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Work In Progress Dove's Pub

Frank Dove

When I’m dead, just throw me in the trash

  • Intent:
    • To be used as a threads location, either mainly for gambling , business talks, or social threads with others.
    • Base of operation for Frank Dove Frank Dove
  • Image Credit: 1 - Kearns Claugherty - 2
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Frank Dove
  • Structure Name: Dove's Pub
  • Classification: Pub
  • Location: Coruscant
  • Affiliation: Frank Dove Frank Dove
  • Accessibility: The Pub can be easily found in Denon, as it is located at one of the busiest place there. Anyone can enter the pub to get drinks and watch musician/comedian perform.
  • Description: It is located in the streets of Denon, where it's filled with different kind of stores, from bakeries, speeder shop, convenience store, and ect. The building looks quite old and nothing fancy can be seen from it, but people still comes for the drinks. Dove's Pub is a well-known watering hole in Denon, where all kinds of people comes to drink and enjoy themselves. It's also where sometime one might come to be hired by Frank Dove Frank Dove for a contract as this is where he spends most of his time now.
Bar Layout



Main Pub Area: Paddy's Pub is dominated by a long wooden bar. The entrance to the bar is in the front. In the back is a pool table, and a door to an office. A green door leading to an alley can be found on the other side of the main room, across from the office door. The bar is heated by a furnace, which Charlie uses to burn the trash and which gives the bar a smoky trash-like smell. At the far right of the Pub is where lies the entertainment happens in the pub, as there is a Piano near the stage, where Frank hires musician, comedian and all kinds of entertainment to keep it fresh..

Office: Frank's office is where he resides most of the time when he's not being a barkeep, and also where he keeps his documents and have meeting with people.

Attic: The pub contains an attic, which can be accessed through a series of vents. The vents also lead to the rooftop.

Basement: There is also a basement, which has been used as a training room for Frank Dove Frank Dove , a sweat shop, as a shooting gallery, as a gambling parlor, and basically as anything Frank Dove Frank Dove has in mind for it. It's possible to get out of the basement and back up to the main level through a trapdoor.​

Frank Dove Frank Dove hired 3 full armed mercenaries to protect his Pub, though he can protect it by himself with no worries, he needed someone to keep watch over it when he's not around. He has 3 people working for the pub as a bartender or waitress/waiter, who he handpicked himself with the criteria they are combat trained and packing heat also. To gain access to Frank Dove Frank Dove Office and basement, they need to pass the biometric scanners and input a pass key.​

Dove's Pub has been around since for hundreds of years and acted not just as a pub but as a base for all kind of faction, be it criminals, rebels, and even was once Cake store. Before Frank Dove Frank Dove bought the place, it was abandoned for a long time, as no one wants to use an old and dirty building, much less redo the whole place. Frank Dove Frank Dove decided to buy the place when he was at his 60s, after he felt he had earn enough money from his business and wants a place where he can relax and enjoy his senior years.​
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