Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Dirty Work - Clean Ship

It seemed that all the systems on the Wraith were working perfectly. And they were complaining shipyards. What had they lost, a few thousand construction droids? Look at what they had to show for it. Standing on the bridge of the behemoth, she slowly walked about the room; her people stood around tinkering with a few systems. There were still some technical things to work out, but otherwise the ship was ready. And she had nothing to ash with it. That in of itself was a depressing thought. Thought she was sure something would come up eventually. It was only a single step, but it was impressive. She applauded the great minds at Shyran Metallurgy for their work, and imagination. This craft would do wonders for their people.

One of the scale-kin on the bridge would suddenly stand, looking to Barefu with a concerned look.

"Sssship on raydar, asssssh dem?"

Barefu hissed in response, pointing up to the main screen on the bridge. After the image was brought up, she again hissed lightly in his direction, swiping the back of his fist at him as if dismissing him.

"Drop deflector sssshield, and sssstrobe port-bow... Transssmit approach vectorsss"

With that, she turned and started thudding out of the room.

Riley Reese Riley Reese and whomever she was with, would notice an odd light about six-hundred meters to the port bow of their own vessel; approach vectors would be telling them to essentially get ready to dock in nothing. If followed, the closer they got, the more obvious it would have been that there was a huge beast lurking above the planet Sacrelli. The ship was pristine, and had actually just gotten back from taking a cruise around the solar system. Once they paced the hangar bays doors, they would notice that they were inside a quite immense ship.

So much so that her own frigate-corvette sized vessel would be able to comfortably sit within the hanger; especially as it was currently empty. When Riley disembarked, she would see a few soldiers with regular blaster rifles, and shoddy armor. They seemed to be more determined to protect their queen, than prepared. Speaking of her, the large woman walked slowly to the craft, and came to a stop.

She had indeed offered this woman a sizable sum of credits to recover one of her subjects that had decidedly run away with sensitive information from their people. The Queen looked regal, and was notably taller than anyone around her. Not to mention was a thick, strong looking woman; she innately had an aura of being someone you didn't want to get into a fist-fight with; albeit she had a beautiful facial contour. It belied the potential for cruelty her people knew she was capable of.

She wouldn't be able to ash any ships today, but perhaps she would be able to sate her light bloodlust some other way...

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