Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Credit Worm Workshop



FACTION: The Bounty Hunter's Guild

RANK: Bounty Hunter

MODEL: QO-77 Battle Droid


SEX: Male Personality

HEIGHT: 6’3”

WEIGHT: 100 lbs


HAIR: None

SKIN: Droid Skin


  • Tactical Modules: Variety of tactical modules installed inside processors, allowing him to be more efficient when hunting.
  • Hidden Compartments: Many hidden compartments scattered throughout the body, allowing him the opportunity of surprise.

  • Electricity: Vulnerable like many droids to electric weaponry such as Ion Blasters and EMP Devices.
  • Limited Emotional Intelligence: First and foremost a Bounty Hunter, leaving emotional feelings out of the picture.


QO-78 was manufactured on the World of
Mechis III in 899 ABY to serve as a protocol droid for the Trade Federation of Planets, as they dealt with a variety of species and new worlds entering into the fold of the Galactic Alliance.

Serving underneath several masters at the time ranging from the Neimoidian Custom Viziers to the Viceroy Rulonom Laborr himself, before leaving the employ of the Federation to pursue a career in bounty hunting with his first assignment being the elimination of a small planetary rebellion leader for quite a hefty sum. The mission was difficult to be certain as the local boss had surrounded himself with various thugs of reputable nature.

The assignment was completed after a few days, which allowed QO-78 the chance to upgrade himself with various modules ranging from Battlefield Tactics to Holographic Imaging Technology.


ST-70 Class Razor Crest M-111


Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.

Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.
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It happened so quickly. The Force, a construct of intangible manipulation, reshaped to a shield, somehow became so tangible that it shattered. Ishida flinched into a duck, dropping to her knees entirely to avoid a fist the size of her face.

This Sith's reappearance on Selvaris created parallels she did not like. had appeared on Selvaris after Ishida'd tried to extend mercy on Jedha— his survival had been a failure and cost the lives of a squadron at least. And now this Sith was the same. One that she'd contested before, but let survive. She'd shown restraint both times, and resulted in...

...Ishida couldn't let the past repeat itself. Or even rhyme.

"Neither," Ishida sneered, and from her off-balanced crouch-slash-full-side-laying-situation, Ishida shoved her blades forward to catch the goliath's leg in the 'V' of her crossed blades. Steel and saber moved first, and her body second, leveraging into a low-lunge from knees to feet to get out and away from her against-the-wall position to either the side or rightly behind the Sith.

Where they were was still unclear, but Ishida let her disorientation fall by the wayside; her new priority was not repeating the past.


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AliasAbeodan Tyiskore Charidot
Fleet Admiral Charidot
Moff Charidot
Class(es)Imperial Fleet Admiral
Imperial Moff
AgeMiddle Aged
Personality TraitsErratic
Education TraitsBy the Book Officer
Rank (S)Admiral
Factions (S)The Empire
The Imperial Navy
400th Bal Talmshaa Fleet
Central Government
SpeciesCyborg Human
LanguagesGalactic Basic, Mando'a, High Galactic, Huttese
Force SensitiveNo
Character AlignmentLawful Evil

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    Chapter I

    Abeodan was born rather unceremoniously to an Imperial Engineer Thomas Charidot and his wayway Mistress Huno Juzo on the Imperial Capital of Bastion. With his father constantly away on various star destroyers handling repairs and maintenance. His mother would constantly abuse him when her lover was not around to defend him. He would spend many nights within his bedchamber longing to join the stars like his father and to escape his abusive mother. He would finally get his chance when he reached the appropriate age to join the Imperial Navy Academy.

    Although becoming quite a nuisance for the Academy's Staff but graduated within a few years with full honors and a recommendation to join the ranks of the ever expanding Imperial Navy. Having taken the Officer Program he was assigned the rank of Ensign and placed upon the Star Destroyer 'Resurgency' underneath the command of Admiral Tokken. He was mainly used to handle the day to day task that other officers would find repulsive and lower than themselves. Abeodan didn't mind this kind of work due to him having made connections with the other officers on board the ship and the respect from the Stormtroopers stationed on board.

    The 'Resurgency' was later ambushed by a well organized pirate fleet and was mostly destroyed if not for the brave actions of Ensign Charidot who personally took command of the vessel once all other officers were out of commission and safely made it back to port. He received the rank of Captain and was placed in charge of the 'Resurgency II' an upgraded star destroyer named after his previous charge who had to be scrapped due to intensive hull damage. Captain Charidot would be assigned to the newly formed fleet underneath Kanollic II Vethres; the Moff of Bal Talmshaa.

    Becoming a member of the Moff's Inner Circle and becoming his Chief Advisor. Abeodan would become a Full Fledged Admiral once working underneath the Moff for a considerable number of years. While Moff Kanollic II Vethres was the leader of the fleet; he had operational authority granted to move the fleet into battle should the empire require it.

    After saving the Life of Grand Moff Ignacious Korvan and the death of Kanollic II by assassination by elements of the Galactic Alliance. Abeodan was given full control over the 400th Bal Talmshaa Fleet as its temporary Fleet Admiral and a wide range of sway over the internal politics of Bal Talmshaa.


