Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Crossing Paths on the Road again

Location: Mirial
Outfit: This
Tag: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

Kat had taken up relief work far from Galactic Alliance space for a short stint, it was something she was needed with the rumours and gossiping on her niece about the recent incident with the Mandalorians, Kat was needing a break. She needed to just get away from it all and let those gossip seekers settle down or find something new to talk about. Kat saw an opportunity to work with some refugees in relief support on Mirial and while they were bordering with some Sith territory, it was still independent and using her status as a healer and medic, it seemed her best chance to do some relief work and get some insight on the Sith. Though she was having to be super careful and making sure that she wasn't caught spying since she would be in massive trouble.

For now, Kat just had to maintain her cover and work diligently as a healer.

Sitting at a patient's bedside, Kat was using the Force to heal someone's injuries, "in future, how about we don't go chasing after wild Nexu in the future?" Kat raised an eyebrow to her patient, a Zabrak farmer, "I know you mentioned they were killing your livestock, but they are dangerous and you should have requested one of the rangers to deal with it." The deep cuts of the Nexu's claws having shredded the Zabrak's flesh was slowly knitting together.

"I know, I know. But, like, ranger's ain't worth the 'assle. They make ya pay like three times as much than just buyin' a rifle and a few charge packs." The Zabrak countered as they winced and shifted slightly, it was clearly not the most comfortable sensation but a necessary part of the process.

Kat tilted her head, "they charge you for handling Nexu issues? But isn't that part of their job?" She was known to not be native so the Zabrak just laughed and shook their head.

"Nah, those guys are more mercs than 'onest workers." The Zabrak spat the opposite side of the bed to Kat, showing their disgust about the rangers.

Kat nodded her head in sympathy and understanding. It was all too common out here, most of those willing to help common folk like this farmer were more in it for the money and what benefits they could reap from the situation. There were not enough people doing things selflessly in the galaxy. Kat waited till most of the healing was completed, the flesh was still slightly pink but no longer a life threatening injury that it had been. Breathing out slowly, Kat felt her body slowly adjust and get exhausted, spending a lot of energy healing the Zabrak with the Force.

"Well, next time, call me. I will rather help you fight the Nexu than having to spend so much energy saving your life." Kat chuckled deeply, as she pulled out a chocolate bar, taking a bite out of it.

//: Kat Decoria Kat Decoria //:
It had been some time since Allyson had found her way planet-side long enough to feel the weight of gravity. Spacer legs were the norm, it made standing over the harvesting drone annoyingly painful. The work was easy and she would only ask for a few credits. Waving her hand, the drone hummed to life and a tired farmer smiled. “That should do it.” Allyson reassured as she leaned against the machine, using its stability to push her back up. Joints cracked and muscles ached, but while she felt over a century old she only looked barely through her twenties. “Young lady, you’re a blessing” The man clapped his hands and patted the harvesting drone, “Thing sounds better than when I bought it.” His belly filled laugh echoed. Allyson laughed with him and joked “Well if you keep smacking it like that - I might have to come back planet-side sooner than expected.”

Conversation continued and Allyson waved her hand as the man reached to pay her with what little he had. “On the house, don’t worry about it.” The man showed his dislike to leave things unsettled. “At least let us resupply you.” Allyson sighed heavily and nodded knowing she wasn’t going to get out of getting some sort of payment. People in the desolate areas, who had nothing but their pride never left themselves owing. “Fine, fine, ship’s in the dock, you know what she looks like.” The man nodded and they parted ways. Allyson rubbed a bit of the grease from her face with a clean towel.

There had been some commotion while she was working. She was too busy and couldn’t do much to help out, but it seemed like things had been handled. Anyone who had gotten hurt was being taken care of and Allyson figured it was time for her to leave. She cleaned up the mess and did a final check through of the drones she had been working on all day. From the corner of her eye, she noticed a familiar figure.

“Kat?” Allyson called out, arms folding across her chest as she laughed slightly, “Kat Decoria?"
Location: Mirial
Outfit: This
Tag: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

Kat was packing some supplies away when a voice called out and she could only shake her head at it. Out of all the planets in the entire galaxy, Allyson Locke just so happened to be at this one. "You truly do work in cruel, mysterious ways Force," she whispered to herself as realised that this was no mere coincident since being a Jedi and being attuned to the Force, coincidences were not common. In fact they were impossible in the minds of some Jedi. Kat turned around, she still looked like she was in her mid-twenties and could see that Allyson similarly didn't look the age she was. "Seems that a ghost has decided to appear before me."

She smirked teasingly and cocked an eyebrow. "Well if it isn't Allyson Locke, seems you are still stalking me across the galaxy." Kat teased, they had crossed paths on their travels numerous times now and Kat was never amazed at how calm and collected that Allyson was about it all, for now though, she was matching the calm and collected tone. "What brings you out this close to Sith space? Doing some Shadow work again? Is that why you disappeared from my life for so long again?"

