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Approved Tech Enforcer Mass Driver Cannon

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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
  • Intent: to build a main line Mass driver for the LIlaste order
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A


  • Classification: Mass Driver Cannon
  • Size: Very Large
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Shells
  • Ammunition Capacity: Extremely Large [300 shell autoloader 4-7 second delay between firing]
  • Effective Range: Long Range
  • Rate of Fire: Average
  • Damage output: Extreme
  • Recoil: Very High

  • Dragons breath ALS
  • Thermal Regulation System: A built-in cooling mechanism prevents overheating during rapid-fire scenarios, leveraging the self-healing materials' properties to dissipate heat efficiently, thus maintaining performance and reducing the thermal signature.
  • Magnetic Barrel Alignment: Utilizes magnetic fields to ensure precise barrel alignment, enhancing long-range accuracy. This feature is handy in maintaining performance despite the structural stress of repeated firing.
  • Automated Diagnostic System: Integrated sensors continuously monitor the cannon's health, detecting damages that might exceed the self-healing capacity. This system alerts operators to critical areas needing attention, ensuring the cannon remains operational even under heavy fire.
  • Smart Shell Recognition: The cannon's loading system is equipped with smart recognition technology, allowing it to adjust firing parameters for different shell types automatically. This ensures optimal performance for each round, whether maximizing range for an armor-piercing shell or ensuring precision for an explosive payload.
  • Variable Fire Control System (VFCS): This system allows operators to dynamically adjust the cannon's rate of fire and recoil management based on tactical needs, balancing between rapid assault and precision strikes. The VFCS works with the cannon's physical recoil absorption systems to maintain stability and accuracy.
  • Integrated Ballistic Calculator: With real-time environmental data input, the cannon's onboard ballistic calculator can adjust for wind, gravity, and target movement, ensuring high accuracy over long distances. This feature is particularly useful in varying terrains and weather conditions, compensating for factors that could affect shell trajectory.
  • Emergency Shell Ejection System: In the event of a detected malfunction or damage to the auto-loading system that could lead to a misfire or backfire, this safety feature immediately ejects the shell in the loading chamber, minimizing the risk of damage to the cannon and ensuring crew safety.

  • Heavy Hitting: The ballistic shell technology allows for robust, rapid impacts on the target.
  • Interchangeable Shells: Can utilize a wide range of shell types, limited only by the 250mm barrel size, thanks to the Dragon's Breath loading system.
  • Superior Range and Accuracy: Enhanced by precision engineering, the cannon boasts superior range and accuracy, enabling it to hit distant targets with remarkable precision.
  • Durability: Fyrirdögun alloy and Seigurium reinforcement make the cannon exceptionally resistant to wear and battle damage, ensuring longevity and reliability in prolonged engagements. And with the metal's self-healing capacity, maintenance and repair is a breeze
  • Adaptive Targeting System: Equipped with an advanced targeting system, it can adjust firing solutions in real-time, accounting for environmental factors and target movement to increase hit probability.
  • Rapid Deployment Capability: Designed for quick setup and activation, allowing for faster response times in dynamic combat situations
  • Precision Machined Barrel with Adaptive Sealing: To take full advantage of the self-healing properties, the barrel is precision machined to tight tolerances, and an adaptive sealing mechanism ensures that the high pressure and firing temperature do not compromise the barrel's integrity over time. This results in sustained performance and longevity of the weapon system.

  • Damage Vulnerability: Any damage to the ALS could result in cannon malfunction or backfire.
  • Limited Vertical Aiming: The cannon's design restricts downward aiming capabilities.
  • Chance to jam: as with all autoloaders, the system has an opportunity to jam
  • High Recoil: The cannon's very high recoil necessitates robust mounting systems and can limit mobility when firing.
  • No Downward facing: due to the mounted position on the AT-AE's frame the weapon has a limited downward firing arch


The Lilaste Order's Mass Driver Cannon, engineered for the AT-AE platform, represents a pinnacle of artillery technology. This formidable weapon leverages a cutting-edge Fyrirdögun alloy barrel and a Seigurium chamber, ensuring unparalleled durability and firepower. Its most notable feature, the Dragon's Breath Auto-Loading System, enables using a diverse array of shell types, offering unprecedented versatility on the battlefield. Designed to deliver devastating blows from long ranges, its high-capacity autoloader ensures sustained bombardment capabilities, albeit with a brief delay between shots to manage its extreme recoil and loading process. While its inability to aim downwards and vulnerability to ALS damage pose strategic limitations, the cannon's sheer power and adaptability make it a critical asset for the Lilaste Order's armored units.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Laphisto Laphisto

Another simple and solid.
  • Here, again, the Lilaste Order's links are empty, please edit them.
  • If the Effective Range is "Long Range" your ratings are overpoered (+1). So please edit this.

Submission Name: Enforcer Mass Driver Cannon
Link to Submission: here
Reason for Moving to Factory Modification: Make the Turret a more viable option for the AT-AE
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