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Emissaries of the Force


Nal Hutta
Nal Hutta, home of the ancient Hutt Kadijic cartels and to many legendary bounty hunters. It was a crossroads for all the dregs of galactic society to meet and kill one another in some stinking bog. Vendors hawked their generally illegal goods in large bazaars and clusters of various species wearing similar colors roamed the dented metal walkways.

As for Rach'ta he sat on a makeshift bench, alone. He watched the pedestrians with mild intrigue. How long could they survive in a world such as this? Were they lucky or were they strong? While the presence of those around him did not strike him as anything special, that is to say Force Sensitive, he could see the desire for power written across their faces. Every sneer and threat was positioning. In a sense these mundane gangsters were engaged in a timeless struggle between the Light and the Dark, and clearly the Dark had won over these people long ago.

[member='Lorale Farmar']
[member='Anden Fancelo']
Across the clearing from Rach'ta, Vaulkhar leaned forward on his own bench. How long had he been there? Two, three, maybe four hours? He hadn't bothered keeping track of time. It didn't matter. The Emperor's Wrath had been released to once more handle what the Dark Lord deemed worth destroying. A Hutt had apparently begun funding anti-imperial movements and needed to be dispatched quietly. Along with his contacts, companions, family, servants...

Each and every horrified face was seared into his brain. When he closed his eyes they stared back at him, when he opened his eyes he was met with silent judgement etched onto each face. Was it all in his head? Most likely, but to Vaulkhar it was real enough he could not return to the Empire as he was. And so he sat there, mostly alone in a park or something of the like. The Hutt's home was left in a state of silent decay, no life trudged through it. More likely than not the dead had been discovered and it was reported, but Vaulkhar never left evidence. Good assassins never did.

His gaze followed each low life that moved before him. Each sneer thrown his way was met with a stoic display. Most could tell by looking into his eyes the Sith was no joke. Unfortunately, a young punk with something to prove approached the silent man. Insults and threats were thrown his way, only to be met with continued silence.

[member="Rach'ta"] | [member="Lorale Farmar"] | [member="Anden Fancelo"]​
Location: Nal Hutta
Star Date: [Redacted]
Objective: [Redacted]

Onyx. A good unit. Strong minded, strong willed, unafraid to get the job done. They were some of the best Raptious had seen from a twelve man squad, almost comparable to their own Phoenix Guard. They got the job done without question, something the Empire was sorely in need of.

Nal Hutta would be the eventual site where such reputation was to be put to the test. Unexpectedly of course, for Raptious was not intending for the events to occur as they did. Simply put, the Phoenix was in search of answers, rumors of possible defection from Imperial Intelligence. Such rumors breed conspiracy and, eventually, facts.

This could not go on. Raptious swore on their honor to find the truth. And the Phoenix always found the truth.

As they marched, surprisingly once more in simple black leather armor as opposed to their power armor, Raptious spoke to the squad that followed, "Onyx, I want you to listen to every word your commander says. Follow his every order. If you notice something astray, let him or myself know. We are heading to a cantina not far from here, but in a reportedly dangerous area. So stick close and eyes open."

And that's when they felt it. It was brief, like a gust of wind, but tje Phoenix felt the presence of the Force. Fleeting, almost hidden in the crowd that Raptious towered over by several feet. There was another here. Sith? Jedi? Raptious could not tell without a clearer sense. Yet, at the same time, they needed to continue to the cantina. A defector was an awful thing, but so was a Force User left unchecked.

What could the Phoenix do? Splitting up was a dangerous idea, but the only that could work if they wanted to do both investigations.

[member="Rach'ta"] | [member="Anden Fancelo"]
Nal Hutta, surface.
Objective: [REDACTED]

Nal Hutta, a sect of scum and villainy. Murder and narcotics. Something Anden was against, being a former enforcer of the law back on a colony in Eadu. Before the Sovereignty took place.

Onyx was dispatched and for the first time, personally working for a sith officially.

