Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Crossroads | GA Dominion of Kuat


A state of emergency has been declared in the Kuati Sector.

Like many other star systems that fill the ever-turbulent Core region, Kuat -- an industrial titan of great renown -- has suffered unprecedented devastation and strife since the Gulag Plague ravaged the galaxy. From the near total destruction of the Kuat Drive Yards
in the Great Galactic War, to the much more recent conflict between the fledgling Grayson Imperium & Republic, the kuati have learned hardship the likes of which their ancestors could never have dreamed of.

Rumours of corruption have circulated the Federal Assembly for many months, ever since the Core Alliance & High Republic stationed forces in the area as a proclaimed ‘Neutral Zone’. Numerous reports from the
Strategic Intelligence Agency of intercepted transmissions destined for Sith-Imperial space have built up, but dire matters forced the Alliance’s attention elsewhere. Now, with the declaration of the Kuati Regency and the planet’s administration reaching out for aid against the so-called rebels, these issues have returned to the spotlight.

To stop the planet from falling into a violent domestic conflict, the Galactic Alliance must act quickly and determine which claim it should offer its support to: Lady Elane Kuat -- the planet’s long-established ruler who once aided them, but now stands accused of conspiring with the Sith; or Julius Loghain -- a bastard son who defies his people’s matriarchal traditions, but wishes to see an end to sycophantic leadership so that his people might regain their dignity....



Coruscant // Galactic City
Senate Building
// Grand Convocation Chamber

Julius Loghain, the bastard brother of the Kuat of Kuat & recently self-proclaimed Lord-Regent of the planet, now stands before the Senate on Coruscant to attempt to legitimize his claim to his homeworld. Citing significant corruption and sinister ties within the current ruling family, he aims to gain the support of the Galactic Alliance in his efforts to remove them from power. As a member of the Senate, address Loghain and seek to better understand the situation. The Senate will determine whether the Federal Assembly shall officially recognize the Lord-Regent, or if it will continue to support the current administration as Kuat enters the Alliance’s fold.


Kuat // Kuat City

Accusations of the Kuati ruling family having ties to the Sith cannot be overlooked, especially as the Alliance takes arms against their Empire in the east. To confirm the legitimacy of these claims, the Galactic Alliance & Jedi Order have dispatched personnel to Kuat City to covertly investigate the matter. Find & gather whatever evidence you can to prove the Lord-Regent’s bold allegations so that the Alliance may justify action should the Senate choose to back Loghain’s claim to the planet.

(Note: this evidence may be whatever you’d like to find/pursue!)


Kuat has experienced quite a bit in the last few decades. If neither of these objectives interest you, feel free to explore other stories! Some sections of the orbital array may still be quarantined after the Blackwing Virus was released when an infected cruiser crashed into it during the Imperium/Republic rebellion; speak to kuati citizens of the numerous challenges they’ve faced, perhaps they have strong opinions toward their larger neighbours and the factions who have fought over or brought destruction to their territory; or bring your own ideas to the table. Alderaan exists too, I suppose.

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Vonar Ardinn


Location | Coruscant // Galactic City [ Senate Building // Grand Convocation Chamber]]
Objective | Help Legitimize the Lord-Regent's Claim
Focus | TBD

The last week had been a turbulent one for the Lord-Imperator , an attempt to accusing the Zweihander Union for having involvement in the Assassination Attempt on Tython completely backfired as Marlon Sularen , one of the Lord-Imperator's Primary Allies had left for the upcoming Campaign against the Sith Empire as the first shots were fired between Joint New Imperial-Alliance Forces and the Sith-Imperial Military. With Marlon being absent for sometime , the Lord-Imperator would face potential charges of false accusations alone especially threatening his upcoming plans. On the eve of the Seiges of Mygeeto and Munnilinst , Marlon had instructed the Lord-Imperator to seek support within the Alliance's Federal Assembly and gain new allies for that was key for his secretive plans.

The Lord-Regent of Kuat and the Lord-Admiral of Humbarine were main target having the many qualities that many in the Imperial Bloc would have , they were strong rulers with a strong military to back them just like him. Both the Lord-Regent and Lord-Admiral could become potential members of the Imperial Bloc currently spearheaded by Vonar but the Lord-Imperator had to find a way to convince them of joining the Imperial Bloc for it would not be easy. Byss itself was fully Imperalist as Populism was also a popular ideology on the planet along with the Imperial Ideology. Convincing both Arage Bao and Julius Loghain to join it would be somewhat of a challenge and it could only be achieved if the Lord-Imperator carefully approached them. For now he would observe them as a means to determine the chances of success or not. But he also had to establish friendly relations with them.

The Title of Kuat of Kuat had been contested by the recent Kuati Coup , with Julius Loghain removing Lady Elane of Kuat from power and most likely placing her under house arrest though the legitimacy of Loghain's new Kuat Transitory Council was still disputed as the Alliance still recognized Elane of Kuat as Kuat's Ruler. Only through this brief Session would this Political Crisis be solved though the Lord-Imperator strongly supported the Lord-Regent. Sitting on his Repulsorpod , The Lord-Imperator awaited for the Chancellor to officially begin the Senate Secession and for the Lord-Regent to come up and bring up his points for why the Alliance should recognize him.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Location: Coruscant -- Grand Convocation Chamber
Objective: Provide moral support
In scene: Julius Loghain Julius Loghain | Vonar Ardinn | Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge

She wondered if she ought to order the same light ornament like they had in the Grand Convocation Chamber.

It sure looked fancy.

Then again, there were more important things to spend your national budget on, so Arage Bao reckoned she'd have to do without.

"Oh, you will be fine, stop fidgeting." Arage murmured to Julius, as their group waited patiently for the Senate to come into session. "We had the votes to call this session, so I don't imagine we will have too much trouble convincing them to acknowledge you." The light breezy tone obfuscated the monumental task it had taken to get this far.

Several factions in the Senate had, in fact, opposed them at every turn.