    Chapter 2
    Fleet Admiral Charidot officially took over the rank of Moff for the Planet of Bal Talmshaa after a number of months working to sway the planetary populace into supporting his ascension. Although a crisis soon struck the empire in the disappearance of the Warden of the Empire Lucien Dooku and the potential fallout that could occur if a replacement was not found. Finding himself summoned to the Imperial Capital of Bastion along with others of the Moff Council in order to meet with the representatives of the Imperial Knights to figure out a solution.

    His preferred candidate to replace the Warden, Knight Commander Braxis was overruled and the Council decided that Michael Barran, Son of Lord Regent Erskine Barran would replace him. Chardiot had little choice but to vote for him, over the other candidate nominated to avoid fracturing the empire as a whole. But still the idea of a return to Dynastic Rulership of the Empire like the Previous Fel Dynasty caused him to become bitter and vain.

    Receiving an Intelligence report from a mysterious source about resurging chiss activity within the Pital System. Abeodan dispatched his entire armada from his powerbase in order to quell a potential thorn in the side of the empire. Although his fleet was soon ambushed by insurgents and the Legacy of Bodvarr was considerably damaged alongside himself for falling into such an obvious ploy.

    Disgusted with his wounded form, he requested to undergo Reconstructive Surgery and replace his damaged parts with cybernetics.

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    Tells the tale of Abeodan as an Admiral
    Sons of the Empire | Operation Scimitar | An Age of Strife Story - Pt. 2 | Hostile Takeover | Neshtab Crisis Part II | Empire vs GA (Neshtab/Quesaya) | Upheaval - An Age of Strife Story |


    Tells the tale of Abeodan's other adventures
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    Ignacious Korvan Grand Moff - Superior
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Level 1313 |

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean dictum est id ex faucibus posuere. Fusce sit amet laoreet enim. Donec a interdum nulla. Quisque eu arcu nec elit malesuada euismod. Donec venenatis sem ante, vitae egestas nisi rutrum molestie. Cras iaculis aliquam quam, in sodales tellus hendrerit sed. Quisque at nisi mauris.

Fusce posuere metus vitae venenatis tempor. Nullam nec dui bibendum, ultricies eros nec, lacinia urna. Nunc nulla libero, mollis vitae tincidunt nec, bibendum aliquet neque. Praesent elementum leo vel nibh ornare, nec tempor ligula luctus. Suspendisse pretium felis quis est tempor rutrum. Nulla porttitor accumsan turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis vel convallis tortor, a semper lectus. Donec facilisis ipsum justo, eu congue ex hendrerit at. Phasellus sodales consequat nisl, in dignissim nisl vestibulum vel. In sagittis ligula sit amet elit ultrices, quis eleifend justo ornare. Donec aliquam in libero nec ultricies. Mauris ultrices auctor fermentum. Fusce quis condimentum nisi, vitae congue mauris.

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Sodd-Sol Ha'rangir
AliasCorsair of the Ha'rangir Paths
Warmonger of the Seven Quadrants
Alor of Clan Ha'rangir
Traitor's Blood
Age58 Years Old
Personality TraitsStrategist
Underworld Trader
Education TraitsMandalorian Upbringing
Rank (S)Privateer
Factions (S)The Mandalorian Enclave
SpeciesCyborg Human
LanguagesMando'a,Galactic Basic, High Galactic, Huttese, Various Trade Languages
Force SensitiveNo
Character AlignmentLawful Evil

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    "Our Foe brands the Mandalorian Culture as the Villains of their Heroic Charade. Then I say we accept such an honor, to cause untold destruction across a thousand worlds, to become living incarnates of death from above"
    We declare AKAAN'GAAN

    Hailing from the Ancient Clan Ha'rangir, Sodd-Sol was born on the Hutt Controlled World of Boonta. His father, Alor Krogg Ha'rangir, ensured that he received personal guidance, pushing him into combat from an early age. This was done to help him cultivate the essential skills required to thrive in the Mandalorian Culture.

    Sodd-Sol yearned for an opportunity to prove his worth in combat, with the ultimate goal of restoring the Clan's former glory. With unwavering determination, he made the decision to immerse himself in the Local Arena, under the indifferent gaze of the Hutt Overlords. Life in the Arena was unforgiving for the young Mandalorian, yet he thrived in this harsh environment, pitting himself against one formidable creature after another, all in pursuit of fame and fortune.

    Krogg, recognizing the potential, wholeheartedly supported Sodd-Sol's ambition, understanding that it would not only enhance his skills but also leave a lasting impression on the other Mandalorian Clans. Eventually, Sodd-Sol would successfully complete the Verd'goten, a rite of passage that would signify his acceptance as an adult.

    For several decades, he resided with his father as a Mandalorian Warrior among many others. However, their peaceful existence was disrupted when the Sith invaded Mandalore. Clan Ha'rangir bravely fought against the Sith onslaught, but only a few survived the devastating massacre.

    Determined to find a new home, they embarked on a journey across the stars. Despite being invited to join the flourishing Mandalorian Culture on Kestri, the Warriors of Ha'rangir declined the offer. Instead, they chose to settle on the planet of Boonta, where they established a formidable fortress to call their own.

    Krogg's true allegiance as a Sith Collaborator was eventually exposed, leading the members of the Ha'rangir Clan to label him as "Arue'tal" or Traitor's Blood in Mando'a.