There might be some sass in Kat's tone, she had missed her friend and Allyson was notorious for disappearing without mentioning a word. Kat couldn't help but check that Allyson was still married, the last they crossed paths, Allyson had been but things with the CIS and Ascendancy crumbled from reports that Kat heard so she had no clue if it had been easy for Allyson to maintain a relationship after all that.

//: Kat Decoria Kat Decoria //:
"Stalking?" Allyson feigned hurt as she placed her hand on her chest. "I would never." She laughed and shrugged. The force worked mysteriously and it seemed every time Allyson was planet side long enough she ran into the Echani girl. Allyson crossed her arms and smiled sheepishly. Kat wasn't wrong. The Corellian definitely had a tendency to disappear for long periods almost as if she disintegrated into thin air. "Always doing shadow work, you know that much. I can't tell you exactly, but you're smart and can figure it out." Allyson laughed again, Kat was one of the few people from her past that she didn't mind running into.

"Nah, but it's mostly personal stuff. Just getting my head on straight and reminding myself of who I am." Allyson's expression turned seriously for a brief moment. Her time with the Ascendency felt like eons ago and on top of that, her former work with the Intelligence branch did a work on her psyche. There wasn't much she could go into, mostly out of the protection of her work, but Allyson knew Kat was someone to trust. Either way, she didn't want to dive too deeply into it.

As much as Kat probably didn't want to seem obvious, Allyson noticed the young Echani's eyes glancing at her hands. Specifically, her left hand and ring finger. Allyson wiggled the fingers, giving Kat the nonverbal answer she was looking for.

"Find what you're looking for?" The Corellian teased gently, "I've just been doing some freelance work, helping fix things. As for you though," Allyson moved closer and allowed her eyes to linger places before meeting Kat's gaze. "What about you? I'm sure you've had your fair share of adventures. What are you doing so close to Sith space?" Allyson raised an eyebrow and smirked her crooked smile, the one she remembered would make a younger Kat blush incessantly.
Location: Mirial
Outfit: This
Tag: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

"Uh huh. Sure the Sith you hunt would say the same thing." Kat teased, she knew that Allyson was unlikely to be following her, there was too much going on and too much work in the galaxy that needed to be done to be chasing old flings. She was of the same mindset that focused on work, delving in deep, often Kat was rarely seen socialising these days. She had prioritise the cares of others over socialising and dating. Made it easier being sober and just relying on what some would call an unhealthy addiction to caf.

Putting some tools away, Kat looked over to Allyson and gave a warm smile, "yeah, that can happen. Here if you need to talk with someone or just enjoy my company." Silence with friends was something Kat had learnt could be important for those with trouble backgrounds. She knew from experience that Allyson had a tough life, offering her hand to help her feel calmer, it was important to Kat. She had promised herself to never let a friend suffer, to never let someone as important to her as Allyson, suffer. "Maybe. Don't have to talk about it though." Kat stated, making sure that Allyson didn't need to explain anything to her.

"Really want to know why I'm here?" Kat asked, raising her eyebrow, she was focused, the mission was important to her. She saw the crooked smirk that always melted her heart, her cheeks blushed in the past but for now she remained collected and walked close to Allyson. "It isn't healing farmers." She whispered softly into Allyson's ear, it was clear she was being cautious about her actual work here and what she was doing. Taking the Jedi Shadow's hand, she guided Allyson to her desk.

"Look. The Sith territory is the right by here and has been for months, yet no expansion into this space. I'm here to investigate that, see what is stopping them or if they are operating in shadows around here. Hopefully undercover as a doctor providing care so that I can appear non-threatening." It was a bold and risky plan but one built from her time with Allyson on missions and admiring the work Allyson had done, while also using her skills to the best of her ability.

//: Kat Decoria Kat Decoria //:
Allyson took note of Kat's lack of reaction. Seems the schoolgirl's crush had faded. There was a part of Allyson that felt sad about its departure, but she couldn't have expected Kat to remain infatuated with her for as long as she did. The Echani woman had grown into someone calm and collected, someone that Allyson was proud to know. "Oh?" Allyson had leaned back from the whispers Kat had spoken, it seemed their mission was roughly the same. Except Kat's was obviously more official.

It became work time, Allyson adjusted the eyepatch over the dormant cybernetic eye as she followed Kat to her desk. While Kat explained the situation and her idea of hiding in plain sight as a doctor, Allyson mulled over her own mental notes. "The care you're offering, you do it without the Force or with it?" It was something that the Echani might have overlooked. Dominantly, Force healing was tied to the lightside of the Force and typically Jedi were the practitioners. If there were Sith spies, they would have made note of that.

