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Approved Starship Deceased Star

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+ Shields + The shield system complements the armor of the vessel quite nicely, even sporting a cap drain system which feeds incoming energy back into the system for a healthy boost.
+ Armed + Being based on a military vessel to begin with, it was merely a matter of updating some of the weapons systems to optimize the vessel's capabilities.
+ Maneuverable + Capable of pulling alarmingly tight maneuvers thanks to the stabilizing fins adjustable auxiliary thrusters, for it's size the vessel can easily go toe to toe with dedicated interceptor vessels.
+ Blistering Fast + Capable of reaching alarming speeds with three points of thrust and a highly drag resistant design. Atmospheric flight against this vessel is only comparable to high stakes pod racing.
+ Cloaking + The ship is capable of Cloaking, hiding its signature almost completely from scanners under the right conditions.


- Tight Space - While the vessel is a capable war machine, the cramped systems aboard the ship, along with being largely slaved to the main pilots control layout make the vessel somewhat lacking in multi-threat scenario. While one might be able to engage in a dog fight, another threat might crop up that diverts attention where another operator would have been handy.
- Maintenance - Alongside the simplification of some systems to make the vessel a single operator vessel, systems are more readily knocked out or destroyed from the main control system due to being bundled together. The need to switch operation chairs to engage a system might become a hazardous situation mid combat.
- Focused Weapons - The array of weaponry aboard the vessel gives it a chance in most theaters of conflict, however the largest and most capable weapon sits atop the vessel for general use. Other weapons aboard the vessel are largely specialized for their purpose and while they add to the capabilities, might sit completely idle for a fight.
- Limited Cloaking -
While able to cloak, the small size of the vessel makes it incapable of holding this stealth technology for longer than 1 hour at high speed, 2 hours at moderate speed, and 4 hours at low speed. Halved again for extraneous use of thrusters to maneuver.

Optimal Crew: 2
Minimum Crew: 1
Storage/Cargo Capacity: 25 Metric Tons
Consumables: 2 Months
While the standard vessel is equipped to handle four crewman for a standard month on missions, this iteration of the Skipray has been specifically modified to house a singular being for a standard 2 months. With a bunk section being removed and turned into a small workshop capable of housing a speeder bike for repairs or travel. The interchangeable setup of the workshop does consume floor space requiring the remaining bunk setup to raise into the ceiling via a small electrical motor and rail system.

When not in use, the workshop folds up an away against the wall, allowing for easy travel to the small storage compartment to the rear section just before the Stabilizer fin mount. A food preparation and storage area dominates the midship, along with a laundering unit and other necessities for contained living within the ship. While cramped, the entire system is largely contained within and shares space with one another in fixed housings made to switch places with one another when not in use or needing to switch.

In a similar fashion the sleeping bunk folds up and away, allowing the refresher unit and other facilities to become accessible.
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