    In an attempt to redeem his honor as a Mandalorian, Sodd-Sol invoked the Ancient Tradition of Geroya Be Haran. The clash between father and son within the Fortress became the stuff of legends for those fortunate enough to witness it. Despite being battered and bruised, neither of them showed any signs of surrender, displaying an unwavering determination to fight till the end.

    Krogg's momentary hesitation proved to be his downfall, allowing Sodd-Sol to claim victory. As per tradition, Krogg's accomplishments and existence were erased from Mandalorian History, as if he had never been.

    Despite redeeming his personal honor in front of Clan Ha'rangir, Sodd-Sol chose to bear the title of "Arue'tal" as a constant reminder of his family's betrayal against the Mandalorian People. Filled with a newfound thirst for battle, Sodd-Sol invoked Akaan'gaan , vowing to actively seek out conflicts wherever they may arise.

    "My thirst of battle can't be satisfied until my name is feared across the galaxy"

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    Tells the tale of Sodd-Sol as the Ruthless Pirate/Privateer
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    Tells the tale of Sodd-Sol's other adventures
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Baron Dystraay Bovark II of Nimban, Scion of the Bovark Clan

Faction: The Galactic Mining Guild
Rank: Magistrate of the Mining Guild
Species: Nimbanel
years old
Sex: Male
5’9" tall
172 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: None
Skin: Pale

Force Sensitive: No

Appearance: Baron Bovark II is an average size Nimbanel with slim proportions, weighing around 172 pounds and with an average height of 5'9" inches tall. As the Current Magistrate of the Galactic Mining Guild, he is the often seen wearing a variety of clothing ranging from luxury robes to simple double-breasted tunics and pants. He has a walrus type head and a stringy type beard drapes his features.

ANAKINWORLD : L'Encyclopédie Star Wars

Assets & Possessions


Director-General of the Trade Federation
Close Friend
Senator for the Trade Federation
Close Friend


  • Mathematical and organizational skills
  • Business Management
  • Diplomacy

  • No Combat Experience
  • Fearful of Force Users
Short Biography

Baron Dystraay Bovark II was born on the world of Nimban to the wealthy Bovark Clan. Growing up with many brothers and sisters on the peaceful world as they studied mathematics and organizational skills under the tutelage of their father, Baron Dystraay Bovark I. Once having enough experience, they would take part in the Muhndee which was a puzzle-solving competition, usually held between rival clans instead of using armies and fleets. Dystraay would win a spot on the Clan Council during one of these competitions and begin conducting diplomacy with outsiders and foreigners ranging from Sith Lords to Jedi Knights and everything in between.

After serving for many years on the Clan Council, Dystraay would begin looking for work to suit his mathematical talent. Such work was found within the complex bureaucracy of the New Imperial Order which had established dominion over a wide range of space since their rebellion against the Sith Empire. The Baron would work for the New Imperial Order as an accountant for the Imperial Board of Directors for many years until their
subsequent collapse during the great collapse of 900 ABY.

Leaving the collapsing empire as rival warlords fought for
dominance, Destraay would establish a new iteration of the Galactic Mining Guild becoming's its First Magistrate.


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  • Faction: Independent Contractor
    Rank: Mercenary & Bounty Hunter
    Species: Anointed People
    Age: 100 years old
    Sex: Male
    Height: 9’9" tall
    Weight 2,200lbs
    Eyes: Bright Yellow
    Hair: None
    Skin: Dark Green
    Force Sensitive: No

    Appearance: Strong, Muscular and Athletic. Karkosuchus is a large Anointed People Mercenary & Bounty Hunter with very broad shoulders that can carry significant weight upon them. Weighing 2,370 pounds allow him to match even the strongest of creatures in a direct confrontation. His mouth is filled with dagger like teeth with an impressive bite force. His hide is covered with thick and hardy armored plates that protect his soft flesh underneath and a large spiked tail which can be used as both a weapon and to balance himself. His eyes have a glowing quality to their bright yellow coloration. Large scars cover his hide from previous missions, typically wearing battle armor and numerous items equipped to his person.

    Personal Ship: The Eye of Abonshee

  • S T R E N G T H
    • Immense Strength
    • Experienced Combatant
    • Will of Steel

    N E U T R A L
    • Reserved
    • Observant
    • Idiosyncratic

    W E A K N E S S
    • Aggressive
    • Lacking empathy
    • Obsessed with Killing

  • Karkosuchus was born on Abonshee to the Unwashed Class. Originally the runt of the litter compared to his brothers and often mocked for his size in comparison to the majority of his homeworld. Karkosuchus would not take this insult for long as he experienced a growth's spurt and devoured his family with his immense jaws. Although having been declared a cannibal by the Godlings and banished by the Godking of Abonshee. Karkosuchus would leave the planet and find employment within the Bounty Hunter's Guild.

    Having a reputation for not taking anyone alive due to his growing hunger. Karkosuchus would leave behind a bloody trail of destruction through Galactic Alliance and New Imperial Order Space. Having killed officers from each faction he is wanted by them for a measly reward of 5,000 underworld credits. Although he has killed every single bounty hunter that came after him leaving nothing behind but bones. Recently he has found employment within the Hutt Space Consortium taking bounty hunter commissions and acting as an enforcer for the various factions that need hired muscles. Although the Hutt Space Consortium quickly fell due to the assassination of its leader and transformed into the Black Sun Organization. Karkosuchus would leave the criminal underworld for a time; being arrested on the planet of coruscant by the Galactic Alliance for various crimes and misdemeanors. Spending several months in max security prison before escaping.

