Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Dripping With Color


The advantage of painting on a canvas was there wasn't as much of a mess. Usually. But they were often small, and Iris loved to paint over a wide area. And, well. Here on Ossus she was allowed to pain more on the old walls to help cover the markings of the Sith. Today was one of those days when she took advantage of that. And now she was dripping with paint. She never cared whether or not she ended up covered in the same colors as her art pieces. All the focus was on the art itself. Making sure she got the colors right, the swirls. Putting to paper (Or walls) what she saw in her mind. The painting done, now she was just.. Wandering.

No goal in mind, hell, no attempt to even wash off the paint. Even as it dripped from her fingertips to leave a trail of rainbow splotches on the temple floor behind her. She was in a world of her own, humming happily as she walked.

Justice Lesan Justice Lesan
The day had been spent like any other, Justice trained, and then spent his free time trying to figure out what he was good at. At this point in their training it was clear to most what their focus should be. The young Lesan was mediocre at everything he put his hands to thus far, and it was aggravating. Many whispers had been heard around the Enclave suggesting he was only good for the agricorps, but Justice knew he was destined for more. He was a Lesan after all. Judah was a legend, both senior and junior, in regards to what they had accomplished. Justice could not be relegated to the one part of the order that the washouts were sent.

His friendship with Briana helped. She liked to push him, dare him to go past where he thought the boundaries were. It could have been as simple as that. Was Justice failing because he was limiting himself? Over the past few weeks of knowing the Sal-Soren beauty, Justice had seen measurable progress. Sure, he was still average, but at least he could see a way beyond what most thought he would only ever be capable of. She was confident for him, enough for them both really.

Justice liked to wander the halls and ponder his reality, and this was all he had been doing when someone that was too happy for their own good bounded past him. She was covered in paint, humming, and exuding an unnatural amount of joy. It was so different the young padawan found himself questioning it out loud.

"How can you be so happy?"

The words came faster than he could hold them in. If she answered he was committed to talking for a time. This was not going to go well. He just knew it.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"How can you be so happy?"

At first she didn't react. Iris was off in her own world, not expecting to run into anyone. Her lessons with Master Valery weren't until morning and it wasn't like Kai was here. There was no one in the order for her to talk to. Then again, she never really paid much attention anyway. Maybe she should? These were the thoughts that went through her mind as she realized someone was talking to her.

After a couple seconds of still walking and humming she finally stopped, turning seemingly randomly to face Justice Lesan Justice Lesan with a simple smile. She didn't recognize him. Another Padawan then?

"Mm. I'm not sure. I guess I'm always happy? No, that's not true. Usually happy." Iris corrected herself with a nod before stepping over to extend a paint covered hand. "Iris."
“Just…” he extended a hand cautiously hoping not to get any paint on it.

She was waaaaaay to happy. No one just bounced around the hall humming a tune, even when they were happy. Justice was not usually happy. Most of his day was spent training and his nights trying to figure out why he wasn’t good at anything.

“Soooooo you like to paint I guess…”

Right… because pointing out the obvious was how to get out of a conversation he didn’t want to get stuck in. He needed a shower. She definitely did. Yet, Justice needed to get to know the others in the enclave.

He was committed.

Iris Arani Iris Arani



Iris waited for a bit, fully expecting Justice Lesan Justice Lesan to elaborate on what he was trying to say. Completely unaware that was the name given. Though her gaze did turn towards herself, the paint on her body. As if she'd just realized it was there in the first place really.

"Oh. Yeah." And just like that she shrugged and started to walk off. She should probably shower before she got yelled at. Again.

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