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Approved Tech Dragon Armour of Morias

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  • Manufacturer: Athysian League
  • Affiliation: Caedis Umbrammor Caedis Umbrammor
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: NA
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Durasteel, Synth Red Crystal (Dark Side)
  • Classification: Warlord's Armour
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: High
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: High
    • Force: High
  • Witch-touched. Force Enhanced to make the hardened plating much more endurable to withstand lightsaber strikes, which makes it almost invulnerable to blasterfire.
  • Dark Side Blessed Metal. Enhances Force Ligthning Skills while wearing the Armour
  • Voidwalker. Insuit Life Support (Can breathe in absense of atmosphere and void, while wearing helmet)
  • Limb Exoskeleton. Allows ten-times stronger hits, lift power and musclar strength.
  • Dread Infused. If someone's blood is dropped on the armour, he or she becomes suseptive to Dread Magic
  • Witch-armour. The armour is highly embued with Force Alchemy, giving unnatural advantages to the wearer.
  • A Bucket of Force. Regardless how strong, or powerful the Dragon Armour may be, a vast proportion of its effects are sourced by the Force embued metal and the dark spells casted upon it. If it is exposed in a Force Nullifying field, however, most of these effects vanish, leaving the wearer inside a rather fancy, master-crafted powerarmor, with no Force-embued strikes, or additional durability; More so, without the game-changing effects it has when using the Force....
The spiked shoulders and back of the scales forming the plating of the arcane armour can be distinguished from afar; Differing from any other of its kind. Blood red, with golden masterfully crafted details and a long bright cape on the back, symbolizing the noble lineage of the wearer, the Dragon Armor of Morias is a masterpiece of Athysian War Alchemy. The very helmet of the armour forms a deformed skull of a demon-like unidentifiable creature, with 6 vertically allocated red bionic eyes transmitting the image to the wearer inside.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Caedis Umbrammor Caedis Umbrammor

Very nice armour! I really like the style, and the chosen art too!
  • The picture link is not good, you have to link the site where you found it, not only the picture's link. So please link the proper link.
  • Because it is an alchemised armour which give you Force ability and Force connection, please add the Force Nullification to your weaknesses.
That's all, please let me know if you edited these.
Caedis Umbrammor Caedis Umbrammor

Very nice armour! I really like the style, and the chosen art too!
  • The picture link is not good, you have to link the site where you found it, not only the picture's link. So please link the proper link.
  • Because it is an alchemised armour which give you Force ability and Force connection, please add the Force Nullification to your weaknesses.
That's all, please let me know if you edited these.
Seriously thank you, I never get the freaking Force Nullifying thingie in mind when i make my stuff!!! >_< Fixed

Working on the pic now, couldnt find it beyond Tumblr
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