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Approved Tech Entropite Crystals

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"Bloodshed is a truly abysmal form of conflict resolution."
- Kal of Masque

  • Classification: Altered Crystal.
  • Weight: Light | Regular crystal.
  • Colour: Various cooler colours.
  • Resistances: Decently resilient.
  • Entropite Crystals can be used to assemble conventional lightsabers or forcesabers. In either case, their blades are composed of a nonlethal alternative to the usual superheated plasma - a 'glacial void' that hungrily devours excess energy, inflicting a deep lethargy upon the living and draining or disabling droids, shields, etc. Instead of deflecting blaster bolts and the like, Entropite blades hungrily devour them.
  • Lightsabers may pair Entropite with conventional crystals to allow them to switch between lethal and nonlethal modes.
  • Enforced Passivity: Entropite Crystals allow a lightsaber to generate a blade of entropic energy rather than scorching plasma. This 'glacial void' can stun sentients, drain or disable outright technology, and clash with more conventional Lightsabers/Forcesabers/Sith Swords, etc.
  • The Subtle Hand: The 'glacial void' that constitutes an Entropite-fuelled blade cannot cut through blast doors, decapitate your foes, etc.
Violence, bloodshed, death. These were the tools with which all too many Sentients resolved their differences, a prospect Kal of Masque found more than a little distasteful. At least many weapons had a stun setting - with the notable exception of your average lightsaber (and Force-imbued blades.)

The latter was beyond Kal's abilities, but the former he could do. He just needed to find - or make - the right crystal.

In the end, he opted for a bit of both, procuring conventional Kyber crystals and drastically altering their composition in a matter vaguely analogous to but much more harmonic than Bleeding. The end result, replicable by your average Weaver or any Force User with the right instructions, was the crystals he would dub Entropite. The coldly stable blades they produce hungrily devour excess energy until a target is reduced to a passive stupor.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Kal Kal

You were the quicker again! I wanted to write something similar A very cool submission agaon. I accept it without resistances, because this is not a combat material, but you know, if one report the thread it is possible you'll need to modify this.

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