    Karkosuchus takes his job very seriously and doesn't back down from a challenge even if the chances of survival are small.

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Rulonom Laborr


Rulonom Laborr
Settlement Officer
Galactic Alliance
Trade Federation
Galactic Basic
Trade Languages
Business Educated
Top of the Class
55 Years Old
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
200 Ibs
Pressure Suit


  • Grand Duke of Skako
  • Senator of Skako
  • Administrator of Skako Minor
  • Settlement Officer of the Trade Federation
  • President of Loymière Shipwright

Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Brilliant Investor
    • As a mogul of the galactic businessworld. Laborr keeps an ever watchful eye on galactic trends in order to invest his credits carefully and avoid putting all his eggs in one basket.
  • Unpredictable
    • Since there are just as many friends within the galaxy as there are enemies. Laborr switches up his tactics on the daily as to not become predictable to his opponents within the senate.
  • Pressure Suit
    • Like all members of his species, Laborr is bound to his armor pressure suit in order to stay alive. A single puncture to it could kill him due to the oxygen atmosphere.
  • Swayed by Profit
    • Laborr's actions can be boiled down to a simple profit over everything mentality. Those who can exploit this thinking can sway him into supporting proposals that otherwise would be harmful to his business.


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The Harch possessed enough intellect to discern that the person standing in front of him had a more pragmatic mindset. They mentioned that they had been monitoring the resources, waiting for someone capable of utilizing them.

It's possible that the Defel created this deception to lure him in, like a helpless prey caught in a spider's web. It was cleverly designed to pique his curiosity and keep him hooked on the conversation.

It was impossible not to notice their deliberate avoidance of making eye contact, which was understandable considering how repulsed they were by his appearance.

The person was eager to gather additional details about the exonium deposits in Mek-Sha, as they had long desired to utilize them but lacked the necessary expertise to extract and utilize them effectively.

"Exonium is a potent fuel source for starships when it is refined correctly; and is self-
sufficient. Meaning that we do not have to rely on the intergalactic market to power any potential war fleet, as such deliveries can easily be tracked. However potent the fuel is; there is also the possibility of turning it into weaponry and stealth sub-systems."

Olghee went on a rather long
explanation of the uses of the fuel source; just enough to peak the Defel's interest in the subject.
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  • Unit Name:
    • Haxion Brood Raiders
  • Affiliation:
  • Classification:
    • Infantry
  • Description:
    • The Haxion Brood Raiders are a criminal gang of humanoid cyborgs that operate out of the Outer Rim and within Hutt Space. There overall appearance can be described as mish mash as each individual person has their own set of equipment; picked up from those that they killed or stole from military depos. The only defining feature that can be recognized as coming from the gang is their symbol decorated on their helmets which can be seen down below. They have a credit attitude, meaning that they will work for whomever if they throw some credits there way, even willing to take on Sith and Jedi for the right price. They are ruthless in their approach, killing anything that stands in their way even their employer if a job goes sour.



  • Numerous in Skill |
    • The Haxion Brood Raiders come from a wide range of backgrounds and skill levels, despite being given basic training by Hutt Cartel Taskmasters, ranging from barely holding a gun correctly to sharpshooters from top military academies. This gives them an advantage over opponents because they aren't quite sure whether they are dealing with a professional military unit or merely some underworld thugs sent to harass them on their travels.
  • Deadly In Numbers |
    • The Haxion Brood Raiders true strength comes from their large unit size, while one or two of their numbers can rarely be considered a challenge to a Sith or Jedi on the field. Grouped up together they can overwhelm even a seasoned opponent with shear numbers instead of relying on individual skills.
  • Cybernetics |
    • The Haxion Brood Raiders are a gang comprised of cyborgs and cybernetic individuals which does have its advantages in intimidation tactics and bullying defenseless individuals. Despite this they are vulnerable to any form of EMP/Ion Weaponry as the electric currents can shut down their vital combat systems making them more easy to take out.
  • Lore of Credits |
    • Like any within the Criminal Underworld; Loyalty is only achieved by the size of one's pockets and the expectation that their employer will pay up when the debts come due. The Haxion Brood Raiders are not above switching sides if the opponents pockets are deeper making them questionable protection for Criminal Syndicates. Despite this they are weary of betraying the Hutt Cartel.



The Haxion Brood Raiders were established by members of Haxion Brood Syndicate in 9 ABY on the orders of Sorc Tormo during their expansion into the Outer Rim Territories. Originally comprised of debtors and prisoners who were turned into cyborgs against their will by the Syndicate, they would be sent on dangerous missions in order to clear their debt which resulted in high casualties amongst their numbers but those that survived gained valuable experience in the ways of the Criminal Underworld. They would later open up their ranks to a wide variety of cybernetic individuals fleeing from the Galactic Empire which at the time was engaged in the Galactic Civil War with the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

The Raiders would slowly become their own organization within the Haxion Brood Syndicate after gaining more than enough individuals within their ranks, deciding to forge their own pathway in the underworld by becoming a mercenary unit. Although they would not be let go so easily by Sorc Tormo who demanded they remain loyal to him as he had formed them. A small skirmish ensued with the raiders taking some losses and inflicting losses to the Syndicate until finally being allowed to exit. They would then work for various criminal organizations based in the Outer Rim and the Core Worlds until finally accepting a long term contract by the Hutt Cartel to provide them with protection detail and as enforcers within their Space.