Darth Raptious, a most capable sith and one Anden is familiar with. They proceeded through the marshy land. Weapons drawn, but lowered. They were set in a path finding formation. With Aurek team in the front in a wedge formation, in front of the massive titan of a sith. All spaced out several meters from each other, and Maxevan with his repeater taking the lead. Followed by Besh team, lead by Carmine. Who followed in a column behind Aurek and the leadership elements.

Those elements being Vaak, Anden, and most importantly the famed Darth.

With Aurek on their toes as they took lead, heads on a swivel and all and Besh just keeping eyes on the rear and the sides. Boon and Jeno bickering quietly, before they were cut by the Sith's announcement.

"Onyx, I want you to listen to every word your commander says. Follow his every order. If you notice something astray, let him or myself know. We are heading to a cantina not far from here, but in a reportedly dangerous area. So stick close and eyes open."

With the words spoken. Only two acknowledged. The teamleaders, Maxevan and Carmine. Though their acknowledgments were not in sync, they were clear for one to hear.

"Yes my lord."
"Yes m'lord."

Anden continued in his stride beside the massive sith, as Vaak proceeded behind them. Keeping tabs on long range communique. The Captain glanced over towards Raptious, having to tilt his head back to look at the Sith's face. By the gods, he's tall. The captain took in a breath and made his claim.

"I assure you, my lord. Though the gravewalkers are a dying breed. We still retain our above average performance ratings regardless. And Onyx is the best the Sovereignty had thus far and the 7th Field Army. Though I can't say the same for the Army itself. Colonel Cannabaudes is trying in General Thumahra's stead but it's difficult."

Anden turned his head forward. "But we are Onyx. The means of the objective, will be secured. And we thank you for having us accompany you. It is rare that we're dispatched alongside a sith lord such as yourself. Given our 'outsider' status." His vocabulary was exercised well, by the sound of it to him. Bit forced perhaps. But one must speak with respect when addressing a Sith.

He didn't take notice on the change in expression Raptious made as he felt it, whether it was slight or no change at all. The Squad leader of Onyx merely continued in his trek. Intent on reaching the Cantina. And so did Onyx, maintaining formation.

[member="Rach'ta"] | [member="Lorale Farmar"] | [member="Vaulkhar"]​


As more denizens passed by the Twi'lek felt a tug of sorts, a compelling feeling, to look across from him - past the bodies. There he saw a man being heckled by someone far less interesting. On the surface, from what he could see, there was nothing particularly special. With no great effort though Rach'ta was able to discern that the man was indeed sensitive to the Force. Roughly gauged he seemed within the top three he had ever witnessed with his own eyes. Then there was a flash within Rach'ta's mind which showed a group of professional looking soldiers ( [member='Anden Fancelo'] ) with a shadowed figure of great stature ( [member='Lorale Farmar'] ). Then the vision faded. What did it mean? It was far too brief.

Rach'ta lifted himself off the bench and made his way through the reluctant pedestrian traffic. Once he was close to the man ( [member='Vaulkhar'] ) he was interested in the Twi'lek put a hand behind the gangster's head. The emotion drained from the man's face. The gangster turned and walked off towards the direction he had come without so much as a glance over his shoulder "I am Rach'ta. Who are you? From where do you come? Why are you here?" the crimson veil over the Twi'lek's eyes concealed much of his expression but his lips were slightly frowned in thought.
As the random youth continued pestering him, Vaulkar opted to instead ignore him and search the nearby area for something more interesting. The filthy streets of Nal Hutta had little to offer him, so he peered back up at the boy. Several actions could be taken in that moment to reduce the annoyance he felt, but it truthfully wasn't worth it. Vaulkhar waved the stranger off to no avail, so he returned to scanning the streets for anything else. When another Sith Lord and a group of soldiers came into view he could not help but release a long sigh. He had hoped he earned some semblance of a break with the recent operations he had undertaken, but that was apparently not the case. In that moment Vaulkhar rose to move off while Rach'ta simultaneously manipulated the mind of the Sith Lord's former assailant.