"As for the Sith territory, I've noticed that too. It's been a while since they made moves toward this direction, but they've just recently begun rebuilding correct? Well as recent as the past sevenish years or so?" Allyson had to do the mental math, the war the Imperials started with the Sith which dragged a willing Alliance into felt forever ago. It caused her mind to wander to old friends and others, hoping that they were at least living a life of peace. A type of life Allyson was convinced she never deserved. "The Sith are known for the constant internal bickering, I've heard of an Emperor that popped up around a few years after the war." She snapped her fingers trying to remember his name, "I don't think Intel ever got his real name. I think he went around with a moniker of sorts."

Frowning, Allyson thought to herself and decided she could let Kat in on a little bit of her work. "I was actually trying to figure out a way to fake my death. If I did so, I'd be able to worm my way back into the Empire undercover. This time I wouldn't have anyone worrying about me or have the issue of running into allies." The painful sore of her career was the fact she had one major failed mission. To kill Carnifex. Her hand made a small fist. "I needed to get on the inside and figure out what was going on within the Sith, why they've refused to expand, if they're infighting, what are they infighting about? There are so many variables that no one knows about and intelligence isn't doing a great job at figuring it out." Allyson leaned on Kat's desk and handed her a small drive. "These are my notes for the past few years of my observation along with some surveillance videos. Everything seems so calm on this front, but there's gotta be more."

Allyson rubbed the back of her neck and sighed, "You know me and suicide missions, this one would have definitely been the end of me if I went in again. At least there wouldn't be anyone waiting for me after it all." A morbid thought, but the Corellian still laughed.
Location: Mirial
Outfit: This
Tag: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

There was a smirk on Kat's lips when she could tell the failed attempts of Allyson's crooked smile to make her blush failed, she winked and let Allyson know that she was still interested in flirting and having fun. It was more that Allyson would have to work harder to really get her attention and sweep her off her feet. If that was something Allyson was wishing for from the Echani. It was impossible for her to read what Allyson was wanting or what she expected from Kat. The Echani just had to make guesses and hope she was close.

"I've been active with the Force Healing, however, been using a cover," flashing an ID that stated that Kat was Force Healer from a fake company, "not perfect but got me here and no one has been hunting Jedi around here, gotta give yourself some credit for teaching me to always be cautious." She poked her tongue at Allyson, they were close once and Kat had spent that time learning everything she could to show that what mattered to Allyson mattered to Kat. "Not been the easiest to lie about being a Jedi but private healer draws less attention."

Nodding her head as Allyson gave the debrief on what she had figured out about the Sith, "since the fall of the Maw, a few attempts of Sith or Dark Side aligned factions been trying to pop up. However, this Sith Empire is the closest that has legitimacy. Been working on gathering what I can, so far nothing much. However, my gut says that they are super focused here and it might be a distraction." Kat wasn't sure if the Sith were luring the focus to the obvious worlds like Korriban for the Sith to be based and having their operations elsewhere.

Her thoughts were disrupted when Allyson mentioned that she was thinking of faking her death to infiltrate the Sith Empire and find out more. It stunned Kat that her friend would go to such extremes to find out information. She turned to face Allyson, letting the Jedi Shadow say everything she needed to say. Suicide mission. Instinctively her hands reached up and cupped Allyson's face, part of her screamed to kiss Allyson and show her she was never alone but she held back. It wasn't right, it was too much too soon. For now, she just simply looked Allyson in the eyes, the concern, the pain that she felt that Allyson would throw her life away.

"You don't ever jump into a mission to die, I don't allow it." Kat's voice was stern, she refused to let Allyson throw her life away. "I will always be here to support you, care for you and miss you. Seeing you leave and disappear from my life, it is never easy and I am always fearful that I'll one day just hear you are dead. I don't want that, so never just throw your life away."


//: Kat Decoria Kat Decoria //:
Allyson was taken aback by the sudden touch against her face. She didn't know if it was from being touch starved during her voluntary reclusion or if it was because of their past. Kat for once had Allyson's undivided attention and she listened. Maybe it was something that the Corellian had wanted to hear, maybe it was just a good reminder that she wasn't alone even if she felt like it. It shifted the mood of their conversation and Allyson understood.

"Kat..." Allyson barely whispered. She rested a hand on the desk, helping balance her weight as she felt herself lean in. It was easy to fall into this with Kat, she would be lying if Allyson denied finding the woman attractive. If she was truly being honest with herself, Allyson knew that a part of her probably loved Kat. All of this is why Allyson paused, mere inches from Kat's lips. She could feel the tender breath leaving her parted lips. No, Allyson couldn't do this. Kat was too pure, too innocent to be stained and ruined by someone like the Corellian. A hand held the hand against her cheek and Allyson pulled away.

