Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Darth Prodromus

Darth Prodromus

Name: -​
Alias(es): Darth Prodromus, Lord Prodromus, Herald of Change, The Great Accelerator​
Class(es): Sorcerer​
Birthplace: Ryloth​
Force Sensitive: Yes​
Force Alignment: Dark Side​

Species: Twi'lek​
Age: Mid 50s​
Gender: Male​
Height: 6'2"​
Weight: 177lbs​
Eyes: Dark Brown​
Hair: None​
Skin: White​

Rank(s): Sith Lord​
Faction(s): The Sith Order​
Language(s): Twi'leki, Galactic Basic, ur-Kittât, Mando'a, Huttese, Falleen​

Personality Traits: Calm, Patient, Zealous​
Education Traits: Erudite Oracle​
Lifestyle Traits: Shrewd Zealot​
Character Alignment: Neutral Evil​


Darth Prodromus was an apprentice of an independent, unknown Evereni Sith Lord, who operated mostly in Hutt Space. His former Master was associated with crime syndicates such as The Hutt Cartel, Crimson Dawn, and Black Sun, it is rumored that Darth Prodromus was gifted to his former Master by one of the syndicates. During his time as an apprentice, he studied more on Dark Side constructs, artifacts and holocrons, Dark Side sorcery, and Dark Side alchemy, and less on the combat side since his Master avoided contact with other Force sensitives. Still, young Prodromus was gifted in the Force, and soon enough he started to eclipse his Master.​
While fundamentally, they shared similar beliefs towards the Force, primarily that the Force is a wind of change that should drives the direction of galactic civilisation, and that the Force is inherently Dark Side, it is the limitations of mortals morality that birthed the schism, they disagree on the methods.​
His former Master believed that they are to remain hidden, that the wind of change will sweep in and bring chaos to the galaxy, and that’s when the two should make their move. Darth Prodromus, on the other hand, believes that they are the herald of change, the great accelerators. His contempt for his Master’s way even shifted his belief from ‘The Rule of Two’ to ‘The Rule of One.’​
Still, he is a patient man. He took his time, securing contacts, access to his Master’s possessions, so what his Master built would not be wasted.​
Until the time comes and he struck him down and took his place. Now a self-proclaimed Lord, he rides the Force to where it all will happen. The heart of The Sith Order.​

Skills and Abilities: Soresu Fighting Stance, Force Lightning, Force Rage, Dark Side Healing, Dark Side Curse, Sith Alchemy​
Strengths: Erudite, Potent Sorcerer, Rhetorical​
Weaknesses: Too focused on the Big Picture, Patient-to-a-fault, (relatively) Weak in Combat​

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