Logical, of course. Arage would have been disappointed if they had just taken it lying down. The ascension of Kuat (and Alderaan, she supposed) to the Alliance would shift its delicate power balance.

She crossed one leg over the other, while watching the current Humbarine Senator discussing things with one of their attaches. Senator Haravan had not been picked for his creativity. That was for sure. No, the older graying human was loyal. Deeply so. He'd probably throw himself in front of a hail of blaster fire, if his hip permitted it.

And yet for his age there were few with the attention span and dedication to tiresome paperwork like him.

"The last thing they can afford right now is an internal and external border dispute." Sipping from her water, she looked positively bored, but Julius could see the calculation in her eyes even there. "The war with the Sith Empire is starting up, now that the Imperials have gone on the attack. The Confederacy is testing our resolve with their recent incursions onto Thracior."

Another sip. Gotta hydrate.

"Emmen might dislike our politics, but he needs unity right now." A smile there. "And who is better at unity than us Imperially-disciplined rulers?"

Location: Grand Convocation Chamber
Objective: Moderate the Session
Addressing: Julius Loghain Julius Loghain Arage Bao Arage Bao

Dash'iell Cosmos - Empress Teta
Vonar Ardinn - Byss
Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn - Eclipse
Ido Bastra Ido Bastra - Coruscant
Gat Tambor Gat Tambor - Skako
Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra - Balmorra
Maou Maou - Corellia
"What a terribly unfortunate event," Emmen sighs, offering a hand to help Lisza her onto the Chancellor's Podium in their preparation room below the grand chamber. The ruling family of Kuat had been an ally of the Grayson Imperium, and because of that the Core Alliance had been quick to answer previous calls for aid. Now, it seemed, things would change. It had only been a few days since the Lord-Regent overthrew the Kuat, plunging the industrial world into a civil conflict. Stepping up behind the Vice Chair, he adds with a heavy tone, "I was genuinely shocked when Loghain's allegations came to our office."

A small hatch opens above them, flooding the room with the echoing sounds of voices that were carrying through the senate chamber. As the two rise to the center of it on the central spire, Emmen can't help but note how empty it all felt. A building that had been designed to bring the galactic community together, reduced to only a handful of systems struggling to claw their way back to the stage.

It was a disheartening thought, but the Chancellor did his best to perceive it as a motivation instead.

With a final glance and nod to the Vice Chair, Emmen raises his arms to address the representatives who had gathered together.

"Honourable Members, welcome and thank you for coming. I hereby call this emergency meeting of the Senate into session!" his voice booms across the domed building's loudspeakers, "as you should be aware from the briefings that were issued, a State of Emergency has been declared by local authorities in the Kuati Sector. Lady Elane, the Kuat of Kuat, has been denounced by the self-proclaimed Lord-Regent, Julius Loghain, and has been forcefully removed from office. Her administration, who have cooperated with our predecessors in the past, has reached out to ask for our aid against the man they've labelled as a 'rebel tyrant'."

Emmen points with his hand, drawing attention to the repulsorpod of the Lord-Regent and Lord-Admiral, "However, the Lord-Regent himself has chosen to come before us today to present evidence of corruption, and to seek our support of his claim."
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Location: Grand Convocation Chamber
Tags: Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge | Dash'iell Cosmos | Vonar Ardinn | Ido Bastra Ido Bastra | Gat Tambor Gat Tambor | Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Maou Maou

The Fillithar filled completely his delegation's seating, the large purple scaled body coiled twice over within the confines. Sssar was accompanied by two humans that were neatly, if not simply, dressed in white tunics and grey pants. One of the humans whispered into the senator's ear and he nodded slowly as both his staffer and the Chancellor spoke. A fascinating circumstance that the Senate had found themselves in and in which Sssar replied "Send my regards to the Sssenator of Balmorra, I would like to know her opinion on thisss matter." he turned to the other Human and hissed "Asss well as the Sssenator from Corellia." the two assistants dutifully began to contact the two senators' staff to gauge their general leanings before the presentation of arguments had begun.

Sssar had found himself in the midst of a political scandal where even the Senators would be judged on their opinions of the day. Had it been his choice, Eclipse, would not have involved itself in the internal affairs of Kuat - yet here he stood representing his people's voice.
Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State
Location: Grand Convocation Chamber
Objective: Consider the merits of the issue
Focus: Julius Loghain Julius Loghain Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn Arage Bao Arage Bao

Dash'iell Cosmos - Empress Teta
Vonar Ardinn - Byss
Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn - Eclipse
Ido Bastra Ido Bastra - Coruscant
Gat Tambor Gat Tambor - Skako
Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra - Balmorra
Maou Maou - Corellia
It felt good to be back in the Senate Building again after such a lengthy hiatus. Balmorra had its charms and it would always be her home, but there was a reason they called Coruscant the Queen of the Core with its towering cityscape and sweeping seats of galactic authority. Even the hall she walked now toward the Grand Convocation Chamber had an air of importance about it not found anywhere else in the galaxy. Around her, a cluster of Senate attachés and political advisors all seemed to be talking at once as they brought Adhira up to speed on the situation on Kuat.​
"-populists see this as a prime opportunity to install one of their own-"
"-if we dont act the planet will be plunged into chaos-"
"-cant afford to get pulled into a war-"
"-Ma'am, a message from Senator Taszzn-"
Adhira had been largely ignoring the ensuing debate that was being whispered around her but took an interest at the mention of a communique from her fellow Senator from Eclipse. Her bejeweled hand reached out for the comm pad and she eagerly read a message from one of the Fillithar's aides. He wanted her opinion on the current debate. As they reached the door to her repulsorpod, she hit send on her reply and walked briskly out into the fray where the Chancellor was just beginning to speak to the gathered Senators.​
Warmest regards. No clear decision from us yet, but interested to hear the details. Immediate impression is of an entitled upstart with no legitimate claim to Kuat. Lady Elane has been a good friend to the alliance. Your thoughts?
The usual parliamentary scuffle of grumbles and expressions of support rippled across the chamber. Her dark brown eyes scanned the Senate chamber for her serpentine friend, finding him only a few pods away and offered a kind nod before turning her attention back to Emmen. Adhira had come to have great respect for the steady hand he was keeping on the reigns of late, he also had widespread support on Balmorra despite his populist leanings. Yet, when he indicated that the rebel had been given his own opportunity to address the Senate she rose to her feet and crossed to her podium.​
Her aides rose with her, grumbling, as she peered down at the repulsorpod to make sure she hadn't been hearing things. Adhira doubted that Lady Elane was being given the same opportunity to speak. She half considered raising a formal objection to his presence, but wanted to see how things proceeded first. Still, she remained standing as her delegation retook their seats. "Simply outrageous."
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Blackwing Virus Investigation
Location: Kuat - Small Bio Labs

