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Open Market Faber Ferrarius Auream | The Golden Blacksmith


  • Image Source: Logo and divider; Headers: me
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Corporation Name: Faber Ferrarius Auream
  • Headquarters: Sedes Aurea | Seat of Ashla
  • Locations: Various | Mostly in the Netherworld
  • Operations:
    • Handmade products (weapons, armours, clothes, etc.)
    • Weapon and Armour producing and developing
    • Engineering, leatherworking, tailoring
    • Construction works
    • Alchemy, Sorcery and Force crafting
  • Parent Corporation: Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
  • Subsidiaries: N/A
  • Corporate & Organisation Partners:

The Golden Blacksmith; this is what the company name means. It was created by members of Children of Ashla after they moved into their new home, Sedes Aurea (Seat of Ashla). The company, which is more of a guild, is located in Netherworld, so it’s hard to get in touch with them outside the underworld. That's why they work with the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild. Through them, they also successfully connect with the Realspace, and through the HPI Consortium, they can share their products with others.

They mainly produce handmade products (but many times they produce mass production products too), primarily to assist their own species and the inhabitants of the afterlife of Ashlanic, or for the Valkyrja. But of course, other orders are accepted. They accept orders from essentially anyone. They are typically involved in barter trade, as material goods are no longer really important to them. This is probably not so surprising.

The only important thing is that they do not accept orders from individuals or groups who are openly servants of Bogan (Dark Side) as they are a fully Light Side grouping. They are loyal to Ashla, the oversoul, their goddess, and they have no loyalty to any other government or country, but they form a strong alliance with the Valkyrja. Because of their origins, they even recognize the authority of the Ashlan Crusade, by the will of Ashla.


It’s not really a traditional company, it’s not like what’s in Realspace, it’s similar to the Valkyrja's Guild. Here many craftsmen came together and a joint guild was formed by them to work together. They do it not because of revenue, but because of those who are in need. That is why they do not have a leader or a presidency council.

If someone needs to represent them, Eina or a member of the FSG who is already proficient in this will be asked to do so. But they usually decide together or just leave the decision to who they think would be the best person to do it. So the Guild has no real leadership, it’s not done for the sake of wealth, but rather to help and protect others by doing so.

But, as a "subsidiary" of the FSG, if one can say that, Eina is trying to help them, even though she has no actual leadership or similar role here.


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