This agreement with the Cartel would last for quite some time, until the destruction of Hutt Space by the Bryn'adul Empire during the Chaos Timeline as they sought to exterminate everything in their path. The Raiders would defend the Capital of Nal Hutta along with the Silver Jedi Concord but were forced to flee once it became apparent that their employer would no longer be able to cover their dues. Taking up various odd jobs around the criminal underworld until the formation of the Hutt Space Consortium.

Serving in the same role as general enforcers and thugs to control the various worlds, until that syndicate fell as well and was reorganized into the Black Sun. The Raiders were unhappy with the change and left seeking to become bodyguards to planetary governments and raiding convoys heading into Galactic Alliance Space.

Entering 900 ABY, The Haxion Brood Raiders would reestablish themselves with the remaining Hutt Cartel.

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  • Commodity Currency
    • Value determined by Intrinsic Value | IE: The Measure of what an asset is worth, such as the price of Aurodium and Nova Crystals are on the Current Market.
      • Accepted by all Trade Federation Partners and Subsidiary Organizations
    • Blockchain (Electronic Form)
      • Automatic electronic verifications without the need of a third-party.
      • Append-only data structure, making transaction history and info extremely secure.
        • Chronological data stamping across the blockchain.
        • Omni-node ledger data distribution.
      • Various consensus protocols, nearly removing the risk of duplicate entry or fraud.
      • Small Form Factor to facilitate large-scale system expansion.
    • Duggot Physical Currency
      • Large range of issued denominations.
        • Color-coded based on tier
          • Bronze: 500 ORD Denomination
          • Silver : 1,000 ORD Denomination
          • Gold: 10,000 ORD Denomination
          • Copper: 100,000 ORD Denomination
          • Steel: 1,000,000 ORD Denomination
          • Durasteel: 10,000,000+ ORD Denomination
          • Aurodium: 100,000,000+ ORD Denomination

  • Blockchain transaction ledger. (Benefits listed above)
    • Connection and integration into the wider blockchain system.
    • Local cross-referencing blockchain ledger for additional fraud protection.
  • Anti-counterfeit Measures
    • Unique Tactile Pattern Serial Identification.
    • Regulated Blockchain IDs with active databasing.
    • Rotation and retirement of Blockchain IDs after a set term.
    • Unique Barcodes directly linked to database ID.
    • Supplementary number-based serial directly linked to pattern serial.
    • Highly specific coating tint-patterns.
  • Killswitch Protection
    • Renders the Duggot cards fried and unusable when activated.
    • Automated killswitch-firing upon detection of fraud.
      • Warning protocols to avoid wrongful termination.
      • Powerslave AI powered protocols.
    • May be triggered upon owner request if lost or stolen.
    • Issuers may manually trigger for fraud/misallocation correction.
  • Dispersed Centralization
    • Distributing banks spread across varied regions and nations.
    • Regional value-flexing to compensate for varying economic conditions.

  • Stability |
    • The Outer Rim Duggot is a Commodity-backed currency instead of a Fiat Currency, which means there is a sense of price stability and a reduction of inflation, as the value of the currency is linked to the value of a physical commodity such as Aurodium or Durasteel.
  • Liquidity |
    • The Outer Rim Duggot is highly liquid as it can be exchanged for the physical commodity at any time. This can make it easier for individuals and businesses to quickly convert their currency into a physical asset, which is particularly useful in times of economic uncertainty or political instability.
  • AvTech™ Blockchain |
    • The AvTech™ blockchain secures information about transactions and transfers in an append-only chronological structure to assist in the prevention of alteration and fraud. Consensus protocols powered by 'Powerslave' AI and different 'node' systems within central banks to distribute and update data in a global-ledger.
  • Vulnerability to Supply Shocks |
    • The Outer Rim Duggot is vulnerable to supply shocks of the backed commodity, which can impact the value of the currency. For example, if a faction is backed by the price of Durasteel on the Market and there is a sharp and sudden decrease in the amount of durasteel in the galactic supply, the value of the currency can be negatively impacted.
  • Limited Financial Flexibility |
    • The Outer Rim Duggot can limit a governments' ability to manage its currency in response to economic changes as the price is directly linked to the value of the physical commodity which can't be printed indefinitely like fiat currency can in times of crisis or economic hardships.

Entering into the Current Chaos Era of 900 ABY, it was only a matter of time before war and conflict spread across the galaxy once more which put considerable pressure on planetary economies and the galactic supply of currency still in circulation such as the Galactic Standard Credit backed by the InterGalactic Banking Clan and the Trade Federation Standardized Credit backed by the Trade Federation of Planets. In order to solve this situation, the introduction of another Galactic Currency was considered paramount to stabilize prices and assure the public confidence in the currency that they are being paid with before a bank rush was to occur.