The rise of the threat of the Blackwing Virus had caused for alarms. Kuat forces consistently monitored the floating masses that contained the virus that was initially considered dead. If you could even consider viruses dead or alive. The organisms require a host to create more of them, which was the basis of basic understanding for Viruses. The Alliance had sought out a high scholar, who had studied the Blackwing Virus and its plague for as long as he could remember. The man had experienced an outbreak first hand as the First Order invaded Seoul and attempted to cull the spread. Hyonu had his thoughts and figured that the First Order planted the patient zero in hopes of being seen as some sort of hero.

As the man thought of the incident, his nose wrinkled, and his glasses became askew from his vision. The Alliance had set up small research biodomes for the doctors and scientists to study. To enter the dome, one must be sterilized and then slipped into a biohazard suit. These suits would protect the person from studying but wasn't always the most fashionable. The man waited outside one of the biodomes for the influx of Jedi, who seemed to have specializations in this strain of Blackwing Virus.

Hyonu held his paperwork and stood with a stern look on his face. He was the type to enjoy the simpler things in life rarely. Some say that with a higher sense of intelligence, the more likely you were to be depressed. The thought made the Seoulian man scoff. Looking at his clipboard, he went over the morning results; still, the vaccines and anti-virals they had come up with did nothing to the virus. Maybe these fresh minds had something for him to learn.
Hunting the Gen'Dai Infected
Location: Kuat - Temp HQ Set Up

The small hotel room was set up nicely with several datapads, and other video feeds. Allyson and Ryv had spent most of their time on Kuat, setting up tethers into the network CCTV that overlooked the streets of the populated city. Allyson paced in her room, chewing on a cereal bar, she was starving but was wanting until the bulk of the mission finished. As much as she trusted the Jedi Knight's ability to survive the mean streets of Kuat, she did worry about him and the targets he was dealing with. He would easily felt her worry and confidence in the man as she paced the room waiting for the program she developed to run its course on the system. There was a delicate beep that sirened, and she ran over and pulled up the loose tanktop strap back onto her shoulder while she held the cereal bar in her mouth. Putting the bar down, she grabbed the headset and put it on.

The screens all flashed with several street corners and alleys of the city. The hustle and bustle of the public acted like nothing was different, but they knew something was not okay with the people being out like this. Flicks of her wrist, she moved around the camera feeds and searched for the one that she wanted. One of the cameras zeroed in on a tall Jedi Knight, in a worn leather jacket that looked quite nice on him. Allyson's lips curled into a grin as she opened the comms between them.

<Hey there Handsome, you ready?> She continued to grin and knew she would have to cool it if the others decided to use her eyes in the sky. Doing a quick scan with another wave of mechu deru into the system, she was able to zero in on a few hostiles. <Mr. Sword of the Jedi, head down four blocks, make a left and you'll see three Gen'Dai> The scan finished and showing armaments with them as well as being infected.

<They're infected and armed with blasters, and it looks like some viroswords. Stay safe!>
| Alias: | Jallo Ismaren - Member of Elane Kuat's security detail.
| Location: | Kuat City, Kuat - Her Royal Majesty's Estate
| Tags: | Open

Regrowth itched. A pale hand swept over Jallo's freshly shaved head. Not a single speck of hair graced his otherwise egg-shaped dome, and he absolutely hated it. Sweat had a habit of streaking down it these days, either wetting his eyebrows or dribbling into his eyes each time he decided to remove his air-conditioned helmet. Yet the ruse worked. He was nothing more than a scarred veteran of Kuat's defense forces, previously on loan to a mercenary corporation where he'd earned his deep wounds and penchant for dirty work.

And as of late, that was exactly the sort of thing the royal family needed these days. Tensions were high. Claims of corruption and falsified information leaking from their secretaries and underlings. The list of suspects only seemed to grow with each passing day and time was running out. Though from Jallo's time already spent here, the royal family and Elane have proved to be nothing more than concerned, sympathetic individuals concerned with the fate of their world.

That unnerved him.


"Sergeant Ismaren," a warm voice greeted him, "Glad to be back?"

Jallo turned to see a fellow royal guard - his favorite one actually. "You're damn right I'm glad to be back, Holian. Standing for hours on end and watching the silks do business is far better than gutting some Rodese insurrectionists far from the core. Pay's better too."

Holian snorted. "I feel that, though I'm glad Lady Elane's pulling some more of the boys back. I've a feeling some strange chit is about to go down."

"Oh yeah?" Jallo flicked his cigarra, dabbing the embers into his ashtray. "Whatcha thinkin' might happen?"

"Heard from Wojtek that we've got a special guest arriving today, in a few hours actually." Holian shrugged. "Something about setting up a safe house just in case that Julius Loghain Julius Loghain decides to go violent. Claims of legitimacy and whatnot."

Jallo took a deep drag as he considered this. The guards' breakroom was an odd place to be discussing this.

"Has anyone else been told of this?"

"Not that I know of. Wojtek owes me one, so I was pickin' his brain about politics and whatnot. He always knows more than I do."

He smiled. "Well let's hope it doesn't come to that." A quick glance at his chrono told him his break was nearly over. "Best be gettin' back to it. Glad to see a friendly face around, Holian."

