Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Crystal Clear (Part 2)


Location: Azbrian
Objective: Purify the crystal in the lost temple
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

It rubs me the wrong way. Jedi aren't the types to makes these kinds of challenges."
"No Jedi in this age would do such a thing, but sometime in the past? Yes, I'd believe things like this will be a common occurrence" Silas said back to Valery as he went up to the animals that were surrounding the fire pit. Something about this place made him think this had been hiding longer than originally thought, even beyond Valery's time.

The force felt the same, it was the atmosphere and look of it all that made it different compared to anything he had seen.

"I sense there are more rooms yet to be found. That on the other hand is not something we can do ourselves, it's up to the force when it wants to be revealed" Silas said while his hands went to the straps of his backpack "It knows we have brought a corrupted object into its sacred halls. I suspect it wants us to achieve what we have set out to do" He continued, his form kneeling down and unzipping the bag to reveal the container the crystal was in.

Carefully, he'd take it out and leave it in its container between them as he sat down on the floor and crossed his legs "Please Valery, join me" her former pupil said with a smile up to her. If anything she deserved to join him in his moment, other than Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble she knew more about this crystal than he did.

"Do not light the fire just yet. Once we have cured the darkness deep within its core, that's when we will step back into the light" The knight urged with no flicker of doubt. Silas needed silence from the flickering flame, as well as peace when interacting with something so broken and sinister. Yes, darkness would be surrounding them, but with the force so strong he trusted it would let them see the light at the end of this important test.

There was no greater strength than being at one with the ally which was always with you...



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Tag: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

"Not really," Valery disagreed, "I'm from this past you speak of, and we would never built traps that could cause harm in the same place we also train younglings. It... quite literally goes against everything the Jedi stand for to build traps like that. To attack first, and not ask questions. Unless maybe they're meant to protect something without being able to cause harm to other Jedi."

"My guess is that they were either built later by someone, or altered. It wouldn't make sense for them to attack Jedi in a Jedi Temple, otherwise."

With that said, Valery followed his guidance and sat down as well, the crystal placed between them in its container. The darkness hardly bothered her, as Keshian eyes pierced through it more easily, but she did like the symbolism of only lighting the room once the crystal was healed.

"Have you read into how to do this?" Valery then asked, her eyes shifting between Silas and the crystal. "Healing a bled or wounded crystal is quite complex. You have to be careful, so you don't shatter the crystal, but strong enough to repel the darkness that holds its grasp over the Force within it."



Location: Azbrian
Objective: Purify the crystal in the lost temple
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble


If what Valery was saying was correct, then there was more mystery to the temple than what met the eye. There was still the possibility that the crystal had triggered the force to go after them, but they both wouldn't know the truth until someone explored this strange temple from post to post "I doubt we will know the answers for a while yet. It takes time to dig up the past, especially when it was not meant to be found" he said to his former master as she sat down.

In the dim darkness, Valery's bright orange eyes looked back at him. Silas did so in return, his icy blue eyes a sharp contrast to the woman sitting before him. shifting his eyes to the crystal, the knight offered Valery a confident nod "I have studied for a while Master, much more than I should have in fact." he said with a sigh, even though it was a worthy sacrifice of time "Like you said, you need to be strong and careful. Healing a wounded crystal requires a fine balance, one side cannot be more than the other"

Slowly, Silas put his hand on the container of the crystal "In a few moments I will be taking off the container. We both must be prepared for what it throws at us and the temptation it may bring, because if Kahlil couldn't cure it then whatever we are up against is something sinister" Silas warned Valery, his face expressionless from the task at hand "If things go wrong, don't hesitate in getting me out of this hall alive. I won't be able to tease you if I lose my mind"

Flashing a brief smile, he finally prepared to undo the container

"Are you ready, Valery?"


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Tag: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

"You better not lose control over your own body and mind again," Valery warned with just a slight smirk, as his hand hovered over the box. The crystal inside had a connection to her that she could feel even in its confinement. Anything that was ever connected to her husband had a way of connecting to her because of the dyad, and this troubled her. But Silas was right, and she knew they could do this if they focused together.