The Outer Rim Duggot was introduced by the Trade Federation of Planets for outlying systems such as the Outer Rim and Colonies, which did not have the luxury of the Core Worlds when it came to financial assistances and megacorporation present. It is a commodity-based currency with the value being represented by a physical commodity such as Durasteel or Aurodium which had a physical price on the open market, which makes it less
susceptible to inflation and allows financial stability to planetary governments far away from the galactic power centers such as Coruscant or Jutrand.

It was designed to insure that if the Major Galactic Governments such as the Galactic Alliance were to be absorbed or destroyed, the galactic economy could carry on functioning smoothly without economic collapse.

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Glavis Ringworld |

// LOCATION //: Glavis Ringworld
// OBJECTIVE //: Speak with House Marr
// TAGS //:
THEME //: Do the Holos Show Up on the Bill?


The knocking back and forth of boots could be heard as they moved from corridor to corridor on the Glavis Ringworld which was a space station that encircled a small star, and far enough away from the spying eyes of the Galactic Alliance which had become the dominant superpower within the galaxy although tested by the likes of the Mandalorian Enclave and the Sith Order ever since the fall of the Brotherhood of the Maw over Exegol. The Allaince-Enclave War had presented opportunities for corporations and guilds alike, as they could establish connections with different individuals without interference of the Strategic Intelligence Agency whose agents were posted on every shadowport from Port Nowhere to Point Nadir according to rumors and speculations.

The current iteration of the Galactic Mining Guild was one such faction that needed to establish connections with the rich and wealthy in order to stay profitable despite having a warm relationship with the InterGalactic Banking Clan, Commerce Guild, and Trade Federation of Planets. As such the Magistrate of the Mining Guild, Baron Dystraay Bovark the II would invite a prominent member of the Sith Order in the form of Darth Marr of House Marr to the Ringworld in order to enter negotiations regarding the securement of support and resources productions.

Entering into a small board room reserved on the station, followed by yellow painted IG-RM Bodyguard and Enforcer Droid for personal protection as dealing with sith was a risky business.

"Lord Marr, It is a pleasure to make your acquittance. I trust that you had no issues making it on board the station." The Nimbanel Magistrate asked once the guest had arrived and was seated across from him.

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Sistine Fromm the Elder
His Ancient Excellency, Sistine Fromm the Elder, Kingpin of the Fromm Gang, Crime Lord of Annoo

    • Aliases & Nicknames:
      • Crime Lord of Annoo
      • Ancient Kingpin
      • Great Restorer
    • Species:
    • Homeworld:
    • Gender:
      • Male
    • Age:
      • 700 Years Old
    • Height:
      • 6'1"
    • Weight:
      • 280 lbs
    • Hair:
      • White
    • Eyes:
      • Black
    • Skin:
      • Aquamarine
    • Languages:
      • Dat-an | Native Language |
      • Tra'ang'a | Native Language |
      • Huttese | Fluent |
      • Galactic Standard Basic | Fluent |
      • Trade Languages | Fluent |
      • High Galactic | Intermediary |
    • Force Sensitive:
      • No

  • da5aeccab385241b25ebd468abf399f4.jpg
    Sistine Fromm was born to the Fromm Gang on the Agricultural World of Annoo. Growing up with seven other brothers was particularly difficult as each vided for control over the remaining Fromm Gang which had been shattered during the Galactic Civil War. Their father would began teaching them about the varying aspects of the criminal underworld such as smuggling, weapons dealing, slavery, gambling and a host of other illegal tips and techniques such as when to trick someone into doing something they don't want to do or how to cut your losses and run when the deal is not going in your favor.

    Sistine would rise from a simple enforcer in the Gang underneath the direction of the Oldest Sibling, Twogg Fromm who had taken over the family enterprise after their father had passed away from old age. He was never happy working for someone else, most certainly not his brothers who had gained favorable positions within the criminal court while he was stuck at the bottom of the rung. Sistine would not actively plot against them until he had gained enough resources to support the gang after the takeover, although this took quite some time as the Gang was engaged in several small skirmishes with more powerful syndicates such as the Pyke Syndicate and the Hutt Cartels.

    Sistine would eventually overthrow his entire family, locking them away into the dungeon of their Stronghold. Beginning to restore the fractured power of the Fromm Gang using the resources built up over the decades, while also having a son also named Sistine Fromm. Although his son turned out to be rather lackluster in his criminal aptitudes, and thus they were separated by being 'Elder' and 'Younger'.

    • Lord of the Fromm Gang
      • Befitting the Head of a Growing Crime Syndicate, Sistine Fromm the Elder has little issue in securing resources and additional firepower when needed.
    • Ancient Knowledge
      • Owing to a long life span, Sistine has witnessed and done many things over the centuries in the Criminal Underworld which gives him a unique understanding of how best to avoid the assassin's bullet, and stay one step ahead of rival organizations.
    • Boundless Ambition
      • In spite of age, Sistine is constantly seeking new heights of power and influence.

    • The Passage of Time
      • No one can escape the passage of time, unless you are a force user. Being at quite an advanced age requires him to ride around in a power chair for movement.
    • Paranoid Authority
      • Having reigned unchallenged over the Fromm Gang since his coup, Sistine is starting to show signs of deep paranoia. Looking around every corner for possible enemies where none might have existed.