Major Faction


Become One With All Things

FOCUS // Allyson Locke Allyson Locke // OPEN TO JEDI //

From atop a nearby apartment building, Ryv stared down at the collapsed structure said to house the infected Gen'dai. Whoever thought to send a small Jedi strike team to apprehend and deal with the infected, rather than a sizeable attack force either had trust in Ryv's unit, or no other choice. While he hoped for the former, he guessed it had to be the latter. At one point, the Jedi Knight almost encountered the virus on a mission for the Imperium. It required several hours of mission briefing, along with weeks of study into the virus and its many qualities. It turns out; this mass outbreak had nothing to do with Blackwing and everything to do with some god-like entity from the Nether. Who knew?
So, there the Sword of the Jedi sat, observing the ruins in wait. The surrounding city blocks were already evacuated under Allyson's guidance, giving him a wide-berth for fighting and general anarchy. It eased his anxieties somewhat, knowing whatever Ryv would soon face offered no direct harm to the people of Kuat. Still, the idea of taking on these creature's bordering on immortal, now infused with something that provided functional immortality, left the Jedi Knight wishing another option presented itself. Unfortunately, anything that required the Kiffar's eye tended not to have another option. Life of a Jedi, am I right?
"<Hey there Handsome, you ready?>"
Ryv released a faint sigh, his hand rising to accept his face once more. He pushed himself to his feet and slid the electrobinoculars into place at his belt before stepping onto the rooftop's ledge.
"I feel like I shouldn't have to tell you to keep your head in the game, Lucky," Ryv stepped from the ledge and fell the two dozen feet to the ground below, summoning the force before impact to cushion his landing. "I didn't think these dudes would get around to using weapons, but uh, that just sorta sucks for me, huh?" he darted across the street in relative silence, careful not to be seen from the window as his back pressed into the wall. He inched around the building, seeking the point of entry discussed between Allyson and himself a few hours prior. His head peeked around the corner of the two-story building, finally locating the small crawlspace that might've once been a window. "Alright, I've located my point of entry. I'm going in," Ryv reported before hopping up to grasp the tiny ledge and hoist himself up. His form then disappeared through the entry point.
From outside the structure, the silence stretched down the city street for several minutes. Having gone dark, Ryv did not return any attempts at communication. Without warning, the snap-hiss of his blade echoed throughout the chamber. Massive impacts wracked the structure as dust and pebbles fell away to the street below. Low groans seeped into the streets, though they seemed to grow further as if moving further up the building. The cyan glow of the Blade of Ruusan peeked through the cracks of the ruined structure, denoting Ryv's position up until everything went dark. More grunts sounded as something shattered, all before the wall separating the second story from the night-air exploded outward, and Ryv soared through it.
Ryv collided with the lip of an adjacent building, hastily scrambling atop the structure before one of the three beasts leaped up and after Ryv. Its body crashed into the building where he was a moment before, caving in a fragment of the stone before following him up.
"Dude," Ryv raised his shield, taking another substantial impact from the first creature. His feet slid across the surface of the roof, putting a short distance between him and his attackers. "Alright, Lucky, I'm gonna need directions to dropoff. Where am I going?"
PLATFORM WITH: Arage Bao Arage Bao
SPQR: Vonar Ardinn Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra

The grand convocation chamber, Julius observed, seemed only a shadow to its former glory. A glory lost, perhaps, eons ago. He recalled the history lessons about the Galactic Alliance before the Gulag Plague and the Old Republic. Governments encompassing nearly all the known and civilized galaxy; now, it was for the rising Galactic Alliance of this epoch to carve its way into the annals of history...or die in obscurity as many petty governments recently have the moment they attempted to 'settle' the Core.

"How could I? Look at them." he jerked his head at the muffled cacophony of whispers echoing all over the rotunda. "We are molded differently, Arage. The martial life is in complete contrast to this...visage of lies and intrigue." he paused and frowned. "Yet, I have become exactly that." Julius stated tonelessly. There was no guilt or regret, merely a statement of facts. Twenty years of plotting and scheming to enact his vengeance did this to a man.

Oh, Elane, he thought - there was a hint of sadness as the memory of their disconnected childhood flashed across his mind. In another life, things could've been different. But the wheel of the galaxy weaves as it wills. Fate decreed by the choices of their parents had set this motions. Decades of humiliation, shame and exile had steered him onto this path of vengeance, no matter the cost; Elane, his half-sister, was merely collateral. As much as he had initially desired to keep her away from the harm, there was no escaping it and he found no pity in his heart to cease his plan. Retribution enveloped his heart in an unbreakable cage.

"Honourable Members, welcome and thank you for coming. I hereby call this emergency meeting of the Senate into session!" his voice booms across the domed building's loudspeakers, "as you should be aware from the briefings that were issued, a State of Emergency has been declared by local authorities in the Kuati Sector. Lady Elane, the Kuat of Kuat, has been denounced by the self-proclaimed Lord-Regent, Julius Loghain, and has been forcefully removed from office. Her administration, who have cooperated with our predecessors in the past, has reached out to ask for our aid against the man they've labelled as a 'rebel tyrant'."

Emmen pointed with his hand, drawing attention to the repulsorpod of the Lord-Regent and Lord-Admiral, "However, the Lord-Regent himself has chosen to come before us today to present evidence of corruption, and to seek our support of his claim."

"Rebel tyrant, such a nice ring to it." Julius found a spark of dry humor in it. "All of our work, Arage, has led to this pivotal moment." he cleared his throat and stamped what Arage had just brought up into his mind - the Alliance needed a stable Kuat as much as Julius needed their support for legitimacy. He simply had to tie that stability to himself, something said easier than done.

The platform groaned silently and ascended upwards near to the central platform of the Chancellor. Julius drew breath and steadies his nerves and beating heart.