"Alright, I'll rethink my course of action." She held Kat's hand for a moment and then let go. "You know as well as I do even what you're doing is considered suicidal." Allyson started and shrugged, "Everything we do as Jedi is suicidal, but if the outcome saves even one life, it's worth it for me."

Allyson felt her heart rate slow down, the moment that could have been had passed and she could calm down. If she hadn't stopped herself, what would have come after that kiss? Shaking her head slightly, Allyson pulled her attention back.

"The Maw are any of these pocket Sith uprisings anything from that neck of the woods? As scary as the Sith are, I honestly do not want another Maw showing its ugly head."
Location: Mirial
Outfit: This
Tag: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

As Allyson leaned in, Kat could feel her heart racing once more. She had wanted to show Allyson that she cared for her but she didn't expect the Corellian to feel their connection once again. Her heart raced with joy as Allyson moved in, any attempts to hide her desires or feelings from Allyson through the Force or body language were washed away as she moved in closer. Mere inches away, Allyson paused and just as Kat began to lean in and aimed to kiss Allyson Locke. She wasn't holding back this time around, her body leaned forward. "Allyson..." Kat whispered softly, lovingly as she felt her feelings for Allyson rise to the surface once more.

Then Allyson pulled away. Moved her hand from Allyson's cheek and Kat swallowed her feelings.

Her heart was racing and she was struggling to hear everything that Allyson was saying but attempted to focus her mind. Not letting the distracting thoughts of her bed being merely in the other room of the temporary shelter she had for herself. Her hand squeezed Allyson's not wanting to let go, not yet. "Then how about we work together. Have each other's back, can't die on me that way since I'll just heal you and kill you myself for nearly dying." Even though she felt her body pounding with a whirlwind of emotions for Allyson, for robbing her the kiss she craved. Kat demonstrated she could still make quips and have fun.

Placing a hand on her hip, she nodded her head, "I don't think this will be like the Maw. They were more feral. These Sith... They seem to be similar to the ones following Carnifex, years ago." It was a name she knew that Allyson despised and that there was a lot of emotions surrounding. It was something she gave a look of concern, "but that doesn't mean you get to run off on your own, we work together on this. Agreed?" She placed a hand on Allyson's hip, her limbs unable to stop themselves from holding Allyson close to her.

//: Kat Decoria Kat Decoria //:
Allyson tried to ignore the rush of emotions she had felt and from what she gleaned from Kat. It seemed the school girl crush wasn't all that dead, just buried away. That was probably for the best, especially if Kat wanted to keep as much of her heart from being tarnished as possible. Allyson had accepted the mantle she was given. She was a heart breaker, but that came with the sort of job she had. Easier to break hearts, than to watch someone you love die or walk away.

The Corellian was brought back to reality with the mention of Carnifex. Her lips thinned at the mention of his name, but she for the most part kept her composure. There was hate for the man, but it stemmed mostly from her failure. The mission had been simple enough, infiltrate and terminate - but the annoying thing like friendships and lovers got in the way. Matters of the heart, times like that made Allyson wonder if the Old Jedi were on to something.

"Like Carnifex?" Allyson repeated, "From some intel I picked up passing through sith space, kainite was something that popped up. I wonder if he has any affiliation with them." She brushed back some of her loose brown hair from her face and half laughed. "Knowing him, he would have some stupid religious cult following him around." Allyson shook her head and then laughed once more. It was a ridiculous notion, but she knew how charismatic the Sith was, he had gotten close to making her fall and pledge allegiance to him. His only downfall was that he wanted it too bad, he pushed the Corellian too far.

No one knew that except her, Taeli Raaf and Carnifex himself. Vaylin had seemingly lost those memories or so Allyson had hoped.

Kat moved closer and Allyson watched her, it seemed their brief closeness earlier had awoken the dormant feelings in the Echani. A hand on her hip and she was drawn closer to the younger woman. She had gained some confidence since the last time they had seen each other, she had grown up and Allyson couldn't deny the fact. Allyson's hand remained on the desk as she let her body be pulled close, she leaned in so her lips brushed gently against the Echani's ear.

Her voice whispered lightly, letting each word caress Kat's ear, "I thought we were working Doctor Decoria." She used the title ruse that Kat had set up for herself. As Allyson pulled her head away from Kat's ear, she let the faint wisps of her breath tease the length of the woman's pale neck. Her hand pulled Kat's from her waist as she disengaged and took a step back. "Have you seen any obvious Sith or Imperials pass through the towns here? Or are they fully abandoning this region?"
Location: Mirial
Outfit: This
Tag: Kat Decoria Kat Decoria

Kat knew instantly the name of the Sith Emperor had triggered anger in Allyson, the tightening of her lips spoke volumes and she worried that her friend. Someone she loved would do the stupid, reckless thing and not make sure there was at least Kat there to keep her grounded. Especially since Allyson seemed already resolved to jump into a mission and end her life. Kat had heard things about a Kainite but had no real understandings of what the organisation was or the threats they would prove to be. "I've heard the name before. Somewhere in my logs but I am not sure, might have been a brief mention from a local that didn't hold much information."

