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Character Denis Arkmen - Mad Maestro of Malano III

Denis Arkmen

Denis Arkmen - Mad Maestro of Malano III
(Because I write one type of character.)

NAME: Denis Arkmen (d'Hamne Aguilar de Rodríguez)

FACTION: Himself and his crew (though far more the first and far less the second.)

RANK: N/A (Pirate Captain)


AGE: 37 Standard Coruscanti Years

SEX: Yes, please. (Male)

HEIGHT: 175cm~

WEIGHT: 95kg~

EYES: Brown, fairly plain.

HAIR: Brown, well greased and set in a simple style. Well maintained goatee, which is treated with religious reverence.

SKIN: Fair, with wrinkles beginning to find purchase in his face and remaining hand.

FORCE SENSITIVE: Very sensitive to force, but not Force Sensitive.

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Unshakable: There is little in the galaxy that can faze Captain Denis Arkmen. He has seen it all; eldritch abominations, mechanical monstrosities, and the largest fleets conceived by organics... or so he claims. What is true is that Arkmen rarely flinches in the face of danger. In fact, he savours it.
Swashbuckler: In a rare show of his more gentlemanly side, Arkmen is an accomplished and skilled swordsman. Armed with an archaic Vibrorapier, Arkmen can fight on par with even the best (non-Force Wielding) swordsmen... Just don't expect him to win those fights fairly.
Competent Privateer: Captain Denis Arkmen, his crew, and his dear ship, theSanta Syko, have battled across the cosmos for many a year - claiming booty of various kinds and from many sources.
Experienced Captain: Captain Denis Arkmen's skill as a Privateer is second only to his ability as a Captain. Having received top-of-the-line training at Byss (among other planets of less dubious orientation) and defecting almost as soon as he was granted his first ship, Arkmen has an in-depth understanding of contemporary military tactics.
Gunslinger: Arkmen's hand is nearly as quick as his tongue, but at least it was steady. With a good ol' DH-23 at his hip, Arkmen is as dangerous up close as he is at moderately short ranges!
Silver-Tongued Snake: Though he might not look it, Captain Denis Arkmen is a gentleman... when it suits him. He had a gentleman, with all the silver-tongued snake-ness that comes with that.
Learned: Second verse same as the first; he might not look it, but Captain Denis Arkmen was a scholar and a student before he was a violent pirate. He's smart, he's educated, and he can read... a shame the same cannot be said about his crew.

Flamboyant Toughguy: To call Denis Arkmen "flamboyant" was like to call Coruscant "a mite overpopulated". Describing his tendencies and ticks would take a section all to itself, but suffice it to say that he strives to bypass any expectations you have for him... even if it comes at a cost for him.
Perverted Gentleman: Denis Arkmen might be a gentleman, but he's also an unrepentant pervert. His pursuits will most definitely get him into more trouble in the future.
Delicate Tastes: Despite his rough-and-tumble lifestyle, Captain Arkmen has an extremely refined taste in alcohol and food. He had a private chef aboard his flagship; proof of his love for the finer things in life... he even pays the woman.
Fearless Swordsman: Captain Denis Arkmen is skilled with his favoured bladed weapon, and loves to prove it... even if doing so is a horrible idea.
Adrenaline Junkie: Captain Denis Arkmen is as much a pirate for wealth as he is for the thrill of the hunt. Maybe it has something to do with the shear mass of his ship, but Arkmen is fairly fearless when pirating.