"Honorable Members, Chancellor." he nodded to the man, eyes glinting with ambition. "Let me begin by thanking you for giving me the opportunity to speak not only for myself but for the people of Kuat." a quick glance at Arage's side - despite her laconic nature, she had learned the ropes of populism out of extreme necessity. "The House of Kuat, a founding member of the first Galactic Republic, has for too long grown decadent and fueled an unhealthy for the people sycophant addiction to foreign and hostile regimes while deceiving their true allies--" he gestured at the whole convocation chamber. "you." Julius let that sink in before continuing. "I am in no quest for power, merely justice. Justice for the people of Kuat who have suffered under the malicious dishonesty of the Ten. For too long they have played with the fate of the common man, gambling it in their nefarious schemes with regimes such as the SITH EMPIRE." another highlight he let sink in among the members. "They labelled me as a rebel tyrant." Julius smirked. "It takes one to know one, doesn't it? They fail to recognize that all the insults that they hurl at me are insults hurled at their own people, at their nation, at those they have promised to serve. I am only the face representing the actual Kuat, it could have been anyone else. What has been set in motion by the people will not stop until Kuat is cured from the cancer of the any means necessary." the last part was not delivered with a tone of threat but rather matter-of-factly; it did, however, aim to set him into a light of great need for stability and that if the Ten remained in power - the civil altercations would explode into a full-blown war. Implications, that is how politicians spoke, he had learned.

"Before you, you will find the complete investigation tying the ruling families of Kuat in collaboration with the Sith Empire." Julies finalized.
Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State
Location: Grand Convocation Chamber
Objective: Consider the merits of the issue
Focus: Julius Loghain Julius Loghain l Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge l Arage Bao Arage Bao
Dash'iell Cosmos - Empress Teta
Vonar Ardinn - Byss
Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn - Eclipse
Ido Bastra Ido Bastra - Coruscant
Gat Tambor Gat Tambor - Skako
Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra - Balmorra
Maou Maou - Corellia
Adhira watched with a wary expression as Loghain's pod soared up into the center of the rotunda. As he began his speech, she looked down at the datapad on her podium where she was carefully scanning an intelligence document on the Kuat situation, but more importantly on Loghain himself. One of her staff squeeze her arm gently to get her attention and nodded toward the screen where Julius' face had been magnified. For the first time, she saw clearly on the screen who the companion was behind him. Arage Bao, the provocateur of Humbarine. "Oh, now that is interesting," she whispered. Suffice it to say the people of Balmorra were not fans of Bao.​
Loghain began to elaborate on the merits of his case, how the rulers of Kuat were corrupt and in bed with the Sith Empire. Damning evidence if true, but nothing in her intelligence briefing seemed to indicate that was the case. It was an abundantly convenient explanation for his deplorable actions and until the Alliance's reconnaissance team returned with proof she would not abide his evidence being entered into the record. Her finger punched a button on her podium and the Balmorran repulsorpod hovered out into the open, drawing the attention of the droids that were broadcasting the proceedings. "I seek recognition, Chancellor."
"I must object! The Alliance investigation into this matter has not substantiated these claims and until such time as they do this so-called 'evidence' is nothing more than hearsay," she gave Loghain a look like a disappointed elder watching her grandchild perform a vulgar dance, "and I would add, Mr. Loghain, that these allegations seem highly convenient given the precarious position you currently find yourself in. Perhaps my colleagues will agree, this is all sounds far too convenient." Adhira was addressing the rest of the Senate now.​
"What we do know for certain, Chancellor is that this man staged a coup against the rightful ruler of Kuat who has long been recognized as a vital ally to this Alliance," she gave a half shrug of her shoulder before gesturing dramatically toward Loghain, "and now Julius Loghain stands before us to say that he had no choice but to act. He had no choice because Lady Elane is corrupt, a threat that had to be eliminated, and how lucky the people of Kuat were that her illegitimate half-brother was there at precisely the right moment to swoop in and save the day. The highlight of his speech, though was when he made clear what would happen on Kuat if we didn't support his claim. Violence." Adhira waited for the echo of her voice to die away allowing the gravity of her last word to sink in with the other senators.​
"The self-proclaimed Lord-Regent would have us believe that it could have been anyone here to represent the people of Kuat, but I challenge him, who else had the motive to launch a coup against Lady Elane? It must have been terribly demoralizing living in the shadow of your sister, 'Lord-Regent,' relegated to a lesser status while she was preparing to rule. Hmph," Adhira's pod had circled around so Julius could clearly see the almost smug expression on her face, "perhaps we'll never know... but what I do know is that this body has a sacred obligation to uphold law and order within the Alliance. We cannot give legitimacy to an illegal coup on the basis of one man's word. With that, I yield the floor."
Her words were venomous and she made it a point to lash at Loghain with poignant emphasis before finally yielding the floor. Around her, she heard a murmur of tepid agreement. It could not be denied that she made several salient points, but even Adhira knew her argument was not without issue especially considering how much the second half of her speech had been speculative. She jabbed another button on her podium and the pod returned to its place.
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if they're watching anyways

Tag: Ye Hyonu Ye Hyonu | Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Ryv Ryv

It was all fun and games until Auteme's theoretical research suddenly required practical application.

The padawan had been spending most of her time on Coruscant, going through the accelerated undergraduate degree program at Coruscant Med while she wrote her paper on the gulag plague and viral pandemics as a whole. There was a large section dedicated to the Blackwing Virus, both using it as an example of the deadliness of a single virus and as a focal point for the argument for banning of bioweapon research and increase of medical research funding galaxy-wide. She hadn't thought she'd need to use her knowledge on it.

Moreover she hadn't expected to be called in. The whole reason she'd entered an actual university was because she wanted to be a legitimate expert and not just a Jedi, but she hadn't published her paper or graduated and she was still being brought in. Auteme wanted to help of course -- she was still a Jedi -- but she wasn't entirely an expert yet.

And, you know, she was terrified of the virus.

Yes, she'd gotten herself vaccinated and basically manufactured herself antibodies against the virus, plus she'd done a quick genetic treatment on herself for increased immunity, and she knew tons about how the virus spread and how to prevent infection as well as quarantine strategies... but it still scared her. They were zombies. That was freaky. A virus that could sustain someone after death? Moreover one that could control the host and was sentient itself? Almost as spooky as the Mnggal-Mnggal, a name she'd never speak out loud for fear it'd eat her insides. Still, the Blackwing Virus was pretty gross...

