Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Dark Studies


"You know, once there were Sorcerers here. Of Rhand, no less. They pretty accurately named themselves, I suppose." Sofiel turned her yellow eyes up towards the bird perched on her shoulder, smiling ever so faintly. The white mask of Vorthruz did not smile in return. In fact, the 'bird' looked completely uninterested, at least by how it continued to look around them rather than pay her any attention. The white haired woman didn't seem bothered in the slightest, though. Instead she looked about the prairy she was walking through.

Such a beautiful place for a group so wholly dedicated to the dark.

"Do you think we'll find anything they might have left behind?" Finally Vorthruz looked her way, which had her laugh.

"No, I suppose we won't. But-"

She looked up towards the night sky. Even from here, the shattered remains of Exegol could be seen. A speck in the sky to most, but with the smile that rested on her lips it clearly was something far more important to her. "The night view is beautiful, isn't it?"

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-


Rhand Conclave - Abandoned Site

Further in the structure Jada was walking, hand held aloft. The glow of her glow-stick lit the entire library. This one was a smaller library off the main atrium. There were several such, scattered amongst the old dusty ruins of what had once been a sorcerer conclave. The runes and squiggles made her stomach ta little. Each time she stared too long, her stomach bubbled like the flu, and her eyes grew hazy.

This place is definitely cursed with darkness....

One of her jobs as a warden was seeking out lost Dark arts knowledge, and destroying or securing it.

With such lawlessness in the galaxy, it was becoming more important everyday to prevent another Carnifex, or other ghastly being from coming to power. Her foot slipped on a loose stone, and she dropped her weight slightly, grunting.

The hairs on the back of her neck perked up. She knew that feeling. Someone else was nearby.....


There was another here. Sofiel paused her walk, glancing towards where she could feel another wandering these plains. .. No, not wandering. Seeking. That was curious enough. She didn't hide herself as she approached, instead smiling the cold, lifeless smile she always did. The kind that never reached her eyes and seemed to be little more than a mask. Perhaps even more of a mask than the one that covered her Familiar's face.

"You should mind your footing in a place like this. There's no telling when a trap could be sprung, you know."

For the moment, she kept her distance, hands calmly clasped before her as she remained in the field of green grass she'd been walking on. Just close enough to be heard.

"Looking for anything fun?"

Jada Raxis Jada Raxis

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-


Rhand Conclave - Abandoned Site

She froze in place. The other being spoke out, her voice ringing across the dark meadow, bouncing against the stone walls. She had two trains of thought, fight or flight. Jadas lungs filled with cool dusty air, as she took a slow breath, opening her mind and body to let the universe and the stars flow in. She felt the steadying presence, and then turned, stepping towards the door to peer out.

Her light aloft, she challenged the newcomer,

"Who goes there?"

She did not feel any malice yet, but all things could change in a second. A lifetime of space hopping had hammered that notion home.


"A friend."

A pause.

".. Or at least not an enemy, I suppose." Sofiel shrugged her shoulders casually before stepping closer. Her yellow eyes peered forth under her white hair, coldly scanning the other woman over. Curiosity, mostly, before her gaze drifted to the area around her.

"You didn't answer my question."

Jada Raxis Jada Raxis

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-


ooc: Forgive the long wait time. Was in the middle of moving.

Rhand Conclave - Abandoned Site

Jada smirked, not moving a muscle.

"Cap'n Jada Raxis of the S.S. Quantum Runner. Aint found nothing on this world but blasted rocks and darksider energies."

She paused then, piercing brown eyes roving the other body. She wanted to see if there was a flinch, a blink or any hint of anything. Body language was one of her tools, and when she couldn't use that she felt them. Call it the force or the verse, either way it worked out the same.

"You don't happen to be of bad intent do ya?"


"No, no bad intent. I've been enjoying the night sky here. Got curious to know another was here, though. And these ruins.. Do you know who they belong to, by chance?" Sofiel turned her gaze from the woman to the ruins themselves, frowning just a bit. "I didn't know they were here before. They certainly feel dark, don't they?"

Jada Raxis Jada Raxis

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-


Rhand Conclave - Abandoned Site

Jada decided honesty was the best policy in this situation. The other woman had not attacked nor shown hostility. She lowered her arm a bit, relaxing her stance. The stars glimmered underneath the inky black heavens. Her blue glow-stick cast a soft shadow of pale hue on the two.

"I'm searching for Darkside artifacts, I aim to prevent them from falling into bad peoples hands."

She glanced around.

"You still haven't told me who ya are though."


"There are artifacts here?" Sofiel's yellow eyes practically flashed with a newfound curiosity. She took a step forward, glancing only briefly up to the dark bird on her shoulder. Vorthruz's white mask met hers before they both turned to watch the woman below.

"I suppose I would be the bad person you want to stop. Does that mean you'll now get in my way? I won't harm you if you simply leave."

Jada Raxis Jada Raxis

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-


Rhand Conclave - Abandoned Site

It was an honest question and good one at that.

"I think what makes a bad person is their intent. I'm not big on the lightside, darkside drama. Say you walk away from here with a book or an artifact tonight, then what? What's your next move with it?"

She cocked her head to the side, waiting for her response.

Truth be told Jada had only a notion, not an actual idea about what might be here. Study of the force had never been her strong-point, nor had she ever acknowledged it as the force.


"Depends on what's in it, truthfully. But ultimately I want to see another world be destroyed." There was no reason to hide or lie. Or, perhaps, Sofiel just didn't understand the necessity to. She continued the typical smile, tilting her head as she looked towards the ruins once more. "Do you think they have something like that within there?"

Jada Raxis Jada Raxis

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-


Rhand Conclave - Abandoned Site

Jada let a sigh rattle from her lips. Destruction of worlds was not what she wanted to hear.

"Well in that regard, you'll have to find another place. If your intent is to use whatever is in this library for destruction, I'ma have to ask you politely to leave."

Her words were delivered with a stern but serene smile. The galaxy was her ally, powering her limbs with crackling vitality. If it came down to a slug match, the preferred to be ready. One foot slid back ever so slightly, and her grip loosed on the glowstick, just in case she needed to drop it.

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