  • s-l1200_1_1.jpg

    • Arc 1
    • Arc 2
    • Arc 3

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Meniium-Scrani Security Station

TIE Fighter Dismantling Factory | Automated Facility Number 400

The Sith Empire and The Galactic Alliance meeting in an Estate Room

  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Credit Markets
  • AvCoin 1.0 | Blockchain
Main Command Bridge | Sub-Section D-1 | Sith Empire Occupation

  • Defensive Fortress |
    • Though having no offensive weaponry of any sort, the Meniium-Scrani Industrial Station is a massive space station capable of withstanding all but the most intense of bombardments. Multiple shield arrays and defensive emplacements, as well as thick armor plating ensures that the center for Galactic Commerce and Trade can't be easily threatened.
  • Power Generation |
    • The Meniium-Scrani was constructed with the most advanced energy generation systems available on the galactic market, allowing the massive space station to handle the millions of transactions and credit exchanges happening every second, and operate its sub-systems and internal systems for a considerably long time. Thus maintenance of these systems are considered top priority.
  • Self-Sufficient |
    • The Meniium-Scrani was designed to be entirely self-sufficient, being equipped with molecular furnaces, various automated facilities and construction yards, production lines, food generation, and much more in order to house the army of workers and accountants. This strive for independence was made to detach the station from supply lines in the event of an emergency, or governmental collapse.
  • Offensive Folly |
    • The entire purpose of the Meniium-Scrani Industrial Station is the generation of resources and exchanging of credits on a massive scale, and thus the main focus was on protection against pirates and other vagabonds with formidable shielding, leaving no offensive weaponry to combat capital ships. While it does possess a formidable defensive array of anti-starfighter lasers and point-defense systems for protection against starfighters and freighter class vessels, these emplacements will do little against larger ships.
  • Immense Size |
    • The Meniium-Scrani Industrial Station is quite perhaps the largest station ever constructed, and thus the sheer size of the space station is its greatest weakness. It is impossible to engage in stealthy maneuvers and presents a enticing target to enemies. The sheer size of each individual corridor would be enough to confuse both the enemy and the station's own defenders. Capital Ships would have little trouble in targeting the Space Station.
  • Energy Unpredictability |
    • While the station does come equipped with the most advanced energy generation equipment that the Trade Federation can buy, the sheer amount of energy flowing through the station and its sub-systems is unpredictable and seems almost like a ticking timebomb. Should the systems fail it would be destruction on an unparalleled scale, and as such only the most skilled technicians and droids are allowed to even touch the control panels, let alone be in the same room.
 InterGalactic Stock Exchange | Sub-Section 800


During the era of the Clone Wars, The Techno Union composed many prototype designs of large-scale space stations that could operate freely around the various hyperspace lanes and prominent supply planets. Many of these designs were rejected out of principle by the Separatist Council as the shear cost of such an undertaking was considered unprofitable and almost akin to self-bankruptcy practices, although some were never completed before the war came to an end with the death of the Confederacy on Mustafar by the hand of Darth Vader. The Galactic Empire; the dominant government formed from the remains of the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy took an acute interest in the projects composed by the Techno Union as a viable alternative to the Death Star Projects as delays and interference from local resistance cells put the project further behind schedule. Smaller space stations were constructed around the time that the Death Star Project was being finished, setting them up across the dozens of hyperspace routes that lead to the Galactic Capital of Coruscant but found them difficult to maintain and susceptible to pirates and other criminal syndicates, as the Galactic Civil War occurred between the Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

The New Republic eventually took over these stations and converted them into Rapid Deployment Units, allowing small squadrons of starfighters to patrol the vastness of space when the New Republic Fleets were busy dealing with the Imperial Warlords and their various Remnants spread across the galactic frontier. During this time the original design was brought by Kuat Drive Yards from the New Republic Government and they improved the overall functionality and reestablished their purpose as trading hubs and manufacturing ports around Kuat and its surrounding Systems. It would remain within the hands of Kuat Drive Yards over the centuries as the company changed ownership from one person to another.

In 851 ABY during the Incursion Timeline, The Design was purchased by a Skakoan Engineer by the name of Sulka Tsul. Tsul would use more mathematical thinking and pragmatism to combine the various stations mentioned on the blueprints into one giant megastructure, able to handle currency and credit exchange without relying on a single capital planet like Coruscant. Although at the time there was no willing investors, able to take on such a project on such scale as this, and thus the design was put on the backburner for quite some time until resources came available. The Skakoan Engineer later came to the attention of the New Imperial Order after their rebellion against the Sith Empire in 864 ABY during the Annihilation Timeline with the Sith Empire eventually capturing the Construction Site and using its limited manufacturing abilities to their advantage during the Civil War, with it being damaged quite considerably by the New Imperial Fleet.

Looking to get a jumpstart on the Imperial Economy, Director Gat Tambor would purchase the intellectual rights of the Station and begin reconstruction in order to provide the NIO with a prominent trade port and manufacturing hub. Re-Construction of the Station was full of delays and expected departures as the sheer size and scope of the project meant that it was not going to be completed for some time, as the New Imperial Order began to establish themselves as a formidable power within the galaxy and acquire more and more planets under their rule.