The blatant use of the force sent a tinge of annoyance through Vaulkhar's very being. He was growing rather tired of Sith Acolytes leaning on the force to get them anything and everything they desired? The likelihood the other Sith had missed the display was next to none. So, Vaulkhar's hand rose and pinched the bridge of his nose. He settled his icy gaze on the twi'lek before him. The young man did not quite appear to be much. No noticeable scars, a desire to question random strangers in the street, perhaps even missing a lightsaber? Why did these people find their way to him?

"I'm no one. I come from nowhere. I have no reason to be here. Anything else?" the opportunity to depart slipped further away with each passing second. His gaze peered past the twi'lek and focused on the Sith Lord as he stomped through the streets.

[member="Rach'ta"] | [member="Lorale Farmar"] | [member="Anden Fancelo"]
"I am Rach'ta. Who are you? From where do you come? Why are you here?"

"I'm no one. I come from nowhere. I have no reason to be here. Anything else?"

The words rang in the Darth's head like the clinks and clanks of casino games. The fool child had used their power so brazenly, so openly, that the Phoenix had to stifle a groan of annoyance. Force Users like that were even more dangerous than those left unchecked. And was that...

"Vaulkhar..." Raptious growled through gritted teeth as they stopped in their tracks. "Onyx! Halt. Bear witness to a son of the Emperor, content to sulk and brood."

The Demon suddenly appeared, wrapping around the left arm of the Phoenix, a sickening smile on its rotting lips, "Ooooh, you just can't seem to stay away from him, can you, dear Lorale. I wonder whyyyy. Perhaps, and this is perhaps, you should...go over there...forget about the defector, they won't be going anywhere. This is Nal Hutta, where someone can get a good bedding for a cheap price. Go, my dear Lorale."

Raptious despised every syllable the creature spewed from its mouth, but it had a point. Nal Hutta was a cesspool of degeneracy and greed. A defector, no matter what they were defecting from, would not squander such an opportunity.

With sudden speed, the Phoenix marched over to the two, their steps leaving imprints in the ground as a result of the building irritation. The goal of finding the truth to the rumors was now in the back of their mind, and a great shadow casting off their form from the billion lights above them.

The Twi'Lek was a small thing and bore no injuries, no markings, no weaponry of any kind. A true child, but one with possible potential, given the display the Phoenix was borne witness to.

And Vaulkhar, the conflicted son of the Emperor, in between Dark and Light as if they were toys one could pick and choose from. Raptious respected the warrior, without any doubt, but was irritated-nay! angered by the indecisiveness of the boy.

"In all my decades, I have never seen such a foolish move, and I have seen many," the Phoenix finally grumbled, their pure white eyes shooting to the virgin face of the Twi'Lek. "Using powers in such a place, with such gall is...unbecoming of a young Sith. And you, boy, you feel more depressed than usual. You sulk, why do you sulk on Nal fracking Hutta?"

[member="Vaulkhar"] | [member="Anden Fancelo"] | [member="Rach'ta"]
Nal Hutta, surface.
Objective: [REDACTED]

Anden heard no such words, but was aware of the existence of the two individuals in question. As their visual was already mentioned on comms. The identity of the pair was a mystery but they were probably locals, until Raptious let out a name, his gaze focused on the one who sat on the lone metal bench.

"Vaulkhar..." Raptious growled. Anden glanced up and tilted his head somewhat to the side. Unsure of what to do, aside from standing by for orders. And orders were received.

"Onyx! Halt. Bear witness to a son of the Emperor, content to sulk and brood." He announced. Traffic on comms was already being made, as the team were a bit shocked to come across the son of Sith Emperor. Regardless, they listened to the Sith and held position. Some of them taking a knee and keeping their eyes scanning the area.

