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Private Exarch's First Conference | Urienz Tyrael



Cademimu V, previously referred to as the 'War Chest of the Outer Rim', was now under the control of the Galactic Trade Federation due to a clandestine agreement with the Dark Empire.

This strategic ecumenopolis had been seized by the Federation to serve as a key trading hub and stronghold in anticipation of the impending conflict between the Galactic Alliance and the Dark Empire.

Positioned in orbit around the planet were ten recently constructed Tambor Pattern Lucrehulk Class II Battleship, with their flagship, the Sodomakk, overseeing defensive operations to deter any potential challenges from the Ruling Council's other factions.

Nute Griimda recently concluded discussions with Onrai Onrai in the conference room and subsequently reached out to Urienz Tyrael Urienz Tyrael to verify his meeting with the Trade Federation Representative in the Imperial Ruling Council.

"Ah, Mr. Tyrael. We are honored by your presence." Nute said, with a customary bow in his direction.



"Minister Griimda, I prefer the address of Triumvir or Exarch."

The deep voiced echoed, serious and cold as it corrected the representative of the Trade Federation. The Exarch had walked into the conference room after landing on the Sodomakk with a shuttle and leaving behind His personal guard, two black armored paladins of the Fallen Order. The massive figure of the man barely fitted through the bulkhead and slightly lowered His head to enter where He offered a slight incline of his head towards the official.

Not to the let the slight overshadow the conversation to come, He instead continued, maintaining a sense of pragmatism as well as business focus. He was clad in His personal armor, a crimson tabard hanging from His shoulder depicting the sigil of His house, a sword crested by lightning, at His was a sword, sheathed and otherwise He seemed unarmed. But the intensity of His eyes, the seriousness of His expression and the aura of command and ambition He emitted, was enough to suggest that He meant business.

He expected the chairs to be fit for carrying Him and moved to take a seat opposite of the Minister, moving the sword so it would stand on the floor next to Him, one hand resting on the pommel, relaxed, casually.

"I must thank you for agreeing to this meeting so swiftly. The Trade Federation is busy across the Galaxy and while I am not a business man, I can value the network and economic strength you represent. A strength which I gladly would like to utilize."



"Yes, as you say. Exarch Tyrael." The Neimoidian said, making a mental note that the individial wished to be addressed by such a title. Nute took the chance to examine the commanding presence in front of him, observing every aspect from the intricate armor to the crimson tabard adorning his shoulders, and even the sword resting on his belt, poised for swift action should things turn sour.

It appeared that the Exarch had an inclination to engage in negotiations with the Galactic Trade Federation, being aware of their formidable economic prowess and significant sway in numerous markets throughout the galaxy.

A substantial portion of the freighters traversing the galactic frontier were under the legal ownership of the Federation, while an overwhelming majority of commodities and services entering the Galactic Alliance were facilitated through trading ports operated by the Federation. Their main concern after all was shipping and commerce.

"The Trade Federation is always open to business opportunities, Exarch. What do you have in mind?" Nute said, glancing at Urienz Tyrael Urienz Tyrael .



Urienz looked down on the representative of the Trade Federation, not only physically but in most other aspects as well. He saw himself as superior to both the biological traits as well as the ideological. Yet none of that reached His facial features which were carved from marble itself. While He knew that He could slay this one everyone on board this ship, it would be as hollow of a victory as it was useless of bloodshed, it was not even worth wasting time to contemplate it.

The Triumvir was a leader and what was expected of Him, and more importantly the standard to which He held Himself, had visions and plans beyond the mere physical triumph, beyond martial prowess proven to cravens and clerks.

The Trade Federation was powerful in what it did and it fueled not only one of the galactic players with resources, but profited on all fronts. It was capitalism incarnate, an industrial powerhouse which could make petty warlords become Emperors and take the crowns from them again. While the Fallen Order was largely self-sufficient in its limited operations, it was not ready to engage in galactic scale warfare without preparations.

"Our operations are fairly limited at this time, but we are working on our expansion. Especially in support of the new Empire proclaimed on Carlac. To sufficiently supply our expanding status, arrangements in the core-regions must be made." He clearly refers to 'core-regions' as everything charted and outside the Unknown Regions. "The Trade Federation has means to supply and propel such developments."

He spoke smoothly and clear, directly putting forward the reason and building up on it.

