Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Coruscanti Shopping

Now that she was officially a Jedi Padawan, there were a few matters that Katherine needed to deal with. The first being the lack of clothing, as she had literally just the clothing on her back when she had been found by the GA. Sure, the Jedi had provided her with the traditional robes, but they had to be altered to accommodate her wings

And while Kat wouldn’t call herself particularly fashion-conscious, she still had no desire to just wear the same type of clothing every single day. But she also didn’t have the first clue what she should go and buy, let alone where to get them.

Not to mention she had no desire to venture beyond the Jedi Temple on her own.

Both Kahlil and Rhemti were busy, and while the former had suggested asking Valery, Kat was aghast at the idea. Why would she bother someone who no doubt had more important things to focus on, with something so trivial as shopping?

So she turned to Capris, who was initially hesitant on the idea. But while she hated shopping herself, she reluctantly agreed to help Katherine.

It didn’t stop the anxiety from building though, as the young woman stood waiting just outside of the Jedi Temple.

Capris was not equipped for this. Not remotely.

Toss her out on some border planet's frontlines? Sure, any day. But this? Shopping? Not even for herself but some other new recruit tasked with the impossible order of buying a whole-arse wardrobe.

Mistakes were bound to be made. Identity crises were bound to be had. And patience was bound to wear whisper-thin.

She hadn't exactly volunteered her services, but given that the amber-eyed padawan was the only other teenage girl in Katherine's immediate circle, the obligation was very much hers for the taking. And so she did, with heavy reluctance and virtually no fashion sense to impart onto her fellow padawan.

Pulling up to the temple grounds in borderline civilian clothing, it didn't take long to spot Katherine just stewing in her anxiety.

"Hey- Feathers-" Capris waved an arm, casually letting the nickname slip as she fished for the red-head's attention. With a few unhurried steps she closed the distance between the two, unceremoniously tossing her the credit card that was their stipend. "Allowance is here, I suggest you pocket it unless you're looking to get mugged."

With a nonchalant shrug Capris canted her head down towards the city-scape below. "Ya ready?"

Katherine Holt Katherine Holt
Katherine was almost a bit too lost in her anxiety, that she jumped a little when she heard the voice. But relief quickly followed when she looked over and saw it was Capris approaching.


The sudden nickname gave the young woman a pause. It made sense, especially given her fellow Padwans reaction to first seeing her. While her wings were a constant reminder of what she was, the memory of that moment always amused Kat.

What’s this?” She asked, just barely catching the credit card as it was thrown towards her. The answer lit a lightbulb in Katherine’s head, remembering Kahlil had mentioned about some kind of fund or ‘stipend’ that the Alliance provided for new Jedi.

Suffice to say, she followed Capris’ advice and stuffed the card into one of her pockets. Katherine gave her a small nod.

Ready.” She said, with little confidence in her voice.

Something in Kat’s uncertainty gave Capris pause. A little anxiety wasn’t unprecedented. Hell, if anything it was healthy. But they both knew Katherine was something of a case, and dragging her into the limelight wings and all just seemed…

The padawan shook her head, dispelling a mental checklist of doubts. If anyone took issue with the way Kat looked, Capris would simply introduce their face to her fists. Nuff said.

“That’s what I like to hear.” Renewing a smirk, the tawny-eyed padawan moved towards the courtyard's edge and with zero warning took a backwards step off the platform. From all appearances it looked as if she simply free fell to whatever hard duracrete waited below, but one well timed shoulder roll and a little force manipulation made for a soft landing.

It wasn’t a jump most sane people would make, but for an adrenaline junkie with the force on call? Far too tempting.

Dusting off her jacket Capris got to her feet and waited for Katherine to come running panicked to the edge. When she inevitably did, the brunette cupped her hands and shouted up at the other girl.

“Ok so here’s the plan- We’re not gonna bother with any of the pompous upper-crust tailors. Their sense of self worth is as inflated as their prices and frankly I’ve seen better craftsmanship from porgs ”

A totally fair, unbiased assessment which had nothing to do with the fact she’d been flagged for shopping lifting out of nearly every upper-level outfitter back in her heyday of being a street rat…

“There’s a spot a few layers down. Practically lived there before the Jedi- You can trust me when I say they have some good finds.”

With complete assuredness that Katherine would be able to drift or dive her way down to her level, Capris waited with crossed arms and a small apologetic grin.

“Catch is we’re gonna have to walk there. So uh- hope you're comfortable with roof hopping."

Katherine Holt Katherine Holt
There was barely a moment to blink, before Katherine saw Capris just casually take a step backwards off the courtyard’s edge. She instinctively ran forwards, despite it being far too late even if she was going to attempt to grab her.

Capris!” Katherine shouted, stopping to a halt as she reached the edge. She looked down to see that her fellow Padawan was perfectly fine. Katherine let out an exasperated sigh.

The expression on her face, if Capris could see it, was one that screamed ‘are you trying to give me a heart attack?’

She was relieved that at least Capris had a plan of action for where they were going. Coruscant was still far too unfamiliar for Katherine to feel comfortable venturing out blindly.

Well, you know this place better than I do, so it sounds like a good plan to me.” She shouted back, before taking several steps back.

Okay Kat, just remember what Master taught you. Remember what he taught you…

The redhead Padawan took several deep breaths before she took some brisk paces forwards and hopped off the edge. However as she began to descend, the rest of Katherine’s body seemed to catch up to the fact it was falling. And just as she was nearing the rooftop, ready to shift into a roll, her wings suddenly sprung out to their fullest.

Katherine glided a bit, before inevitably crashing face first onto the duracrete roofing.


Was it situationally inappropriate to laugh? Yes. Did that stop Capris from forcing down choked laugh? Absolutely not. Watching someone eat it would never not be funny. It was a simple fact of nature.

Still, figuring it was probably wise to check her amusement wasn't entirely misplaced, Capris hustled over to the fallen redhead before extending a hand down. "That was- quite the tumble. You alright there feathers?" Pulling her up if she accepted the help, Capris offered a lighthearted tease of a smile. "Well at least we know those things work."

She could fly. Well glide. But it was still more than Capris could claim.

Either way, once Katherine was back on her feet and screened for injuries Capris canted her head down the twisting path of rooftops she had her eyes on. "Wanna try that again?"

Katherine Holt Katherine Holt
Katherine wanted to just disappear right now, letting out an embarrassed groan. She could hear Capris strife a laugh, not that she blamed her. She’d have probably laughed too in her shoes.

But right now her face just hurt.

Yeah, I’m alright. My pride? Less so.” The Padawan rolled onto her side, then onto her back where her wings aided in propping her up. She took Capris’ hand and was pulled up onto her feet. “They might work, but they certainly don’t behave.

She turned her head, glaring at one of her wings, as if they were sentient beings themselves.

Katherine looked towards where Capris was looking, only to let out a sigh at the number of rooftops they still needed to traverse. The Padawan shook her head, before straightening her posture.

Much as she didn’t look forward to any more potential face planting. Katherine was ever bold and stubborn.

She gave Capris a nod. “Let’s go.


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