"Sith tend to inspire insane cults and fanatics to follow them around. Would not be surprising if this was something that grew from a cult into a larger movement." Kat stated, she wasn't a fan that so many fell into the Sith cults and became devoted and insane, giving into murderous urges and commands from their leaders. She was always concerned that the people joining them were failed in getting the help they were so desperately needing before joining the cults. "Infiltrating cults is nearly impossible though. Without true devotion to the leaders, followers can nearly always spot someone faking their devotion."

Kat had been clearly doing research in cults and the mental health of people, she was using her skills as a Healer and Jedi to soothe the whole body, mental and physical. Seeing how Allyson was during the nights they were together and the horrors the Jedi Shadow must have seen, must have done to maintain a cover. Kat was determined to help others like her even if Allyson might not let her heal her.

When Allyson drew in close and whispered right into her ear, shivers were sent down her spine. It wasn't some mere schoolgirl crush that Kat for Allyson, it was something deeper, something built through their time together. She loved Allyson in a way no one had made her felt. She just never sure that Allyson felt as strongly for her. Time had passed and this continuing teasing from Allyson was not helping. "Well, seems you are just as distracted as I am, Ms. Locke." Kat didn't let Allyson pull away this time and pulled Allyson into a kiss.

It was short but conveyed her emotions, her love. She wasn't going to hold back this time with Allyson, that had been her folly before. But she was confident in herself and she knew that there was some attraction between them. Breaking the kiss, "hopefully that will sate the distractions long enough to talk about the missions." Kat giggled slightly.

"No obvious Sith but the rangers working here are privately hired and woeful at their work. They seem to cause more harm than good so I suspect they are here to weaken the moral and strength to make it easier to take over the lands." Kat theorised aloud. She was curious if Allyson would agree with her.

//: Kat Decoria Kat Decoria //:
Allyson should have expected it. She wasn't an empath, but she knew what she was doing was only going to result in this. Partly she hadn't expected it this soon or really ever. It had been years since the two had seen each other, Kat had grown and was more social than she had been in the past. Allyson figured the girl had moved on, and found others to fill her heart with. Yet, the Corellian seemed to have and will always have a special place in the Echani's heart.

Kat kissed her, but it wasn't like kisses before. There was intent and confidence and Allyson couldn't help it. She gave in. Calloused hands held Kat's face, keeping her in place as Allyson returned the kiss. Their bodies pressed against each other, Allyson moved, pushing Kat to sit on the desk. Primal thoughts filled her mind as she briefly remembered the times they shared before. Maybe it was the Corellian's self-imposed exile or there was potential between them, but whatever it was it felt good. Allyson wanted more.

Feelings swelled to the point and if Kat didn't pull away when she did, there wasn't going to be anything to stop them. Allyson pulled away, adjusting her jacket as she caught her breath. She shouldn't have done what she just did, shouldn't have given in. Yet, the Corellian smiled and bit her lip trying to find some way to quickly calm herself down. "That was unexpected, but I'm not complaining." she quipped and then tried to focus on the information that Kat was presenting.

"The cult wouldn't be the route I would need to go. As much of a direct path to Carnifex, it would be - it would be too risky." Allyson paced, arms crossed in front of her as she watched each of her steps. "The thing with Cults is not just finding the true believers, it's making true believers." Allyson stopped and sighed, "All they need is to see a weakness and they'll latch on and spread their sickness."

In a sense, Allyson could see why even the Sith and Jedi could be considered cults. They believed in something, two different sides of one ideal. The Sith hunted the weak and lost, while the Jedi attracted the heroes. She didn't like it, but it was the way of the galaxy.

"The Rangers? They're hired? Who hired them? What are they doing to the locals? I think if there is corruption here, the best place to start is going to be talking to who hired the rangers." Allyson pulled out her comm and flipped through it. "Looks like I'm staying planetside longer than expected. Do you know if there's a place for housing? I'm not in the mood to go back and forth to the ship." Allyson was curious to see if Kat would offer her place, though staying with the Echani would mean the inevitable could and would happen.
Location: Mirial
Outfit: This
Tag: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

The kiss was meant be to brief but as soon as they locked lips, Allyson caved and the intensity began. Kat allowed Allyson to shift her against the desk. Her hands placed at the sides of Allyson, pulling her in closer and enjoying their moments of closeness. Part of Kat wanted to remove the clothes from Allyson, eager to share their time together. She now held strong self confidence, not likely to crumble or burn with jealousy like she had before. She was keen to explore more of Allyson's body now that the fires for Allyson had been lit once more inside her.