"I'm not sure why Kahlil could not heal this crystal, or what it will do. But trust in the Force, and we'll manage together." She smiled briefly in return before taking in one last, deep breath.

This was a journey Silas would have to complete, and all she could do was guide and protect him, the same way he had guided her here and been willing to protect her. But without knowing what was going to come next, did feel just a little bit tense — this better not take her former Padawan away from her again.

"I'm ready, let's open the box."



Location: Azbrian
Objective: Purify the crystal in the lost temple
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"I'm ready, let's open the box."
Silas nodded and closed his eyes, a hand reaching down to the container to begin what they had set out to do from the start. Taking steady breaths, the knight closed his eyes and took a deep breath before lifting off the container that held the dark energy at bay. Instantly, the crystal filled the room with an almost overwhelming heaviness, one that could test the resolve of any Jedi that was within contact with it.

"I-I haven't felt this kind of hate for a long time..." Silas said in a strained tone while his body did well to hold off the darkness that was trying hard to try and break him down. The muffled screams and voices he had heard throughout his time with the crystal were now magnified, almost to the point where it felt like someone was shouting in their ear from only a few inches away "But it's nothing I haven't faced before" the knight said coldly, who bit back at the powerful dark force attacking him and Valery.

However, as the seconds ticked by his body began to shake more noticeably in front of his former master. He hadn't lost control, but the meditation was becoming increasingly harder to hold.


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Tag: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

Much like Silas, Valery tensed up a little when the box was finally opened. Not because she couldn't handle the darkness, but because all of it lashed out at them at once. The room had abruptly gone from a gentle, peaceful setting, to one that felt much darker and colder. "You can resist it," Valery said softly. "We both can." As a former Shadow, fighting back the darkness was almost as natural as breathing to her, and it showed as she shielded mind and body against the crystal.

It wasn't going to claim her, but how would it affect Silas?

"Keep yourself relaxed, and push through it." Valery raised a hand, hoping to extend some of her own strength to him. She felt confident that he could do it alone, but saw no reason not to help him. If she kept the darkness at bay, it would only be easier for him to focus on the crystal itself.

She wasn't going to help him heal it — that was his journey to complete.



Location: Azbrian
Objective: Purify the crystal in the lost temple
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble


The atmosphere was depressing, harsh and heavy against their soul. It was trying to find a weakness, a crack that could work its way through to wear them both down mentally. But for now, the two of them were keeping strong against the darkness as Valery provided a helping hand on hostile ground. Her strength flowed through him and helped protect the darkness, however, the crystal itself was still yet to be tamed by Silas.

"We will get through this Valery, I will do this."

The bond between a master and padawan was a powerful tool, only below the bond of family. If used for good, the power both individuals shared would be an unstoppable force. Valery and Silas had formed an unbreakable bond during their time together, one that was going to last far beyond their separation. Having encouragement from a person like her was only going to drive him further beyond, purifying the crystal was going to be no exception to that.

Noticeably, after a short time the screaming and whispers from the broken crystal were starting to become more muffled. The concentration Silas was putting in was starting to make a difference. As long as they both kept calm there was no reason why the crystal would be healthy once more, they both just needed to keep in high spirits.

"Valery... did you know it would come to this when you and Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble gave me the crystal?" Silas asked curiously while on the verge of a breakthrough. All he wanted was to know one last thing that led to this moment.

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Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Tag: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

"I knew."

Valery's lips spread into a thin smile, only because she was trying hard not to lose her focus. But the moment Kahlil had given him the crystal, Valery knew it was because he viewed it as a trial of sorts. A milestone that Silas was eventually going to reach when he was ready for it, and that day had finally come. So no matter how difficult it was, no matter how much this crystal resisted their efforts, Valery was already convinced they'd get through it.

Such was the bond between Master and Padawan.

"Maintain your focus and you will succeed," she finally added, while she synchronized her own efforts with him. Silas was doing most of the heavy lifting, but she could allow her own presence to guide him, Together, they had always been stronger, and this wasn't going to be an exception.