"I have troops under my command and ships to transport them, but while they are meant to be integrated into the war-efforts, I prefer them to be self-sustainable. To connect with the Trade Federation both as a private enterprise as well as a supplier of the Dark Empire, offers Me the security I seek for the procurement of supplies, fuel and maintenance I might require."




The Neimoidian observed the Exarch Urienz Tyrael Urienz Tyrael attempt to assess them both, possibly evaluating the weak-willed individual in front of him with distain and disgust compared to his own physical prowess on the field of battle.

Despite Nute's inability to wield a blaster or protect himself in a confrontational situation, his influence rivaled even the most powerful force users. This was primarily attributed to his prominent position on the Imperial Ruling Council and his significant role within the Trade Federation.

Nute commenced utilizing a datapad to record the demands of the Exarch, inputting information and figures to precisely anticipate whether this agreement would generate additional income for the Federation or, at the very least, cover the expenses in case the endeavor turned out to be unsuccessful.

To make this enterprise truely self-sustainable as the Exarch wanted, they would need warehouses and space facilities to establish an enclosed market, not affected by the tides of commerce.

"Such products can naturally be arranged through our freighters, although might I recommend that you set up an High Yield Institutional Savings Account with the InterGalactic Banking Clan. The credits you gain through such a high-interest account, will give you ample resources to expand into the core without being affected by the shifting tide of commerce." The Neimoidian explained.

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The tall warrior listened intently. He had means to offer, even if there was an agreement with the other Trimvirs to coordinate any external expansion, this was not in His interest. Urienz was here to cement His ascension and rise, not theirs.

"Indeed. This account will be expandable and manageable by more than a single person, yet can be controlled by one alone? In the Unknown Regions credits are not the standard exchange, but hard currency is. How is your exchange rate towards aurodium?"

His gaze remained unyielding as He had it upon the Neimodian administrator.

"As for the freighters, they need ports and supply hubs to work with. Unless an opportunity opens to claim a world, My operation is and will be fleet-based, hence why I rather commission a few mobile bases to operate with than rent some warehouses from you. Less profitable for you, I am aware, but yet my payments come in said currency and are reinforced by other materials, such as slaves."




Nute locked eyes with the Exarch, his insectoid gaze scanning for any indication of motion or hesitation on their part to the suggestion of opening an account with the InterGalactic Banking Clan.

He appeared to be receptive to the proposal, however, he mentioned that in the Unknown Regions, currency relied more on commodities rather than being driven by fiat, which was the main economic unit preferred by the Federation for conducting transactions.

Although it made little difference as the material mentioned was aurodium, a high exchange material on the open-market and well worth coveting for the Trade Federation's vaults.

Additionally, the Exarch emphasized the necessity of ports and supply hubs for his fleet-based operation. Instead of relying on rented warehouses, he expressed his desire to construct mobile bases to support his freighters, willing to pay with slaves if needed.

"The Trade Federation cannot accept slaves, due to our membership within the Galactic Alliance. Although we will accept the aurodium you have on hand, and exchange it for 1.5 units of Trade Federation Standardized Credits. This should give you plenty of credits to start such an account, while also learning the ins and outs of galactic commerce. If such terms are acceptable?"

Nute said towards Urienz Tyrael Urienz Tyrael .



Urienz showed a glimpse of amusement, both in voice and eyes as He received the response towards the trade of slaves. It did not seem entirely right and common for the man to show it, it might even feel quite disturbing to get a glimpse of this more humane idea within the Epicanthix leader.

"A moral limitation, how curious."

The man continued with a gesture of indifference, not offering any disrespect or insult in His mind and intent, but it might be taken as such. "You are mistaken if you believe that such a decentralized capitalist market is an obstacle to understand for me, you are exploiting it to your fullest extent and so shall I. Trade laws apply where those laws can be enforced. I am offering free trade with Us, in exchange for a currency that is not digitalised and a potential long term investment and alliance."

"The terms are of course to be laid out in a contract, reviewed and then ratified. Details are as important as the credits they procure, Minister."

"Do you speak for the IGBC as well?"




" Despite the lack of indication in your tone, Exarch, it is evident that your comprehension of the fundamental principles of Galactic Commerce is restricted. The process does not involve merely waving a wand and anticipating the sudden appearance of hundreds of credits."

The Neimoidian rose from his seat, hands clasped behind his back, and made his way towards one of the lucrehulk windows. The Exarch believed he could replicate the success of established corporations like the Trade Federation without grasping the nuances of market dynamics and consumer behavior.

