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Character Electra-12 - Dawn of the Ace


Name: Electra-12
Designation: EX-0012-41
Affiliation: Dark Empire
Branch: Imperial Navy - Starfighter Corps
Rank: Pilot Officer

Species: Chiss - Clone
Age: Young Adult
Sex: Female - She/Her
Occupation: TIE Pilot
Primary Allegiance: Dark Empire
Current Status: Active
Birthworld: Sith Citadel - Exegol
Language(s) Known:

Language(s) Spoken:
  • Galactic Basic - Native
  • ur-Kittât - Native
  • Imperial Basic - Native
Force Sensitivity: None
Midi-Chlorian Count: 1,000 Midi-Chlorian:Cell
Marital Status: Single
Parents: N/A

Height: 4’5”
Weight: 130 Lbs.
Build: Pear-Shaped
Eye Color: Shocking Pink
Hair Color - Head: Jet Black
Hair Color - Eyebrows: Jet Black
Skin Color: Cyan
Lip Color: Shocking Pink
Scars: None

Inheriting her appearance from her template, Electra-12 features are mirrored by those of her batch sisters. Perhaps most distinctly, she has inherited her template’s pink, rather than red, eyes. Otherwise, with the other exception of her height, she is quite recognizable as being Chiss, given her jet black hair. However, her skin has a cyan hue which is noticeably vibrant compared to the more typical blue hue found in most Chiss individuals. When she wears cosmetics, she tends to paint her lips pink, to match the color of her eyes, or dark blue. Since her lips are quite full, they tend to dominate her features, especially when painted with lipstick. She also has a tiny, button nose, big eyes, and highly-arched eyebrows, which are framed by an inverted triangle-shaped facial profile.

In the wake of Csilla’s destruction and the ensuing campaigns to ravage Chiss territories, the Final Dawn came into possession of a large quantity of Chiss genetic stock, harvested from various battlefields and captured populations. The individual who would become Electra-12’s template, Pommrio’electra’kali, was an ozyly-esehembo, a Force-sensitive navigator of the Sky-walker Corps. Captured by the New Sith Order on Copero, she was broken and corrected by the taskmasters under Tu’teggacha, to serve the Final Dawn. However, in spite of the raids on Copero which saw the capture of many ozyly-esehembo, they still proved to be a scarce resource and efforts were quickly initiated to replenish their ranks. To that end, the DNA of various sky-walkers was harvested to attempt cloning the most effective, healthy, and reliable of their ranks. In spite of her tiny stature, Pommrio’electra’kali was one of these sky-walkers, becoming the template of Electra-12 and thirty-nine other clones. Unfortunately, of these forty, only four had the gift of Third Sight and were capable of being trained as sky-walkers while the rest had little to no sensitivity to the Force.

Electra-12 was among the latter group.

Initially, Electra-12 was slated to be “recycled”, euthanized, then her flesh ground into a slurry to feed the Drudges. However, the fledgling Final Dawn saw a use for the “waste” wrought from their attempts to create more ozyly-esehembo. These individuals were drafted into the Final Dawn military, to serve as soldiers, crewmen, pilots, and other personnel to support the Neo-Imperial war machine. Electra-12, along with all of her “sisters”, were trained as TIE pilots or naval gunners, as the non-Force-sensitive “Electra” stock proved to have especially fast reflexes.

Rated near the top of her class in flight school, Electra-12 was selected to fly sorties for the last stage of her training, to bolster the perpetually-dwindling ranks of Final Dawn TIE pilots.

Flash Training:
  • FINAL DAWN Indoctrination Course
  • FINAL DAWN Education Course - Equivalent to Secondary School
Military Training:
  • FINAL DAWN Navy Basic Course
    • FINAL DAWN Starfighter Corps Flight Education
  • Void Sniper - Twitchy, yet smooth reflexes and decisive instincts make Electra-12 a deadly sniper with her TIE’s laser cannons, making her a threat to enemy craft far outside of normal engagement ranges. Her flying style accommodates this skill, approaching dogfighting with a more passive, patient mindset, with the aim of gunning down an enemy before they can realize or respond to her presence.
  • Clone Madness - Being a clone, Electra-12 unfortunately suffers from a relatively mild, stable form of clone madness, which has been exploited to make her all the more to the Final Dawn. Her psychosis often manifests in the form of dreams of a pure, cleansed galaxy, of which drive her to ever-greater heights of skill, but also evil. As such, she will not hesitate to strafe fleeing civilians, shoot down medical ships, or kill ejected pilots, with such horrific acts driven by dreams of paradise and purity.
Confirmed Kills: 21
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