However, they needed to break, to focus on the missions. Kat was heated, a blush not of embarrassment but of arousal, she was keen to explore more with Allyson but they needed to wait. She shifted off the desk and smirked to Allyson, "good. I would hate to disappoint after all this time." Kat chuckled deeply, "I enjoyed it too." She offered a flirty smile as she allowed her body to slowly relax, her heartbeat lowering down. Kat was needing to focus on the mission, inhaling deeply.

"Not just you doing this, it's us." Kat hip bumped Allyson, making sure the Shadow knew that Kat wasn't just disappearing on her. "But I agree, it's easy to be recruited, hard to stick around in a cult. As far as I know." She was aware there was limited knowledge on infiltrating cults as well, but she was unsure the approach that Allyson would take would be something that they both could do. However, Kat wasn't going to let Allyson do anything on her own, not anymore.

Thinking on the rangers, "privately hired, the locals haven't been pleased with them since they basically don't do anything. Not handling the many beasts hassling the villagers." She thought about if anyone had a clue about who had hired them, "I don't personally know who hired these guys, it wasn't a local since they aren't doing their job. However, one of them might know where these rangers came from, I've been building a rapport with them so they should be open to talking to us about the rangers."

"If you need a place to stay, we can use this place as our base of operations. There's only one bed here but shouldn't be a problem, right?" Kat mentioned with a smirk on her lips, it was a bold mindset but she wasn't going to be shy about what she wanted.

//: Kat Decoria Kat Decoria //:
Allyson nodded, and she made a note. When they eventually met with the confidant she would record the interaction. Despite her hatred for her cybernetic eye, it had its uses and came in handy more often than not. She put the device back into her jacket's pocket and she continued to listen to Kat's offer. The offer was what she had expected. Kat had intentions and Allyson was open to catering to them. Yet something was holding her back and it wasn't the mission.

"I can get the cot from my ship and bring it here." She mulled over her next response. As much as she would enjoy indulging the constant feelings that stirred when they were around each other, Allyson fought it. "I don't know if it's a good idea, Kat, remember what happened the last time?" She referred to the week they had shared with each other and then the jealousy that came with it. Back then, Allyson wasn't interested in being tied down and that was something that never changed. "I'm not interested in ruining our friendship, you were really upset and the last thing I want to do is hurt you." What more could Allyson say?

"Don't get me wrong, I would love to rip your clothes off and deal with the frustration that the kiss uncovered, but I can't fight with you like that again, especially if we're going to work together as closely as you want us to." That was another issue, but Allyson wasn't going to bring it up. After getting others into trouble, after her infiltration of the Sith and some of her closest friends getting tied up in it, she refused to have any ties. She lost Jorryn, she lost Loske, and her padawan. There wasn't enough in this universe for her to lose everything again. No partners, no loose ends, always alone - it was the mantra that kept her alive the years following the Hyperspace War.

It would destroy Kat who was only trying to help. "Kat, I do care about you, a lot. I have fun, I enjoy our flings, I want you so bad, but I don't want to hurt you." Allyson thought about it, knowing that it wasn't just emotional, but she didn't want to physically get Kat hurt either. "I can sleep in the cot, I appreciate being able to sleep under a roof though. If the offer is still there…" A part of Allyson wondered if the offer would be rescinded after the prospect of sleeping together was taken off the table. The Corellian could punch herself for doing so, because the Echani was irresistible and the only thing on her mind were the things that she could do to her and make Kat feel good, in ways no one could.

"We could call it an early day and if you don't want to see me again, let me know and I'll finish up this investigation on my own." Allyson paused and took a step back towards the door, "I can also leave you alone forever if that's also what you want." Though Allyson hoped she didn't.
Location: Mirial
Outfit: This
Tag: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

When Allyson mentioned grabbing her cot and sleeping on that instead, there was an air of disappointment from Kat. However, she didn't fixate on it, if this was what Allyson wanted then she had to respect that decision. "If you truly wish to use the cot then go for it. I just remember you slept more soundly with someone than alone." Kat pointed out, knowing that Allyson had a reputation for breaking hearts but needed companionship just as deeply as anyone else.

Pointing out what happened before, Kat sighed. "It wasn't jealousy. It was heartbreak that someone else was able to get you to commit." She pointed out, "I was hurt but I was still your friend, I still loved you and I still supported you. It just needed time and you were flaunting in my face how happily in love with another person you were." Kat was not blaming anyone, least of all Allyson, she just wanted to demonstrate that it was not an easy situation. "Even though it was just a week, it was a week alone together after years of flirting."