But it was a perfect time to further her research, get samples, and have first-hand evidence on why medical funding was vital. The situation wasn't critical -- from what she'd heard, this was some kind of new, mutated strain able to infect the Gen'Dai. The Gen'Dai comprised less than 0.001% of Kuat's population, so it wasn't an epidemic yet, but it was still important that they quarantine and eliminate the virus. Hopefully Ryv didn't somehow find a way to get infected... she just hoped he was safe.

Auteme needed to do her part. She strolled out of the shuttle towards the biodome, heading to the young virologist who was coordinating this operation. Her bag was filled with everything she'd need for the day: water bottle, datapad, holodevice, her eight notebooks, and her homemade gene-editing kit (it was better and cheaper than the ones available in stores). First, introductions.

"Hi! I'm Auteme." She stopped in front of Hyonu and offered a hand for a shake. "It's nice to meet you in person, Doctor Ye. I really liked your paper on the Seoulian flu... also, the anecdotes about your cardiology background were all really beautiful," she said with a grin. As always it was nice to meet someone she could nerd out with.

"Anyways... I suppose we should go inside?" They'd managed to catch a live specimen of the virus -- as alive as a virus could be -- and the inside of the biodome was quarantined to contain it. From what she'd heard, the virus wasn't airborne, so they didn't have too much to worry about...

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I D O _ T I M E
// Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra / Arage Bao Arage Bao / Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge / Julius Loghain Julius Loghain / Gat Tambor Gat Tambor //

"It sets a dangerous precedent if we let this slide, that much is undeniable."

Senator Bastra spoke up after Senator Chandra yielded the floor. With both hands clasped behind his back, the old man took a step forward to stand just before the edge of his repulsorpod. He waited for the reverberation of his old and dry voice to cease before speaking again.

"But at what point do we stop to allowing rigid adherence to our 'sacred obligation to uphold law and order' to stifle justice? Does turning a blind eye to people as they suffer while their rulers live lavishly and fraternize with the Sith Empire sit well with any of you?"

His arms spread wide as he gestured to the rest of the convocation chamber. His old, tired eyes scanning around the chamber with what semblance of an intense glare his venerable face could muster.

"The Lord-Regent acted where we did not, where we would not. He did what he had to do for Kuat and for his people. Kuat mingles with the Sith Empire right under our noses, and you don't wish to thank him when he brings that to an end? Still, despite the evidence, you seek to deny his attempts to better his people and cease their collaboration with a despotic regime run by evil religious fanatics? I implore my fellow senators to side with the people of Kuat, not with the upper echelons of an archaic aristocracy that sells their planet short with no consequence under the shield of 'legitimate rule'. I cannot, in good conscience, do anything but support the Lord-Regent's cause, even at the risk of setting a violent precedent."

Ido took a deep breath and took a step back. His eyes scanned the convocation chamber one more time before he retook his seat. "I yield the floor, Chancellor."

Vonar Ardinn


Location | Coruscant // Galactic City [ Senate Building // Grand Convocation Chamber]]
Objective | Help Legitimize the Lord-Regent's Claim
Focus | Julius Loghain Julius Loghain | Arage Bao Arage Bao | Ido Bastra Ido Bastra | Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge | Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra
Other Senators | Gat Tambor Gat Tambor | Maou Maou | Dash'iell Cosmos | Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn

The Lord-Imperator of Byss watched as the Lord-Regent of Kuat made his opening declaring at how corrupt the Ten were and how they were in league with the Sith , some big accusations , the Lord-Imperator thought especially given that such claims had yet to be verified. Vonar wondered by the Lord-Regent didn't come to the Alliance first with these claims and get their support for a coup rather then just launch the coup and show such claims. Though Vonar supported the Actions of the Lord-Regent seeing it as a means to gain the Lord-Regent's Trust.

Once the Senator of Coruscant had finished , the Lord-Imperator's Repulsorpod came up. "
Yes but how can we be sure that Kuat was mingling with the Sith. The Sith Empire have been more focused on internal issues rather then external ones since the beginning of the Sith Civil War. It would be unlikely that such collaboration would take place or even have some sort of impact given the status of the KDY. What we should look at is at the State of Kuat before Julius Loghain launched his coup." The Lord-Imperator began.

For almost a year now , Kuat has been full of instability that began only shortly after Lady Elane came to power , with Riots and Protests taking place during the Kuati Crisis and going on until Loghain's Coup D'etat. While i don't believe in the current allegations of the former Kuat of Kuat's collaboration to the Sith we must understand that she failed to bring bring law and order to her own planet. Riots and Protests erupted under her rule and yet when the Core Alliance returned to Kuat those Riots and Protests were going on with even insurgents popping up and planning to overthrow the Kuat of Kuat. What we can be sure of is that if Loghain didn't launch his Coup , Kuat would be in a Civil War as we speak. "

The Lord-Regent has brought Order and Stability where his Half-Sister could not. Though his legitimacy can be questioned , he is a far more capable ruler then Lady Elane and therefore more fit to rule over Kuat and replace her as the Kuat of Kuat. With this i give my full support to the Lord-Regent of Kuat as he will bring back Stability to the Planet and ensure that Kuat can prosper in the years to come. With this statement i yield the floor , Chancellor." the Lord-Imperator said , finishing his seat and moving his Repulsorpod back to it's original spot , near the repulsorpod of Julius Loghain and Arage Bao.
Potentially Kyra Perl's Father

// Senator of Caamas //
Senate Building // Galactic City // Coruscant //
Profit // Bring Peace to Kuat //
// Focus // Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge | Vonar Ardinn | Ido Bastra Ido Bastra | Gat Tambor Gat Tambor | Arage Bao Arage Bao | Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Julius Loghain Julius Loghain | Dash'iell Cosmos | Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn | Maou Maou