"Kahlil gave you this crystal because he knew you could do it, and I trust you both. So let's finish this, together."



Location: Azbrian
Objective: Purify the crystal in the lost temple
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Kahlil gave you this crystal because he knew you could do it, and I trust you both. So let's finish this, together."
Silas felt slightly emotional from how far he had come. In ways, this was the final test left by his two masters to fix a wrong from the past and now he was on the verge of doing just that. His lips quivered into a sorrowful smile as he began to use more of his strength to overthrow the darkness within the crystal, and soon enough the crystal was beginning to turn a different color.

Instead of red, one of blue began to shine through.

Slowly but surely the screams and voices of the crystal began to ease into silence as peace began to find its way back into the room. Silas took a deep breath and opened his eyes to see that the crystal was returning back to its former state. The knight couldn't help but smile brightly and look over to his former master with a sense of achievement "After all these years, the crystal has now returned to its former glory. I can only imagine what Kahlil will feel he sees it."

Finally stopping his meditation, Silas was unsteady getting to his feet from the amount of energy he had to put in. He had not faced that much anger and hatred in a very long time "I have not faced so much hatred in a long time... I can see why Kahlil struggled with its existence" Silas said tiredly as he blinked a few times to stop himself from passing out on the spot. Almost staggering a few steps. he put two hands on his knees and looked up at Valery.

"I'll be fine, I just need a breather" he said with a tired grin before his face went to a more serious one "There are so many things I could say for everything you've done for me Valery, but I think this will be more than reasonable" Silas said before moving forwards to give her a big hug of appreciation.

"I don't normally give these out for free, but you more than deserve one"



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Tag: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

The crystal shimmered.

Valery's eyes opened just in time to not only see the transition from red to blue, but she could feel it as well. The heaviness of the Dark Side began to fade away, and a peaceful silence was left behind in its wake. It sparked a breath of relief to escape her lips, and it was with a smile that she looked up at him. "I think he'll be proud of you, just like me," she said with a genuinely warm tone while she studied the crystal a moment longer.

He had really done it, and she couldn't be more proud because of it.

"Just take it easy," Valery then added while she watched him rise, clearly with difficulties from the intense purifying ritual he had just gone through. She was actually feeling it herself, and she had left most of the hard work to him. All she had done was be a guide, or an anchor when he really needed it.

"You know you don't have to thank me for-" she stopped as his hug interrupted her mid-sentence, and let out a soft chuckle. Her own arms settled around him and she returned the hug for a long moment.

"You've done really well, Silas, and I'm very happy for you. But... I think it's time we get some rest and maybe something to eat, hm? Why don't we go get some good burgers?"



Location: Azbrian
Objective: Purify the crystal in the lost temple
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble


Even though Silas wasn't under Valery as her padawan anymore, he was always happy to receive positive words from his former master. Valery saying she was proud meant a lot to him, she was the closest thing to a parent since their death, and considering it came from a person he looked up to more than anything else it only made it that much sweeter.

Choosing to follow his emotions and ignore the words to take it easy, he instead responded to her praise with a hug. It was the least he could offer Valery after sacrificing her time to train him up to this point. There was still a lot of learning Silas had to do himself, but thanks to the woman who stood before him he now had the tools to go out and better himself. Unwrapping his arms, he seemed to wipe away a tear in his eye and look to Valery with a twinkle in his eye from the mention of a particular food.

"Burgers?! You're serious right?" he said with slight suspicion, a smirk still soon forming across his lips "You know what, I'll take your word for it. I just know you've been saving this moment for the right time..." sarcastically rolling his eyes he carefully leaned down to grasp the hands in his hands "Come on, let's take go get our reward shall we?" he said softly as he placed the cured crystal into his pocket.

Sooner or later, Silas and Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble would have to talk about this feat...

As they both walked their tired bodies towards the entrance, he turned his head slightly and grinned "And before you say anything, I'll be paying..."

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