Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Critique Asha b4 she dies

That's right. Like Kära, Asha too is facing her literal end over the next few days.

I know few people have roleplayed with Asha in about a year, however I did over 50 RP threads with her -- some of which were pretty damned awesome -- and so I feel like at least some of you might have a word or two to say about her.

Do you hate how she lost her memory and as a result couldn't decide between being Jedi or Neutral?


Anyway here's her biography
Blessed are the peacemakers
i've never liked the constant restarts and retcons.​
There is no way for me to find the exact words to describe my ever-lasting love for Asha. She was the very first character I wrote alongside in my very first role-play thread ever, and I knew it was meant to be. Her writer was already my bestest friend at the time, so to see Asha and little Furry become the bestest of friends was heartwarming beyond belief.

I am just as proud of her as I am of her writer, and I love you both. :wub:
Blessed are the peacemakers
[member="Faye Terrik"]

i think we should have a habbo faction where we talk about roleplaying and do like one thread and then spend the next forty five minutes going over a 10-page ruleset that we debate on and drink digital coffee about the thread

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