent me to see him."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Top Secret High-Security Prison, Level 4999 of Coruscant
Equipment: Military uniform || Empyrean gland
Tag: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr

"I see you didn't know about the attack… although I informed the NIO, TSE and GA about this. And I also mentioned this to @Thurion Heaveanshield, who I know has a lot of SJC connections."

Ingrid told the man, raising his eyebrows was eloquent enough that the man knew nothing about it. She may be wrong, but as an agent and spy she could read pretty well in the body language of others, if she paid attention to this. Another issue is that lately, since Adrian’s death, she hasn’t really cared about it. Ironically, her husband’s hallucinations helped her pay more attention to her surroundings again. The reaction to the telepathic message would have made her want to smile, but she didn’t in the end. Rather, she decided to explain the reasons.

~ I know it’s not fair to ask you this, and I have no right to it, but trust me. I am where I can do the most in this situation. So maybe my voice reaches everywhere. I know the Eternal Empire isn’t big and I don’t have as much power as Tavlar or Chandra, but if I manage to reach out to the people of these two states and draw their attention to the danger… maybe their leaders will also realize the real danger. ~ explained the reasons.

Yes, not much could be known about Tubrok either, but this was true of the whole Eternal Empire. Ingrid has been the head of intelligence - still - and since she did this job (for many years), not much information has leaked out of the Empire, but much information has been obtained. Few agents were able to operate from outside states in theirs. Thanks to the many rules and that they didn't like outsiders either, their own language and the fact that they did not use the Galactic Common in the Eternal Empire, but for everything the High Nelvaanian language was needed it also helped a lot. And not to mention outsiders can’t visit many places or cities.

"My husband, Tubrok Ragal Tubrok Ragal is the current Overlord, i.e. the regent in my absence. He was the former heir of Nelvaan and then the monarch of Christophsis, even in the old CIS times, before the Eternal Empire and before we moved to the Unknown Regions. Honest and fair warlord, I think you will like him too. No collateral is needed, I spoke him about you and he knows me well enough to know he can believe you."

~ If you’re already here, would you do tell me what’s going on out there? I haven’t had any information about the outside world in weeks… and you know Captain, I’m an intelligence agent, the lack of information is the worst thing about this place. ~


The mention of her speaking to the former Grandmaster Heavenshield surprised him somewhat, but that the information had not been disseminated to the Rangers most decidedly did not. "The Jedi are not great communicators," He said. "They fail to see the need to disseminate information to those who support them, expecting us to just follow them into the fire whenever we are called. It is one reason why I am growing tired of them. Every one of them think that their relationship to the Force gives them a unique insight that no other could share. It is arrogance at the highest level, and it is dangerous."

~ I know it’s not fair to ask you this, and I have no right to it, but trust me. I am where I can do the most in this situation. So maybe my voice reaches everywhere. I know the Eternal Empire isn’t big and I don’t have as much power as Tavlar or Chandra, but if I manage to reach out to the people of these two states and draw their attention to the danger… maybe their leaders will also realize the real danger. ~

Beltran gave her a nod. Ingrid had proven herself an honorable adversary in the past and now he could see for the truly able leader that she was. She was willing to give her life if need be to try and get the galaxy to unite against the Bryn'adul. It was an honorable death, if indeed that was to be her fate.

He would not interfere.

"My husband, Tubrok Ragal Tubrok Ragal is the current Overlord, i.e. the regent in my absence. He was the former heir of Nelvaan and then the monarch of Christophsis, even in the old CIS times, before the Eternal Empire and before we moved to the Unknown Regions. Honest and fair warlord, I think you will like him too. No collateral is needed, I spoke him about you and he knows me well enough to know he can believe you."

"I understand," Beltran said. He would seek this Tubrok Ragal Tubrok Ragal out and discuss with him how to raise an army capable of ending the Bryn'adul threat.

~ If you’re already here, would you do tell me what’s going on out there? I haven’t had any information about the outside world in weeks… and you know Captain, I’m an intelligence agent, the lack of information is the worst thing about this place. ~

~The Bryn'adul are once again on the move. They've sacked Sarka, and a handful of other SJC worlds. Indications are that they will be moving on Sev Tok next. The Rangers are mobilizing our reserve units. Rumor is that I will be given Command of the 3rd Infantry, likely with the promotion to the rank of Colonel. Beyond that, one of the Sith sects attempted to conquer Ossus recently. It was a costly battle, but we pushed them back. I lost...I lost a friend there. Someone who will be missed.~

There wasn't much else for Beltran to report. His other dealings, particularly with the Sith known as Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , needed to remain a secret for the time being. Though he suspected that Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , might have been the only one who might have understood why he had chosen to learn from the being-in an attempt to become more powerful and one day vanquish both the Bryn'adul and Sith alike, he couldn't take the chance that she might him as having been corrupted.

Maybe on their next meeting, if she survived her captivity, he would be able to tell her more. He honestly hoped so.​
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Top Secret High-Security Prison, Level 4999 of Coruscant
Equipment: Military uniform || Empyrean gland
Tag: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr

Among Ingrid’s ancestors were many people who came from Midwinter, the stubbornness of the bloodline and adherence to tradition stemmed from the blood of Valkyri, and has been decisive for them to this day. In light of this, it was clear to the woman and her family that they will support them.

"You know exactly that I think the same of them, since I've already argued with you on Voss. That most people think they can control everything and everyone because of the Force, even if they are not capable to the task."

She said nearly kindly. Ingrid knew something had happened with the man that caused such a change. Or maybe the man secretly accepted what the woman told him? Could Voss or Korriban have been authoritative in this case? Maybe one day it will turn out. She actually agreed with the man and understood why she felt that way. She may have seemed insensitive, but it wasn't, she just controlled her emotions perfectly.

She recalled a map of the Galaxy in front of herself, as Beltran said the information. She knew which part it was, as well as the fact that they had lost a large area of the SJC in the northeast. One of the Sith sect…

~ Worm Emperor, I know him… it. They visited me, and they wanted the Eternal Empire to leave the Sith Empire to its fate in the war and play a role in the destruction of the Empire. Oh! Congratulations on your promotion, you deserve it! ~

And there was a reason for the fracture, the loss of a friend, the woman could very well understand this. She glanced at the hallucination to her dead husband, for a second. The gaping emptiness in her soul was still there, along with endless pain. Just like in the first minute, nothing got any better.

~ I am sincerely sorry… I know exactly what you are feeling. I lost my husband on Dantooine. ~ after she twice defended him from Beltran…

"When we spoke time and mentioned we would hopefully meet in more peaceful conditions… Well, I have to admit, that's not exactly what I expected."

~ But I've had a brief meeting with the Dark Saint, Darth Voyance Darth Voyance since we didn't meet… ~



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