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Approved Tech Crew Bound Collars

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  • Manufacturer: Dolor Cordis Dolor Cordis
  • Affiliation: Dolor Cordis Dolor Cordis and the crew of THE BOUND REAPER.
  • Market Status: Closed Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Sarrassian Iron, Inoxium and Durasteal. power cell, stun filament, magnetic lock, release clamp, access panel, and an advanced lock.
  • Allows the ship's main system and Dolor's personal scanners to detect all who wear this device, down to their height off the floor and with an inbuilt placement indicator to lead the crew straight to them.
  • Contains multiple Power cells to deliver a wide variety in shock levels with the wrist devices worn by the highest ranking crew as well as Dolor and a console in the main bridge. If anyone but the captain attempts to remove the collars, the wearer is shocked with enough force to knock them unconscious.
  • The collars contain a twin 8 digit codes with one being numbers and the other being multiple versions of sheet music notes. It also needed Dolor's own biological genetic stamp in order to unlock. (failure to put in the correct code causes the power cells to shock the wearer.)
  • High levels of security and dense materials made this collar practically impossible to remove, without the captain's codes and genetic stamp (blood or finger print.)
  • The heavy weight of the collar can cause physical harm or strain on the body and neck causing it to hinder the wearer.
  • Only around 50 of these collars were made, thus Dolor can only house 50 captured crew on board her ship at a time aside from her original crew.
This device was originally a Zygerrian design, however, after a considerable amount of tweaking of the design and functions, Dolor created the Crew Bound Collars. This style of collar kept the wearer in line, like the Zygerrians had with their own designs, however this one also displayed the exact location and even led people to them as a method of recapture. Due to its high strength lock based system, EMPs alone wouldn't allow freedom from this device.

This collar was only put on those who gave in to Dolor and joined her crew after their own ship was defeated in combat or was boarded and taken over. Any who refused to join were killed, or kept alive long enough to reconsider. This device has been a part of Dolor's arsenal for over 25 years, as it was one of the first devices she made to being about her ruthless ruling. It was one of the reasons she became so feared. Since it was either enslavement for over a decade, or death. Many who chose the latter, barely got another word in. Those who wear the collars joined her crew for years before either dying of exhaustion, or being driven mad enough to join her crew permanently.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Dolor Cordis Dolor Cordis

Ouch, what a rude technology! The submission is very good, and well made. I found 2 smaller problems:
  • The image source, please link the proper link, where you found the picture.
  • And the other, the inoxium's link is blank, please fix it.
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