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Approved Tech Elise Krayt's Beskar'gam

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  • Classification: Multipurpose.
  • Weight: Heavy.
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High.
    • Kinetic: Very High.
    • Lightsabers: High.
    • EMP/ Ion: Average.
    • Electricity: Average.
    • Vacuum: Very Low.
    • Elements: High.
    • Disruptor: High.
    • Sonic: Average.


  • Might of Mandalore: This armor is forged from with beskar steel, allowing it to block powerful blasters and even lightsabers. This is the sacred alloy of Mandalore, and a suit of traditional armor Elise Krayt is honored to wear.
  • Armed & Dangerous: From top to bottom, this beskar'gam is lined with numerous weapons, projectiles, utilities, and more to make it a weapon in and of itself.
  • Further Defenses: This beskar'gam does wonders in the wilds of nature and is potent against disruptors.
  • Agile & Sleek: Despite the armor's weight from technology and beskar, the armor is still designed to be moveable and dexterous. Close, fast paced, brutal combat is in the suit's design to handle. The beskar'gam also performs very well when in flight with a jetpack.
  • Stealth Technology: This armor is fitted with Chiss certified stealth technology and gear.
  • Not For Space: This suit is primarily geared towards terrestrial combat and movement. Not at all designed with the stars in mind, this beskar'gam is pathetic against the vacuum of space. No breathing apparatus is installed into the buy'ce, and the suit is not air tight.
  • Electronics: While the armor can hold up decently against EMP/ Ion attacks and electricity, there is nothing too outstanding about the amount of punishment the beskar'gam can take before the technology short circuits and shuts down. Sonic weapons also can do damage to the armor's wearer with a powerful enough weapon behind it.
  • Armorweave: Like many beskar'gam designs, the beskar only covers so much of the armor suit. While the lighter amount of beskar on this suit does well to allow agility in combat, this comes at a cost of the armor's defenses. Of course, armorweave is still quite durable in its own right, but it still is weaker compared to the glory of beskar plating.
  • Unusually Hefty: The armor is light in its sleek design and limited plating, but the beskar still holds it down. Furthermore, the amount of weaponry and technology fitted into the suit still adds a a surprising amount of weight. It takes someone with a build that is both agile and strong to move expertly in the armor, for long periods of time, without tiring out from the armor's weight.

Designed by a master of the forge, Gwyneira Krayt, the beskar'gam of Elise Krayt was a passion project for the child who finally grew into her role as a Mandalorian warrior. Taking inspiration from her Novanian and Chiss influences, this armor fits very well into the agility based, speedy and sleek fighting style of this young shaman warrior. Tailored for her unique skills and physicality, this is a beskar'gam perfect for its odd yet promising owner.

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Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
Hello Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira I shall be judging your sub today

Paralyzing Darts [Can be loaded with Novanian poisons and concoctions].

Air filtration mask attachments suited against drugs, chemicals, poison gasses, and Novanian gasses

THe bolded sections are going to need clarification or articles. THe only instance of Novanian that seems to pop up is Novanian grog which is not a poison outside of the doses alcohol would be nor is it a dangerous gas as far as the article states.
Hello Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira I shall be judging your sub today

THe bolded sections are going to need clarification or articles. THe only instance of Novanian that seems to pop up is Novanian grog which is not a poison outside of the doses alcohol would be nor is it a dangerous gas as far as the article states.

Okie, so there's not links for the Novanian Shamans themselves, but there is a codex article for their homeworld of Archais, with sections dedicated to them. I added those links for reference.
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