Simply avoiding compliance with Trade Laws and regulations may lead individuals to be overshadowed by those who adhere to the rules and excel without compromising their financial gains.

Every statute that was committed to memory and diligently applied, represented a legal avenue that could be utilized within the framework of legal safeguards, a reality that held true within the Galactic Alliance. Despite facing accusations of aiding the New Imperial Order, they successfully navigated the legal proceedings and emerged victorious in court.

"Despite our preference for collaborating with many individuals, it appears that you believe we are unable to work without you or your resources. However, we have the ability to obtain similar resources from another individual who aligns more closely with our perspectives."

Nute then added to Urienz Tyrael Urienz Tyrael , wanting no part in any arrangement where the other party thought they held the advantage. The Trade Federation was the most powerful trading empire in the galaxy for a reason, and that meant having more resources and contacts for rare goods and materials than the other party at the table.



It was one part of the foundation. Not fortress was built on a single stone, no strategy carried by a single pillar. The Trade Federation was cunning and their desire towards prosperity and profit was overwhelming. Urienz wondered if they actually believed that they achieved more here than He had by coming to them in the first place.

Their greed and grandness were as much their advantage as they were an obstacle. Occupied in and with the warring states of the Galaxy, as much integrated as they were fighting for their own interests. They thought of every player as a means of profit, as a new lever of influence. Good. They understood their craft.

So did He.

"I am looking forward to reviewing the paper work."

He did, not out of entertainment or joy drawn from it but a contract drafted by the stronger party was usually a beautiful look into their soul. He was sure they would not hide any clauses or try to sneak in something, but certainly use wording to twist meaning, to offer freedom in a sentence which screamed enslavement.

"Though I must say that you have no responded to my question, Minister. Do you merely advertise for a partner group or do you represent the IGBC?"

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The Neimoidian expressed certainty that displaying defiance would weaken the security measures protecting Urienz Tyrael Urienz Tyrael . Fortunately, he overlooked the intricate trap set by the Trade Federation was laying around him.

In the realm of commerce, it is possible to manipulate an adversary into making a strategic move by making them feel underestimated, as Nute had done by commenting on his lack of understanding about galactic commerce.

If he believed that the Federation was undervaluing his intellect, he would commence displaying indications of advancement, and this advancement would greatly enhance the profitability of the agreement in the long run.

As long as the Exarch continued to reside within the Dark Empire, he would be closely monitored by them and professionally guided towards specific paths.

" friend."

The Neimoidian said, walking back from the window now that the ruse was accomplished. If they were to contribute to their economic strength, then getting themselves more established was paramount, and so the Federation would provide them with the mobile stations and other supplies they would need for the frontlines of the Alliance-Empire Conflict.

"You shall have your partnership and your supplies as you requested, but do know that our agreement is a give and take one." Nute added.

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It was one part of the foundation. Not fortress was built on a single stone, no strategy carried by a single pillar. The Trade Federation was cunning and their desire towards prosperity and profit was overwhelming. Urienz wondered if they actually believed that they achieved more here than He had by coming to them in the first place.

Their greed and grandness were as much their advantage as they were an obstacle. Occupied in and with the warring states of the Galaxy, as much integrated as they were fighting for their own interests. They thought of every player as a means of profit, as a new lever of influence. Good. They understood their craft.

So did He.

"I am looking forward to reviewing the paper work."

He did, not out of entertainment or joy drawn from it but a contract drafted by the stronger party was usually a beautiful look into their soul. He was sure they would not hide any clauses or try to sneak in something, but certainly use wording to twist meaning, to offer freedom in a sentence which screamed enslavement.

"Though I must say that you have no responded to my question, Minister. Do you merely advertise for a partner group or do you represent the IGBC?"



"Merely speaking for a close associate of the Trade Federation."

The Neimoidian said to Urienz Tyrael Urienz Tyrael , finally answeing on the matter concerning the InterGalactic Banking Clan, subtly omitting crucial information. Such information was the fact that the Deputy Director of the IGBC held close business ties with the upper ranks of the Federation, suggesting a seamless opportunity for a new client to be guided their way through this agreement.

"I can't personally sign any contract, but I will send it up through the channels of the Federation to the Viceroy's desk for final approval."

Nute aimed to separate himself from any commitments to the person in front of him, fully aware that the Federation would fail to fulfill promises to other groups or third-parties due to them making unprofitable decisions like going to war with the Galactic Alliance. The Commanding Viceroy's signature was the only thing needed to ensure that this contract was actually legally binding.


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