Mad Maestro: Unfortunately, Denis Arkmen's title does not come from his musical ability. It takes a special kind of madness to become a Privateer in this modern era, especially one without any ties or loyalty to anyone but himself. Denis "Mad Maestro" Arkmen earned his name for the song of guns, the symphony of screams, and the orchestra of unnecessary alliteration.
Morally Bankrupt: Denis Arkmen has few moral scruples regarding... well, anything. If it nets him a profit - or is just bloody fun - then he will not hesitate for a heartbeat to complete the job.
Merciless: Denis Arkmen, despite his flamboyant personality, is a merciless butcher the likes of which could turn the stomach of even the most iron-willed veteran. Cruelty for Compensation, Pointless Slaughter for Profit, Slavery for a Salary.
Honourless: Denis Arkmen loves to duel, but he will not hesitate to shoot you in the chest if it suits him. Some might call it cowardice, but they never say it to his face lest they be asked to repeat it to the turbolaser batteries.
Unrepentant Liar: Denis Arkmen's tongue is as silver as it is forked. Then again, he is a pirate; we were you expecting?
Insane Pirate:
"Yo-ho-ho, on the sea we go!"
"Send this bomb, and away they blow!"
"For salvation, we fight, and the truth we know!"
"I will kill again and again for this v i r t u a l h o e."
~Captain Matias Torres (Max0r)

This. This is his character.

Captain Denis Arkmen is, perhaps, one of the most boring looking human beings on this side of Coruscant. Though his facial features, from his sharp jaw to his equally keen eyes, might be declared as 'mildly attractive', he dresses with all the flamboyance of a mentally deadened Chandrillan noble. A bizarre mix, considering the man is criminally insane.

He dresses in simple, dark fatigues, all of which are washed meticulously to fit the pedantic whims of their owner. It is said around the ship that Arkmen has a featureless, grey uniform for every day of the Malano VII calendar... which is especially stunning as there are 3,096 standard Coruscanti days in a Malano VII year.

There are a million Privateers across the stars with a thousand different stories, yet they all the same. Poor fools that achieved moderate infamy through a small amount of guile. A million Privateers, and yet all of them have aspired to very little. It takes a special kind of man to ignite a spark of greatness, and it takes a special kind of madness to reach for the stars.

Denis "Mad Maestro" Arkmen was not born to poverty or as the shunted heir to a lucrative family, as many of his peers were. Denis was born to a loving, middle-class family within one of a dozen tribes on Malano III. While he was not destined for wealth, Denis was also not mired in poverty. His family attempted to give their son the best life they could, and the best chance to escape the poverty-stricken agriworld. In school, reports varied from Denis being an intelligent and attentive student to a cruel and vindictive bully, and everything in between. Of course, his parents could never believe that their dear son could be anything approaching the monster some students said in whispers, especially when his friends defended his character so fervently. Then again, the word friends might be better replaced with 'gang'.

At age 16, Denis escaped Malano III for the first, and last, time. He was among a troupe of star students bound for a local military base where they would be groomed to become officers of one faction or another. To be entirely honest, Denis has few memories from those days, and fewer good ones. In fact, it might be apt to say that he was a completely different man from that time. Entirely different. One could even say that Denis Arkmen didn't even exist at that time. If one were to even look at the records of the military school Denis attended as well as records on Malano III, they would find that Denis Arkmen never existed. That is the issue with Denis Arkmen, the story of his early life changes depending on his mood or who it is he's retelling it to. What is known is that Denis Arkmen received training somewhere, given his classical military education and understand of military procedure, but where, when, and how remain a mystery.

Now, Denis Arkmen is a ravager; a pirate stealing and killing across the outer rim seemingly at random. His wealth, his men, and his ship were all gathered and built by his hand and will. However, the vagaries of leadership wear on the man every day. He is not getting younger, and nor is his ship. The future of Captain Arkmen is one mired in doubt, but his will remains strong... a shame his sanity hasn't.

What is a Captain without his ship? Short answer: nothing. Thankfully, Captain Arkmen can avoid giving the long answer because he has one!

Introducing the Santa Syko, the graceless flagship of a raving lunatic.

This beauty of a ship is named for Palea Syko, the women who stole Arkmen's heart... and his left hand (not to worry, he shot her five times in the chest, so it equals out.)

One might expect the ship to match the madness of its Captain, so what insane modifications does it have?


What, were you expecting it to be covering in torpedo launchers, over-powered turbolasers, or some other shite? He's a pirate, he can barely keep the damn thing running as is!

No. Regrettably.

As ironic as it would be, no.

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