"I fell in love, how couldn't with the gorgeous, intelligent and dedicated Allyson Locke." She moved closer and pressed her forehead against Allyson's. "You want casual, we can do that. You want us to just be friends, we can do that. You want to actually lock me down for a relationship, we can do that." Her thumb gently caressed Allyson's cheek slowly. "You will never hurt me, you will never make me feel anything but love for you. Just don't go running off without me this time."

She sighed and breathed in deeply, "when you leave, my heart aches for you, at least by your side as a friend, lover or whatever. At least there I can do my best to protect you. Always." She chuckled deeply, "if you want to rip my clothes off and just have me hold you while you sleep. I can do that, whatever you need. Then on the mission, we will be as professional as needed."

Kat held Allyson in a tight embrace, a hug that showed that she never wanted Allyson to leave her alone forever. There was nothing that the Corellian could do to push Kat away for more than a day. Kissing Allyson's neck, "the offer to stay under this roof and to just hang around here till we need to sleep is always open. I can cook us something to eat if you like?" She whispered caringly into Allyson's ear. Still holding her tight.

//: Kat Decoria Kat Decoria //:
Allyson felt her body tense as Kat touched her again. She wanted to fight anything and everything that could lead them further down the path they'd already headed towards. Her body relaxed momentarily, and her arms wrapped gently around Kat as her neck reacted to the kissing. Silence fell between them, and Allyson thought about what Kat had said, about everything Kat had said.

She wasn't aware that Kat was jealous of her relationship with Taiia. For the most part, the Corellian thought it was just Jyoti. Pulling from the hug, Allyson nodded. "You're right, and I have been sleeping alone." The nightmares were something that plagued her since she was eighteen. She knew where they came from; most were the same, dealing with the same Sith Lord tormenting the same woman. Luckily, there were no longer ties to Kaili Talith.

Kaili was safe somewhere after their bond was broken - Allyson could no longer feel her. The thought broke Allyson, but she kept her feelings to herself. "I can't." Her voice sounded small. "I can't ever give you anything near what you want. I can't give anyone anything more than a quick fling. I try, but in the end, I can't let go." She needed some fresh air. Allyson ran a hand through her brunette hair, "There had been only one person that I committed to and…" Allyson struggled, but she needed to say it aloud once. "I'm still hopelessly committed to her. As much as I want to accept that we're done - I can't, no matter what I do or who I'm with." Her voice raised slightly out of frustration. "No one can compare to Kaili Talith."

Finally, it was out in the open, and guilt washed over her. She had just told a woman who confessed to being in love with her that there would never be a chance. Allyson was still in love with and committed to a ghost. The ghost of what could have been haunted Allyson, and as much as Kaili would have wanted her to move on, something prevented that. "I'm sorry, Kat; it's why everything I've ever tried to build with someone failed because I just can't."

Allyson rubbed her face quickly with her hands; she wanted to scream to make herself feel better. "Please just understand; the last thing I want to do is hurt you or make you think we can run off and be together forever. This is all I can give you - one or two nights of sloppy sex and then silence until I magically appear again." She spoke with frantic arm movements, her frustration reaching its boiling point. Allyson stopped and pressed her fist to her forehead. "I'm sorry." She was getting out of hand, and it was taking too much energy. "I would love some food, and I'm okay with sharing a bed as long as you are."

Allyson let her arms fall, exasperated by the confession of one of her deepest secrets. "I need to lay down." Remembering Kat glancing towards the bedroom when she had wanted to take the kiss further, the Corellian started down the small way to it. Allyson pulled off her jacket as she walked and tossed it to the chair near Kat's desk, leaving her in the white t-shirt.
Location: Mirial
Outfit: This
Tag: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

Listening to Allyson was tough. To know that her friend, someone she deeply cared for was forever in love with someone she could no longer be with. It was devastating, Kat only ever wanted Allyson happy. Making her first love happy, whole and able to live a full life. That was everything to her, if Allyson could never achieve that then she would do what she could to at least let the pain ease.

"If you can't, then you can't. I am not going to force you to do something you don't or won't do." Kat stated, she didn't appear hurt by or heartbroken that Allyson wouldn't commit. That was the Corellian's choice and she would not force it. "I told you that I am content with going as far as you want with it." Kat placed her hands on her hips, "if I can't compare to this Kaili Talith then she has to be some goddess."

Kat chuckled jokingly, teasing Allyson a little about it but demonstrating her acceptance and understanding of it all.

Moving closer to Allyson, she took the Corellian's hands and held them to her chest. "Hey, so first thing first. We will be having amazing, mind blowing sex that we forget where we are for at least 2 days if not more. Then we remain friends who work together on figuring out ways to deal with the Sith. Then we stick together because that's what friends do. They fight together." Kat was firm, dominant in her tone, a tone she rarely held around Allyson.