Shute Gunray, newly christened Senator of Caamas, sat silently within his chair as he listened to allegations fly, and other senators take the floor. The entire affair left the seemingly obese Neimoidian a mixture of hungry and entertained. Beyond the various Huttaburger chains he and Agrippa the Hutt managed to establish across the planet, Kuat itself never particularly interested the ravenous alien. Yet, with his ascension to the Senate floor, no longer could the Heir to the Gunray Fortune and Legacy sit idle in galactic dealings. Through clever machinations and proper dealings, he could see his coffers lined with more credits than any singular business could provide him. Step one in this lovely plan required the Matriarch of Kuat permanently deposed and someone more willing to work beside the Corporatist party to take the throne. In this, the Neimoidian found Julius Loghain a fitting candidate.
"Chancellor," Shute Gunray's jowls bounced from left to right as his titanic form rose to a standing position. He lowered his head in a nod, offering up his respect to both Emmen Tagge and the other senators who had already taken the floor. "In this instance, I believe it is important to consider the ideals in which we founded the Galactic Alliance," the Lord of Pestilence's heavily accented voice boomed around the senatorial chamber, amplified by the magic of modern technology.
"The Galactic Alliance has striven thus far to face threats not reactively, but proactively. The Sith grow in power with each day while our allies, the New Imperial Order, face them in open warfare. In these dealings, we have put aside our difference and showcased a willingness to work beside our more," Shute paused, carefully tasting each word before uttering them. "Volatile, allies. It is not our hatred for the Sith or Imperial way of life that guides us in this matter, but instead, a desire to protect those who cannot defend themselves. As such, we have taken proactive measures. Yes, I will not deny Loghain's actions may come off as coincidental while also establishing a dangerous precedent, as Senator Bastra pointed out. Though, I cannot help but respect the Lord-Regent's push for his people. His actions were those of a man seeking to do more for than himself or the ruling class. His efforts were precise in implementation and, yes, proactive. I believe he is a man who represents the ideals of the Alliance more than those who would share a bed with the Sith-Imperial Regime."
"In times of great strife, it is important not to stand and die for one's principles, if peace and prosperity can be accomplished through discourse, as we are now. With the wisdom of so many permeating this room, we can certainly come to realize the actions taken by the Lord-Regent, and his following were the actions of a man fighting for a cause, not himself. Thank you, Chancellor."
Shute Gunray returned to his seat, smiling as he rubbed his hands together.
Location: Grand Convocation Chamber
Tags: Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge | Dash'iell Cosmos | Vonar Ardinn | Ido Bastra Ido Bastra | Gat Tambor Gat Tambor | Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Maou Maou | Julius Loghain Julius Loghain

Sssar's assistant showed him the return message from Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra and he nodded contently "A fair obssservation." the senator look over towards the other Human assistant who had no reply as of yet from Maou Maou "No ressssponssse?" the assistant shook his head "Perhapsss he isss preoccupied." the large Fillithar turned to see the Senator from Balmorra engage in her arguments and questioning as well as the others. He disagreed on some of the points made and agreed with others. Sssar spoke to his entourage in general "Make aware to the Sssenator from Balmorra that the ssstance of Eclissspe is that thisss isss an internal matter of Kuat and that we hold no ssstrong feelingsss one way or another asss a delegation. However, my persssonal opinion on thisss isss that there ssshould never have been a coup. Coupsss dessstabilize and normally lead to more violence in the future of the people via more coup attemptsss." his eyes narrowed as Senator from Caamas spoke of surrendering one's principles. That was a very strange position to take. What drew his attention more was sentiments of the Byss delegation ( Vonar Ardinn ) to which Sssar hissed with contempt and said publicly "Ssso you would sssupport without hesssitation the right of an individual to rule,unelected, basssed sssolely off performance? A very Imperial ssssentiment. Perhapsss we ssshould again disssolve the Sssenate and have an Emperor appoint Moffsss basssed on their record for unilateral dessscionss? Dictatorsss and dessspotsss hold no place here."
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Objective: Hunt & Relocate infected Gen'dai
Location: Kuat City, Kuat (Safe in a hotel room :) )
Tags: Ryv Ryv

Allyson tucked her feet under her as she watched the video feeds; it seemed Ryv was moving quickly towards the target. The Corellian's delicate laugh would echo over the comms as her answer to him telling her she needed to keep her head in the game. He was always so professional, and it made poking fun at him more fun. She watched the way the targets moved, and they seemed pretty far gone with their infection. Allyson only had the information she could find on the holonet along with whatever research Ye Hyonu Ye Hyonu was able to present the team. The man was currently working with a batch of intelligent minds to see if they could discover a way to cull the current situation. Raising an eyebrow, she didn't understand why Ryv didn't think they'd be able to use weapons. She chimed in and remarked quickly. <Ryv, haven't you seen any zombie films?> Shaking her head, she played with the shoulder of the Ziggy Stardust tanktop.

As the sounds of battle echoed over her comms, she was trying to make sure the noise that they were making wasn't going to attract any of the other targets. She had seen enough holo films about zombies and infestations of the type of creature they were fighting. The sound of a keyboard echoed in the quiet hotel room. The Corellian quickly moved her way through the different cameras and commanded them to adjust so that she could figure a clean route for the Kiffar Knight. The last thing she needed to do was lead him into another fight. Speaking of fights, it seems that he was already in contact with the first grouping of the Gen'dai. She pulled up his location on a bigger screen, and she watched as the computer-rendered a pathway for him. <Just a moment Knight guy,>. Allyson grew frustrated and used mechu deru to speed up the process, and in an instant, she was giving the pathway.

