Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Doing More Jedi Things


So I got this guy, and he's always been my sort of consistent character. I don't write him a bunch like I do my other characters, but I also just keep writing him even if my muse starts to fall flat (Though not if the muse is completely shot). Because of it, he's had some fun stories, but nothing actually major. He's Valery Noble Valery Noble 's husband. He's a Jedi. He was a smuggler. His dad is Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . But these are just facts of his life. Asides from the sheer number of threads I keep doing with Valery and occasionally popping into public threads, he's just there. So I want to fix that. Get him out and about, flesh him out more as a proper Jedi and a person in general.

Yeah so like, I dunno what kind of threads specifically. Just threads in general I guess? Hit me up if you're interested in writing with the guy. Can be about literally anything, I just want to use him more than I have been.
I've been meaning to get Inanna out more, though her focus is rather narrow and I don't know if it's what you're looking for. If Kahlil would be interested in dealing with Shi'ido refugees, Mawite spies, and/or complicated diplomacy, I've got it all right here.

Maxir Vancil

As Kitter Bitters Kitter Bitters said I am looking for some Jedi interaction for Maxir. Idea is below:

2) Late onset Force sensitivity - Maxir has been mildly Force Sensitive all his life. It hasn't really been anything that he has noticed, nor do most pay it any mind. I was thinking he is cast in a show/movie to do the story of some hero Jedi (could be distant past or someone within the Chaos timeline). He would go visit a Jedi organization to get into the role. Being around so much Force energy it activates some dormant sensitivity. He would begin to learn the ways of the Force.

Could even be he's cast to play Kahlil in the Valery Noble Valery Noble story! LOL

Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps

We only met once in this dom when you slighted Omen for being too aggressive remember?

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

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