"You can try running away but I will chase you down and make you suffer my annoy presence because working together is what is best for both of us." Kat's eyes were serious, "I need someone to fight for, you need someone willing to stop you falling too far and someone to keep you from dying." She brought Allyson's hands up to her lips and kissed them.

Letting Allyson go rest on her bed, "I am always happy to share my bed with you. And food can wait for a bit I guess." Admiring the body revealed from the removal of Allyson's jacket. Kat removed her doctor's coat, revealing her muscular form as she followed Allyson into the bedroom to rest.

//: Kat Decoria Kat Decoria //:​

Allyson listened, her head nodding along to the rhythm of Kat's words. They were things that anyone would want to hear from someone. It was a high that Allyson found herself chasing constantly to feel wanted. The Corellian found solace in these relationships, but they didn't last. Each hit of the drug was enough to satiate her, but only for a short while. Then, the drug would lose its effect, and Allyson would grow bored. Overindulgence was her crime regarding women she found herself drawn to.

Kat was different, or Allyson would tell herself that. She wanted her to be different. Maybe she hoped that she would be like Jyoti. Furthermore, she wanted her to be like Arisa. The Kirribian was the only one who held Allyson's affection as long or even longer than Kaili. Arisa was the only one who drew her attention from Kaili; she was different. There was something that Allyson couldn't get enough of. No one ever held a candle to either woman, and the Corellian forever found herself searching.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Allyson tried to remember what Kat had said. The woman's words were drowned out by the memories of others, and a part of Allyson felt guilty for it. Not enough, though, to apologize. Kat didn't need to know that as she offered herself up; her one-time lover was thinking of other women. Ones that were unobtainable and only left the brief scent of a memory. Allyson looked up, watching Kat make her way toward the bedroom. She sighed softly, wanting a small silence for her thoughts to collect. It would have been rude, though, to deny Kat, especially after she had offered her quarters. "I don't think that's a good idea, Kat." Allyson finally spoke as the woman seemingly wandered in happily. What had happened earlier was a terrible idea, and Allyson would have to pay the piper. "I'm going to stick to my guns here and keep things platonic between us."

Allyson stood from the bed and ran a hand through her hair, letting it rest for a moment on her neck, then finally letting it fall. "Like I said, I can't give you anything you want, even if it's something casual. We can't do that because you're far more invested in me than I am you. Being friends is better; being partners at work is better; I don't want to worry about your feelings when I decide to up and disappear." Her words were harsh, and her face cringed, knowing they were harsh. "Ahh, this is definitely not what I had in mind when coming planetside today." There was a hint of annoyance in her voice. "I'm going to go into town and try and get food, and then, if you're not hungry, maybe I can gather some information while I'm there."

Quickly, she left the bedroom, grabbing her jacket to head out. The thought crossed her mind that she should just disappear again and let Kat have her peace
Location: Mirial
Outfit: This
Tag: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

Breathing in deeply, as soon as Allyson extended her offer for a night together, she was taking it away again. Kat should have known this was bound to happen, Allyson tended to backtrack whenever Kat saw progress in their relationship. She didn't show any disappointment or frustration, she remained calm and nonplus about the change in decision. "That's fine." Kat shrugged as she still removed her jacket and hung it over a hanger. She looked over some details on a holopad on her desk, listening to everything that Allyson had to say but she wasn't letting herself linger in anything sad or disappointing.

"Pretty sure you are just as interested in me as I am in you. I mean, you are the one to want to sleep with me when we meet. Pretty sure you kissed me first as well, years ago." Kat pointed out, she smirked slightly, teasing Allyson since she knew her friend was trying save her feelings but Kat refused to allow someone tell her what was best for her. "No matter what we are, I am going to worry about you when you up and leave without warning or telling me. You go on reckless, dangerous missions where you face some of the most dangerous evils in this galaxy, most of the time you are doing it alone. I would be a bad friend to not worry about you." Kat looked over to Allyson, there was genuine concern in her eyes, a concern for someone she cared about no matter their status.

The cringe on Allyson's face revealed that she thought her words were harsh, "your words weren't harsh, don't cringe Allyson. I get it but I also think you don't realise that you have feelings for me more than you realise, I think you are just afraid to leap forward which is fine." Kat shrugged her shoulders, "I don't mind what you wish us to be, you are important to be whether we are friends, partners or something casual. I will always have your back." Her words were firm.

"Food would be nice, but I'll let you gather some information. I will collect my notes so we can do a comparison. If you wish to stick around and help me out with the mission." Kat called out as Allyson left, going through her daily logs and began to note the connections and potential leads for them to follow up on the Sith that could be close by.

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