Anden burst into comms and brought silence from everyone but himself. "Break break break! Aurek, I want you posted up on the Northern side, my right specifically. Besh, Southern, my left. Start posting yourselves up on cover and just... wait this out. I don't know what's going on. But we got orders."

With the necessary movements made by the team, Anden and Vaak went over to their respective position. Somewhere not out in the open, with Besh. Anden merely watched Raptious stride over to Vaulkhar and the strange individual. Taking notice of the demon coming from the titan's arm. A look of concern and puzzlement took place under the captain's helmet, but he disregarded it.

What still made this encounter stranger, was the fact that a son of the Emperor was here. Having Boon and Jeno somewhat converse quietly. Anden, followed by Vaak took a few steps forward towards the group of force users, still distant. But the Squad Leader was curious as to what was going on.

This was new to him, and he aimed to be prepared.

[member="Rach'ta"] | [member="Lorale Farmar"] | [member="Vaulkhar"]


Rach'ta seemed somewhat surprised when his questions were met with such a dismissing response "I see." when the group led by a large armored man come near to them the Twi'lek looked towards them. Before Rach'ta could ask them the same set of questions as apparently the two knew one another he seemed to be scolded "The Force is a gift. Using a gift as it was intended to be used is nothing to be ashamed of, so taught Tulak Hord who conquered the stars. " he responded. It seemed that this one and the man he had spoken to were colleagues in the Sith Empire. They seemed strong, if nothing more they were confident in their abilities. Rach'ta looked past the looming giant to the soldiers who began to spread out "Why do you wear armor and seek the protection of guards? These things are beneath you as they are beneath us all. Learn from the mistakes of Ajunta Pall." The Twi'lek turned to the man he originally spoke to "So you are the son of the Emperor? You do not seem that powerful. Do you fear you will not be able to surpass him? The struggled between master and apprentice, father and son, mother and daughter, is sacred in its success."

[member='Anden Fancelo']
[member='Lorale Farmar']
Vaulkhar watched the hulking titan turn their way after the Acolyte's display. His brows furrowed in frustration at being bothered with such an interaction. It wasn't that he disliked him. In truth, the Phoenix was similar to him. They were men who valued honor and served the empire beyond all else. Perhaps there was a greater purpose to the meetings beyond random chance. Perhaps the force willed it. But Vaulkhar didn't care, he sought a peaceful afternoon after a bloody night. His arms crossed over his chest as the other Sith Lord's soldiers fanned out at the direction of. Vaulkhar stared up at Darth Raptious with his usual apathetic gaze.

"You confuse my contemplation as sulking, but it matters not," Vaulkhar shifted his attention to the veiled twi'lek. "Not strong huh? That seems about right."

There was no hesitation in how Vaulkhar so willingly undercut himself. Instead, he allowed the twi'lek's misconception to stand. As far as he was concerned the situation had spiraled out of control enough.

"Why the unit of soldiers? Looking for something in particular, Raptious?"

[member="Rach'ta"] | [member="Anden Fancelo"] | [member="Lorale Farmar"]
The Phoenix watched as Onyx got into their positions, ready to strike at a moments notice, all on the word of Raptious. The lights around the three Force Users were bright and fluorescent, ironic for the darkness that stood brooding, waiting in those tense moments of silent staring and grunted insults.

"I wear armor for the purpose of wearing armor, young man," the Phoenix informed the Twi'Lek, disappointment hot in their tone. "I do not wish to die to some assassin's rifle on Nal Hutta of all places. You would do well to remember that Sith and Jedi, for all their power and skill, are still mortal and can still fall to deaths of mortals."

The titanic mountain gripped the sparking pommel of Stormlight which was strapped and sheathed on the left side of their waist. It hungered, desired, wished for flesh. By now, the spirits within the blade had turned from simple warriors into bloodthirsty conquerors who wished to destroy all put before them. Perhaps Raptious allowed this, or perhaps it was the Demon, or perhaps it was simple devolution into madness from being trapped in the weapon of a creature silently conflicted over their own nature and what they truly desired in the grand scheme of galactic events.