<Drop off is 4.8km away. Stay rooftops if you can. It's a straight shot. There are four blocks that you're going to have to jump.> Musing, she bit her lower lip and continued. <Don't worry about them, they'll follow and trust me they'll be able to jump. According to Dr. Ye's papers on these guys they're pretty intense.> She could only explain to him as quickly as he could move, but this would be far easier if she could just show him the pathway. <Just keep running and don't get weirded out.> Allyson warned the man as she quickly began to hack her way into his personal HUD. She did her best to make it as seamless as possible. If anything, there would be a slight hiccup where the system would do a quick reboot, but instantly would come back showing him the path to the drop off point. <Confirmation on the map guide showing up on your HUD.> She waited, as she did her best not to worry about him trapezing the rooftops.
Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State
Location: Grand Convocation Chamber
Objective: Consider the merits of the issue
Focus: Julius Loghain Julius Loghain l Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge l Arage Bao Arage Bao
Dash'iell Cosmos - Empress Teta
Vonar Ardinn - Byss
Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn - Eclipse
Ido Bastra Ido Bastra - Coruscant
Gat Tambor Gat Tambor - Skako
Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra - Balmorra
Maou Maou - Corellia
Adhira was followed by her colleague from Coruscant Ido Bastra. She was told he had several monikers, at least two of which made her intensely uncomfortable to think about. The Balmorran did not disagree with Senator Bastra, it seemed terribly out of fashion that the aristocracy continued to rule many planets within their system. Unfortunately, he stopped short of actually endorsing a democratic system, asserting instead that the people had already chosen their ruler. "Well, he was almost there," she muttered.​
Then it was Senator Vonar's turn. He made largely the same points that Bastra had, though he seemed to agree with her that there was no basis to claim Elane had been in league with the Sith. The main thrust of his argument for supporting Julius seemed to be that the Lady of Kuat saw a slew of protests before the Alliance arrived, though Adhira had a theory who was behind them. She made to press the button that would send her hovering back out into the fray but stopped when a booming, familiar accent echoed across the rotunda.​
He was an eloquent Senator with an almost annoyingly extensive understanding of galactic law, but she admittedly had some admiration for him on both points. Adhira glanced back at her delegate, exasperated as he began expounding on the history of the Sith and the Alliance. As if they all weren't already aware. Still, the point seemed to be the same, the Senate needed to choose and so far 3 of them were going with the rebel who would see himself be king. "And they actually themselves populists? We'll make an emperor out an Emmen yet, at this rate."
She was relieved when a voice of reason finally cut in. When Adhira glanced over her one apparent ally in this debate, the Senator of Eclipse had joined the conversation. Her datapad notified her of a response from her colleague and she nodded in his direction to acknowledge agreement before causing her own repulsorpod to join him.​
"I must concur with the honorable Senator from Eclipse," her voice echoed over the rotunda as his died away, "it is clear that we are all in relative agreement that something must be done about the situation on Kuat. It hardly seems productive to trade one absolute rule for another. If the Lord Regent is so certain he holds the confidence of his people, a free and fair election should decide the future of their planet."
"In the interim, Balmorra would be willing to support his temporary claim to Kuat until the election. I charge my colleagues that this path ensures we have not overstepped our authority into planetary sovereignty while ensuring lasting change comes to Kuat. We absolve ourselves of endorsing a coup and in so doing uphold our credibility in the eyes of the galaxy at large. My honorable friend from Coruscant Ido Bastra Ido Bastra is a man of unquestionable character, I would ask his opinion on this proposal." The Balmorran's pod remained hovering out in the center of the rotunda this time rather than returning to its dock and she turned a warm expression to the Senator of Coruscant.​
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Major Faction


Become One With All Things

FOCUS // Allyson Locke Allyson Locke // OPEN TO JEDI //

"Don't worry about them?" Ryv asked, ducking beneath a full swing using the vibrosword more as a club than an actual bladed weapon. The massive gen'dai immediately followed it up with a kick that caught the Jedi Knight square in the chest, sending him up and over the building. His body flew through the air once more, this time crashing into an adjacent roof. The momentum carried him from one side of the roof to the other, his slide coming to an abrupt end as he shifted his form and fitted the shield between him and the ledge. A booming echo sounded from the impact, blasting throughout the nearby streets. Ryv hastily scrambled to his feet, spitting up a bit of blood from the fleshy tear in his cheek, likely caused by the clattering of his teeth throughout the experience.
"Don't worry about them," Ryv repeated, shaking his head as he looked to the opposite side of the roof. Already, the three gen'dai barrelled towards him. As Ryv peered over the ledge, his eyes damn near popped out of his head as he saw more of the infected creatures beginning to climb the building. More pushed through the buildings lining the avenue, seemingly attracted to his adverse impact. "Yeah, you know what, Lucky? This is looking like one of those situations the boy's gotta worry about," he launched forward, moving to the midway point of the roof before pressing his foot down and pivoting upon his heel. The kiffar's entire body twirled on the anchor point, adding momentum to Ryv as he launched his shield from the latch on his arm towards the leading gen'dai. The metal disk whistled as it cleared the distance, slicing right through the creature's muscular neck. Ryv tugged back on the powerful armament as he leaped up into the air. It wrapped back around and slid back into the fitted object at his forearm as Ryv drew the Blade of Ruusan from his belt.
The weapon arched down, shearing through the second gen'dai's head like butter. Unfortunately, the third caught Ryv by the face before the Jedi Knight could return to his feet. The giant lifted the smaller kiffar and repeatedly slammed him into the duracrete roof. Each impact sent fissures through the surface, usually followed by grunts of pain from its victim. By the sixth strike, the Sword of the Jedi found himself intimately familiar to the weakening ground, only for the roof to collapse inward, carrying the two into what appeared to be a shop of some kind. Thankful for the force in that instant, Ryv hit the ground and rolled away from his assailant. He launched himself up, only just now becoming aware of his limp left arm hanging at his side.
"Yeah, man, totally not worrying about them," Ryv groaned out as he vaulted the counter and barrelled through the backdoor. As the map-data completed installation, he turned and raced out of the alleyway past the creature's still beating their way into the business. "Hey, you big ugly fu-" the Jedi Knight found himself interrupted and ducked beneath a chunk of duracrete sailing towards him. "Okay, that'll do," he set off once more, sprinting full speed down the street.

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