The Station was finally finished in 900 ABY within the Galactic Alliance Territory during the current tenure of the Director-General of the Trade Federation Rulonom Laborr with considerable financing by other corporate entities such as the Commerce Guild and the InterGalactic Banking Clan. The cost of the Project nearly led the bankruptcy of the entire Federation and its subsidiaries.

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"The X2 Gola Class Star Carrier, the Next Generation of Planetary Defense Carriers produced by Byblos Star Drives. Tough on the outside and formidable on the inside, this Starship is able to provide support in any battle" - Mac Tarot, Sales Representative.
  • Classification:
    • Planetary Defense Starfighter Carrier
  • Length:
    • 500 Standard Meters in Length
  • Width:
    • 450 Standard Meters in Width
  • Height:
    • 80 Standard Meters in Height
  • Armament:
  • Defenses:
  • Hangar Space:
    • Average Hanger Space
  • Hangar Allocations:
    • Starfighters: 3 squadrons
    • Support Craft: 0 squadrons
  • Single Craft Hangar:
    • Singer Craft Hangar Available
  • Maneuverability Rating:
    • Average Maneuverability
  • Speed Rating:
    • Average Speed
  • Hyperdrive:
    • Class 1.0 Hyperdrive Model
  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Power Generation
    • The X2 Gola Class Star Carrier comes equipped with a Hypermatter Annihilator System, allowing it to create an enormous amount of power for its various systems and sub-systems which means it can operate for far longer than normal starfighter carriers of the same classification currently in operation amongst the galaxy's superpowers.
  • Starfighter Support & Single Craft
    • The X2 Gola Class Star Carrier can hold up to 3 Squadrons of Starfighters within its main central hanger, with a small space made available for a single craft to dock safely. Although the squadron count might be low by carrier standards, it does bring an edge to the fight against pirates and other vagabonds threatening planetary governments that lack the protection of major superpowers.
  • Mass-Production Model
    • The X2 Gola Class Star Carrier is a mass production model by Byblos Star Drives, meaning that parts and repair kits are easy enough to come by. This gives it a cutting edge against other carriers of the same classification currently in use as lost vessels can be easily replaceable if they should be destroyed in combat.
  • Support Ship Function
    • A Critical Weakness of the X2 Gola Class Star Carrier is that it is not meant for frontline combat as the various systems and sub-systems are classified as average for ease of mass-production and affordability on the galactic open-market. Should it come face to face with a proper warship such as a heavy frigate or cruiser then it would be destroyed without much resistance as it was designed to be a support ship first and foremost.
  • Ship Connection
    • Another Critical Weakness of the X2 Gola Class Star Carrier is that the connection between the Command Bridge and the Hangers is very lightly armored for ease of mass-production on the assembly line. A good hit by a missile or heavy turbolaser could pierce right through, leaving the ship un-operational for the rest of the battle.

As the Galaxy continues to spiral into war after war with the most recent conflicts being the Alliance-Enclave War and the Mandalorian-Sith Skirmishes in 900 ABY. The need for additional protection for independent systems and planetary governments was considered paramount for Byblos Drive Yards who began producing and introducing the X2 Gola Class Star Carrier for the Galactic Market as a viable and affordable option to more heavier carrier types.

The Carrier comes equipped with only average offensive weaponry and defensive systems designed to handle pirates and other vagabonds that threaten neutral worlds and raid along the trade routes while the Galactic Government's are distracted with open warfare across a dozen planets and battlefields. Within the Hangers, the Gola Class can support up to three squadrons of starfighters and has space for a single craft to safely land and refuel inside, this support is invaluable to planetary governments despite the small amount of squadrons as they can defend against enemy fighter craft.

There are two things that are lacking on the mass-production model, the fact that its main role is a support ship and not an escort ship should be noted if one is using it in conflict. It will suffer critical damage if it faces other escort ships such as cruisers and heavy frigates, and potentially explode all together should a shot land on one of the fuel reactors. Another concern is the weak armor around the connection bridge between the cockpit and the hanger bays, which can be severed by a good missile or heavy turbolaser blast should they manage to penetrate the shield systems.
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CRIME. If there is a facet of life the denizens of The Slice are attached to, it is the criminal activities and operations that are so entrenched within the region's underworld. Control passes from one galactic power to another, often partitioned between warring factions, yet the criminal aspects of the region remain a constant for centuries. However, the Second Great Hyperspace War brought something that hasn't been experienced in the region for the longest time. POWER VACUUM.

The year is 900 ABY, and THE SLICE is a lawless region where scattered remnants of once great forces of the galaxy battle for control, and that's also the case when it comes to the underworld. With the crumbling influence of the former criminal powerhouses, three syndicates held a moot and made a pact to take over the lucrative region and alter the history of organized crime in the known galaxy, forever.

The decadent CRYMORAH SYNDICATE with a new, bloodthirsty youngblood running the show. Fresh off a defeat, the recently revamped ECLIPSE, consolidated with a barrel of a gun. The newly formed smugglers and privateers collective, UMBRAL LOTUS, formed from a fusion of ex-associates of the Black Sun and Kraken Coalition. The three walk in and sign the pact, fully aware of the dangerous game they are about to play. Collaborations, compromises, politics, rivalries, treachery. That's the name of the game. That's the roads that will lead to the promised land, the only thing that matters. PROFIT. OVER. EVERYTHING.

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