Such a fate would drive anyone insane, but this was not the time for such thoughts or idle chatter.

"Why the unit of soldiers? Looking for something in particular, Raptious?"

The words sparked the remembering of the objective and the Phoenix curled their lips into a sharp frown, "Well, if you must know, boy...rumors are afloat that there is a defector upon this planet, Imperial Intelligence agent. Came here to meet up with their contact, but beyond that, nothing. The soldiers and I were on our way to a nearby cantina to interrogate the patrons. The defector was allegedly there. But...that was before I saw this one's little display."

[member="Rach'ta"] | [member="Vaulkhar"] | [member="Anden Fancelo"]
Nal Hutta, surface.
Objective: [REDACTED]

Onyx remained in position. Some crouched, some not. Shooting the breeze a bit as they just kept their eyes in a rapid motion, scanning the urban and marshy environment that is the section of Nal Hutta they stand in. A speeder in the distance could be heard from the loud hum of it's engine. And not even a second later, it was noted on comms. By the keen eyes of the marksman in the squad, Kelig Ward. The cyborg of the squad raised up his long engagement rifle and scoped in over at the speeder.

"Speeder, about 150 meters. Bearing 284." Ward notified.

"Is it independent forces?" Maxevan queried on comms. He turned over to look at Ward.

"Negative, civilian. It's making the turn towards the southern road." Lowering his rifle and continuing his scanning gaze around the area they held at.

"Copy." Maxevan replied. Leaving it at that.

"In a planet like this, is anyone really considered a civilian?" The female rifleman in the group, Alona asked quietly over to her teammates. A response from some were a few chuckles and one who agreed.

"That's a good question. Heh."

As for Anden, who just sort of remained in place like the sith lord ordered. Just watched the three engage in conversation. His worry was not on the anomalous presence that is the Emperor's son. But rather the twi'lek that stood there, defending his ways with the ways of other sith from the past it seems. How far in the past? A mystery for Anden, he was never much for Sith History. He continued paying attention to their words from the longest of an earshot he can muster.

Onyx just remained there like a pack of dogs, obedient and patient. Awaiting the Phoenix to proceed with the operation.

[member="Rach'ta"] | [member="Lorale Farmar"] | [member="Vaulkhar"]​


Rach'ta examined the group around him then looked towards the largest of them again "It seems I've interrupted some sort of task? Perhaps this was no an interruption but a fated meeting. The Force does draw like individuals together from time to time." the Twi'lek saw a brief image of one of the soldiers. The apparition, visible only in the Twi'lek's mind, spoke to Rach'ta "Anden of Eadu?" he asked aloud with a smile forming across his bare lips "Is that your name?" following the gentle direction of his attuned instincts Rach'ta turned to look in Anden's direction "Roughly 6,900 years before the fateful battle of Yavin. Or 7,758 years ago give or take several centuries. Very few records from so long ago exist in intelligible form. Your curiosity is a sign of great intelligence. I would point you to the trials of Revan. Flanked by mundane companions he mastered the Force. Even the least among us are greater than those who turn away from the Force." the acolyte turned back to the two Sith and smiled "I wish more of our discussions were on the ancient master's. Their exploits set the framework for power. Perhaps if they were taught more frequently the Empire would not have suffered the same defeats as our forerunners? History repeats itself though that does not mean that we have to repeat the mistakes of the past."

[member='Anden Fancelo']
[member='Lorale Farmar']
"Hmm, interesting," Vaulkhar crossed his arms over his chest before looking off in the direction the soldiers were initially marching. The very same cantina he visited the night prior for a drink, if memory served. He considered tagging along with the adjacent Sith Lord on the task they momentarily postponed. Being sent there a few days earlier for a similar objective, it fell in line with the duties his position covered. It slightly annoyed Vaulkhar that his day of rest came to an abrupt close, but it was better than nothing. Since his return to the empire, he hadn't been given any time to himself.

