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Approved Tech Cotan Sar'andor's Master Lightsaber

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  • Name: Cotan's Second (technically third) Lightsaber, Sar'andor's Light (as a joke at the similarly-named Starchaser's Light), the Naboo Star (see previous), there's really a lot of joke names about it to make fun of how much Cotan and Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser work together.
  • Manufacturer: Cotan Sar'andor
  • Affiliation: Cotan Sar'andor
  • Market Status: Closed Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Production: Unique
  • Modularity: No
  • Material: Phrik, Kyber Crystals, Electrum, Ossus Dueling Lens, Kasha crystal, Pontite crystal (all three linked previously)
  • Classification: Lightsaber
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Color: Satin-finished Phrik with Electrum detailing and black anodizing, amber coloured blade
  • Fancy-looking lightsaber with electrum detail, fit for the Grand-High Marshal of the Outer Rim Coalition's Order of Judges
  • Bifurcating Cyclical-Ignition Pulse enables the blade to function underwater
  • Three crystals for maximum adjustability
  • Based on historical designs (Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker's lightsabers) for ultimate Force-user credibility
  • Can't be cut through by another lightsaber due to Phrik hilt body
  • Ergonomic design without a control box jutting off the side of the hilt
  • Kasha and Pontite crystals enable the weapon to function as a Force focus for Cotan, helping him maintain his focus and connection so that he can use the Force more effectively than he otherwise might
  • Dual-phase blade; pressing the second switch shortens the blade to shoto length, or returns it to standard length, inspired by Count Dooku's lightsaber design (for ultimate Makashi-duelist credibility)
  • Extraordinary cutting ability, can slice through most materials in the galaxy with extreme ease
  • Able to maintain function underwater
  • Highly focused blade from the dueling lens, grants easier control
  • The hilt itself is lightsaber resistant, being made out of Phrik
  • Kasha and Pontite crystals within the weapon help Cotan maintain his focus and stay calm in battle, helping him maintain his connection to and control of the Force to a higher degree than normal, similar to his sword
  • Dual-phase surprise; pressing a button can shorten the blade to shoto length, to void an enemy's weapon, grant extra control over the weapon, or make it easier to fight in tight spaces
  • No external control box to interfere with grip
  • Not able to cut through lightsaber resistant materials (Phrik, Songsteel, etc.)
  • Can be shorted out through contact with anything made of pure Cortosis
  • Highly-focused, thinner blade than average is harder to deflect blaster bolts with, requiring a more conscious effort to do so; unfocused use can lead to simply missing the blaster bolt where a normal lightsaber blade would've easily deflected it
  • Having no external control box means that all the controls are internal, requiring either opening the weapon or very careful application of the Force to adjust the blade for any circumstance; not really a battlefield-capable action—the dual phase switch and the activator are the only easily used controls on the weapon
  • No external offensive aspects granted by the Pontite or Kasha crystals due to their minimal positions in the weapon's design; while it helps Cotan to remain calm, the Pontite doesn't grant any supernatural cooling ability to the lightsaber blade like it might if it were the more prominent crystal, while the Kasha crystal's only purpose is to enhance his focus

After his advancement to the rank of Marshal within the Outer Rim Coalition, Cotan sought out to start constructing both a Force-Imbued Blade and a new lightsaber. While the former was just as much due to his training as a Je'daii as well as any wish for such a weapon to combat more traditionally-minded Sith, the construction of a new lightsaber, while inspired by the practice of Jedi in ages past on their ascension to Master rank, was also due to his increasing practice of Soresu rather than just Makashi. While practicing the new form, he had to accept the limitations of his primary lightsaber, as the hilt was just too small for truly effective use with two hands. Inspired, then, by his appreciation for history and the knowledge of it gained from his master and his holocron, Cotan decided to base the weapon off of those used by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker, as well as various other Jedi with similar designs.

While obtaining the necessary materials to construct it was not difficult (most of the necessary parts being spares he already had for repairing his own lightsaber, while the Phrik was obtained on Demonsgate, and the Electrum was obtained from traders on Terminus), finding the crystals proved to be—as always, for creating a lightsaber—the most difficult part. Due to his construction of a Force-Imbued Blade, he also had to hunt down extra; in a stroke of luck, when he went searching for Pontite and Kasha crystals for the Force-Imbued Blade, he managed to find two of each, such that he could construct his new lightsaber with similar properties as the sword.

The final crystal was one he found on Dxun; while working with the Silver Jedi Order, he came along on a mission to Dxun and Onderon, but rather than engaging in the same activities as the others, he felt the Force drawing him towards the ruins of the Tomb of Freedon Nadd. While Nadd's spirit was long gone, there were other dark-aligned spirits that resided within the space, a prominent one of which was drawn to Cotan's presence. Once Cotan managed to reach the disturbance that he had sensed before, the spirit showed itself, telekinetically controlling Cotan's lightsaber and attacking him, forcing Cotan to rely on his sword and its ability to damage spirits.

After a short battle, the spirit fell against Cotan's superior skill, allowing him to reclaim his lightsaber; as well, a small crystal fell to the ground, one that the spirit had tied itself to in order to keep from passing on into the Netherworld of the Force. The crystal instantly bonded to Cotan, and after what seemed to him a very unorthodox trial, he left the tomb with his prize, the immediate disturbance having been dealt with. Shortly thereafter, he set about constructing the new lightsaber, finishing it just in time to be named as Dax Fyre's successor as the nominal head of the ORC's Judges.
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Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
[member="Cotan Sar'andor"]

Fancy disco-stick. Almost a complete pass, but just two pieces of housekeeping.

Cotan Sar'andor said:
Material: Phrik, Kyber Crystals, Electrum, Ossus Dueling Lens
I'd add in Kasha and Pontite up here since you mention them specifically throughout the submission.

Cotan Sar'andor said:
Can be shorted out through contact with a pure Cortosis blade
And just drop the 'blade' part of this sentence.

Otherwise you're good to go.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor

This is a wonderful submission! Very nicely made and detailed!
  • Please link your bio's link to the Manufacturer.
  • And please add the Model and Market-status fields to your template:
    Market Status: (Closed-Market (Any character can use this if they have explicit permission through, for example, a marketplace purchase), Open-Market (May be used by any character without permission from the Manufacturer))
    Model: (Example: E-11 Blaster Rifle. For submissions where a model wouldn't be appropriate, such as a custom walking stick, put 'N/A' for 'Not Applicable'.)
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