Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Delinquent


"I wouldn't have-" He paused, then let out a faint chuckle and a sad nod. "No, no I probably would have tried. You were a good Jedi, you know. Better than you think, but if it wasn't for you- that's your choice." Choice was what mattered most to him, at the end of the day. He'd been denied choice as a boy. The only thing that made him sad now was that he'd made her feel like she wouldn't have had one at all.

"You wanna go get some dinner? I know this is your work right now, but I don't think they're too pleased. We should probably get going, meet back up with the other two? I can make burgers."

Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

"The things going in your head are important, but we're here to help Capris right now. You came here to help Capris. We can help you as well, but this isn't the right time." Valery offered one last reassuring smile before she turned to where she felt her husband and Capris talking. Kahlil's emotions were a part of her, so she had felt everything. She knew what was going on his mind as well, so she understood where things were going.

He felt much calmer already, now that they were having a good conversation.

When she felt that Kahlil was making the offer to meet up with her and Gatz, she gestured for the former smuggler to follow her and stepped inside, "I know Kahlil's burgers aren't as good as mine..." she began with a grin, "But it would be nice if you joined us three for some food. Even if you choose a different path, it doesn't mean that we're just going to forget about you." She smiled at Capris first, but extended that warmth to her beloved husband.

As stoic as he could be, she knew that it meant a lot to him.


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