A hand slipped down and rested on the pommel of a sheathed blade at his side. The last time the weapon had tasted flesh was that of a fallen Mandalorian commander. Perhaps this time would be different.

"I suppose we should get around to your mission, Giant. The longer we sit around the further your mark gets."

As the twi'lek spoke, Vaulkhar turned to face him once more. The continued prattling of ancient teachings and traditions irked him. Years were spent on Coruscant and Panatha alike, studying long dead Sith and what they had done. Of course he was partially correct, knowing the past could affect the future. However, it was apparent this iteration of the Sith Empire was unfamiliar to the Acolyte.

"You would be wise to familiarize yourself with the times before speaking out of turn. You're likely to wind up dead."

[member="Rach'ta"] | [member="Lorale Farmar"] | [member="Anden Fancelo"]
Raptious listened to the Twi'Lek with a doubtful expression. Such gall, such arrogance to speak of the Empire in such a way, to claim to know better than the God who ran it. Yet, in the depths of The Phoenix's mind, the bubblings of understanding brewed.

There was indeed things in the Empire that were wrong. Very wrong. Decadence, perversion, and even...cowardice were disturbingly pervasive in the gears of the Empire, especially amongst the younger Acolytes.

The last word, cowardice, speared the Sith's mind and a grunt of annoyance escaped their throat. Cowardice. The greatest sin.

But these were the thoughts of a heretic, of a fool, and Raptious, in spite of their aggressive nature, was no fool. They were refined and a student of the arts and sciences.

Such studies had been taught to the Phoenix during their time in the Academy some decades prior; the subjects entered the Sith's life some decades before that, the foundations of their family's (now deceased) very existence.

"Yes, fine. Let's go."

They were also articulate.

[member="Rach'ta"] | [member="Anden Fancelo"] | [member="Vaulkhar"]
Nal Hutta, surface.​
Objective: [REDACTED]​

And from there, Onyx remained in position. Taking note of any locals they noticed, but did their absolute best to not get noticed by those locals. The only thing that was sticking out like a sore thumb were the pair of famed sith, and the unique and extraordinary twi'lek. As he kept himself closer towards the trio of force users, Anden's name was called.

"Anden of Eadu? Is that your name?"

Oh no... The words erupted in Anden's mind. His eyes significantly widened under his helmet as he was just on absolute alert. Although his hand held below the barrel of his lowered pulse rifle, it's grip was tightened as the twi'lek turned towards him. Fething force users... And so, the squad leader of Onyx was noticed. An individual getting a bit too curious for his own good. He was unsure what to do, but upon asked the question. He entertained the twi'lek with a nod coming from an expressionless helmet.

As the twi'lek continued with bits of history and the captain was even complimented on such curiosity. He wasn't really sure what to do with the suggestion. Anden isn't force sensitive, is he? The captain dismissed the thought after the twi'lek focused back on the titan. Anden fared well with his position, his duty, and his life. No need for crazy fantasies or what not. He needed to remain realistic with himself.

The titan, who pondered in a window of moments. Spoke once more.

"Yes, fine. Let's go."

"You heard the man. Off your bottoms." Fancelo ordered, and with that. Almost in unison, Onyx rose up from their knees and prone positions. Going into a formation set for more a semi-urban environment. Staggered column.

Onyx was once again at the ready. Anden dismissing whatever influence he was exposed to, was set for the objective.

[member="Rach'ta"] | [member="Vaulkhar"] | [member="Lorale Farmar"]​


"Yes, please do continue with your mission. I did not intend to prevent you from fulfilling your purpose." Rach'ta stepped back a few feet and motioned for them to go past him "My knowledge of the current Empire is limited. No recent tombs or monuments, that I know of, have been erected in the Valley of the Dark Lords in quite sometime. Perhaps I have not looked hard enough." he didn't mean this to slight the Sith only to contextualize his ignorance on the current regime.

[member='Anden Fancelo']
[member='Lorale Farmar']

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